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Chapter 2: New world

Only one word can best describe what he saw! Though he knew it was there as the message from the Universe creator had left for him told him so, he still took time to admire the sight. However, regardless of how breathtaking it was, what was more valuable to Dane was what it represented, Hope!

This was it, his salvation. This was where he would fulfill his destiny, and rise to untold heights. As he thought on these matters, he couldn't help but smile. Yes, he had finally made it. All the obstacles and heartaches were finally going to pay, and oh what a payment it would be.

Right in front of his eyes, there was one of the most dazzling solar systems he had ever seen. The solar system had thirty planets with each having some moons. This was a considerable big size for a solar system, but that was not it's most eye-catching thing about it.

What made it stand out was that it did not have one but two stars at the epicenter. One was a bright yellow giant sun while the other was a bright red dwarf. The giant looked overbearing causing the smaller sun to also orbit around it. Both suns had some planets orbiting around them, but there were five gigantic planets at the edge of the solar system that orbited both stars.

As he drew closer, Dane noticed some activities on one of the planets that were at the edge of each other. This planet was a colossal giant that could fit in three of his home planet. It also had a gigantic ring of rocks and ice formed on it. As he got closer, he noticed that what he had not even dared to hope for fear that it might not be was true! This planet could indeed hold life.

Breathing in a sigh of relief, he proceeded towards the planet with bated breath. This had essentially solved a big part of his plan. Had there not been a planet that could support life, he would have had to work at creating a safe environment for life, and then going about creating life. He knew how to, and he had studied in life essence classes, but doing that to advance one's power was considered a taboo and forbidden.

Still, he had to be cautious. One thing about these circumbinary planets (planets that orbit more than one sun) was that they tended to be breeding grounds for supers. The effects of the stars in a mortal were such that certain stars and constellations could influence one's mood, personality and even the magical and esper abilities they could awaken. Planets with multiple suns led to much more powerful individuals due to more talent and affinities present in said worlds. This was especially so in naturally occurring worlds, though the effect could be replicated in artificial worlds.

Of course, there was also the chance that a reclusive expert had hidden in such a planet that was away from all known civilizations and factions. As such, wantonly displaying powers could be considered rude and a direct challenge to these powers.

It was a warm morning when Dane finally set foot on the planet's surface. He could feel the solar radiation from the minor sun hitting his face. It was calming and therapeutic, lightening the burden in his heart somewhat.

The planet's gravitational pull was quite strong, but to a being that can transverse the Universe by themselves, it was as simple as adjusting his power to the new pull. Once he landed, he took time to enjoy the scenery all around him, and observe the planet that was teeming with life, young life.

He observed his surroundings. The lush greenery of the area he had landed was pleasant and appealing. A calm smile flashed over his face once more. He decided to take some time to rest before beginning his real work.

One of the perks of being that powerful is that one doesn't have to move around to get things done. Dane could have just chosen to scan the entire planet from his resting point. However, after contemplating for a while, he decided against it.

First of all, he was a foreigner, and without knowing the power levels of the beings on the planet, it could be considered arrogant and rude to just scan a region. Though he knew he was powerful, he still wasn't Almighty to not fear any danger.

Even though he was quite far from any galaxy or civilization, it was a well-known fact that some experts seeking solitude or growth, fugitives and even experts that sort to grow and build their factions would venture into the wild and try their luck. He knew that even though he was away from his enemies at the moment, he was not out of danger completely.

Hence, taking the prudent approach, he decided to fly around the planet, collecting information and understanding the world that he was in.

The first thing he got to understand was that this was a young world. However, it was mature enough that the living organisms had progressed much in the evolutionary journey. Like most worlds that could hold life, there was the usual plethora of flora and fauna. However, on this planet, unlike most, two sentient species dominated the planet.

Dane was quite shocked to not see any signs of universal creatures, as he believed that every corner of the universe had already been explored by now. What he didn't know was that he had ventured so far deep into space that people hardly came by here.

If a universe was like a planet, then galaxies were like continents, where there were the usual hub of activities and species. Going further out, the space around these galaxies could then be considered as seas that were hardly ventured unless by people like him who had no other choice. This kind of solar system would then be an island.

He had grown accustomed to the galactic human species that seemed to be everywhere, but now here he was, on a planet with a new kind of species.

The first species were predatory and semi-bipedal. Their bodies were covered by thick furry green fur. They had long flowing hair, or rather a mane that grew from their scalps to their shoulders. They had strong arms, massive paws, and claws for fingers. Long powerful canines, a long tail that aided in maintaining balance when they were standing upright and finally, powerful hind legs that could propel them forward at neck-break speeds. One could easily mistake them for a green lion. Standing upright, they rose to seven feet tall.

As they were a young sentient civilization, the lavels, as they were referred to, were not so well organized and they mostly hurdled together in small villages known as settlements with little form of organization. They barely had a culture.

The other creatures were much more refined, more settled and sedentary. They were fully bipedal but they had wings in place of arms. Still, their hands could grasp things. Their bodies were covered in beautiful scales that had the property to change color. All told, they looked like a crazy mixture of cat and bat with the skin of a snake. Their average size was up to four feet. They were known as the vasils.

Similar to their counterparts, they too were predatory but they had smaller bodies and hunted lesser prey. They were more adept at swimming and hunting prey while they left the big game to the others.

Unlike the lavels, the vasils built their homes in caves found on the mountainsides, but mostly their habitat was the ring that surrounded their planet since they could easily fly, getting home wasn't an issue. They had well-established communities and even social classifications, the nobility and a king. They despised the other group though ever so once in a while they traded and clashed.

One key thing about both these species is that in their midst, there were those born with magical abilities, and though it was not easy to identify much less awaken these powers, those that did gain unprecedented power and prestige, to the point of worship.

Since entire generations would live and die before the planet had finished its revolution around the suns, their years were based more on the duration their moons took to revolve around their planets. There were two moons, one bright red and one serene blue, each influenced by the power of the two suns.

The yellow sun was bigger than the bright red sun. Though this was a fact that only Dane knew since he had been able to observe this on his approach. Given the position of the planet in this age, the natives thought that the bright red sun was bigger while the yellow sun was just a much brighter and bigger star. Well, this notion wasn't so wrong, was it?

Though this was not well known, Dane ventured a guess that the mage abilities were affected by the two suns, as it was a well-known fact in the universe. The natives did not know it yet, but then again, there was plenty they did not know yet. Instinctively though, they did pay homage and some even worshipping the suns, especially at the age where both suns had been almost at an equal standing.

The most common trait about the two species was that they believe that the planetary ring, or the Bayu as they called it, had mysterious powers and only the well-known areas that were established could be approached. All other areas were marked as no-go zones and isolated to prevent any kind of misfortune.

Dane took time to analyze the Bayu, and understand its mysterious properties. A dazed smile flashed on his face once for since he couldn't believe his good fortune. If ever there was a reason to have a planetary ring, this was it. For a moment even Dane began to wonder whether this was all too good to be true. Still, he couldn't make much use of it now, but in a few millennia, he'd be swimming in riches.

Setting aside the daydream, he went back to walking the planet, familiarizing himself with the world he now was in. He was also pleasantly surprised to find that he was indeed the most powerful existence on the planet, but given the other inhabitants were natives, it was to be expected.

After all the preliminary research was done, he decided that it was time to get his hands dirty, he had to somehow find a way to join either one or both of these civilizations, as well as coming up with a proper way to nurture an army of followers and grow strong enough to be able to challenge the monsters in his past. He got a headache just thinking about this.

Yes, he had a lot of work cut out for him, yes he had a lot of obstacles and storms to weather, but sitting down worrying about them wouldn't help him. Dane had always been a doer, and even in cases where the odds were stacked up against him, he would never be caught worrying or giving up. His attitude was simple, there's nothing to it but to do it. Hence, with all the preparations done, he rolled up his sleeves and got to work.

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