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Rosella Atlas Rosella Atlas original

Rosella Atlas

Author: ndubuilorita4

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Echoes of Serendipity: The night that changed her life




Sylvia awoke to the blaring alarm, the harsh reality of her transient life flooding back as she glanced around the dimly lit hotel room, and to the stranger laying by her side. The tangled bedsheets whispered tales of the night's exchange, where intimacy had a price.

As sunlight crept through the curtains, Sylvia's gaze lingered on the man who had rented her company for the night. His presence, a stark reminder of the fragile beginnings that had led her down this path.

The origin of her journey into prostitution traced back to the death of her father, Late Mr. Williams, who died while she was still seven years old. She faced financial despair trying to make ends meet and provide for her mother, and Juliet, her sister. Thus, navigating a world that offered limited choices. All she ever wanted was financial relief.

As she moved through the delicate dance of her existence, she realized that her father's death,the hotel room, the alarm, and the stranger beside her were all facets of a life that demanded resilience in the face of adversity.

Sylvia rose from the bed, leaving the stranger in the muted haze of the hotel room.

The bathroom, a stark contrast to the dimness outside, offered a brief respite from the shadows that clung to her life. The water ran over her weary body, washing away the traces of the night and the weight of her decisions, but the steam and warmth of the water could not erase the memories etched into her consciousness.

Draped in a thin towel, Sylvia confronted her reflection in the mirror. The eyes that stared back held a complex mixture of emotions—resilience, vulnerability, and a glimmer of defiance.

The scent of the cheap soap lingered as she emerged from the bathroom. The stranger remained in the bed. Sylvia woke the stranger up with a gentle tap on his shoulder.

"I need to go now. Wake up" she said.

The stranger turned facing her, yawning uncontrollably.

"How much?" He asked.

"It's 200 Dollars for a night." Sylvia responded.

He got up hesitantly, went to his briefcase, and brought out his wallet. He counted a few dollars and handed them over to Sylvia.

"Thank you," she said, smiling. "You added a hundred dollars?"

"Yes, I did." He said, without staring at her. "You were good."

"Bye," she said.

"Bye," he replied.

Sylvia stepped out of the hotel room, into the busy street—people were busy rushing to the bus station, in order not to miss the first bus. Some were walking briskly while others were running. Sylvia didn't want to miss the bus too. Hence, she walked briskly. 

The first bus finally arrived within a few minutes. In no time, Sylvia and the others got on the bus.


Sylvia's house, a two-bedroom apartment, exudes an air of refined elegance, each room a canvas of luxurious interior design, adorned with tasteful furnishings. Soft, muted tones dance on the walls, creating a serene backdrop for the well-appointed spaces. Plush cushions beckon on the meticulously arranged sofas, and the ambient glow of carefully chosen lighting adds a subtle warmth to the air.

"Phew!" Sylvia said, throwing herself on one of the couches.

She took out her phone and jumped up almost immediately after checking her calendar.

"I forgot it's my birthday." She said, frowning.

She started walking around the sitting room with hands akimbo. All of a sudden, tears began to roll down her cheeks as she remembered how she lost her dad to a plane crash on her seventh birthday.

She remembered how she spoke to him on the eve of her birthday; how he promised to surprise her on her big day.

Her father, Mr. Williams was a business tycoon. He travels from the United States to China almost every weekend for business meetings and seminars.

It happened that Sylvia's 7th birthday was on a weekend and her dad was on a business trip to China. He had promised to come back early so as to make Sylvia happy, but he never came back. He lost his life to a ghastly plane crash.

After the demise of her dad, Sylvia's mother struggled to make ends meet. She struggled to see Sylvia and Juliet, her sister, through primary and secondary school. She couldn't afford to send Sylvia to the University, but Sylvia promised to sponsor herself to the university. Hence, she went into prostitution where she was making a lot of money—enough to feed herself and her family.

However, Sylvia didn't allow her big day to be ruined by the thought of how much she missed her dad. 

"I need to have fun today." She said to herself and went straight to her room.

She picked up a short blue dress from her closet and examined it with scrutiny.

"I love this dress!" She exclaimed.

Almost immediately, the doorbell rang.

"Ding Dong! Ding Ding Dong!

"I'm coming!" Sylvia shouted from her room, still holding the blue dress.

In no time, Sylvia opened the door, and to her greatest surprise, she saw Joyce, her friend, carrying boxes of gifts and smiling broadly.

"Happy birthday!" Joyce shouted with excitement.

"Awwwwn… You got me gifts? Oh, Chocolate cake! I love chocolate cakes. Thank you so much Joyce." Sylvia said.

"You're welcome." Joyce replied.

"Come in." Sylvia said.

Sylvia and Joyce began to unbox the gifts. Apart from the big chocolate cake, there was vanilla and strawberry ice cream, together with a birthday card which read thus:

"Happy birthday to you beautiful Sylvia, my dearest friend. On this day, I am thankful to God for bringing you my way. I wish you a long life, and prosperity.


Sylvia's heart melted after reading the note as she gave Joyce a warm hug. 

"Where are we celebrating your birthday?" Joyce inquired.

"Here", Sylvia said, stretching forth her hands. "This is the dress I want to wear. Tomorrow, I will be going on a fun trip to Dubai, in order to properly celebrate my birthday. Coming with me?"

"Of course." Joyce shouted in excitement. "Wow! Girl, this looks expensive" Joyce added. "Is this Louis Vuitton?" She asked.

"Yes, it is. One of my Sugar daddies got it for me." Sylvia replied.

"I love it." Joyce said.

"Thanks." Sylvia responded.

The duo ate the chocolate cake and ice cream that Joyce bought. They went to the mall to do some grocery shopping. They also bought a few clothes, shoes, and bags. 

When they got back home, they listened to music, danced and danced, till they got exhausted. It was already 6pm so they took their bath and slept off, snoring heavily all through the night. 



James Anderson was born to Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lydia Anderson. He was a graduate of the University of Oxford, where he studied medicine. Due to his father's wealth and fame, James was able to own a private hospital in the outskirts of Chicago, where he lived.

James was a 34 year old medical doctor who loved his profession so much that he barely had time for any other thing. James was 5 feet 11 inches tall. 

Apart from being tall, he had a broad chest, a fine mustache, cute face, and above all, he always smelled nice.

He had always been the dream man of every single girl that comes to his hospital for treatment. Most times, these ladies only go to the hospital to see the handsome Dr. James, and not to get treatment. 

On a fateful Monday morning, one of those ladies came to the hospital.

"Hi, Doctor." She said, walking into his office, smiling.

"Hello, how are you doing today?"

"I'm not sure." She replied, sitting on one of the chairs in his office.

"Can you please explain? What is your ailment?"

"Well…" she started. "My neck hurts, and I think I need a massage." She continued.

"I see… If you were so sure you needed a massage, you wouldn't be in the hospital. You would be at the spa." Said James.

"Come on doctor. I need to feel the touch of your soft hands on my body." She said, moving seductively.

At this point, James tried to remain as calm as he could. 

"What…is.. your name?" James asked, stuttering.

"My name is Elizabeth." She replied, now sitting on the table with legs widely open. She wanted him to see through her inner thighs.

"Elizabeth, why are you doing this?" James asked.

"Can't you see? I like you so much." Elizabeth replied, now trying to unbutton James' shirt.

James immediately pushed Elizabeth away.

"Get out of my office this minute!" He yelled, his eyes red with anger.

Elizabeth, who stood at a corner, shocked, picked up her bag and ran out of the office.

James sat back in his chair, trying to get a hold of what he had just experienced. Almost immediately, his phone rang—it was his mum.

"Hello James," Mrs. Lydia greeted from the other end.

"Hello mum," James greeted back.

"Elizabeth came crying to me. You embarrassed her at the hospital." Lydia said.

"What? You sent her?" James inquired.

"Yes, I did." Lydia confirmed.

"Mum, why put so much pressure on me? I already told you I will get a wife whenever I'm ready." James replied.

"You've been saying the same thing for four years now. You're my only child. You'll be 35 in two weeks. I want a grandchild!" Lydia shouted.

"Okay mum, but you have to let me do it myself. You shouldn't push me to make the wrong choice." James said, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"No, I want Elizabeth. I want her for you. She's beautiful, classy, and well mannered." Lydia responded.

"Yes, she's beautiful and classy, but lacks manners." James retorted.

"What do you mean James?" She asked.

"Mum, Elizabeth practically came to my hospital to seduce me." He reported.

"She did?" 

"Yes mum."

"Sorry about that. I'll call you later today." She said and hung up.

Stunned by his mother's unexpected interference, James sat in his office, the silence broken only by the rhythmic ticking of the clock.

As he settled back into his chair, he couldn't shake the memories that flooded his mind. His mother, Lydia, had often shared tales of the struggles and delays she endured on the journey to conceive and eventually bear him. The narrative echoed in his thoughts, painting a vivid picture of her persistence and yearning for the joy of motherhood. 

With a sigh, James pondered the weight of expectations placed upon him. His mother's desire for a grandchild seemed to stem from a deeply rooted emotional journey, and he found himself torn between respecting her wishes and navigating the complexities of his own life.


Returning home after the demanding day at the hospital, James sought solace in his 3 bedroom apartment. The familiar scent of home embraced him as he stepped through the door. The grandeur of the living space unfolded before him, adorned with tasteful furnishings that spoke of both affluence and refined taste.

Each room exudes luxury, from the plush sofas in the living room to the exquisite artwork adorning the walls. The atmosphere was a seamless blend of comfort and sophistication. The grandeur of his surroundings served as a stark contrast to the intricacies of his personal life, where decisions about love, family, and legacy loomed large. 

James took off his clothes and headed to the bathroom.

The bathroom was an evidence of modern luxury. Soft fluffy towels hung neatly on heated racks, providing a touch of indulgence, boasted marble countertops and sleek chrome fixtures that caught the warm glow of ambient lighting.

James immersed himself in the calming waters, flowing from the shower, soothing away the strains of the day.

As he stepped out of the shower,the scent of lavender from carefully chosen bath products lingered in the air, creating a sensory retreat within the confines of his own home. 



In the dimly lit two bedroom apartment, Sylvia and her confidante Joyce engaged in a hushed conversation as the clock struck 8pm. The room echoed with the low hum of anticipation, a prelude to the night's adventures. 

Joyce was wearing a very short white dress with beautiful black stilettos. Sylvia on the other hand, was wearing a very fitted burgundy dress that clung to her curves.

Joyce, meticulously applying a coat of deep red lipstick, glanced at Sylvia with a knowing look.

"Tonight's the night Sylvia. We're on a mission for those high-paying clients." 

Sylvia, adjusting the strap of her white stilettos, nodded with a determined gaze.

"Absolutely, Joyce. We've got bills to pay and dreams to chase. Let's make every detail count."

Their reflections shimmered in the mirror, a stark contrast to the clandestine nature of their chosen profession. The air was thick with a mix of ambition and the scent of expensive designer perfumes, creating an atmosphere that resonated with the secrets hidden beneath the surface of the night.


Amidst the city's muted symphony of distant traffic and the occasional whisper of the wind, Sylvia and Joyce found themselves standing on a dimly lit street corner, the glow of neon signs flickering in the night. As they waited for potential clients, a heaviness settled in the air, and a shared sigh escaped their lips.

Joyce, her gaze fixed on the distant lights of the city, broke the silence.

 "Sylvia, sometimes I wonder how we ended up here, doing what we do."

Sylvia, leaning against the brick wall, traced the outline of her high heels on the pavement. 

"I know, Joyce. This wasn't the life we envisioned. But bills don't pay themselves, and families don't thrive on dreams alone."

Their conversation wove through the fabric of their discontent, each word a reflection of unspoken frustrations and unfulfilled aspirations. 

Joyce, her eyes reflecting the city's distant glow, continued, "I just wish there was another way. But here we are, navigating the night for survival."

Sylvia nodded, her expression a mix of resignation and determination.

 "We're not alone in this struggle, Joyce. 

Many dreams are put on hold for the sake of providing. It's a temporary path we've chosen, not our final destination."

The city's pulse quickened around them, a stark reminder of the relentless march of time. Sylvia and Joyce, in their shared vulnerability, found solace in each other's understanding, silently bracing themselves for the challenges the night held and the fragile hopes they clung to in the midst of shadows.

As the night unfolded, the city's rhythm picked up, and the distant hum of engines approached. Two flashy cars, a black Bugatti and a white Lamborghini, gleaming in the neon-lit streets, pulled up beside Sylvia and Joyce. The tinted windows rolled down, revealing the silhouettes of potential clients in the plush interiors.

"Hey, pretty lady. How much for a night?" asked the guy in the white Lamborghini, staring lustfully at Sylvia.

Sylvia, her gaze meeting Joyce's, exchanged a knowing look before turning to address the question. 

"Well, it depends on the experience you're looking for. We offer a night of companionship and unforgettable moments."

"Just name your prices ladies." Said the guy in a black Bugatti.

"It's 500 dollars for a night." Joyce said, with gaze fixed.

"Very well then. Hop in." He replied.

Joyce got into the black Bugatti, while Sylvia got into the white Lamborghini. 

In the luminous glow of the city, Sylvia, who found herself enveloped in the luxurious embrace of a white Lamborghini, maintained poise and elegance as the rhythmic hum of the engine carried her to a five-star hotel in Chicago.

As they settled into the plush surroundings of the hotel room, her client extended a courteous invitation.

 "Please, my dear, share your name. I'd like to know the person behind those captivating eyes." he said, sitting on the bed.

"I usually don't tell my clients my name." Sylvia said, sitting beside him.

But her client, who was now interested in her, had his gaze fixed on her as though he wanted to hear something better. Sylvia, now very inconvenient with how he looked at her, decided to introduce herself.

"My name is Sylvia Williams." She said, trying to untie her stilettos.

But he was unsatisfied with her response.

"Tell me more about yourself. Why would a lady as gorgeous as this choose this path?"

Touched by his genuine interest, Sylvia felt the weight of her experiences as she began to narrate her journey. Her voice wavered with emotion, revealing a life shaped by circumstance, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of a better future.


Throughout the night, her client engaged in a conversation that transcended the boundaries of their transactional encounter. He listened, not just to her words, but to the nuances of her aspirations and the dreams she dared to hold.



Back in the familiar confines of their shared apartment, Sylvia eagerly recounted her extraordinary night to Joyce. The air was thick with a sense of wonder as she confessed.

 "Joyce, I've never met anyone as kind and gentle as him. He treated me with so much respect; it was almost like he saw beyond this life I'm living."

"What are you talking about?" Joyce asked, looking confused.

"Last night's client is the best client ever. He paid double the agreed-upon amount yet he didn't touch me." Sylvia said, smiling widely.

Joyce, sipping her coffee, listened intently as Sylvia recounted her night's experience.

"You're so lucky my friend. I wish I could say the same of my client." Joyce said, still sipping her coffee.

Retreating to the living room, Sylvia and Joyce, still enveloped in the afterglow of their extraordinary nights, decided to see a movie and shortly after, they both fell asleep on the couch.

It was almost 1pm when Sylvia's phone rang—It was an unknown number.

"Hello, Sylvia," greeted the voice from the other end.

"Hi. Who is on the line please?" She asked.

"It really doesn't matter. I'm the guy from last night." He replied.

"Last night? Oh…I almost forgot I gave you my number." she said.

"It's cool." He replied.

"Thanks f…for last night. You're such a gentleman, " she said, stuttering.

"Sylvia?" He called.

"Yes," she answered.

"What will you be doing this weekend?" He asked.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" Sylvia responded, happily.

There was what seemed like a ten seconds silence before Sylvia's client decided to break the silence.

"I'd like to have a dinner date with you if you don't mind. Let's meet at Miss Ricky's this Friday evening," he said.

"I don't mind. I'm free this weekend," said Sylvia who was already smiling widely.

"Thank you, Sylvia." He said, with a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome." She replied, and ended the call.

Joyce, who was now awake and had been staring at Sylvia who was oblivious of her gaze, decided to engage in a conversation with her.

"Sylvia, really?" She asked, with a look of concern.

Sylvia, startled by her friend's voice, shook in fear and began to stutter.

"Wh…wha…what you mean?" She asked, still trying to maintain composure.

"Are you in love with him?" Joyce asked, with gaze fixed on Sylvia.

"I think I do, Joyce. I've been thinking about him since last night." Sylvia said, smiling and hugging one of the throw pillows on the couch.

"Alright, Sylvia. Let's go shopping. I'm bored as hell." Joyce said.

Both of them laughed, let out a shared sigh, and burst into laughter again.

Sylvia and Joyce dressed up in casual clothes and drove to the shopping mall. Sylvia bought a new Rolex watch, some chocolates, and a new designer bag while Joyce, on the other hand, bought a pair of expensive sneakers, two big plates of strawberry ice-cream, and some beef jerky.

Afterwards, they went to Skokie water park to have some fun. Sylvia and Joyce were carried away by the fun of the activities at the water park—some people were swimming at the pool, others were playing at the playground. Sylvia and Joyce were seated at a corner, watching everyone. All of a sudden, Joyce noticed a young girl struggling for her life at the pool. She was about seven years old and was drowning. 

Joyce called Sylvia's attention to the girl who was drowning in the pool, and they both ran out to call for help.

"Somebody call the police! A little girl is drowning!" They shouted as they ran.

In no time, the policemen came to the little girl's rescue, and everyone else was ordered to go home.


"I just hope nothing happens to the young girl." Sylvia said, dropping their shopping bags on the couch.

"I hope so too." Joyce said, yawning as she sank into the couch.

Sylvia retired to eating some chocolates and ice-cream, while Joyce ate some beef jerky and ice-cream.

It was already 8pm. Sylvia was seeing a movie in the sitting room when Joyce came out fully dressed as though she was going for a party. 

"Sylvia, how do I look?" Joyce asked.

"You look gorgeous but… Where are you going?" Sylvia asked, confused.

"I'm going to work as usual. I'm surprised you're not yet dressed up." Joyce replied, trying to wear her wristwatch.

"Joyce, I don't think I'll be doing this anymore. I think I should get a more decent job." Sylvia said, with a tone of repentance.

"Why?" Joyce asked.

"I want to be a better person henceforth." Sylvia responded.

Joyce immediately understood and bade Sylvia goodbye.



It was a Friday morning. Sylvia and Joyce woke up to the blaring alarm—It was 10am. Sylvia woke up, knelt down by the bedside, and beckoned to Joyce to join her for prayers.

"Dear God, thank you for a new day. Forgive our sins, bless our day and grant us your peace." Sylvia prayed.

"Amen." Joyce responded.

After the prayer, Sylvia and Joyce went ahead to do the laundry. Shortly after, they both had bacon and eggs for breakfast.


Sylvia and Joyce were tired and decided to relax by seeing a movie.

"Have you seen the latest Fast and Furious movie?" Sylvia asked.

"Not yet." Joyce replied.

They decided to see the movie together when all of a sudden, Sylvia's phone rang—It was her client from the other night.

"Hello Sylvia." he greeted.

"Hello Mister." she replied, smiling.

"How are you doing today?" He asked.

"I'm very well." she replied, still smiling.

"Today's our date. I'll be at the venue by 6pm." He said.

"Alright." she replied and he hung up.

Like one who was stung by a bee, Sylvia sprang up and rushed into the room. Joyce, who was watching the whole time, decided to follow her.

"What's wrong, Sylvia?" she asked, trying to catch up with the pace at which Sylvia moved.

"Joyce, I almost forgot about today's dinner date with my client." she said, nervous.

"Oh!" Joyce exclaimed.

"I need to get my hair and nails done before 6pm." Sylvia continued.

In less than two minutes, Sylvia was already dressed up. She was wearing a blue palazzo and a white crop top, with a white bag. She got into her car and drove off to the salon.


It was exactly 4:45pm when Sylvia left the salon. She was looking as beautiful as a goddess. Joyce couldn't stop complimenting her new look.

"What should I wear?" Sylvia asked, looking confused.

"Wear this." Joyce said, pointing at a short black dress.

Sylvia put on the short black dress, a pair of white designer heels, a Rolex watch, a diamond bracelet, and earrings. The air was thick with a mix of high expectations and a scent of expensive Cologne.

Sylvia made her way to Miss Ricky's for her dinner date with her client. The restaurant was an embodiment of classic American charm. Upon entering, the welcoming aroma of comfort food filled the air. Sylvia's eyes scanned the room until they met with the warm gaze of her client. He sat at a corner booth, smiling as he rose to greet her.

"Hello, Sylvia," he greeted, stretching out his hand for a handshake.

"Hello Mister," she greeted back.

"Please, sit down." He said.

Sylvia and her client perused the diverse menu at Miss Ricky's. To start, they shared a plate of crispy calamari with zesty marinara sauce, a perfect appetizer to kick off their evening. 

For the main course, Sylvia chose pasta, while James opted for a perfectly grilled steak, cooked to his preference. The dishes arrived, adorned with vibrant colors and tantalizing aromas.

As they savored their meals, Sylvia decided to engage her client in a conversation.

"You still haven't told me your name." She said.

"My name is James Anderson," he started. "I'm a medical doctor and owner of a hospital." He continued.

"Nice to meet you, James." Sylvia said.

"Nice to meet you too, Sylvia." James replied.


"Are you still in the business?" he asked.

"No, I'm not. I stopped already." Sylvia responded calmly.

"What do you intend to do now?" James asked, with a tone of concern.

"I don't know yet." she said.

There was what seemed like a ten seconds silence before James spoke up.

"Sylvia, I can provide you with a chance for a better life." James said, his sincerity evident. "I wouldn't want you to go back to the streets. I want to marry you and help you build a brighter future."

Initially skeptical, Sylvia hesitated, but James convinced her of his genuine intentions.

"See Sylvia, I have been searching for a life partner, someone strong, resilient, compassionate, and beautiful. These are the qualities you possess, and even more."

"I need some time to think about it." Sylvia replied.

"It's okay. Take your time and get back to me." James said.

"Sure." she replied.

As they savored their meals, the conversation flowed effortlessly, meandering through shared laughter and moments of quiet understanding. The clinking of glasses, filled with red wine, echoed the sentiment of a night where the boundaries between client and companion blurred into a genuine connection.


Dessert was a sweet conclusion to their culinary escapades— chocolate lava cake for Sylvia and a classic New York cheesecake for James.



Sylvia returned home, exhausted from the dinner date she had with James. She sank into the couch, yawning continuously as she took off her wrist watch and her shoes. The thought of how extraordinarily awesome the dinner date was made her smile over and over again. She remembered how James looked at her with so much admiration, how his eyes lit up with eagerness whenever she asked him a question, how he watched her eat as though she were a princess. 

She was so eager to share her experience with Joyce.

"Joyce, I'm home!" she shouted from the sitting room.

In less than a minute, Joyce came out of her room to welcome Sylvia, and of course, to listen to the gist of her dinner date experience.

"Welcome, Sylvia. How did it go?" she asked, now sitting beside Sylvia.

"It was extraordinarily awesome." Sylvia started. "He is so cute, and…Oh! The way he looks at me, the way his eyes lit up when I asked him a question…. Oh!" 

Joyce became both happy and worried at the same time. She was happy for her friend, Sylvia who found love, and worried by the fact that Sylvia would no longer go out to the streets with her every night.

"You're off the streets now." Joyce said, tearfully.

"Yes. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I accepted without hesitation." Sylvia replied.

Sylvia noticed that Joyce was being emotional. Embracing Joyce with a comforting warmth, she offered reassuring words. "Joyce, you've been my rock through thick and thin. I won't forget the bonds we've forged on these streets. But I promise you, the path ahead holds something brighter for both of us."

As they sat together, Sylvia continued, "I'll help you find a more decent job, one that doesn't involve the streets. We'll navigate this change together. You're not alone, and your journey toward something better is just beginning."

"Thank you, Sylvia." Joyce said.

"You're welcome, Joyce." Sylvia replied.

Almost immediately, Sylvia got a text from James. It read:

"Dear Sylvia, I can't stop thinking about our magical dinner date. Thank you for accepting to be my girlfriend. I must confess, I've been keeping a sweet secret – my 35th birthday celebration is happening next Wednesday at a luxury hotel in Chicago. I'd be absolutely thrilled if you'd join me for this special occasion. Your presence would make it truly unforgettable. What do you say, beautiful?"

As she read his words, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. 

Intrigued by the invitation, Sylvia's reply conveyed genuine excitement.

 "Of course, James! I'd love to be there for your birthday celebration. It sounds wonderful, and I wouldn't miss it for anything."

Sylvia's thoughts, initially adorned with the warmth of James' affection, took a turn into the realm of uncertainty. As she mulled over the prospect of meeting James' parents, a cascade of questions flooded her mind. 

"What if they don't approve of me? What if my past becomes a barrier? What if they expect someone more educated, more beautiful, more polished?" 

Turning to Joyce, Sylvia voiced her anxieties. 

"Joyce, what if James' parents end up disliking me? I mean, I'm not as educated or as polished as they might expect. What if my past choices become a stumbling block for them accepting me into his life?"

Joyce, sensing Sylvia's apprehension, reached out with a comforting touch. 

"Sylvia, you are an incredible person with a heart of gold. James sees that, and I'm sure his parents will too. You bring a unique charm and authenticity that can't be measured by societal standards. They'll see the real you, and I believe they'll accept and appreciate the wonderful person you are becoming."

In the quiet aftermath of their conversation, Sylvia, lost in her thoughts, broke the silence by deciding to take a refreshing bath. 

As Sylvia prepared for her bath, Joyce, looking toward the evening ahead, inquired about dinner.

 "Any cravings for dinner tonight?" she asked.

Sylvia, with a faint smile, replied, "I'm actually still full from our dinner date. You go ahead and make something for yourself. I'll probably just relax after my bath." 

The sound of running water soon filled the apartment, creating a gentle backdrop to the tranquility that settled between them.



In the soft glow of their apartment, Sylvia and Joyce adorned themselves in elegant attire for James' birthday celebration. Sylvia was wearing a midnight-blue gown that gracefully embraced her silhouette, exuding sophistication. Her dress was complemented by a delicate silver necklace and earrings that shimmered in the ambient light. Joyce, equally striking, wore a classic black dress, accentuating her features with a string of pearls that added a touch of timeless elegance.

As they applied the finishing touches to their makeup, their conversation revolved around the upcoming celebration. Sylvia spoke with excitement;

"I can't wait to meet James' parents. Do you think they'll like me?"

Joyce, adjusting her pearl earrings, reassured her;

"Absolutely, Sylvia. You're radiant tonight. Just be yourself, and they'll see what James sees in you."

Now, at the luxury hotel in Chicago where the celebration unfolded, the opulent interior created a mesmerizing atmosphere. The venue was adorned with crystal chandeliers, plush velvet furnishings, and artfully arranged floral displays.

Amidst the lavish setting, James engaged in a light-hearted conversation with his parents. Their laughter echoed in the spacious hall as anticipation filled the air. Suddenly, James' attention was captivated by the entrance of Sylvia and Joyce.

As they entered, Sylvia's gown flowed gracefully with each step, and Joyce's black dress exuded an understated elegance. James, momentarily breathless, seized the opportunity to introduce Sylvia to his parents.

Approaching them, he smiled warmly, "Mom, Dad, this is Sylvia, the amazing woman I've been telling you about. Sylvia, meet my parents, Lydia and Robert."

Sylvia, with a poised grace, extended a hand, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you both. Thank you for having me tonight." The introduction marked the beginning of a night where the tapestry of their lives would weave new connections and lasting impressions.

Amidst the vibrant celebration, the luxury hotel pulsed with music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. Everyone got engrossed in the festivities, but Sylvia couldn't shake the growing unease. The crowd seemed oblivious, immersed in the joyous cacophony, but one person was notably absent – James, the guest of honor.

Worried, Sylvia quietly excused herself from the animated conversations and laughter, searching for any sign of James. The corridors and lavish rooms became a maze of uncertainty.

In a sudden intuition, Sylvia retraced their earlier discussion to the room where they had shared a private moment. The door creaked open, revealing a scene that shattered her expectations. She gasped loudly, breaking the surreal silence, and drawing the attention of the two figures in the compromising position. James was lying drunk and helpless, while Elizabeth(the lady who once tried to seduce James in his office), seemingly undisturbed, met Sylvia's gaze with a smirk.

Sylvia's voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and anger, confronted them;

"James, what is this? I trusted you!"

But James had so much to drink— He drank himself into oblivion. 

She turned her gaze to Elizabeth, her former friend from the streets, now an unexpected intruder in this luxurious backdrop. 

"Elizabeth, after everything, you betray me like this? Who even invited you to this party?"

Elizabeth, unabashed, replied with a smirk;

"Sylvia, darling, you know how it goes. Survival of the fittest, right?"

Sylvia broke down in tears, ran out of the room in disappointment and regret.

 Finding solace in a quiet corner, she began to soliloquize, her voice filled with a mix of anguish and self-reflection.

"Why did I ever believe in love? I thought leaving the streets and trying to be better was the way to happiness. And for what? To find him like this?" 

Her words, filled with regret, echoed in the empty hallway.

As she wiped away tears, she pondered the complexities of her decisions. 

"I left everything for this, for someone who drinks like a fool. Is this the reward for trying to change?" she said, with bitterness in her tone.

Now, contemplating how to confront Elizabeth, Sylvia whispered;

 "She thinks there's no limit to her unruly behavior. Maybe it's time to prove her wrong." The determination in her voice hinted at a resilience born from the crucible of life's harsh lessons.

As Sylvia stood lost in the tumult of her thoughts, a gentle tap on her shoulder broke the solitude. Startled, she turned to find Joyce, staring at her.

"Joyce, how long have you been standing here?" Sylvia asked, still reeling from the unexpected presence.

Joyce, with a compassionate gaze, replied; 

"Long enough to hear everything you said. What's going on?"

Sylvia, her voice laden with the weight of disappointment, began to explain. 

"It's James. He... I found him with Elizabeth."

"Wait, what? Elizabeth? How?" Joyce exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"It's like everything I tried to leave behind caught up with me." Sylvia continued.

"He asked you to be his girlfriend, didn't he?" Joyce asked.

"Yes, he did, and I accepted without even thinking twice. Is it a crime to give love a chance? To want something better? I feel betrayed. I thought I found something real." Sylvia said amidst tears.

"It's okay, Sylvia. Elizabeth must pay for this." Joyce said, reassuringly.

"That witch!" Sylvia said, angrily.

Sylvia, still processing the unraveling events, turned to Joyce with a furrowed brow. 

"Joyce, who invited Elizabeth to the party? I didn't think she was connected to James."

Joyce's expression, turning solemn, admitted;

"I did, Sylvia. I didn't know she could be such a nuisance."

Grappling with a mix of emotions, Sylvia nodded understandingly; 

"It's okay, Joyce. You couldn't have known. Let's just figure out how to deal with this witch." 

 Joyce gently suggested;

"Let's go home, Sylvia. You need to rest your head. We'll figure things out tomorrow."

"Alright, Joyce." Sylvia replied, nodding in agreement.

The weight of the situation hung in the air, a shared acknowledgment of the unexpected turns that had cast shadows over the night's celebration.

Sylvia's car cut through the night, the road home bearing witness to the weight of their weariness. They arrived at their apartment around 10 pm, too exhausted to change out of their dresses, surrendering to the embrace of sleep in the early hours of dawn.



As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of warmth, Sylvia and Joyce awoke at 7 am, a departure from their planned alarm at 9 am. After their morning prayer and the ritual of brushing their teeth, Sylvia and Joyce sought solace in the sitting room, contemplating a movie to lift their spirits.

However, Sylvia's quiet morning was disrupted by a persistent ringing – James calling incessantly. Unwilling to engage, Sylvia ignored the calls. The incessant ringing persisted, prompting Joyce to intervene. Answering with a stern voice, she unleashed her frustration at James.

"Good morning, Sylvia." James said.

"What's good about the morning?" Joyce responded, angrily.

James was silent.

"How could you drink so much? Do you realize the embarrassment you caused Sylvia?"

 Joyce's words echoed with a raw intensity as she continued to question James's actions, unyielding in her reproach.

"I promise I can explain. It's not what you think." James said, attempting to explain himself, but found little room for redemption as Joyce, undeterred, delivered a final verdict.

 "Don't ever call Sylvia again. You've done enough damage."

 With those words, she ended the call.


Two weeks passed and James didn't call back. Now, Sylvia became worried and feared that something bad might had happened to James. She decided to call him instead, but she was too angry to do it—she began to mutter to herself;

"I don't care! He doesn't deserve me at all. How dare he cheat on me with that witch?" 

Almost immediately, she got a text from Gastronomad. It read;

"Congratulations, Sylvia. Your application to work as a waitress in Gastronomad has been approved. Kindly resume work on Monday. Check your email for more information.


 Best wishes,

 The Management."

Sylvia was moved to tears as she read every word from the text. Almost immediately, Joyce, who had been in her room all along, ran out, shouting happily;

"Sylvia, I just got a text from Gastronomad. I'm going to resume work on Monday morning!"

"You did? I just got a text from Gastronomad too!" Sylvia replied.

They both let out a loud scream as they hugged each other tightly.

"Finally getting a decent job." Joyce said.

"Sure we are." Sylvia said, smiling broadly.


The air was thick with happiness and expectations as Sylvia and Joyce got ready for their first day at Gastronomad, a newly built luxury restaurant in Chicago. As they got ready, Sylvia and Joyce recalled how they both decided to leave the streets and get a more decent job. They recalled how difficult it was for them to get a good job simply because they didn't attend college.

As they got dressed, Sylvia, turning to Joyce with a knowing look, decided to engage in a conversation with her:

"Joyce, this is our first day at work. We've got to be focused. I know that we might not be making as much as we used to, but what can we do? It's better to be a waitress, who earns legit money than be a prostitute who sells her body for money. All we need to do is learn to save—we mustn't buy new designer clothes, shoes, bags, and wristwatches; we have more than enough already. I need you to promise me, Joyce, that no matter how hard it gets, you won't give up."

"I promise you, Sylvia. I won't give up." Joyce replied.


At Gastronomad, an embodiment of class and beauty, the bright yellow walls complementing the beautiful artworks on them, and gold chandeliers emitted bright shining lights that illuminates the corners of the restaurant. Sylvia and Joyce are seen, working with so much passion and enthusiasm. They served customers at their tables with kindness and smiles. Their great charisma attracted more potential customers, who at the end of each meal, gave them generous tips.


It's been two weeks since Sylvia and Joyce started work at Gastronomad. As usual, Sylvia and Joyce were focused on serving customers when all of a sudden, Sylvia saw Elizabeth walk into the restaurant with a man; this time, not with James, but a different man. Sylvia signaled to Joyce and immediately, Joyce came closer to Sylvia and asked;

"Sylvia, what is it?" 

Sylvia, pointing at Elizabeth and her date in a coded way, replied;

"Look, Elizabeth is here. She's seated over there with probably a rich client."

Determined to confront the past, Sylvia decided to approach Elizabeth.

Sylvia, with a piercing gaze, approached Elizabeth at her table. 

"What's a witch like you doing in our restaurant?" she questioned, a tone of accusation underlying her words.

Elizabeth, visibly surprised, responded;

 "Sylvia? I didn't know you were working here."

Cutting through the pleasantries, Sylvia got straight to the point. "Tell me, Elizabeth, are you dating James?"

Elizabeth's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and realization. 

"Dating James? No, Sylvia, I had no idea he was your boyfriend. I'm sorry."

Sylvia, with a furrowed brow, pressed further;

"What really happened that night at the party?"

Elizabeth, now remorseful, confessed;

"I sought revenge on James because he rejected me on the day I came to his office to express my genuine feelings towards him. We played 'truth or dare,' and I dared him to drink excessively. He chose that over giving me a million dollars. I didn't realize the extent of the consequences. I'm sorry."

Sylvia, having absorbed Elizabeth's confession, felt a calm understanding wash over her. She approached Joyce, sharing the details of the revelation. Joyce, with eyebrows furrowed in thought, posed a crucial question;

"If Elizabeth confessed and James didn't really want to be with her, why hasn't he called you back to explain?"

Sylvia, contemplating the possibilities, responded;

 "I don't know, Joyce. Maybe something happened to him. We need to find out." Determination crept into her voice as she assured Joyce, "I'll call him after work. We need to hear his side of the story."

As the day unfolded at Gastronomad, Sylvia and Joyce continued to serve tables, their thoughts occasionally drifting to the unresolved mystery surrounding James. The promise of clarity lingered in the air, waiting to be unveiled in the moments that awaited after their workday came to an end.




As Sylvia and Joyce returned home from work, Joyce sought solace in a nap, while Sylvia, gripped by worry, reached for her phone to call James. Her attempts to connect with him proved futile, frustration mounting with each unsuccessful dial.

"What's he feeling like?" she muttered in exasperation, dropping her phone on the table.

 Determined to shake off the mounting tension, Sylvia decided to take a bath before returning to watch the latest news.

After her bath, she settled in to catch up on the day's events. The screen flickered to life, revealing a distressing headline—James' hospital had suffered a devastating fire. The news unfolded with grim details: lives lost, injuries sustained, and a handful fortunate enough to escape the raging inferno.

At this point, Sylvia let out a loud scream. Joyce, with wide eyes and a concerned tone, rushed out of her room. 

"Sylvia, what happened? Why did you scream?"

Sylvia's voice trembled with fear, struggling to articulate the news she had just witnessed. 

"James' hospital... It's on fire. People died, Joyce. I don't know if he's okay." The weight of uncertainty hung heavily in her words as she spoke.

Joyce, attempting to offer solace, placed a gentle hand on Sylvia's shoulder.

 "Sylvia, calm down. I strongly believe James is fine."

Sylvia, still consumed by worry, questioned,

 "But why isn't his line connecting? What if something happened to him, Joyce?"

"Maybe he's just caught up in the chaos, that's why his phone isn't connecting." Joyce replied.

The uncertainty gnawed at her, amplifying the fear that lingered in the air.

Dressed in haste, Sylvia, driven by the urgency to see James, made her way to his hospital. She asked Joyce if she would accompany her;

"Coming with me?"

"Yes," Joyce replied, and together, they navigated the somber atmosphere of the hospital.

As they arrived, the scene was heart-wrenching—tears flowed freely, and the air was thick with grief. Ambulances stood ready for the injured, and Sylvia, determined to find James, sought him amidst the chaos.

After a relentless search, she spotted James being carried on a stretcher, his injuries evident. As Sylvia approached the stretcher carrying the injured James, she trembled with emotion. 

"James, I'm so sorry for not trusting you," she whispered, her voice choked with remorse. "Please, stay strong for me. We can get through this together."

James, his eyes reflecting pain, managed to let out a faint but reassuring smile. 

"Sylvia, it's not your fault. I'm glad you're here. Just be with me, okay?" His words, though feeble, carried a thread of resilience.

As James and other victims of injury were being taken to the hospital, Sylvia and Joyce followed them closely in Sylvia's car.


Three days passed since James was admitted to the hospital, and Sylvia, unwavering in her care, visited him diligently after work. His parents, too, made regular visits, creating a semblance of familial support around James.

On one of these days, James' mother, Mrs. Lydia, took the opportunity to sit down with Sylvia in the hospital. 

Mrs. Lydia, with a genuine warmth in her voice, expressed her gratitude, saying;

"Sylvia, I want to thank you for being such a caring presence for James. It means a lot to us."

Sylvia, humbled by the appreciation, responded;

"Mrs. Lydia, I care deeply for James. He means everything to me."

The conversation gradually shifted to Sylvia's life, and Mrs. Lydia, with a motherly concern, inquired about Sylvia's background, education, and family. Sylvia, being a truthful person, shared the raw and unfiltered chapters of her life, including the loss of her father at a young age and the challenges she faced on the streets.

As Sylvia recounted her journey, Mrs. Lydia listened with a mix of empathy and understanding. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that at such a young age," Mrs. Lydia remarked.

As Sylvia and Mrs. Lydia continued their conversation, a doctor approached them. Mrs. Lydia, concern etched on her face, inquired about her son's health. 

"Doctor, how is my son doing now?"

The doctor, offering a reassuring smile, conveyed the positive news;

"Your son is rapidly responding to treatment and will be discharged in two days."

 Gratitude filled Mrs. Lydia's expression.

"Thanks a bunch, doctor." she said, smiling as the doctor left.


One week later, James woke up in his apartment, a sense of joy enveloping him. Today held special significance as he planned to propose to Sylvia. 

The day, a Sunday when Sylvia didn't have work, provided the perfect canvas for this momentous occasion. James, fueled by anticipation and love, had already called Sylvia earlier, instructing her to get dressed as he intended to take her to a special place. The air buzzed with the promise of a new chapter in their journey together.


James meticulously dressed for the special occasion, donning a classic navy blue suit tailored to perfection. The suit, complemented by a crisp white shirt and a deep burgundy tie, exuded sophistication. With every detail carefully considered, he radiated an air of confidence as he embarked on a significant moment of his life as he gracefully sank to one knee. 

 "Sylvia, will you marry me?"








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