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Chapter 2: A New World

"Ah it's still absorbing all the mana, excellent, even in this dried up location with barely any this should still be a good enough treasure to heal my wounds a bit"

Clawing up with his hands the ceiling above this strange being started to drop down, suddenly light started to pour into the ground that he was hidden under. Climbing out of the hole in the ground the being though to himself.

It has truly been too many years trying to work that damn flame out of my body, not being able to use mana because I need to suppress this flame. "To think that I the great Amdusias has been reduced to this state, I swear once I recover and can use my mana I will summon my 30 generals and we will trample this world beneath our feet"

little did he know that they had all been killed in the great purge. The large being clawed his way up the hole, with his claws for hands and a great horn on his head. Standing above ground the being that looks human but beastly and stood at least 7ft tall.

"Now, where is the mana heading towards?" Following the mana, Amdusias arrived at a large open field with strange debris and what looked like the corner of buildings. Looking to where the mana was flowing Amdusias was disgusted to see it all flowing into a human. "Vile creature give me the item or I will kill you right now" Seeing and hearing no response Amdusias walked up to Seth seeing the wound at his chest and the mana pouring into it Amdusias thoughts started to stir.

So, could it have been some kind of meteor that smashed through this humans body? thinking up to here Amdusias started to laugh hysterically "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, EVEN THE HEAVENS DESPISE YOU" reaching his claw towards Seth, the being stabbed into the wound with its hand opening it up even more, but to Amdusias shock all the mana that it had learned to store and manipulate for thousands of years started to be sucked into Seth almost instantly.

With almost all his mana gone the flame started to run rampant and a wild scream left his body as he started to burn. "DAMN CURSED HUMAN I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS" screamed Amdusias as he used almost all the remaining mana he had left to stop himself burning whilst tripping backward.


Waking up to loud screaming Seth couldn't help but reach to his chest where he saw the sword stab into when suddenly it started shrinking. Hearing the shouting still Seth looking in the direction of it, seeing the open plain with a few trees scattered around and the strange human in front of him Seth couldn't help but panic about the man in the mask. Looking around and not seeing him he finally calmed down a bit. Once he did he realized he couldn't understand a word the human in front of him said and looking at him he was sure that couldn't be a human, claws on his hand a horn on his head. "Am I in hell?"

Hearing the strange language come out of the human infuriated Amdusias even more, after all, he spent a year learning the human's language so he could rule over them and command them to do things. Using what tiny mana remained whilst his insides still burned Amdusias pulled out a sword from what looked like thin air.

Seeing this Seth was appalled "It looks like another person wants to kill me and besides that, where the fuck did that sword come from?" He muttered. Hearing the human talk would only continue to annoy Amdusias so he charged at the human hoping to cut off its head in one go.

With the beast charging at him Seth did what he was practicing just hours before he ended up in this situation and controlled the sword that the beast was using and plunged it into its leg even though he was aiming for its chest. In a split second, Amdusias realized what had happened and fell onto one knee with a sword deep into his calf screaming bloody murder. "DAMN CREATURE, VILE HUMAN, VERY WELL ILL TAKE YOU WITH ME" letting the flame consume his body Amdusias who had lost himself to rage started to manipulate the mana left in him and created a great blade above him made of water.

Seth, staring at this great water blade wide-eyed, couldn't believe what was happening. Is crazy stuff going to keep happening? he thought.

With the last remain vestiges of power Amdusias threw the sword towards Seth seeing what was about to happen Seth tried to dodge but weakness came over him thinking that he was about to die something happened and Seth's body started to go numb again as he suddenly appeared behind the beast with a large chunk of earth and the parts of the stores that came with him from earth.

Amdusias now was the one to stare wide-eyed. "Impossible teleportation magic has been a lost art for millions of years. Just who are you" seeing the great blade smash into the ground Seth was shocked as the empty plains now had a great lake in them.

Thinking back to the one who cast this strange water blade towards him Seth look towards him only to see the shock on his face before he was burnt to cinders. Watching the flame suddenly extinguished leaving behind a cloak, Seth was confused. "Why didn't it burn with that beast?"

Meanwhile millions of miles away a bald guy opened his eyes with glee "The flame has finally been extinguished, I don't need to waste away giving it my mana. Wahooooooooo, he's dead, he's dead" The man stood up but all his bones creaked "Ah... I've gotten old, I gave my youth to kill you Amdusias. Burn for me hehehehehehe" Hearing the strange laughter the guardian of the temple entered it.

"Master Tenshin, What's going on?" "heheheh, I killed him, I'm finally free from this boring life. Now I can finally leave this wretched temple" Hearing Tenshin's response the guard couldn't help but wonder how master Tenshin ever became a monk. "Oi, tell the master of the temple I'm leaving and not to worry about Amdusias as I felt his life end, see ya" With a massive gust of wind Tenshin suddenly disappeared from the temple that sat on top of a massive mountain that would have left earth's atmosphere.

Realizing the somewhat crazy situation that he was in Seth attempted to teleport home only to find it wouldn't work. Thinking that he might just be tired he decided the best thing to do would be rest where he was, scanning around he noticed the store debris that he otherwise didn't notice was there. Looking at what came with him he saw some phones and memory cards.

Sitting down Seth pulled out his phone and was going to try calling his boss after all he couldn't afford to lose his job, missing one day without notice was bad enough. Seeing no signal Seth got annoyed and started walking but still getting no signal he started to panic. "Ahhhhhh for goodness sake what am I going to do? I've been living paycheck to paycheck these crazy people are after me, I somehow acquired these crazy powers and now I am probably out of a job"

After calming down a bit Seth realized that even if he did save his job it would probably be the next place those people looked for him, after all, they were already at his house. Seeing the phones on the floor Seth came up with an idea, he would sell them to somebody and use that money to go in hiding. Although they weren't expensive phones he could still make enough money to buy food and water.

Not knowing how he was going to carry them Seth caught sight of the cloak and figured he would make a bindle, looking for a stick Seth caught sight of a bit of metal rebar that must have fallen from the corner of the building he somehow stole. Finally storing all the phones in the bindle Seth was about to walk away when he saw the other chunk of building that came with him. Walking over he was a little excited when he saw the instant noodles and pasta on the racks. "Wow, my lucky day... HAHAHA I suppose getting stabbed through the chest isn't lucky, but somehow it healed"

Stuffing as much as he could fit into the bindle Seth decided that he would hide the rest thinking back on it that guy also had a sword looking around Seth couldn't see it at all. "How strange, I guess it must have returned to wherever he pulled it out off"

Looking around Seth decided the best way to hide and store the food was to put it into the closest tree and hope it was still there if he found out where he was. After making sure the food was secure and wouldn't fall down easily he set off, hoping to find somewhere to settle down for the night. After walking for the rest of the day and night he finally reached a massive mansion. Understanding that he might have been on someones private land Seth was about to turn around when something crazy happened, a wall of fire started to form around him.

Not knowing what to do Seth started to panic once again, when suddenly his feet left the ground. Finally getting some idea of how to fly he clumsily shot off through the sky.

"He is a wind mage quick Bavol catch him" "Such a pain..." replied Bavol.

Noticing someone following him in the air and slowly catching up Seth suddenly thought of something, if I can fly that means I must be able to teleport.

As soon as he noticed this he attempted to teleport back to the abandoned building that he spent the previous night at, taking away all his concentration causing him to plummet back into the ground landing on his face and knocking himself out.

"Hahahahahah, who sent this idiot" Bavol shouted as he witnessed Seth plummet into the ground. Flying over to him Bavol attempted to pick up Seth and instantly dropped to his knees, His eyes rolling back into his head. The people nearby who saw this ran over picking Bavol up.

"James, pick up that guy and bring him back," said one of the few peoples around. As soon as James touched Seth he also fell to his knees with his eyes rolling back. "WHAT THE HELL, Adam use your earth magic to move him back to the basement cell" Hearing the command Adam hesitated for a minute before forming a ripple in the earth rolling Seth in front of the mansion. Then using his magic formed a golem that picked Seth up and brought him down to a basement level and chucked him into a cell.

"Someone go and see if the duke is back yet and tell him what happened" Commanded a tall man with heat pouring from his body. "YES SIR" replied one of the other men with a hint of admiration in his voice.

Waking up Seth was embarrassed that he fell down and knocked himself out. Noticing the tall man in front of him behind the cell bars he tried to spark a conversation with him. "H-hello sir I'm sorry for being In your territory but I have no idea where I am, If you could just send me on my way I'll never come back I promise" Hearing the words flowing out of Seth's mouth the large man had a look of confusion on his face.

"What kind of language is that? It's not the language of beasts and definitely not humans..."

"Vulcan, what has happened for you to call me here?" Said a man donned in a bright blue cloak with white blended into it. Bowing slightly, unlike the other men in the basement who looked like they were worshiping a god Vulcan lifted his head back up and answered the man's question.

"Master Adaro, some of the guards saw a man walking towards the mansion and tried to apprehend him, but when they did he attempted to flee. When they stopped him he knocked out two of the men, who are still unconscious. He also had these strange items with him" Vulcan said pointing towards a table with a pile of instant noodles and phones and memory cards spread out. "Some of it appears to be food wrapped in a strange material, but I'm not sure what the other stuff is"

Walking over to the table and picking up one of the phones Adaro walked towards the cell "What is this?" "Master he doesn't appear to speak our language" Seeing the man's curiosity written on his face Seth confused about what was going on. "I don't know what you're saying sorry"

Hearing Seth's language Adaro's curiosity peaked even more. "How strange, let him out hopefully he will understand goodwill" Just as Vulcan was about to open the cell a young man ran into the basement. Seeing the young man sweating and panting Vulcan spoke up "Bavol, what's wrong?"

"H-HE STOLE IT! HE STOLE MY MAGIC" looking at the blade in Bavol's hand and his venomous eyes that stared at Seth and how he kept walking towards the cell, Adaro coughed and snapped him out of his hatred for a moment.

Falling to his knees after seeing Adaro, tears started to flow from Bavol's eyes as he pleaded to Adaro "P-pp-please master Adaro let me kill him he took it from me, he took my magic, he took it all" Hearing this Adaro looked shocked. "What do you mean he took your magic, I've heard of people sapping mana from people before but it takes their lifeforce and they end up husks, you seem perfectly healthy to me"

After explaining how he couldn't even feel mana anymore Adaro was shocked, after all, magic was almost everything in this world. If you couldn't use magic you were almost always destined for a life of manual work toiling in a field and an early death. Its said that someone who truly masters mana can manipulate life itself and live forever unless killed. Hearing what Bavol said Adaro couldn't help but become infuriated. Did someone send this person to steal my magic? Although I have enemies who could send someone so scary.

Vulcan becoming infuriated that one of his troops had their magic stolen from them summoned a whip made out of fire from thin air "Bastard... WHO SENT YOU?" His voice booming into Seth's ears. Looking at the whip snapping towards him Seth couldn't worry about the phones that he was going to sell and only had on thought. I need to get out of here.

Finally getting some understanding of teleportation Seth thought about the lake where he narrowly avoided death just yesterday as his body started to go numb and he disappeared from the cell shocking everyone who witnessed it.

"Vulcan, tell the guards to scout my land and look for him. They aren't to engage him, only follow and report back to you. I have to go tell the king what's just happened, he is too dangerous. The ability to steal mana and teleport"

"Yes master, FOLLOW ME" Commanded Vulcan to the other guards in the basement.

Landing back at the lake Seth was sweating profusely "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!" not knowing if he had enough time to mess around Seth filled his pocket with as many instant noodles as he could and flew off in the opposite direction of the mansion.


I'm bad at coming up with names for characters so feel free to give me some ideas. Also if something about the writing doesn't seem right in this just point it out and ill try to change it, thanks.

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