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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: New Life

Adam was quickly enveloped with darkness and felt a unique warmth and pressure surrounding him for a few moments before his senses were quickly assaulted by noises and bright lights. The sudden and frightful stimulus caused him to cry out but the only result was the wailing of a baby. Adam felt some swift movement and before long he was placed into the gentle arms of a red-haired woman. Calming down instinctually, he analyzed the situation while a young brunette man was ushered into the room. Now fully calm and aware of his surroundings he heard the voice of the being that put him there say one last thing,

"I've given you one extra gift as a present, you'll be able to tell what a person's ability is if you make eye contact once your mutant ability awakens. Now I'm going to shift all of your memories from now and in your previous life into your subconscious to help you live like a normal child and protect you from Professor Xavier's prying mind. Good luck."

Experiencing on last moment of clarity before he lost consciousness, he heard his new parents say

"Darling, lets name him Peter. Peter Alexander Potts"

"That's a fine name, Peter it is."

'Adam', now named Peter, thought [Huh, this'll be interesting.] and then slid into his first sleep of his new life.

**Fifteen Years Later, Peter POV**

I've always been normal, or at least I thought I was, but I've always had these strong gut feelings that lead me in the right direction. As if I have an adult inside me to nag me when I do something wrong and encouraging me to be healthy, workout, and properly study. I also get these feelings about people or places that I've never seen, associations that don't make any sense like a sense of foreboding when I hear Oscorp, or unnatural trust in the name Stark. My sister Pepper assures me that I'm just imagining things, but they feel so real. Speaking of Pepper, she's actually off to work at Stark Industries soon as a secretary, I hope she does well. Anyways, lately I've been getting one of those strong gut feelings but oddly enough it has been directed towards myself, as if something is about to break or be unlocked. The feeling is especially strong when I get stressed out about something.

**End Peter POV**

After several weeks of the feeling growing stronger, Peter's class was on the field trip to Oscorp while Peter's girlfriend Lucy was nagging him about something inane when one of his classmates suddenly collapsed. The collapsed student was also named Peter, Peter Parker, one of the smarter kids but socially inept with a small friend group. He had stuck up for Peter a couple times while the jocks were bullying, but being only acquaintances, he didn't go out of his way for him.

Due to the combination of stressors, Peter felt a mind shattering migraine and almost collapsed alongside the other Peter. To Peter Potts' immense relief, Peter Parker's collapse brought the field trip to an early conclusion; barely keeping himself standing, Potts made it to the bus and sat in silence for the ride back to school where his parents picked him up.

Peter immediately locked himself within his room and slipped into a restless sleep, as if his mind was tearing itself apart (which, in a way, it was). In his dreams that night, Peter saw a man named Adam making wishes in a white room and he felt recognition for the man named Adam, though he knew that he had never seen this man before. Peter slept for nearly fifteen hours and was still dead tired when he woke up and dragged himself out of bed at 7:00 AM. Something felt different to Peter, though he couldn't tell exactly what had changed. Peter shrugged off the change as the result of puberty and hormones while rushing off to school with a slice of toast in hand.

As he arrived at school, Peter saw Peter Parker entering the building carrying himself oddly while wearing baggy clothes. At first Potts planned to ignore it but his intuition told him something was radically different today. Peter Parker was only a few feet past the door when he was roughly pushed up against a locker by Flash, the most notorious bully in the school.

"What's up puny Parker? Hand over your money if you don't want to get a swirly today!"

Peter Potts started to approach the scene to put a stop to Flash's antics when something strange happened; Peter Parker lifted his arms and pushed Flash away. Though his movements were slow, the force behind the push was actually more than enough to send Flash stumbling back into Peter Potts. Then the situation turned even stranger when Potts caught Flash's exposed arm to steady him. Flash's legs wobbled and he toppled over unconscious without a sound.

**Peter Potts POV**

After Flash fell over, I stood still, dumbstruck. Not dumbstruck over Peter's push but over what I felt happen when I touched Flash's arm. There was a rush of warmth up my arm and into my chest when we touched, as if I had absorbed some of his energy. This event was like the final piece in the puzzle; all of the odd phenomena up until this point clicked together and I knew it, I'm a mutant. While I was working through my shock, Peter Parker had noticed how unresponsive I was and was just reaching towards my shoulder to check if I was okay.

"Hey man, sorry about that. I didn't mean to knock him into you. Anyway, any idea how he wound up unconscious?"

I immediately took a step back, narrowly avoiding his hand, and looked at Peter's face, our eyes meeting for a second; my intuition told me, more clearly than any feeling before, that Peter had grown strong, could climb walls, and could move quickly. Digesting this information in mere moments while ignoring how or why I knew that, I took a breath and responded.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I just haven't been feeling well this morning and was surprised by his sudden fall. I really have no idea why Flash is out cold."

Swiftly moving on and entering class, I sat in my seat and analyzed what was happening to me.

Isilith Isilith

I'll aim for about 1000 words per chapter.

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