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Chapter 2: chapter 2

Finn woke with a start, his forehead damped with cold sweat as he breathed heavily.

The morning sun was beaming in through the window shining into his glossy blue eyes making him squeeze them shut.

Groaning he ran his hand through his hair before sitting upright, as he did so he noticed that he was on the white sofa that sat in the middle of his front room.

He and his mother had just moved recently from the small town of Pax valley and to the small town of Watergate and seeing how lazy his mother was she still hadn't organized the furniture, or anything else for that matter. Sure he could put in a hand or two but he had more important things to do; like getting ready for a new school again for the third time that year. It was a constant move with them and so he never took it seriously.

The only thing he could keep no matter where he moved was his ability, his gift the only thing that seemed real in his eyes. His ability to control the earth and plants around him, and as that single thought ran through his mind his eyes grew wide with realization of what had happened just hours ago. Or it had just been a nightmare?

Seeing as he was in his house and sleeping on his sofa he assumed just that. "Just a dream..." He sighed relieved. He'd be crazy to actually believe wolves lived right behind his house and even more so talked! "Definitely a dream." He mumbled as he stood from his spot. He groaned at his body's soreness, he didn't really understand what could have caused it. His mind immediately went back to just that night but before he could get swallowed into it he pushed the thought away and made his way into the checkered floor kitchen opening a creamy white cabinet that held a bag of white sugar coated donuts and begun to stuff his face.

He felt as if he hadn't eaten in ages. He ate all the donuts.

Throwing the bag away he left the kitchen with a glass of cold milk and made his way up to his room. His mother must have been still asleep seeing that he hasn't heard anything from her yet.

When he got to his room he shut and locked his door behind him, walking from the door to his bed he sat down and placed the glass of milk on the side table before falling back and stared up at the ceiling his mind going back to that...dream?

Of course it was a dream! What else would it be? He thought as he again ran his hand through his brown locks. But even as he tried to convince himself that it all really was a dream he still couldn't get the nagging in his mind that there was more...that maybe it really wasn't a dream after all.

Groaning he sat up rubbing his hand down his face. He stood and turned towards the window that sat at the side of his bed; the black curtains hung low, the edges touching the honey carpet.

He made his way over to it pushing the curtains away as he gazed out at his backyard, the land covered with thick growing trees. He had woods as a backyard. Honestly he couldn't ask for anything better. He loved the woods and to have them all to yourself was more than he had ever expected.

He could practice all he wanted out there without having to worry of wondering eyes that may catch him in the act, it was perfect. Though a thought crossed his mind, was there others like him?

His mind wandered to the night before, the boy that brought him home. He had changed into an animal, which amazed Finn. He shook his head, 'No it was just a dream...'he thought to himself, though the nagging in his mind was telling him otherwise. He turned away from his window deciding to change his clothes, maybe a shower to sooth his thoughts and the tight muscles he had acquired.

Grabbing gray sweats and a plain black t-shirt he left his room and went for the bathroom, that had white tiled flooring with the marble counter and the Raffia cream colored walls, that was a door down from his room.

The bathroom was a raffia cream color, a small window sat by the toilet looking out at the side of the house. Why they put it there he'd never know.

The tub was separate from the walk in shower. It had a jacuzzi in it, which had blew his mind when first seeing it. Although He'd never really been a bath kinda person he'd pick a shower any day, but maybe he'd have to try that out.

Finn closed the door behind him as he switched on the four lights that sat against the wood framed mirror. He placed his clothes on the white marble counter top before looking up at his reflection.

He was a mess.

His chocolate brown mop of hair looked wild, sticking up in awkward angles with dry mud and even what he assumed was grass, his face looked about the same minus the hair; he had dry mud scattered across his cheeks and forehead along with a few cuts.

His eyes normally a bright blue were dulled with exhaustion. Underneath his eyes laid dark bags. His skin looked paler than ever.

Sighing he turned away and sluggishly walked toward the shower, he pulled on the handle opening the rain glass door and turning on the water. Steam flooded the room pasting the mirror in a white coat of fog.

He pulled his dirty clothes away throwing them to the side before stepping into the shower. His back arched when the hot water made contact to his skin. Slowly he relaxed with a sigh he dropped his head back letting the water soak through his hair, causing it to stick to his skin.

His eyes slid shut. He's never felt so tired. He wanted to sleep right here, it was tempting, but he knew that was out of the question. Grabbing his strawberry scented shampoo he squeezed a good amount in his cupped hand before placing it back on the rack that sat on the shower wall.

He massaged it in and let it sit while he scrubbed his body with his vanilla scented body wash. After finishing he washed everything away.

After finishing he decided it was time to get out. Turning off the water he pushed open the door wrapping a towel around his waist as he stepped over to the sink and quickly brushed his teeth, dried his hair then got dressed before leaving the bathroom, the cold air of the house welcomed him, sending a shiver down his spine.

He noticed his mom's door still shut as he started down the stairs.

Rolling his eyes he went two steps at a time until he reached the bottom.

Yawning Finn made his way to the kitchen grabbing a cup filling it with sweet tea and throwing a hot pocket in the microwave before laying across the sofa and turning on the TV to the survival show he was obsessed over.

As he was watching his show he heard that there was movement upstairs. He then heard the microwave and he hopped up going and grabbing the hot pocket and he walked back into the living room and he was eating. His mother, a short petite woman with thick black hair and hazel-green eyes was coming down the stairs. she was dressed in a simple purple night gown, her hair was a mess and she looked as though she too had a bad night.

When she came down her eyes locked on Finn and her eyes went from exhausted to a full on rage. her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. Finn winced already knowing what was coming his way.

"Where the hell were you last night Finn!!!" His mother bellowed

"Here asleep on the couch" he stated still thinking that the adventure from last night was simply a dream.

"Bull shit young man! I was here watching TV on this couch til 6 am this morning waiting for you to get home so I could lock up!!!!" she snapped with anger. Somehow this small woman scared the shit out of him and he was double her height.

Finn sat on the couch quietly thinking, maybe his 'dream' was more than that after all. But there was no way that he had been out in the forest that long. There just wasn't. After a long awkward silence a heavy sigh left his mother's small frame. 

"Finn, I am sorry but you live with me and I was worried sick last night. I thought something had happened to you" she said her voice was now quiet and even just a little shaky.

"Nothing happened, I promise i am sorry I worried you" Finn spoke gently and he looked at her, this was the first time she had showed this much emotion toward him like this.

So it was official, what he had been arguing with himself was not a dream. That voice in his head was right, what had happened last night was real. there was more like him and they were in the forest behind his home. In a way he was amazed, excited almost. But most of all he was nervous about there being more like him. What would he do, knowing that?

He felt that he belonged in the forest. that that was his home not where he was right now. He looked at his mother who had a frown on her face as she turned around and she walked into the kitchen. he was watching the doorway to the kitchen. He shook his head and went to his room and he changed into shorts from the sweats and he rested the sweats on the end of the bed he would wear them to bed when he returned.

Curiosity had gotten the better of him. He had to know, about the other people in the forests. He needed to know for himself if they were like him. He knew that with his mother worried he would need to be back by dinner.

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