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Chapter 9: Disappointment

I watched this crying lady and could only glare at her, 'How dare she make a scene today.' He thought while wanting to kill her on the spot. Looking at my guards I gave a motion to grab her lest she tried to do something foolish.

When Anna was grabbed she tried to fight off the guards, "My king, please listen to me. You need to know the truth." She yelled.

I was so angry I had the urge to grab a sword but I kept my calm, "Lady Wilson since I known you for a few years I'll give you a chance. Tell me why did you come to cause trouble at my wedding?" I asked her sitting down.

Anna slightly calming down looked at the king, "My king, I tried so hard for many days to tell you the truth about your new bride. You need to know that this was a mistake, Hailey Locklow is a horrible person who doesn't treat anyone kind. For her to become the little princess's mother will only bring chaos to the kingdom." She said while giving me a pleading look.

I let out a sigh and looked over at Hailey who was only looking at Anna with a sad look, feeling my glance she gave me worried eyes. 'I knew the rumors about her were bad but I never knew someone would openly confront me about them.' I thought with a headache forming.

Giving Anna a cold glare, "Lady Wilson, your words could be treated as treason, I hope you have proof to back up your words!" I yelled.

Breaking out a confused face, Anna took a moment before she answered, "Proof? This is a knowledge that is known to all in the royal court. Ask anyone they can affirm my words are true, my king." She said while looking around the room.

I too looked around and waited for someone to come forward, if they wanted this marriage to end it would have been a perfect time. After a few moments, no one dared to make a sound, looking back at Lady Wilson I gave her a cold look.

"You said that the entire royal court speaks ill about my queen, yet no one comes forward to support your words. Speak the truth Lady Wilson, what is your real reason for disrupting this joyful day!" I yelled in angry.

Anna not understanding why everyone was keeping quiet looked around when she spotted her close friends she ran to them. "You two! You know how Lady Locklow has always behaved in the court, tell our king. Please, you must not let her stay on the throne." She yelled while shaking them.

The two ladies stayed quiet and were pulled away by members of their families, while Anna was pushed away to sit on the ground. I could only shake my head while watching Lady Wilson act in a way unbefitting a person of her station.

Standing back up I motion for the guards to bring her back in front of me, "Lady Wilson you have ruined a joyous day with your words and actions. I use to see you in a good light as someone who got my daughter to open up, but I cannot forgive your actions today." I told her.

Anna was shocked by the words she heard and could only cry, she started to shake from the rage she felt when she looked over at Hailey. "This is your fault! The king would never treat me this way if you haven't got in the picture! How? Tell me how did you make the king marry you, you evil woman!" She yelled while her face started to turn red.

Shocked by her sudden change of mood, I felt my guard go up unless she tends to rush and attack my queen. "Lady Wilson, you used to be a good woman but I now find you a great disappointment. From this day on you will be taken out of the royal court and confined to your family house until you are married." I said.

Anna feeling angry and sad let out a crazy laughed, "No, my king you can't do this to me! I'm the only one who can help Snow White. I'm the only one who is the mother that she needs." She said while pleading me to change my mind.

Before I could speak a light voice spoke and I looked over at my queen in shock, "You say that you are the mother that Snow White needs but is this the action a mother would show. Do you think showing her an image like this will make her feel safe around you as a mother figure." Hailey asked.

Anna was so upset by Hailey's words and tried to fight the guards off while she glared in Hailey's direction. "You are the one who is not meant to be a mother! You're the evil women who will bring the kingdom down and destroy the little princess!" She yelled like a mad woman.

In the midst of her yelling a small yet powerful voice run in the dining room, "You are not my mother! I never accepted you nor will I ever accept you as my mother!" Snow White declared while walking toward the middle of the room.

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