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Chapter 2: Magic Battle

Pausing only for a heartbeat, Ryan grappled with the idea that what he was seeing might just be a figment of his messed-up brain - a hallucination caused by getting smacked in the face with that damned ball. He also wasn't wearing his glasses, or what was left of them. But the glowing lights were too dang mesmerising to brush off as a simple hallucination.

Following them mindlessly, he was eventually led into an alleyway not far from his house. He was like a child being lured by candy. His steps echoed in the eerie silence as he chased after the dancing sparks, completely hypnotised by their mysterious dance. Shadows wrapped around him like a cloak, but Ryan pushed forward, ignoring the creepy vibe, drawn in by the promise of something amazing.

He reached the end of the alley, where some invisible barrier hummed with energy. Without hesitation, Ryan reached out, fingers trembling as they touched the unseen force.

And then, boom! It was like a lightning bolt shot through him, awakening every nerve in his body.

Reality itself cracked open, revealing something beyond his wildest dreams.

A vortex of light and shadow swirled before him, filling the air with a sense of anticipation. Time lost all meaning as Ryan was pulled into the vortex, everything around him twisting and warping into something straight out of a fantasy.

And just like that, the vortex spat him out into a world beyond imagination. Colours danced around him, strange plants swaying in a hypnotic rhythm, whispering secrets he couldn't hope to understand. The air crackled with energy, making every hair on his body stand on end. This was no dream – this was real.

But before he could even begin to process it all, the ground shook beneath him. Thunderous explosions ripped through the air, drawing Ryan's attention to a group of mages locked in a battle of epic proportions.

Fireballs flew, blades clashed, and the air crackled with power as the mages fought with a ferocity that sent chills down Ryan's spine. It was like nothing he'd ever seen before – pure magic in its rawest form.

A trio of mages, faces obscured by identical masks, launched coordinated assaults on the solo mage they were facing. The solo mage seemed to effortlessly slip between their attacks, his form flickering in and out of existence as he moved with supernatural speed and agility. He wielded some form of ominous dark magic, conjuring tendrils of shadow that ensnared his opponents with chilling precision.

"The Treacherous Trio, huh," the solo mage sneered, his voice dripping with disdain as he deflected their attacks with ease. His movements were a deadly dance, fluid and precise, as he countered their every move. "Who sent you after me?"

From the destruction that surrounded the group of mages and the tatters that they appeared to be in, it was evident that their battle had dragged on. Despite their advantage in numbers, it was clear that the solo mage, also masked, had the upper hand.

"Just die!" one of the mages spat back, their voice filled with desperation as they launched a final attack with all the power they could muster. But it was futile. The solo mage vanished and reappeared behind the mage, a ghostly presence in the chaos of battle. With a swift and calculated strike, he incapacitated them, leaving them sprawled on the ground, defeated and broken.

The two remaining mages, infuriated by their comrade's defeat, also unleashed their most powerful attacks. Fire and lightning crackled through the air, but still, the solo mage stood unscathed. With a smirk, he taunted, "You guys ain't shit."

The solo mage then unleashed a devastating combination of physical and magical attacks, his movements fluid and precise. He dodged and countered their desperate assaults with uncanny skill, gradually wearing them down before appearing behind both of them.

Reeling from fatigue and overwhelmed by their opponent, the remaining duo of mages were helpless as he grabbed the back of both of their necks, his grip like a vice closing around their throats. They struggled against his hold, but it was futile.

In a chilling display of power, the solo mage unleashed an ominous energy that shrouded him in darkness. The air crackled with the malevolent energy as the darkness engulfed his helpless opponents, swallowing the mages whole.

The echoes of their piercing screams were all they left behind, haunting the expansive forest they had battled in. With their defeat, the solo mage stood alone amidst the aftermath of their confrontation, a lone figure cloaked in darkness and mystery.

Exhausted and battered from the intense battle, the solo mage staggered backwards. Taking a moment to collect himself, he approached the first mage he had taken down, his presence ominous and foreboding. Ryan watched from a distance, not daring to take even a single breath as he did. 

He was unable to hear the words exchanged between them, but their exchange didn't last long.

After a brief moment, the solo mage, who couldn't get what he wanted out of the mage he had left alive, unleashed a dark and deathly power from his palms. It enveloped the body of the remaining mage in a shroud of decay, who suffered the same fate as his companions.

Staggering under the weight of his exertion, the solo mage suddenly sensed a pair of eyes on him. Turning, he locked gazes with Ryan, who was frozen in place and felt his life flash before his eyes. Yet the solo mage merely stood there with a mix of familiarity and confusion in his eyes.

A few seconds of silence passed with their eyes locked on one another.

Then with an unnerving nod of acknowledgement, the solo mage disappeared into thin air, leaving Ryan alone in the aftermath of the battle. His mind reeled, his heart raced, and his world had been forever changed by the extraordinary events he had just witnessed.

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