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44.44% Ring of Kings

Chapter 4: Arrival.

It was a nice long trip through what felt like endless forests.

Luckily on the last day during the trip towards the city itself, I had company to join me so it wasn't a complete bore. Chatting with the aspiring adventurer beast girl and a few others, I come to understand more about this world on a deeper level than what would have been mention in the novels, manga, or animations. It's not all sunshine and daisies. Competition between familia are very heated. Whether it be honor, reputation, or business. There is always a competitive atmosphere in the city that sometimes can get a little violent in the confines to the dungeon where normally, the gods are not able to peer.

What no one witnessed never happened. It's not murder if no one saw it.

This kind of attitude has me worried at first, but considering the fact that I intend to solo my adventures for now it doesn't worry me too much. I have ways to escape and the Warp skill of mine can be overpowered when I want to escape from danger.

The inhabitants of the world wear simple clothing from what you would expect of a medieval fantasy setting. Linen clothing that most ordinary civilians wear, while the more fancy, silk based clothing, or beast material made outfits going to those who have the wealth to afford them. Of course my magical attires got the attention of some of my fellow travelers, who assumed that I came from some rich wealthy clan or a noble of some sort. I have no experience dealing with the upper society so I had to dash their hopes on that one.

Of course they were interested in my peculiar training style and skills since I used Warp a lot as we travelled to increase my skill proficiency and magic reserves. When the beast girl, who introduced herself as Miki, found out that I could raise my mastery of the skill and boost my mana reserves, she was tempted to see if it would work for her in the future but I had to remind her to refrain from doing so. As my training method might not work for everyone else. But she was happy to know that it might be possible to improve her abilities with constant use, making it easier for her to use them.

A day later we have finally exited the seemingly endless forest. The sight before me is definitely one to behold. The city of Orario itself. As amazing in real life as I could ever hope. Where we are standing is a hill that gives us a remarkable view of the city, including the hard to miss massive tower that lies at the center.

The Babel.

That will be one of my first stops on the tour of this city.

After a brief rest we continue towards the city gates that we can see in the distance. Halfway there I spotted a dozen or so adventurer looking people leave the city, escorting a wealthy looking man who seemed to be eyeing our group suspiciously.

'Must be the client those slavers were going on about.' I mused silently before sneering at the face the rich man may make when he finds nothing but the naked corpses of his business partners. 'Serves you right! Kitty here made sure to leave you their corpses intact for you to admire. Hehehe!'

Wow! I'm surprised at how darkly amused I am about this. Maybe my death did snap something inside me?

We arrived at the gate and are forced to wait in line as people are to pay a fine and provide identification. This... might be a problem considering I was just reborn a week ago.....

The ring on my finger flashes before a piece of paper appears in my hand. Looking at it I come to find that is has my information on it. Name, age, gender, yada yada.

"That's really convenient and kinda scary how prepared someone was for me to get into this city. Is my ring really a spy device in disguise?"

Soon enough I get my turn to enter the city and after showing my identification papers and paying a cheap fine of 200v, I was granted entry into the city with absolutely no problems. Now all that is left for me to do is book me a room at a nice inn and explore the city.

Following the nice guard's recommendation, I found a nice inn a good 20 minutes after walking into town called the "Siren's Kiss Lodge". Quite a unique and luxurious looking inn. According to the guard it provides breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a bath for a total of 10,000v a month. Plus if interested, some of the serving girls are permitted to provide 'extra' services for the weary travelers.

I'll admit that I'm tempted, but i'm really not interested in the 'extra' services of these serving girls. I know I'm a virgin and all, but i'm not desperate. I have all the time in the world. Speaking of time, I wonder where this puts me in the official timeline in the series?

"Hello!" A serving girl greets me after I entered the inn. "Would you like to book a room or are you here for lunch? Or perhaps your here for a little something else?" She asks in a seductive tone winking her eyes playfully.

"I... would like to book a room." I reply, "Preferably one with a good view of the streets. For one month including baths and meals."

The girl slumps her shoulders in disappointment and sighs, 'Too bad. He is a total hottie too.' She thinks inwardly before perking back up with a bright smile. "Certainly sir! For one month it will be 10,000 valis. We just need you to register and we will provide you the key to your room."

After registering my stay at the inn, I pay up the owed money and receive the key to my room. God knows I had plenty of money after raiding the slaver's stash. Sure the money I was given when I awoken in this world would have been enough for an inn for a few days, but thanks to the slavers I could afford to stay in this place for a month easily and still have some money left over for a few days. This inn is only temporary until I can get a place for myself someone else.

No way will I spend my new life living in an inn, even if it's being run by beauties who will serve your every needs for a price. Too luxurious! One month is all I need to work out a real plan. Meaning lodgings, training schedules, and dungeon raids.

I will not squander my new life stuck in bed like I did my last life. Now that there is no more cancer and a whole lot of magic, I'm ready to begin my life in earnest!






#Babel - Minverva's Chambers - 3rd Person PoV.##

In a darkened room sitting on a luxurious purple sofa made up of stylish engraved wooden frame and silken cushions, rests a particularly beautiful woman who could give even the Goddess of Beauty Freya a run for her money. Long, flowing golden hair that curls ever so slightly on the ends. Golden eyes, skin as white as the snow. Her outfit is a heavenly white one piece dress with frills on the end of the sleeves and the skirt. Her attire is more modest than that of her fellow goddess Freya.

"Fufufu! What a magnificent boy!" The goddess says with a smile as she stares into a bowl of water watching the actions of a particular new arrival to Orario, or even the world itself in general. Her hands cupping her face as she rests her elbows on the sofa.

"Still watching your new child Lady Minerva?" A voice echoes into the room as the door opens. Two girls walk into the room. The one who spoke has long straight black hair with a single strand sticking up over her forehead. If Nyx were to see her now, he would recognize the outfit she was wearing as standard saiyan armor from Dragon Ball Z. Conveniently enough there is a tail swaying back and forth behind her.

The other girl had shoulder length white hair, her eyes white with a hint of lavender with no pupils, which most people who didn't know her would think she was blind. Atop her forehead is a bright red bandana that flows down her back. The most standing out feature is a pair of particularly unique horns growing on her head that resembles rabbit ears.

"Fufufu! I can't help it. The way he does things, the way he sates his curiosity is so amusing." Minerva says with a chuckle.

The saiyan girl nods, "I'll admit, watching him bash a few slavers head in with a freakin' Green Shell from Mario was kinda amusing. Then finishing them off with a Jigglypuff, not an outcome I would ever expect.

"I agree." The ninja girl adds, "I must admit that warping ability of his is pretty amazing. I just can't wait until I learn the Flying Thunder God technique!" Then she slumps her shoulders and sighs, "Fuinjutsu is soooooo hard!"

Minerva laughs in amusement.

"You were given the power and potential, but you must never neglect your training and work hard on getting stronger. You wished for this power Kiara, so it is up to you to nurture it."

"I know..." Kiara says.

"It's good that you understand." Minerva smiles at her child proudly before returning to the bowl to watch over the new child that had taken her interest.

"What is he up to now?" The saiyan girl asks and peers into the bowl. "Is that the Siren's Kiss Lodge? Ugg! I knew he was a pervert!"

Minerva shakes her head and says, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should never judge someone without knowing them dear Deus."

"Oh really?" Deus raises a brow, "I bet he was just another perverted anime obsessed gamer boy who picked everything he could to make himself look good! Look at him, he is a mix of Noctis Lucis Caelum and Itachi Uchiha!"

"Fufufu! Then you would be wrong sweetie. "Minerva says wagging her index finger back and forth. Deus glances at her and listens to her continue, "This poor boy was diagnosed with a terrible kind of cancer that had left him bedridden shortly after he turned 12 years old in his past life."

That revelation caused both girls to gasp in surprise and pity.

"He had to watch as his friends and even family drift away," Minerva explained, "His only form of solace was in the form of fiction, longing for a life free of suffering, desiring the company of others. Animations, novels, games, those were the only thing he could find joy in. Being able to witness a tale of another, or even in some cases take part in. He fought against his inevitable fate valiantly for 4 years until his body failed him."

Minerva gazes into the bowl, staring lovingly at the young man watching out at the streets below his room with wonder. A tear dropping into the water from her eye. She gently rubs the reflection of Nyx and smiles.

"Such a pure and innocent soul, that shines brightly upon the world." She says. "I have given him my greatest creation and a legacy that my one day lead him to my side, just like you two. You are all my precious children."

She reaches up and pulls her two tearful girls into her embrace.

"My new child, your new brother..." She pauses briefly before continuing, ".. he never had the choices you two were given. In return I gave him something to lead him to my side sometime far into the future."

"Are you going to have him join our familia?" Kiara asks.

Minerva shakes her head, "No. He has already decided to pursue his power with his own efforts. We can merely just watch as he grows into the son and brother we hope him to become. Never to lose that pure soul, never to succumb to corruption. To reach a peak that not even I could reach." She pauses and gazes into the beautiful red eyes of Nyx and continues. "Unlike most of the gods here watching over this world, I can peer into and influence many other worlds. I want to see if he can eventually reach those worlds and find new adventures in the future. Fufufu! I'm so excited!"

Deus wipes the tears from her face and grins, "In that case we better get back to training ourselves! We can't be having our dear little brother catching up too us that easily!"

"I agree." Says Kiara. "We are suppose to look after our wayward little brother, not the other way around!"

"Fufufu!" Minerva giggles at the two young girls, "You two are really fired up. I expect the both of you to reach level 3 fast after this declaration."

"Yes!" Both of them nod furiously.

BlackChaosNyx BlackChaosNyx

Decided to add a little foreshadowing and some background for our protagonist. Of course he won’t be personally meeting the for a very long time.

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