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Chapter 4: Chapter 4; Ugly wife, husband run away.

Gu Wan.

After we arrived home, aunt and uncle were very upsetting about what Kian stepmother did to her. I thought she wasn't someone who would easily bullied but I was being deceived by her appearance, aunt decided to call right after we enter the house but I wasn't sure if cousin was in are out so I went to my room to change. Gu Wan thoughts.

{Mrs. Yoo, determine to know what Mr Grandison, will do about his mistress whom he allowed to beat Kian.)

"I know i said morning but i have to be sure Mr Grandison, May i know where is this mistress of yours that you have mistreating your daughter?"

"Mrs. Yoo, rest assured I have dealt with the matter it won't ever happen again."

"It better not! Good night."

"Good night"


"Is it true that cousin wife might be ugly?"

"J, where did you heard this nonsense?"

"Aunty I'm not looking for trouble, I just overheard cousin's before you went to dinner so I ask!!? Well?"

"She very beautiful, but she's being mistreated my her new mom!"


"I'm not sure, but i witnessed it with my own eyes."

"This reminds me of a girl at school suddenly she is wears makeup to cover up scares on her body."

"What do you mean by this?"

"I'm merely saying but I have school I will leave first aunt."

"Good night."

Aunty, did cousin went out?

She looks at me like she was about smack me. Gu Wan thoughts.

I want to tell him about Kian, I want him know what she's like.

"He's so unruly, who knows where he run off to tsk tsk he's going send me to an early grave aigoo."

I almost got scold by aunt, cousin where are you! Gu Wan thoughts.

(Gu Wan phones vibrates and he picks it from his packet.)

"How did it go?"

After all this time you can only send message, I will not answer let's see what you going do! Gu Wan thoughts.

"So you don't plan to answer me?"

Oh, you startled me.

"How was she?"

She a nightmare, she wears makeup to look beautiful! Cousin if you marry her tyou will not be happy, brother let me tell you she will scare you to death. She will be an ugly wife.

"Ugly wife?"

Hmm, and she easily bullied by others but aunt and uncle loves her so you better run away before they drug you and make you married to her!

"Run away? Are you crazy?"

Run or you will marry a ugly wife, brother the choice is yours but you can't tell aunt and uncle that you will not marry her because they skin you! Alive.

"What are you two talking about?"

"I just got back, how was dinner?"

"Let me make myself clear you this once you must marry that girl, even if you die i will resurrect you this day do you hear me."

"Yes mother."

I told you so.

"hmm, i will leave before morning."

"Get rest, we have to prepared for the wedding."

Ah, yea aunty.

"Yea mom."

you better leave before midnight, cousin I'm doing this for you.



"I'm thankful!"


"For saving me from my future nightmare!"

Where are you going?

"To run away."

Right now?

"Are you okay?"



Woo Jin.

I already have a girlfriend and mom wants me to get married to someone! Ah why? Woo Jin thoughts.


Yea, father why are you up?

"It's 9.p.m why would I sleep when I got things to do?"

Just because but father, why did you call me?

"Come in and talk with your father."


I looked back downstairs at Gu Wan, giving me thumbs up with a smile. He think this is funny? Woo Jin thoughts.


I followed him father in the study! I don't see why I have to get married and to a ugly wife? Father, are you crazy? You really last it didn't you? Father, don't it hmm? Tell me you're going to call of the wedding, please. Woo Jin thoughts.

"I didn't want to do business with Mr. Grandison."

Yes, yes father don't do it! His thoughts.


But why? His thoughts.

"Kian, mother is friends with you mother and your mother want Kian in our family!"

No~ Father, no don't do it father! His thoughts.

"So we decided to help them, in exchange for Kian and you will marry her!"

Why? Why do I have to marry her?

"Why can't you be like Du Han?"

Why do you always compare me with him? Since he's yours and mom most adore child why not let him marry her?

"Because he's not our son, you are and you will take over from me one day."

Then make him your son, change his last name to ours.

"As long as you are my son you don't have a choice, you must marry Ms Kian."

Good luck with that father, cause I'm leaving. His thoughts.

"Where are you going to? I'm talking to you, ahish this rascal!"

I will not marry her! I don't love her! Sorry, father but I can't let you ruined my life like grandpa did you. You still haven't love mom like you should and still sleeping in separate rooms, I don't want to end up living like you're sorry.. His thoughts.

Where are you going?

"I'm going to the kitchen, why?"

Do you want to get married?

"Why, you don't want to?"



Do you want to get married for me?

"What? Are you crazy?"


Just because.

"Aunt send she was pretty, you should see for yourself before you get married if you're afriad to marry her. I'm going."

See her first? No. I will take Gu Wan words for it, me too, I'm going. After packing I left while they're sleeping, I text Gu Wan and tell him I'm going overseas I'll come back soon. His thoughts.

⁂Next day.⁂


"Kian wake up sweetie Mrs Yoo, is on the phone."

Father, can I sleep for five more minutes.


Just because.

"Talk about mother-in-law first and sleep later."




"Are you okay? My dear."

Yea, I'm okay.

"That's great, why don't we go shopping for dresses?"




"Dear, you're getting married in a day!"

I almost forgot about that, I have been busy thinking about mom! Ki thoughts.

Of course, how can I forget!?!

"That's the spirits, I wish see you in an hour."

An hour, but I have school!

"You have a lot of time, you only get married once."

On the contrary in this life time, it's as much as you wants to. Ki thoughts.

Hmm, see you soon!

"Alright my dear."

(Ki got up and took shower and had breakfast prepare by her father, while eating she realised that she hasn't seen Hyesun which was kinda weird!)

Father, where is Hyesun?

"She is-"

Father, did you send her away because of me?

He stood looking at me but I know better than to show him happiness after all he too is apart of this, I watch him closely I don't know what they speak of but I have to me very careful because being careful isn't always guarantee you safe. Not with this kind of father, it doesn't! Ki thoughts.

Father, why are you just staring at me?

"Don't worry about her and don't feel bad for her, when all she does is hurt you. I'm losing my patience with her."

But father, I will leave to the Yoo's resident soon! Call her home or else you would be lonely.

To do what I must I need both of you in one place, someone pat's my shoulder immediately I got screaming. Ki thoughts.

"It's good that you think of me."

Are you crazy?

"First, you asking for me and now you're acting like I try to kill."

As if you didn't try it twice.

"Hyesun, did you hear her?"


"I'm glad you hear it, now, leave her alone!"

"Isn't she the one asking about me!"

So it wasn't me but her father was looking at her and I was in my thoughts, I didn't realize she was there! Ki thoughts.


I was asking for you, I only care for my father happiness soon, I will be going to my husband house, and I don't want my father to be alone.


You think you can catch me at my own game, you will have get better at yours first! Ki thoughts.

Why does my skin suddenly itchy? What did you touch me with?


You're lying, you didn't something or else it wouldn't be so itching!

You want to frame me for killing you, this time I have actually try to let's see if you will can still act after this. Hyesun thoughts.

{Ki walked out from the kitchen on way upstairs to her room she realised it was getting worst then, she realised that there moving on her she started to feel for it, she realised she's having an allergic reaction.)

Father! FATHER!

(She screamed out after it bit her, she lose balance and feel down from the stairs! Afterwards her father run to her as she's lying face down, her father saw it crawling away from and kill it as he's become furious as to why would this come here?

He lifted up after seeing blood running from her head! He remembers ki is having allergic reaction, he rush to his car as Mrs Yoo, car arrived to take Ki only to her father rushing with her!

She told the driver to reverse their car and follow them, after sometime they arrive at the hospital! Ki father rush her inside asking for assistance, ki body filled with weird looking spots all over.)

"What happen?"

(The doctor ask Ki's father!)

"She allergic to it, she said it was itching I should have checked her. She allergic to it! Please, doctor save my daughter! Please."

"I don't know what to save from, if I don't know what has bitten her?"

"A cent… Canti... A Centipede."

(The doctor's take a step back looking at Kiana)

"Sir. Of what colour is this Centipede?"

"Reddish with green between the legs."

(They took Ki from her father before he fell to his knees crying.)

"Honey, I couldn't protect our daughter! Why? Why this happened to her?"

"Mr. Grandison, may I know exactly what happen before this Centipede magically appeared on Kian's body?"

"What's that supposed mean?"

"First, her mother died and this you mistress appeared. If I'm not wrong she were already inside the family. But Ms Moon didn't know about her husband mistress however, when she found it must have affected her badly did it not? Now her daughter is here for something she's not only afraid of but allergic to, don't you find that weird? If not do you live in bushes?"

(Mrs Yoo, said crossing her arms looking at Hyesun and then Mr. Grandison. Who got up from his knees with his eyes and nose gone red from crying.)

"I never told you this but it's written in my notes book along with things she shouldn't eat, Hyesun did you read through it and try to kill my daughter? Have you lost your damn mind?"

(He yelled in anger as he went after Hyesun but Mrs Yoo, driver held him back!)

"How would I know she's allergic and why would I put it on her? Ever since your daughter return we received nothing but hell from her, even at dinner she provoke me into hitting her but I was blamed."

"So you want to say that my daughter magically put the thing on herself? Tell me why would she do this to herself, you… You. I dealt with you later leave here before I do something you regret!"

(Mr Grandison said, raising his hand to slap her but hesitated.)

"I have a feeling Ms Hyesun, doesn't not seem to like Kian very well but if you don't control you home she going to kill her and by then I won't just be investigating her deaths alone but her mother as well! I will be back."

(Five hours later she has still yet to awake from her sleep and her father sat by her with Mrs Yoo, he stared at his daughter in wonder as he remember when Hyesun was standing behind he realised that it was then Hyesun let that thing on Ki! He got up in a hurry to go home.)

"Leaving in such a rush while your daughter is still in sleep!"

"There's something I must to take care of first, please stay by her side till I return."

(Mrs Yoo, gave him a questionnaire look but he ignored it and leave! He drove all the way home in anger, after getting out the car as he entered the house he began yelling.)

"Hyesun!!! Hyesun!!!!"

"Yes over here, why are you yelling?"



"How dare you?"


(After sometime, he left Hyesun seated at the staircase, hold her face face crying.)

"You have no idea what you have done! I took you in and care for you I kill my wife for you and with your help it was done smoothly, it was you who came up with the idea to marry Kian into the Yoo family for bettering the company and our expenses.

But what did you do? From the very start she entered the house immediately you pick on her and luckily she hit you back when you hit her first, because I was there. But you went further and now she's in the hospital because of you. How could you? We plan this and plan it well but you couldn't let her be could you?

It's one day before everything we wanted is in our hand, one God darn it Hyesun and you ruined it! Tell me what will we do if she doesn't wake up? I'm asking you what do we do if she doesn't wake up to carry out the wedding?"

"I didn't meant her to end up like this, I just wanted her pay."

"Pay? What did she ever do to you? She tried her best to stay out of your way and you just keep trying to kill her, why? Why do you do what you do?"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry, you're sorry! Sorry!!"

(He stood looking from squatting down in front of her looking at her with regret of everything he has done to the very beginning!)

"My wife loved me so much she could died for me, and this is how I return her love! Why haven't I noticed what I was doing before now? I let you ruined my life, my home, my family, my daughter is in the hospital because of you! Why did you entire my life?"

(He sat down on the floor facing Hyesun and pulled her in for a hug and apologize to her.)

"I can't lose my daughter, I'm sorry to her and I'm sorry to her mother; I can't do this anymore I'm sorry Hyesun. When the deal is made I give enough money for your expenses as I need to a father to my daughter and apologize to her and be the father I was before you."

"I don't want to, please you can't do this you love me you promise to always care for me."

"I will but not like this after sometime, you will receive the money and you go wherever you want to go! My daughter is my major priority now, I can't failed as a father to her not anymore."

"Darling, no… I don't want to… Don't do it, please!"

"It's okay, it's okay don't worry it's going to be alright! Okay."

"Please, darling please, don't do it huh? Please, I don't want alright I won't do it anymore please, honey don't do it!"

"I'm sorry to you, my dear but my daughter is more important to me though I'm just realising how important she is to me! I can't keep you here to continue hurting her without another thought!"


"Don't cry anymore, I have to go to the hospital and stay with Kian! Rest well."

(He let go of her and stood up then walked to the door, he stopped and look back at Hyesun for a moment then he turned and walked out, after some time he arrived at the hospital. Kian wasn't in her hospital room he rush outside asking for her when he hear her voice and turned around immediately pulling her into a hug.)

"Are you okay?"

What's this? What does he think I have gone soft? No! Father you stood and watch her put it on me knowing it could have killed me! I hate you! I hate you! Ki thoughts.

"I'm sorry to you! Father haven't be doing his father duties to you. I know apologizing won't make it better but I'm asking for a chance to make it right. Allow me to be a part of your life again, please that's the only thing father is asking of you. You don't have to marry him, father will seek other way to save the company."

That's fine, but father I have plans of my own and now that my husband to be has run away now I have to get happy about the wedding so that they won't cancel it! I can't afford it I plan it to well I have to keep it, mom help me, please. Ki thoughts

Can you let go?

"Ah, yea. Are you okay?"

Yes, I'm okay but where were you? I woke and you weren't here.

"Father, had something important to do so he went out for some time."

"You're here!" Mrs Yoo.

"Hmm, you look worried is verything okay?"

"Oh nothing, everything is okay! Kian can i have a word with you dear!?!"

Ah yea, are you okay?

Something doesn't feel right!? Ki thoughts.

(Ki follow her down the hall, as she look to make sure would here them but then she had a change of thought!)

"Kian, let's sit down and talk!"

Okay, but is everything okay, you don't look alright?

(Ki saw it coming she just didn't want to accept it, but just when she getting ready to accept the fact!)

"It's nothing dear, I just want to ask you come and stay with us for the night with your father around you might say no. Kian, there's something you not telling us and I see that you're afraid!"

(Ki realize that she have the opportunity to talk and gained help in what she doing, but she didn't take that path instead she started crying.)

I'm sorry, I-I-I…

"It's okay, you can tell me!"

I don't want to go back she's going to kill me, I can't go back I too will died like mom.

"Oh no, come here it's okay!"

I miss my mom!

(Ki realize her plan is to change but her revenge won't, she accepted it in tears she might be able to do what she wanted but her mother with get the burial she deserves and father is getting what's coming! )

"It's okay, I will protect you don't worry okay! Don't cry anymore hmm, I'm here."

Even after she tried to kill you, he keeps her around your father doesn't love you he's only interested is this deal and using you get it! Mrs Yoo thoughts.

"You be discharged soon, we stop at your house for stuff you need okay."

Hmm, thank you so much, Mrs Yoo.


(Time passed slowly ki and Mrs Yoo, leave the hospital and went her house after getting what she needed they leave together! However, Ki didn't see Hyesun and wonder where is she?! She was nowhere to be seen.

After arriving at the Yoo household, a scream from the stairs surprise Ki she look up immediately! She recognize Fieyan and glared at her for moment, Feiyan walk down the stairs gazing at Ki but Ki forgot until!)

"What happen to her? She looked scary."

(Ki held her face and look down in embarrassment, she stare at her feet in her shoe thinking about what she should say.)

"She was bitten by a centipede, she's-"


What happened to her?

"She hates it however her brother has one as pet, don't worry I asked him to remove it from here for now!"

Thank you.

"You will stay in his room because it closer to me, if anything happens I will be the first to know okay."


"Let me take you there."

She walk me to the room and I wonder what about the guess room why someone else own, we enter the room and they're books everywhere he must love to read! I looked around and it was mostly book I like Romance Novels. Ki thoughts.

"Make yourself comfortable."

I nodded and she leaves suddenly the door open, I turned around immediately. Ki thoughts.

"Its just me, remember to take your medicine."


I walk over to the books he seems to be already reading and sat down in the chair, I noticed a math before me I opened it looking through it! I smile after see a few mistakes I took his pencil and correct the first one then! Ki thoughts.

"Don't touch that!"

Huh? Oh, Why?

"Don't look at me, please."


"Its okay, it's not your fault!"

Why are you here?

"Aunt want to ask you to come for meal!"

I'm not hungry, plus I wouldn't want to make others lose appetite.

"I didn't mean-"

It's okay, tell her I have no appetite.

"Alright and sorry."

I put my attention back to the book, she interrupt me again! Ki thoughts.

"Don't touch his stuff."

I am only correcting his mistakes.

"My brother has an high IQ he doesn't make mistakes."

I guess mine is higher than his, because he did look!

"I'm… Just leave his stuff, I warned you!"

Okay, I will leave it.

Until you leave, IQ being high or not everyone make mistakes! I quote it on his note pad then I correct his mistakes and took up the book I wanted to read "I Don't Want To Be Love." I took interest in it's name decided to read it, from one book to another it was night and I didn't notice until the night wind whistle in my ear.

I got up and close the window and close the curtains I went back to the books, so drawn into the books I didn't care that it occurs to be getting late with every minutes; I have gotten too comfortable, I didn't care to turn on the lights, I use my phone which was very useful complete darkness with just a tiny bit of light.

The door open I didn't bother to look up from reading, maybe I didn't care because the novels were all too amazing to stop reading. When suddenly all the books were disappearing from the bed, I noticed but was interested in what happened next to even look away then the I'm reading is being taken away! Ki thoughts.


Stop it!


Leave it!

I said, stop it!

Aish! Ya stop it!

"No, give it to me!"

I don't want to!

"It's almost mid night, read it tomorrow."

I said, I don't want to!

"Give it!"


"Give it to me!"

No! Aish why?

"You need sleep!"

He took book at a really good path, I drop my phone pulling the book realising it's completely dark he pulled the book harder than expected. He pulled me with it! I thought I was going to fell and I did just that it was on someone but who?

My first kiss, you bastard!

"Get up!"

I don't want to!

"Really then, do you want to sleep with me?"

What? Are you crazy?

"Then, if you don't get up I will sleep with you!"

·Eyes wide in darkness.·

You bastard!

"Say it again, and I too will take your second kiss."

·Get up.·

Get out!

"I will be back to see if your sleep, who told you to touch my stuff anyway?"

Ah, get out!



Why am I so bad lucked in this house? Aish, ah forget it! Ki thoughts.


"Du Yan, why are you leaving there?!"

"Ah, the thing..."

"Why are you blushing?"

"No I'm not! I heard noise and went to see, she was reading and didn't want to go to bed. Nothing happens!"

"I didn't ask if anything happens but did something happen?"

"No, why? Why would something? I'm going!"

"Doesn't she remind you of someone?"

"No, why should she?"

It seems he didn't take a good look at her. Mrs Yoo thoughts.

"I'm going."



"Honey, did you find him?"

"No, but he said his wife is ugly and he doesn't want to marry her so he run away."

"Ugly wife? Who?"

"Kian, but why does he have such thought? Kian is very beautiful, and-"

"Let's use Du Yan, until he returned or we find him!"

"But he's not our son!"

"So, he will only be his substitute for some time! I have a feeling it would work as long as we ask him, I'm sure he would help us until that bastard son of yours return."

"He's our son. Humph! Let's ask him in the morning first let's rest"


They've met more than once if Du Yah agree he won't marry her as a substitute for our son but for himself, I'll have the name change tomorrow and marry them together they would so cute together. Alright. Mrs Yoo thoughts.


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