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8.92% Rock Lee

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

The day of fighting has come. The morning is standard, except that we had to get up early - Naruto and I are on duty today. So wake up, hygiene, cooking, quick bites and off you go. Dressed as usual, in all black. For a moment there was a desire to take an analogue of tarpaulin boots, but decided that it was too much - to beat children at this age with a tarpaulin , and limited himself to something like a local analogue of sneakers. Put on my black bandana . I never took it off and the people at the academy wondered what my hairstyle was.

For a week now, I have been working part-time in the hospital, mostly carrying ducks, taking care of patients, and recently they began to dispatch me to traumatology. The task is simple: apply plaster cast and splints . Naturally, before the work, I was given detailed instructions, and I did not act on my own, but helped the doctor, but still this is already progress. In the home world, it is nonsense to allow an eight-year-old child to treat people, but here, when a child is already a fighter at the age of twelve and the life and health of a comrade can depend on his medical skills, training is accelerated. No one, including patients, cared about my age at all.

Today I didn't take any weighting materials with me and on the way to the academy I finally felt the difference - my body was practically flying forward.

At the entrance I met Naruto , he was again waiting for me, sitting on a swing. He has a thing about this swing. We go to the audience together. What, however, "kind and cheerful atmosphere" reigns on the stream. Not just children, but a flock of piranhas - smiles such that I even got goosebumps. What a cruel world after all.

Well, yes, this month I also did not sit still and had fun to the fullest. No, duplicating jokes isn't my style, so I didn't mess around with glue anymore. Naruto's idea with a sponge, which he arranged a couple of days after playing with glue, I appreciated. Iruka became the victim , although the trap was intended for Sasuke , but he politely let Sensei go ahead.

Once Naruto and I had to come before class, to be on duty in the classroom and in the corridor: wash the floors, the board, dust off the windowsills, wipe the windows. According to the agreement, Naruto cleaned the classroom, and I got the corridor. On reflection, I figured out how washing the floors in the hallway can be turned into a full-fledged workout: I turned off the weights and decided to do three sets of ten minutes, I ran with a rag, wetted and rubbed, wetted and rubbed, at the same time getting used to movements without weighting materials. The floor slowly, as if reluctantly, but took on its original form and even began to shine, reflecting the sun's rays. Then I remembered that I hadn't used any hygiene products, so I took the soap, lathered a rag, and lathered the floor with all my diligence. Seeing that the water in the bucket was dirty, I went to the toilet to change.

When I returned, I see people cannot reach the audience. Well, who could have known that the floor would become so slippery? No one could get up, people fell, tried to get up, fell and slid again ... I especially remember the moment when Sasuke managed to get to his feet, but he, like a bowling pin, was knocked down by Chоji riding on his stomach , who had just run in and also slipped. Particularly advanced people used the wall for support and on all fours got to the premises. Neiji , Ten-ten and Sasuke , noticing me with a rag and a bucket, for some reason changed their trajectory towards the audience and began to make their way towards me. I didn't like the look on their faces and I started to back away.

The fun ended with the appearance of Iruka - he did not slip, apparently using chakra . The teacher helped the others get to the audience, and at the same time stopped the hands of classmates already reaching out to me. In general, at that moment Stirlitz was more than ever close to failure.

Then in the audience Iruka assigned us another seven days of duty out of line, and he simply ignored my objections that I did a good job and finally laundered that fucking floor. The class howled.

Is it my fault that they all came early? There were a whole ten minutes left before the lesson, in Russia this is a real change, but for some people it's a whole life. They would have come without five, I would have wiped everything with a dry cloth and okay, but for some reason everyone decided that this was just another joke.

We must be careful, as there is a risk that one fine evening a crowd in white suits, with pitchforks and torches, will appear at my house without warning. Do I need it?

The battles were scheduled for four in the afternoon. The morning passed quite productively, I managed to learn a lot of new and interesting information. Naruto was noticeably worried, and I was deeply moved - after all, the first true friend in this world. Yes boy, we have to take care of each other.

Uzumaki Naruto

The day of the fighting has come. Today, Lee is in high spirits since the morning and the smile never leaves his face. Oh, it's not good. I am worried about my classmates, they do not know Lee as well as I know. However, I have not yet fully studied his habits.

One has only to remember the "day of slippery floors", as Lee dubbed it, and still throws a shiver. I learned so many new words and phrases ... Not all expressions were clear, and therefore I decided to clarify what some mean. Lee inquired where and from whom I had heard them. He asked that I had to tell and name everyone by name, and after that he said that "the etymology * and the meaning of these words, due to my age, I am not supposed to know."

Sakura-chan was extremely attractive in anger. I asked Lee not to offend her much, he agreed and said that he already had a battle plan for Sakura. At the same time, he looked like a cat who had grabbed a three-liter can of sour cream.

Rock Lee , he's a gladiator. "Those going to death greet you !!!"

The hour of demonstration battles has come. We were taken to the stadium, the one where the canon exam for the rank of chuunin took place . The Hokage is in the box . In addition to our stream and Iruka , Asuma , Kurenai , the medical team and, strangely, Mitarashi Anko were present . She's here, with what fright? Later, students from other streams also came.

The spectators settled down on the steps of the amphitheater, and we have already warmed up and are ready for battle.

- Let those whom I name come down and await the command. After the start of the battle, you can use everything you can to win. Absolutely all techniques and techniques are allowed, with the exception of the use of weapons and explosion seals. Today we have taijutsu classes , but if someone has managed to learn ninjutsu and genjutsu , you can also apply! - Iruka announced to the entire stadium . - The fight goes on until one of the opponents is forced to surrender, or until it is impossible to continue the battle. Killing an opponent is prohibited! At any time, the tournament referee, that is, me, can stop sparring. The Hokage- sama can also end the fight . Show what you've learned this month! And good luck to you!

Having solemnly finished his speech, he announced:

- First pair: Rock Lee - Nara Shikamaru !

Well, it's time to have fun, I take off my bags and put them on the floor, in battle they will only bother me. I jump down and wait for Naru, he slowly and unhurriedly descended the stairs.

In this battle, I think there will be no problems. Let him be at least three times a genius, but in this situation it is impossible to come up with anything. If we fought in a real battle, then he would have the chances of winning - as far as I remember, he actively used both the terrain and improvised means, but here his possibilities are very limited. In addition, the Nara clan has never been famous for its taijutsu school . Ah, okay, stop guessing, I'll find out everything right now .

- Let's start! - commands Iruka .

Hurry up, let's go! Adrenaline tickles my nerves pleasantly, picking up speed and approaching Nara. Seven meters, six, five, four, three ...

- I give up. The Nara raises her hands.

Your mother !! I'm slowing down. Well, PPC , here he is a burglar . The people are shocked. At Iruka began a nervous tic.

- Why are you giving up? - somehow coping with the shock, asks Iruka .

- Too gemorno . - Nara rises from the arena.

"The winner is Rock Lee," Iruka announces in a shrunken voice .


I like the mood in the stadium, I can even feel the Ki coming from the students. I wonder if Iruka applied a new method of education or just a gifted people?

- The first pair of Rock Lee is Naru Shikamaru !

The Nara clan will be interesting.

- I give up! - says Nara.

- The winner is Rock Lee, Iruka announced in a shrunken voice .

Well, expected. As the father is, so is the son. In order to stir up this family, a serious incentive is needed, which Iruka is unable to provide.

Rock Lee , deceived and resentful

Goats, I'll kill everyone - I'll be alone! You want to fight, test your strengths and skills in an environment close to combat, and such a bummer. Get ready, Nara, I will take revenge, and, with my revenge, it will be terrible!

- Second pair: Rock Lee - Haruno Sakura! - commands Iruka .

I stand and wait. The girl was a surprise, bois ha-ha-ha!

Haruno Sakura

Inner Sakura: "Well, that's it, you bastard, hold on! You pulled me up, right now I will make you a chop, I remember everything: the first day at the academy, an impartial look a week ago, when I was sliding and screaming near the audience. I will kill !! For a month she plowed like a damned woman, tore all her fists in blood. Finally, I'll get to you! "

Sakura: "For once, I have no disagreements with myself. I will kill !!

I jump down. I'm waiting for the fight to start.

- Let's start! - announces Iruka .

I run to Lee. Right now you will get from me for everything !! He stands still, does not move, so I am almost at the distance of a kick. He takes off his bandana , I look into his eyes.

- Nope , what a horror, fat eyebrows, and he also wiggles them ... A- aaaaaaa , nooooo !!!


Rock Lee , aka Psychological Attack Master

I do not play like that. I ruined the whole performance. I grew my eyebrows for a month, wore a bandana on purpose so that she would not see, even learned to wiggle my eyebrows and all for the sake of a pitiful thirty seconds?

I was preparing a whole performance, calculated melodramatic pauses to enhance the effect, and here it is. Apparently, the phobia turned out to be even more neglected than I thought. I will soon become a doctor, which means that we need to treat the psyche of the younger generation now - they are kind of flimsy.

To make a memory note: buy Sakura the same pills as Naruto , they seem to help him.

A team of doctors came and Sakura was taken away.

- The winner is Rock Lee - squeezed out Iruka, lost in space and time .


It would be better if he beat her ...

After all, Lee is a formidable opponent, I don't want to fight him.

Rock Lee , even more offended by the unfair shinobi world

Already two fights, and I haven't hit anyone yet - it doesn't even smell like fun. Guy, why not start provoking, the only question is - what? Kakashi is easy to provoke, Jiraiya's mother of writing talent . But how to make Guy angry, I have no idea.

Oh, Sakura was revived. Naruto is already wiping around her, but does not dare to speak. Do I have to pluck my eyebrows now or not? Maybe while walking like that, all the same, I don't really care about the female sex for the next five or six years - the groom has already grown up, but has not yet matured.

- Third pair: Rock Lee - Akimichi Chоji !

Oh, belly, this will be interesting. Go down, ready, hurt yourself. Let's start!

- Ninpo : Bike no Jutsu "Ninja Art: Doubling Technique," Chоji says .

Wow, cool - the carcass is big, but the limbs have not grown. It's a pity I don't have a pump-action shotgun or darts, he has a target drawn on his belly.

- Nikudan Sensch "Tank shell meat!" - and rolled.

He would still have specks and a spilled watermelon. Well, as they say, the larger the cabinet, the louder it falls. I dodge the ball, while striking from the side in the direction of travel. Zero effect - the ball rolls on. Nice technique, but the fight will be boring.

I go to the wall and wait. Here he is, I jump to the side, Chоji hits the wall, no damage, but he lost speed, until he starts moving again, I have one or two seconds. I run up and ... left-right, left-right, left-right, all blows to the same point.

The ball burns up, I jump back. I go up to another wall and duplicate the procedure, while remembering where I hit. I put all the blows strictly in one place, while there is no effect, but soon it will appear - I have delivered a blow. Initially, I wanted to use pain points, but in this state he simply does not have them. The groin, throat, and internal organs are inside the ball, and outside there is an armor of meat and bones, and it seems to me that in the future it will become even stronger. The penetrating power of this ball, of course, is monstrous, but the mobility and the ability to hit a moving enemy are not up to par. The main disadvantage is the loss of mobility when stopping, it cannot accelerate immediately and becomes vulnerable.

In general, I was tired of the fight - Ch Чji skated, and I left and beat, I had several areas that I remembered and bluntly beat into the nearest one. The fight went to exhaustion, gradually the ball became slower and slower ... and, apparently, Chоji ran out of chakra - the technique was canceled.

I put him sprinkle * in the head - knockout.


* Kick irish-kakato - heel, from top to bottom.

- The winner is Rock Lee, - Iruka looks shocked.

While Chоji is being carried away , I reflect on the fight. Chоji surprised, I initially discounted him, but he learned the technique at that age. Not bad, but he is not my opponent even in the future ...

The action is finally on , let's go next.

- Fourth pair: Rock Lee - Uchiha Sasuke !

Sasochka , come to me, my sweetie. Until you have sharingan , shurikens and fire techniques, you are not my rival. With Choudzhi and it was more of a problem.

Descended, ready for battle.

Let's start!

Calmly approach the distance of the kick, right now there will be a mahach . Oh, the handsome man decided to stand up and show a roundhouse kick to the head. Well, why? Well, this is a show, it does not smell of efficiency here, but before the glory of Chuck Norris, you are like walking to the moon, I sit on a split and hit in the groin with my right.

Score: wannabe Chuck Norris - 0, wannabe Johnny Cage * - 1.

* Johnny Cage is a character in the Mortal Combat universe . Famous for his kick in the groin.

I hear angry cries of the female population. Sakura and Ino are raging. I remembered the words from a Russian folk tale: "Are you good, girl? Are you good, red?" I'm wondering if I beat off Sasuke's eggs right now , then the Hokage won't tear off mine? They, incidentally, are not considered the strategic potential of the village, maybe I, out of ignorance, undermine it? Hmm, it will be hard for you, my dear friend, to revive the clan without personal belongings , but I didn't seem to hit hard, so there should be no confusion . Although it is probably Easter in my world now, so it's our tradition to break eggs on this day. Sasuke passes out from the painful shock. Doctors come running and take the body.

I am Evil itself and I know about it. Boo ha ha ha.

"The winner is Rock Lee," Iruka announces in a murdered voice .


What a sneaky and unexpected reception! I'll have to hear plenty of complaints from the Uchiha . And the boy is great, the style is clearly felt - he fights dirty, but effectively. I wonder who his grandmother was? Maybe I know her?


What the hell is going on ?! Sasuke was one of the strongest fighters in my stream, but neither he nor I expected this. The last one remained - Neiji , if he loses too, then I see no reason to let the others go.

Rock Lee , Johnny Cage fan

- Fifth fight: Rock Lee - Hyuuga Neiji ! - Iruka , it seems, is hysterical, just how he is crushed.

Well, the most formidable opponent at the moment. First of all, you should be afraid of punches. The enemy was trained as a drummer, but I also had something in store for him. You can, of course, fight in the usual style - appreciate the juken , feel it, as they say, on yourself, but I have to win, bleeding from my nose, in order to win myself the right not to practice the basic style.

Here and Neiji , went down, stood in a rack. Well, let's go.

And the kid takes me seriously.

Byakugan . Wow, the eyes, how big they have become, and the desire to poke a finger there. He clearly decided to do some reconnaissance. Sorry, buddy, right now I don't have the opportunity to kick around in the drumming style that we both are used to. I close the distance, blocking a direct punch to the body, placing my left hand over his left. With my right, I grab his jacket and miss a blow to the chest. The blow is not strong - I managed to cuddle up and close the distance. Of course, he knocked out tenketsu , but chakra is useless for me now.

From the side, it probably seems that I climbed to hug him, my left hand holds his hand, the right one wraps around his waist, he cannot move, his hands are tied both for him and for me. I do what he does not expect - I bite on the neck and begin to growl (thereby putting pressure on the psyche), at the same time I hook my leg, and together we fall to the floor. In the fall, I hit my head on the floor, but I do not unclench my teeth, on the contrary I squeeze harder. He endures, tries to get out, but in vain - I'm heavier. I sharply unclench my teeth and hit the bridge of my nose with my forehead. Zarrrraza managed to lower his head, and as a result we collided foreheads. Sparks floated in my eyes, but I did not lose consciousness, Neiji was also floundering.

For a split second, understanding comes - I just butted the seal in Neiji's head . But it didn't seem to jerk.

I raise myself a little and, in the best traditions of mix-fighting, hit from top to bottom with my right hand. Neiji shifted, although the blow hit, but there was little strength in it, the enemy only lost his orientation a little. I get up. I could hit in the head, but he is waiting for this, I grab his leg in the calf area, Neiji tries to hit me, dodge and grab the other leg.

The position is comfortable, I hold his pants in the calf area. I start to rotate without letting go of Neiji's legs . Due to centrifugal force, his body is lifted off the ground. One turn, two turn, three turn ... with each turn the speed increases. Neiji can't do anything, he's dragging him away from me.

Ten, eleven revolutions ... still accelerating, reaching maximum speed. 55 ... 56 ... 57 ... 58 ... continue to rotate ... 110 ... 120 ... starts to feel sick. Although I still have nothing, my rotation radius is several times smaller, but Neiji really has a bad time ... 200 ... 300 ... the flight is normal. And you thought, dear friend? Russia launched the first man into space. Let's not break the tradition. Of course, I won't send you into space, but I will invent a centrifuge *.

* Simulator "Centrifuga" - a ground installation used for the selection and training of astronauts, and simulating overloads.

500 ... I'm vomiting right now

600 ... I feel that my hands are no longer holding, my body begins to chop off.

610 ... Neiji's pants that I was holding him by were torn. Oh, how I bad- oo . Darkness...


Now there will be an intriguing fight. The Hyuga clan are well-known masters of melee combat, but this adherent of the "Toyota Bumper" style has shown itself from a very interesting side. He even managed to beat the Uchiha , and that says a lot.

Well, well, the battle has begun. Neiji is scouting the enemy's skills. Hmm, commendable - at this age and already thinks with his head - not like some. A quick exchange of punches, not bad ... and this is something new, Lee decided to go into the clinch and start a fight. You don't often see this, wrestling is a rare occurrence for shinobi . While you are fighting, you are connected with the enemy, you cannot form a seal and you cannot leave the battle. Shunshin and other movement techniques are also impossible to apply - the enemy suppresses them with his chakra . In addition, you are extremely vulnerable to other enemies, until you break the distance, you can simply be stumbled by the running up enemy allies.

Yx xx , how dirty - Lee bitten an opponent! He also growls and tears with his teeth! Even the members of the Inuzuka clan are not so frostbitten as to gnaw at the enemy during the battle.

Everyone present is shocked. Well, kids, get used to it, sometimes the war takes on such terrible guises.

Forehead on forehead, and even with all his might, the sound of the blow was heard even here.

Mdeee , it looks like a new legend is growing in our village, because of frostbite this guy will even give Guy a light. Guy is a good idea! Scared, of course, but the guy needs a taijutsu coach . He definitely won't want to learn from Iruka .

So he took the enemy by the legs, spinning, gaining momentum ... what is this technique? In all my long life I have not seen anything like it, it spins faster and faster. Neiji can't do anything. Yes, the guy surprises, but what to do next, simple promotion will not achieve anything. Here they are spinning for a minute, the second, the third ... the fifth ... suddenly the guy lets go of the enemy. Neiji flies away towards the village, and even at high speed. We don't have time to do anything, and Neiji disappears from sight.

Lee collapses, apparently from exhaustion. He himself did not notice how he used all the forces and all the available chakra for this technique. Well, well, it's a draw: one opponent cannot continue the fight, the other must still be found.

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