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Chapter 2: Arc 1: Regin Who?

A road could be seen leading to a grand manor it was an awe-inspiring sight, with its thick pillars holding up the maroon canopy that resembled the grandeur of Ancient Rome. The expansive garden, and hundreds of Cypress trees encirling a granite fountain depicting five deers bowing their heads to a flamboyantly dressed man. Symbols could be seen adorning their heads, hinting at a deeper meaning.

Inside a child is seen calmly walking towards a maroon door, glancing at family paintings that all shared a similarity - the women in them having striking blue eyes. Arriving at the door they knocked three times and waited patiently after a few minutes, rustling was heard, and the door creaked open.

Upon hearing the sound, the child moved out of the way, just as a young woman emerged from the doorway wiping her mouth with a handkerchief. With hair like a lion's mane and sharp, amber eyes, she looked at the child with confusion "Who are you?"

The child, with an impassive face, did not respond, only glancing inside the room 'What did she do in there?'. Noticing the gesture, the young woman in an inquisitive tone, "Oh. Do you want to go inside?" asked.

Nodding in agreement they looked at a clock and finally spoke, "Yes, may I please request you to move? I have been waiting for 6 minutes since I knocked on the door to have a conversation with my father."

Hearing the child's words, the young woman's expression changed to one of shock, and she mumbled something that the child could not hear. "Ah, mph, yes, you can go inside. I'll go first," she said and hurried away, looking back once as the child walked to the room.

"That's his son...he looks too beautiful nothing like him." she muttered while removing the handkerchief, on it 'K.P' was seen, without the handkerchief her lips smudged in red were shown.

Unbeknownst to her, he stopped to look back, seeing her walking away with a flushed face and an obsessive glint in his eyes. "Is this what they call love?" he whispered, smiling as he looked away and continued inside.

Inside the room, a man with blonde hair and sea-green, fox-like eyes was fixing his tie. Noticing him, he slowed down to shoot an irked stare and continued fixing his tie. Clearing some dust from his shoulder, he looked back at him.

"Regin haven't I told you to schedule an appointment with Yeru? You can't just waltz in here without one." he said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, you have, Father," Regin calmly replied. His father shot him a disgusted look "Your eyes..."

The man's eyes were fixed on Regin's own they were a melancholic black that seemed to not reflect any light. He couldn't help but feel a sense of loathing, seeing him as someone else- someone he detested with every fiber of his being.

Seeing the change in his gaze Regin sneered in self-satisfaction 'Hah...He really is easy to anger. How sad' he thought, quickly hiding his sneer behind his hands.

Kerin quickly shook of the feeling remembering he was just a child and took a deep breath. "Fine, what is it you want to talk about?" he asked his voice laced with annoyance.

The sneer falling off his face Regin glanced around the room, noticing a calendar on his fathers table he gingerly lifted it up and took a pen from his breast pocket to encirle a number, turned it around to show his father and pointed at it. "What are you hinting at? I know you can talk." Irritated with his sons vague actions Kerin asked 'He doesn't remember?' his eyebrows raised Regin thought in surprise.

"Uff, kough, kough, I apologize father. I have come here to discuss with you the preparations for my upcoming birthday celebration, if you would allow me to of course" Smirking as he talked Regin sarcastically coughed.

'His birthday celebration? Hmm... haven't I told Yeru that I won't entertain any suggestions, though it would be interesting to see what he wants to add.'

"Ah...Yes your birthday celebration. I've almost finished the preperations, but the guest list is lacking and since you are the celebrant I'll count on you to invite reputable people like The Malnz." Kerin said with a condescending grin.

'The Malnz, a family with a lineage of great artists like Tygan 'Meraki' Mantz known for his vivid imagination of the Zalim Falls in his painting called "Where art thou?" and Quin 'Kalpana' Mantz who in medieval times painted the most accurate interpretation of the dictator "Dlirf the Snake" who was infamous for betraying all his allies in his conquest. Whoo! Fun Fact inviting them to parties is almost impossible unless you're on their VIP list.' Regin thought with a deadpan face.

"I trust you to invite them after all we still haven't done a family portrait this year." Kerin said haughtily his eyes filled with arrogance.

'-And we have a horrible relationship with them since my great-grandfather had one of their painters paint him hundreds of times only to not pay them costing them millions for the expensive paint used. This is going to be impossible.'

"I will do so father, although I would like the guest list, to be more informed on what reputable guests will attend." Regin said.

Picking up a stack of papers laying on his desk Kerin handed them over to Regin. "Here I've included included pictures so that you will recognize who they are, their status, reputation, hobbies and not mess up by insulting them." saying so Kerin showed a stern expression.

Nodding Regin held the papers and flipped through them 'Let's see, Trab "Beau" Hadido, Rhesa "Calista" Lekur, Gradi "Gres" Jabif, Redin "Angus" Patique, Louise "Capri" Patique, Sedin "Crea" Patique, hmm... the whole family is invited except for uncle as expected so these are the VIP's and- huh?'

"Sher 'Medea' Odilon" Regin accidentaly muttered out loud, seeing the face of the young woman he saw outside.

Intrigued by the familar name his son muttered Kerin smirked "Sher 'Medea' Odilon, she was the young woman who's meeting was well, rudely interrupted by you. One of our current VIP's, she's the heiress to "CAMWAY University" one of the highly regarded art universities this generation. She's 7 years older than you, but I will await your interactions with her this 29."

Ignoring his father's chatter Regin was in a daze while looking at Sher's picture 'Ah. She's so beautiful, her gorgeous eyes, her fluffy hair and- oh she likes Strawberry Cake how adorable. Fufu~ she likes bowling and badminton how sporty, it seems like she also frequents one of our Gym's, I should go more often, preferably when she's there. I wonder if she has a routine.'

Snapping out of it, Regin hastily finished the conversation, "I will do so father although I should go now, after all I still need to fill the guest list up more." he bowed and in doing so noticed an odd coloration on his fathers neck.

"Good. Now get out I'm tired and I still need to fix the meeting you interupted with Miss Odilon." rubbing his eyebrows in exhaustion, Kerin took some stationary paper, a pen and began writing a letter.

'Well goodbye to you too.'

Closing the door, Regin began walking to his room in the long hallway, stopping midway to look out the window seeing Sher talking with a servant. 'Oh. She's still here? I wonder why, fufu~ she really does look beautiful... huh.' Shocked she showed a dead-eyed stare 'Her she using lipstick today? why... does the shade look familiar.'

Shaking her head she abruptly smiled "I must be imagining things. I should hurry to my room to finish the guest list and maybe read more about her."

'After all I'm sure father is satisfied with his harem.'

Thinking so Regin was unaware of the insane look on her face as she continued walking to her room.

Xeen_Keen Xeen_Keen

First chapter out, what do you think. Comment below on your thoughts for this chapter. This is Arc 1 with the backstory for Regin aka Akris which focuses more on her relationships with people before her reincarnation.

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