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Chapter 4: Meeting the Female Lead

Grinding his teeth, Long Yitian glared at this insufferable woman he couldn't get rid of. How did she keep interfering with his plans at the last minute?

But before he could think of how to effectively reject her, his imperial father spoke first.

"Of course, Miss Rong." The Emperor's gaze was much kinder than usual. "Someone who has been treated unfairly like Eldest Miss Mu needs an exemplary young lady like you as a friend."

The Empress was even more gracious, appeased by her clever niece.

"Your Majesty is right. In fact, why doesn't chenqie¹ organize a tea party for Eldest Miss Mu in a few days? She deserves to be welcomed back in grand style!"


¹chenqie (臣妾): a humble form of self-address for a lower-ranked female, equivalent to saying 'your servant'. (Source: Poison Genius Consort)


Rong Lian smiled. This 'tea party' was another development in the original plot. Her aunt had only suggested it after Long Yitian broke the engagement, yet her intentions were still the same --- to deal with the female lead.

It was a good chance for her, too.

"Eldest Miss Mu will surely be honored, Your Majesty." Rong Lian clasped her hands with obvious excitement. "This official's daughter could even compose a song for her too!"

From the side, Long Yitian watched this pair of aunt and niece act out a show. He clenched his fist tightly, before releasing it one finger at a time.

A chilling smile spread on his lips.

Unexpectedly, he had been forced to suffer a few losses tonight. But there were still many chances for him to break this unwanted engagement, it was only a matter of endurance.

The Emperor laughed. "Beloved empress can do as she likes!"

From the corner of his eye, the Emperor shot a glance at his most trusted servant. One that had stood beside him since he was a young prince.

Eunuch Gao nodded and swiftly approached Rong Lian.

He even gave her a full bow in front of all the guests, signifying the Emperor's high favor for Miss Rong.

"Miss Rong, this servant will take you to Eldest Miss Mu."

Rong Lian helped Eunuch Gao rise before giving her own deep bow. She gave him a small, but genuine smile. "This young miss will be in your care."

Eunuch Gao looked at her with an appreciative gaze. How many young misses would sincerely bow to a servant like him, even with his high status?

He sighed to himself as he led Miss Rong outside. If only His Highness could see what a great young lady she was!

The two walked in silence through the palace halls, each with their own thoughts. In ten minutes or so, Eunuch Gao stopped in front of a large wooden door, engraved with intricate flower patterns.

Before they entered, he cleared his throat and looked directly at Miss Rong.

"Pardon this servant, young miss, but this servant hopes to say a few words."

Rong Lian's brows creased a little. "Please, go ahead."

"It's not this servant's place to speak for His Highness..." Eunuch Gao seemed to have difficulty getting the words out, "...but this servant hopes Miss Rong will be patient with him." His eyes held a tinge of sadness. "Despite his high status, His Highness has a lot of difficulties."

She froze, unable to say anything.

Yes, Long Yitian had his fair share of troubles. She knew his actions naturally had a legitimate reason behind them. But did that mean he had to drag her into his revenge? Wasn't she also an innocent victim in all this? And what about her difficulties? Just because he was a prince, and the male lead at that, did that mean she had to willingly sacrifice herself and her little brother to him?


She had already lost her mother to someone else's schemes, she wouldn't allow the same thing to happen to her brother!

Taking a deep breath, Rong Lian buried her surging hatred behind a smile and a simple nod. Eunuch Gao smiled back before knocking on the door.

The pattering of light footsteps, then a soft "Yes?"

"On the Emperor's orders, Miss Rong is here to escort Eldest Miss Mu to Zhaoyang Hall."

A rather long moment passed when the door finally opened. Revealing not Eldest Miss Mu, but a young woman dressed in servant clothes, her face wary.

"Why-why isn't His Highness the one escorting my young miss? His Highness assured her it would be him!"

Eunuch Gao frowned, his gloomy stare frightening the servant girl into taking a step back. Rong Lian came forward to smooth things over.

She smiled at the girl. "Why don't you allow me inside and I will explain the change to your young miss?"

"Miss Rong, this servant doesn't think---" Eunuch Gao protested.

Rong Lian cut him off with a light laugh. "There's no need for Eunuch Gao to worry, Eldest Miss Mu and her maid are probably not used to the palace and its protocols. It will be better if this young miss slowly explains things to them by myself."

For some reason, Eunuch Gao felt a subtle pressure when faced with that gentle gaze. Quickly dismissing such an absurd thought, he found Miss Rong's words were reasonable.

He looked into the room with a slight sneer. A young miss from the countryside would never be a match for a true noble lady like Miss Rong!

"Then, this servant will be waiting outside Zhaoyang Hall, Miss Rong."

After bowing once more, Eunuch Gao left them.

Now alone with the maid, Rong Lian gently asked if she could come in. The girl hesitated some more until a voice from deeper inside the room spoke up.

"Xi'er, allow Miss Rong to enter. And please, remain outside to give us some privacy."

It was a bright and melodious voice, bringing warmth to people's hearts.

Rong Lian's smile widened as she walked past Xi'er. 'Miss Female Lead, we finally meet.'

As the door clicked shut behind her, she found herself in a small, but exquisitely furnished room. There was even a light scent wafting through the air, refreshing to the senses.

And at the far end, a peerless young lady sat at a small table, sipping her tea with leisure.

This Mu Lingxue was every bit the opposite of the rumors circulated about her. There was nothing timid or dull about the way her star-like eyes sharply assessed her approach. Even her movements as she set down her teacup were effortlessly graceful, like it was something innate. And without the thick powder her stepmother had forced the original to wear everyday, the radiant beauty of her face shone like an unearthed gem.

No one else could ever hope to match her, whether it was in appearance or talent.

Something Rong Lian knew painfully well.

Stopping before the table, she gave a slight curtsy. "Rong Lian of the Prime Minister Manor greets Eldest Miss Mu."

Mu Lingxue's brows knitted. There was no arrogance found in Miss Rong's tone, unlike when other young misses greeted her. Instead, there was a strange glow in her eyes, as if...the other girl was excited to meet her.

She needed to test this noble miss, then. If what Long Yitian said was true....then no matter how good of an actress she was, Miss Rong would soon reveal her true colors.

"Please, Miss Rong." Mu Lingxue gestured to the chair across from hers. Once Rong Lian was seated, she began her attack: "Pardon my bluntness, but what is it that brings you here rather than Yitian?"

Rong Lian's entire body became rigid at these words.

They weren't enough to make her lash out, like Mu Lingxue evidently wanted.

But if she was going to play the virtuous fiancée, it would be unrealistic if she was unaffected by such obvious intimacy between her fiancé and another woman.

She gripped her bangle, allowing her smile to waver. "I volunteered to escort you in His Highness's stead, Eldest Miss Mu. It wouldn't be appropriate for His Highness to come here himself."

"Miss Rong is very considerate of your fiancé." A smirk twisted Mu Lingxue's lips. "But why do I feel you came to warn me to stay away from Yitian instead?"


Rong Lian's eyes widened just the right amount, as if the idea had never even crossed her mind. She slowly looked down at the hand clutching her bangle like it was her lifeline and waited a few moments before a flash of insight dawned on her face.

Letting her hand fall, Rong Lian met Mu Lingxue's eyes once more.

"I apologize, Eldest Miss Mu, if I seemed like a jealous fiancée," she said. "It's true my motive for volunteering wasn't wholly pure. But I can promise that I would never stoop so low."

Mu Lingxue tilted her head, examining her with pursed lips. She was clearly skeptical. But when another snide remark didn't come, Rong Lian knew she'd at least confused her.

It was a good start.

"Explain your motive, Miss Rong."

Rong Lian smoothed down her dress, briefly touching her bangle as if seeking reassurance. "My motive, it will sound childish to you." She forced out a laugh, hollow even to her own ears. "But I wanted to meet, on my own, the woman capable of moving His Highness's heart."

Her eyes ran over that too-beautiful face with a wry smile on her lips. "At least I can accept my defeat now."

Like she was hoping, Mu Lingxue's suspicion softened somewhat at her show of vulnerability. She was no longer frowning, and her gaze was warmer than before.

But like the intelligent female lead she was, she remained cautious against her.

"If Miss Rong doesn't mind me asking, how long have you and Yitian been engaged?"

'A more subtle approach, I see.'

Rong Lian looked down at her hands, hiding the curl of her lips. "Seven years," another forced laugh, "but we've been like strangers the whole time."

"That must have been hard, Miss Rong." Mu Lingxue sounded sympathetic, just the right amount to not be offensive. It seemed her acting skills weren't too shabby either. "Is...there any reason Yitian is so against your engagement?"

'Thank you for the opportunity, Miss Female Lead.'

Rong Lian kept her head down as a few tears dripped down onto her shaking hands. Only when she'd 'composed' herself did she lift her head and answer Mu Lingxue.

"This is not something known by many people..." a deep breath, "His Highness isn't Her Majesty's son." As shock flooded Mu Lingxue's face, a brittle smile appeared on her lips. "My aunt...Her Majesty didn't tell me anything else. But this is the main reason His Highness is against our engagement, he resents Her Majesty and anything to do with her."

Her smile crumbled. "Especially me."

For a while, neither of them said anything. Rong Lian touched her bangle, this time for real, as flashes of her many visions crossed her mind.

Her words had only been a fraction of the whole truth. Indeed, Long Yitian wasn't her aunt's son, but instead the former empress's. Who died giving birth to him --- at least, that was how it was supposed to look like. Needless to say, it was her aunt who'd played the biggest hand in the former empress's death, inheriting both her position and child.

Because of this, she couldn't blame Long Yitian for hating her aunt, for not wanting to be married to the woman her aunt picked out for him.

What she did blame him for was including her in his revenge.

Her fingers tightened around her bangle. He would have broken their engagement in the worst way possible, shredding her reputation to pieces. To the point that no son of a self-respecting family, much less a powerful one, would be willing to marry her --- Prince Jing's discarded trash.

The worst part was that she wasn't her aunt's real niece!

"I'm sorry if I'm being insensitive, but why didn't you attempt to break the engagement yourself? Surely there was no need to put yourself through Yitian's treatment all those years."

Out of nowhere, Mu Lingxue's voice pierced through her thoughts, bringing her back to the present. But when Rong Lian fully registered what she'd said, she couldn't help the furious words that escaped out of her careful control.

"Eldest Miss Mu, I understand you've been used to a simple life in the countryside. But please attempt to use some logic. First, marriage is decided by the elders, how could I dare go against them? Second, His Highness is a son of the Emperor while I am simply an untitled young miss, with what authority could my family attempt to end the engagement? Finally, this engagement was decreed by Her Majesty, only the Emperor or Empress Dowager would be able to interfere in this!"

Her eyes blazed as she glared at Mu Lingxue. How dare she! This stupid female lead, with her strange values from her strange world, didn't understand the difficulty of being a woman in this era!

She knew how Mu Lingxue looked down on them all, had looked down on her like she was a dirty and shameless creature for trying to find any way to survive.

She hated that condescending look of hers the most!

"I'm sorry, Miss Rong," Mu Lingxue whispered after some time. She was staring into her tea, visibly shaken. Like her whole worldview had been shifted on its head. "I just...had never thought of it like that."

Rong Lian wanted to sneer, to give her no mercy. 'Of course you didn't. As the female lead, anything you say or do is justified in the eyes of this world. There is no need for you to consider if the other person might have their own reasons.'

Instead, she shoved her anger aside. She couldn't lose control again.

Although, now that she looked at Mu Lingxue more closely, it seemed her outburst could prove to be useful.

If shame and guilt were eating her up, it could make Miss Female Lead much easier to manipulate now...

"There's no need to apologize," Rong Lian managed to say in a gentle, forgiving tone. "I can understand your confusion. Who would willingly subject themselves to that? But please understand, Eldest Miss Mu, I had and have no other choice but to endure."

She looked away, laughing somewhat bitterly.

"What hurts the most is I was once foolishly in love with His Highness. I tried everything to catch his attention. Working to be the perfect lady in the hopes that one day he might look at me and realize I was worthy of his love."

Her voice wavered as she spoke of feelings that weren't completely false. She had loved him, years ago.

But now, she would use those useless feelings to protect herself and her only family from him.

As expected, it didn't take long for Mu Lingxue to take the bait.

"Miss Rong!" Mu Lingxue burst out, her eyes overflowing with emotion, "I should apologize! It was wrong of me to taunt you like that. Especially when...I know how it feels." She tried to sound reassuring, "So please, don't worry. I can assure you there is nothing between His Highness and me."

'No more 'Yitian', Miss Female Lead?'

Rong Lian wanted to roll her eyes. But all she did was softly shake her head.

"I thank Eldest Miss Mu for your kind intentions, but there is no need to hide the obvious. You might not know His Highness too well yet, but he will only show his warmth to the woman he loves." Her lips slightly trembled. "And the way His Highness spoke of you in the hall just now is enough proof of his love for you."

Silence settled like a heavy boulder between them after that, almost immovable. Mu Lingxue opened her mouth various times, only to close it when she realized there was nothing else for her to say.

When she felt enough time had passed, Rong Lian stood up. She extended a slim hand towards Mu Lingxue, expression solemn.

Ready to deliver the final attack.

"I can't pretend to wish you a happy life with His Highness once he inevitably breaks our engagement. But even so, I want to thank you as his fiancée for aiding him at his most desperate moment. It was your help that allowed him to come back successful and, most importantly, safe."

Mu Lingxue didn't hesitate in taking her hand as she rose. But she kept staring at their joined hands with a light frown, as if there was something wrong.

There was, Rong Lian mused, since the villainess and the female lead should always be at odds.

Mu Lingxue let go of her hand. As she followed behind Rong Lian, they both remained silent. It was like they'd reached a tacit agreement to end it like this.

Which Rong Lian was more than content with.

Dealing with the female lead had not been a pleasant experience.

Not because she was a formidable opponent, which she could be. But with her complete knowledge of the plot and the female lead's backstory, Mu Lingxue didn't pose as much of a threat.

All she had to do was remind the female lead of her own heartbreak in her past life, and that was it. From there, it was all too easy to steer the female lead into sympathizing and even seeing herself in Rong Lian.

To the point that Long Yitian's lies about her, his 'vicious and jealous' fiancée, were no longer as convincing.

Of course, in the original plot, she had been vicious in her desperation to regain her engagement. Her scheming actions would have only further cemented Mu Lingxue's preconceived idea of her.

But it was exactly this which had bothered her when meeting the female lead.

Every time she looked at that otherworldly face, she'd see more of her visions, of her descent into evil.

The intense fear was still there, that she'd be unable to break away from the plot and save her little brother.

She brushed a light finger down her jade bangle, the cool material instantly calming her.

In the end, Mu Lingxue was simply another pawn dragged into Long Yitian's plans, who would later on become his queen.

He was the true obstacle she had to overcome in getting away from the plot.

The true culprit behind all of this, only he deserved her hatred.

But unlike him, she didn't have the luxury nor the desire to take revenge.

Rong Lian smiled as they finally reached the doors of Zhaoyang Hall, where Eunuch Gao was waiting. He couldn't help feeling uneasy, however, when he caught sight of that smile.

He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something...dark about it.

When they finally entered, it wasn't surprising Mu Lingxue became the focus. Rong Lian stepped back and let her take center stage. For the rest of the night, her dealings with the female lead would hopefully be done.

As she made her way back to her seat, she felt a familiar glare piercing her skin.

Rong Lian ignored it, smiling even more gently.

She was eager to see, now with the seeds of doubt planted in Mu Lingxue's heart, how the main leads' relationship would fare.

Not taking revenge didn't mean she couldn't get payback in other ways, right?

Rosana777 Rosana777

If you're expecting constant bashing of the original FL...She will have her flaws, but this won't be the type of the story where the original FL becomes a weird white lotus version just to make the villainess MC look good.

Also, this is the last chapter I'll update for a while. It's the first arc in my story and I want to see if anyone is interested on here. Pls comment with your thoughts~

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