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100% Rules: Beyond the Mist / Chapter 4: RULE 4 -- c r u s h 1

Chapter 4: RULE 4 -- c r u s h 1

Since coincidentally meeting Tsuna, we both started hanging out together in either house. Unfortunately, because of this, I started going out more and started to spend less time with my books and siblings. Though we really don't hang nor speak that much...

That's why I am now suffering under the puppy eyes of a cute little rabbit.

"Su-chan~! Please?" Which was answered by a subtle twitch of my eyebrow?

Now, if anyone was to see what was happening, they might go and ask what's the problem. And I think that instead of asking me, the older child, they would instead ask the boy that seemed to be bullied by me.

In fact, it was far from that. Instead of him being bullied, I think that it's actually me being the victim.

Ah, pity me.

Today when Tsuna visited the house, we started doing the normal routine of talking. About what? Well, stuff. Anyways, this boy somehow directed the conversation about going to the park. How did he do it? I don't know. How did I fall for it without noticing anything?... I think I was muddleheaded and sick. Yup, definitely sick.

Do you think a fever that can fry a brain can be cold and not obvious?

Now, because I'm "older" than him, I have to take him to the park. Why not asking the adults? They're gone since an hour ago to go to the market to buy food and stuff.

Confused and dazed, I woke up to the soft sound of chairs screeching and thumping footsteps. Though tired and too lazy to get out of the comfy mattress, curiosity still won over. So walking out of bed and opening the door, I immediately saw the slender back view of mom. And it seems like she's going somewhere from.

"Mom?" I called out, my voice almost falling into a whisper. Maybe because of her sharp hearing, she probably knew that I was already there from the time the door creaked open, and judging from how she didn't swerve her head at my direction so suddenly, that most likely the case.

"Yes, hun?"

"Where are you going?"

After she finished reading, she looked down and gazed in my direction with her pampering eyes, talking with her sweet voice.

But somehow, this just filled me with a feeling of dread.

And soon enough, after hearing her words, I knew where that upcoming dread came from.

My eyes were on her slowly moving lips, her words making way on my brain and instilling itself deeply in every crevice of my head as I listened.

I. Am. Going. To. The. Market. With. Nana. Chan.

"Of course, since no adults' going to be present, Tsuna-Kun will be staying here for the meantime. And I am assured that you will be taking care of the house and the children, no?"

Once again, let me say these word: PiTY ME.


I leaned my self closer to the back of the seat. The soft caress of the wind swaying my hair back and forth in comfort, and the lush greenery meeting my eyes under the blue sky; life seemed to pause in this calm and relaxing scenery--


The noon sun was high up in the sky, its scorching heat frying the busy people and imbeciles underneath it. Birds chirps...well, they were beautiful to hear but is impossible to appreciate when all you hear is screams and snotty brats running around the park.

Yes, the park. Little tenth somehow persuaded me to go to the park with him and the siblings. I think it was when he said that I can bring my phone?

As for the story on how I got the phone, that's another story for another time.

Anyways, underneath the blazing sun and warm wind, I sat on the bench with an umbrella to protect me and a phone to quench my boredom.

And of course, as a responsible caretaker, I look up from my phone between intervals to see what the kids under my watch were doing. So far, they were good kids.

Tsuna was on the swing, trying to have the swing higher by himself. (Of course, it was no use. That's why he looked at my direction, but was ruthlessly ignored.)

As for my siblings, well, Ryohei there was trying to catch pretty little butterflies with a, once again, giggling Kyoko. Goodness, miss love interest really likes to giggle, huh?

While I continued to read the book of my current interest, a tad feeling of boredom starts to set in. I mean, even if the book was nice and all if the same plot is used over and I over again, it becomes a cliche.

Anyways, just I was pondering whether I should just go search for anything new to do, an obnoxious voice of a boy disrupted me from continuing my thoughts.

Looking up, I saw a group of children circling around the swing. And from the looks of the quivering soft, brown hair, they are likely bullying the boy under my care.

"What are you doing in our turf, huh?! Didn't you know that this turf, is our turf?"

And...the bully is a stupid mongrel.

The boy was annoying in my eyes, but from my view of his big stature, Tsuna is definitely scared of him. I mean, with his short height that is even less than mine, the other boy is practically towering over him!

But the thing is, should I go and help him out? Despite me saying that he was my charge, there are some things that I need to reconsider. I am in a parallel world of the quite famous anime KHR wherein the original line, I didn't exist. So if I help him now, even if he remains meek and self-conscious of his own weaknesses, he would end up becoming dependent on me; a result I wouldn't wish for.

Besides, even if it is bullying, it is also a test of his resolve and patience. This kind of bullying that started even in his younger years will build the Tsuna that his guardians know and tutor acknowledge.

And so, I sank into my seat, looking at the people in front of me.

I was quite far from them, so I didn't hear much of what they said in exception of their loud, childish threats.

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