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Romance of desires Romance of desires original

Romance of desires

Author: Evangeline_Thomas

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: chapter 1

The earth shook under running bare feet as the darkened sky was lit by the flashes of lightning; thunder boomed in the far distance and cold rain poured down from the heavens.

Heavy breathing that also came out ragged was heard by only his ears as he ran down the muddy path that laid before him. His feet dug deep into the cold mud sending it flying behind him.

Tears streaked across his dirt stained face from his icy blue eyes, his deep brown hair was a complete mess as he zoomed by the never ending trees. Everything around him seemed like a blur as he ran. He paid no attention to where he was going nor did he care; all he wanted was to get away. To be safe. He felt like screaming for help, but he knew it would do no good. Not only did his lungs burn from all the running and sucking in air but he knew no one would hear him way out here. Again he cursed himself, wondering what the hell he had been thinking to come out here, knowing full well of the nearing storm that was sure to come while he was out in the woods outside of his house. But that was the least of his worries, he would gladly welcome the storm with open arms if that was the only thing he had to worry about, but it wasn't he wouldn't be running terrified from a storm. Hell he loved storms, it has always been a peaceful thing for him to be near one but even better to be in one. That wasn't what had him terrified and running for his very life.

A loud aggressive bark came from a few feet behind Finn making him yelp and pick up his speed, he was tired but he knew if he were to stop he'd be as good as dead. His heart hammered against his chest with such force he thought it might actually explode.

Lightning tore at the night sky giving Finn enough light to glance behind him and see the bright yellow eyes of the wolf that seemed to be gaining on him, that or he was slowing down. God how he hoped it wasn't him slowing down. With a silent sob he tore his eyes away from the wolf following him and back on to the path before him as the light from the bolt of lightning dulled, bringing him back into the darkness where he was blind to where he was going, but thankfully that wasn't much of a problem with the rare gift that he had held. He could feel the earth under his very feet shifting slightly, but more than feel, he could practically see from it. He knew where things sat, like the trees that laid in his path or the roots that stuck up from the ground. He couldn't explain why or how he had managed to gain such an awesome gift but he was at this moment glad to have it. Otherwise he would have probably been a dog toy.

As Finn was quickly running he heard from his right another aggressive like growl, he choked out a sob and closed his icy blue eyes ready for impact. But it never came, he was running too scared to stop. but the aggressive growls of the two wolves was getting further and further away, so he stopped to catch his breath placing his hands on his knees while huffing trying to regain the composer that he had once had. He looked back where the aggressive growling, and now yelps were coming from.

Deciding against better judgement he slowly made his way back, hiding behind an Oak; watching the dark figures of the Wolves as they were circling each other, their teeth bared, and Finn could see it with every lightning flash. Then it happened, the smaller one of the wolves made its move, pouncing on to the bigger one's back and chomping down on it. The bigger wolf howled in agony and fought to get the other off its back. Once it managed to get the smaller wolf off it the bigger wolf sent the smaller wolf into a nearby tree and as soon as it made Impact it released a loud agonizing Yelp, before collapsing on to the ground. Then all went silent and still.

The bigger wolf glared at the smaller one while growling. The smaller one laid on the cold muddy ground, unmoving, the bigger one neared it and then suddenly the small one attacked; jumping up from its spot onto the bigger wolf chomping his large teeth down onto the wolf's front leg, blood seeped from the deep open wound, dripping onto the ground. The larger wolf howled in pain while trying to shake the smaller one off. While Finn watched he noticed dark forms of other wolves approaching from behind, they gathered around the two fighting ones while growling.

The smaller one of the pack bared its teeth while letting out an aggressive bark that sent chills down Finn's back.

He watched nervously as the two wolves fought one another, he knew this was the perfect time to flee and escape this madness but even so he couldn't move. It was like he was in a trance, his curiosity taking ahold of him gluing him to the old oak tree that hid him from the eyes of the very wolves that had been about to kill him.

He didn't see what had happened for them to suddenly halt their pursuit and focus on one another but he wouldn't complain.

He knew he should have been long gone, that this was in fact the perfect opportunity to flee without being noticed, but his curiosity was eating at him and so he stayed and watched.

The wolves were fighting that much he could tell. But he didn't understand why?

They were all focused on the larger one of the pack.

Sharp blood stained teeth were snapping at one another while the other wolves of the group growled and barked.

Howls of pain had filled the air but was swallowed up by the crackling of thunder that seemed louder than ever as if hovering right over their heads.

They were going to kill one another; that much Finn could tell, and then they were going to wonder were there meal had went.

With that thought in mind he had decided it was a good time to leave while he could.

He didn't think he had the strength to run anymore if they did happen to see him.

Just as he was pushing himself away from the tree and about to head away he stopped mid-step as a sound so familiar reached his ears, his heart had skipped a beat and his head snapped back towards the wolves expecting to see humans walking into their own death, but instead came to find himself staring back at the wolves who were now. Talking!?

Eyes wide he turned fully around not even thinking of his escape anymore or his safety. He instead stared mind boggled at the talking pack before him.

"Why were you chasing that human, Andrian!?" The smaller bloody wolf snarled in anger at the bigger of the two.

"He was trespassing..." the larger wolf, Andrian whimpered ears folded back, yet he was still growling.

"You know the law for that Andrian!" the smaller wolf barked out harshly.

"Yes, Axel." Andrian whimpered, behind the growling.

Finn could do nothing but stare his mouth a gap, he thought maybe he had gone crazy, that the cold had gotten to him. He needed to leave, he needed to get away. He was definitely off his rocker.

But again just as he was about to leave the smaller wolf talked again.

"Andrian, you are the Omega." Axel snarled, while Andrian stared a look of fear spread across his face.

Even through his studded mind he thought of the word 'Omega.' If this 'wolf pack' was like any other normal one; then that'd mean that bigger wolf was the lower of the pack...and so did that make the smaller one of the pack the alpha!?

While thinking it through he took notice of the wolf's appearance after his mind had begun to clear up a little. I mean maybe it wasn't really that weird, with him being able to control the plants and earth that is.

Axel was a smaller, brown and black furred wolf his fur now matted down with blood from the fight with Andrian.

Andrian was a larger pure black furred wolf also with matted bloody fur.

The other wolves varied in colors, there were a couple that had snowy white fur, one was a pure brown that was almost an oak wood color. And the last other was a gray color, as dark as the clouds.

His eyes ran over the pack, and again he noted that if he didn't get away now while he could then he may just end up dead once the wolves realize that that human they were speaking of was nowhere in sight.

Pushing himself from the tree he slowly but quietly slipped away into the darkness leaving the wolves behind him.

He walked slowly for a while after he knew he was a safe distance from the wolves.

The rain that had been pouring down on him just minutes ago had turned into slow sprinkles, but the lightening still held strong along with the thunder that came along with it.

Finn walked aimlessly, not sure where exactly his house was. Sure he could feel the earth beneath him, but he couldn't sense his house anywhere close by.

'I must have went further than I thought.' He thought to himself while he moved passed trees and stepped over fallen branches that he assumed came from the storm.

Cursing at his stupidity he ran his pale shivering hand through his soaked chocolate brown hair pulling the wet strands from his face.

With a long tired sigh he came to a complete stop. His legs burned, shaking and begged for rest, something he couldn't give himself at the moment; not until he was for sure safe and that wouldn't be until he found his house.

"Damn this backyard!" He growled. "What kind of house has a fucking forest behind it as a backyard anyway!? Not to add a pack of crazy wolves!"

His hands flew up and while cursing his luck he pulled at his hair. After a moment he gave up on whining with another deep long sigh. His shoulders slumped as exhaustion took ahold of him full force.

Every part of his body ached, burned and was throbbing from the chase. His blue eyes were bloodshot with exhaustion. He felt completely drained of all energy that he had muscled to keep with him. He wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with his gift and using it far longer than he normally did.

He hoped he was safe from the wolves and anything else that may want to eat him, he just couldn't bring himself to keep wandering these woods.

Backing up his back hit a tree and he slumped forward his back sliding down against the tree tearing at his shirt, but he could care less.

When he reached the ground his head fell back against the tree, his hair falling against his face while the few drops of rain splashed against his cold shivering pale skin. The wind was beginning to kick in, causing Finn to shiver more than he already was. Man how he should have thought this through, but he didn't expect a forest in his backyard. He began to try and process where his house would be from his current location, but he was far too exhausted and cold to think clearly. So he closed his eyes, praying that he was no longer in danger.

It wasn't long after Finn had begun to fall asleep that he was rudely shaken by a tall boy, with dirty blonde hair and deep ocean blue eyes, he was looking down at Finn, almost as if he were worried. Finn blinked groggily, his vision blurring in and out. His voice was ragged and cracking when he spoke.

"W-Who are you?" He questioned the boy in front of him. The boy looked at him.

"The name is Tyler, come on I have got to get you out of these woods before Axel, and his pack get you." He urged with urgency.

That name sounds familiar, Axel...oh yeah... Finn thought.

"..Axel, you mean that brown and black wolf...from before..." Finn spoke tiredly, no energy left to move.

"You saw him? How did you know what he looked like?!" Tyler asked with a worried tone.

"Yeah, I saw them." He paused as his vision begun to darken. "I. Was being chased,

But, another wolf came. And they fought. I'm not really sure what all happened." He said kind of rambling off.

Tyler stared for a bit longer before shaking himself away from his thoughts and focusing on the task; that being getting this kid out of here before they came looking.

"Come on I need to get you out of here, Can you stand?"

Finn blinked an eye open and slowly shook his head.

"To tired" He murmured tiredly.

"Alright then I will carry you, you're going to have to hold on though" Tyler announced as he turned his back towards Finn and bent down, he pulled the boy onto his back before shifting into a large Light tan furred mountain lion. Finn was too far gone to notice as he was on the edges of passing out.

Tyler made sure the boy was on properly before quickly making his way through the woods at a fast pace following the boy's scent that trailed though the forest.

He quickly made his way back to Finn's home while keeping a close eye and ear out for any of Axel's Pack.

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