/ Fantasy / Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna, the spirit warrior Original

Riahna, the spirit warrior

Fantasy 98 Chapters 46.7K Views
Author: Madcap_Gal

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Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see.

If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

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Hey author, thanks for keeping updating. We are mainly looking for adventurous novels (Fantasy, Sci-fi, Paranormal Urban, Action, Thriller/Suspense, Game Fiction). If you are interested to know whether you can get paid while writing your story, you might want to email amanda_nl21@*hotmail.com for details.

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Hi guys, Author speaking here. This is my first ever novel that I have ever written in my whole life atleast like this. So anyway, I'm really happy for everything that has happened to me till now and I'm not willing to just give that up. So if you're finding any mistakes or anything that doesn't suit the story please do tell.😄

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Author Madcap_Gal