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Runaway Fox Runaway Fox original

Runaway Fox

Author: _Rogue_

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: CH. 1

The little girl stood on top of one of the giant walls that surrounded the vast village behind her. She was small, no older than six years old. The light of the moon seemed to reflect of her long blond hair and her bright blue eyes stared up at the full moon before a small smile graced her lightly tanned whispered face as she stared out at the dark forest.

The ankle length black cloak she had on swayed slightly as the nightly breeze blew past her, ruffling her hair and causing her to giggle a little.

"Come on kurama!" Her slightly high pitched voice broke through the silence of the night." Let's go explore!" She cheered happily.

Pure golden chakra flickered around her form like sparks before she was suddenly engulfed in the life giving energy. Her lightly tanned skin was now glowing gold, her blue eyes were now a dark golden orange, her pupils turned to slits and her- now golden- cloak had black lines running throughout it.

She took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air as she basked in the utter warmth surrounding her. She felt kuramas chakra mixing with her own and it put a smile on her face. The power she felt coursing through her was nearly godlike, something no six year old like her should possibly have. But she did have it and she was grateful to her new partner, her new friend, for giving it to her.

She ignored the sudden alarms blaring throughout the village behind her and focused on the forest in front of her.

"This is it." She muttered softly." I love my home, but I need to see the world, even if I am a kid.. I refuse to be used as a weapon." She looked back over her shoulder and frowned softly. She could see a large number of shadowy figures racing over the village roofs, heading towards her.

"We knew they'd feel our chakra." Kuramas voice resounded from within her mind." It's time to go Nia." He gently reminded the small girl.

Nia took a small breath before she faced the forest once more, this time a determined look graced her young face.

"Let's go kurama!"


Just as a group of ninja landed on the wall around her, her chakra skyrocketed, causing those around her to stumbled away with gasps.

"Nia!" One of the ninja shouted towards her, his voice filled with concern." Nia, stop!" But it was to late.

Nia ignored the unknown ninja and sent chakra to her feet before she blasted off the wall. To the ninja left behind, she was nothing more then a golden blur that seemed to streak through the dark forest.

"What the hell was that!?!" A bird masked Anbu asked as she landed on the wall with her squad. The ninja that tried to stop Nia, a male chunin, looked towards the woman with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"We need to get the hokage, now!" He told the higher ranked ninja." Nia Uzumaki has left the village!" His voice was full of obvious shock and the ninja around him cursed silently.

They knew what Nia was, what she held inside of her and even though most of the village disliked her for it, she was still a vital asset of the village hidden in the leaves.

And with the recent uchiha massacre, the village could not afford to lose their jinchurki.


"Tell me what you saw." Hiruzen sarutobi, the third hokage, ordered sternly. His aged face seemed to have a permanent frown engraved on it and his brown eyes were narrowed dangerously.

The chunin kneeling before his desk gulped silently and with his gaze directed at the floor, he spoke.

" thirty minutes ago the barrier squad detected a huge amount of chakra on the south wall. They immediately alerted the Anbu and raised the village alarm. My fellow chunin and I could feel the spike of chakra as well so we quickly investigated it."

"And what did you find?" Hiruzen asked calmly.

"Nia uzumaki, hokage-sama." The man replied immediately, before nervously continuing." But something was wrong, she was surrounded by golden chakra, it was unlike anything I have ever seen before!" He looked up at his leader." I saw her look towards the forest and I tried to stop her but she vanished lord third! In a flash of gold!" He told him, surprise and disbelief could be heard in his tone.

"Bird?" Hiruzens eyes looked over towards the other kneeling ninja, Anbu captain bird. The women seemed to tense under his gaze as she looked up towards him.

"It's true hokage-sama. I saw her vanish and all I could see was this gold blur rushing through the forest." Bird reported dutifully. Once she was done speaking she looked back down at the floor she was kneeling on.

"And neither of you saw anyone else with or around her?" The third asked sternly, making sure he wasn't missing any info on the current situation.

"No sir." The chunin replied.

"She was alone hokage-sama." Bird answered.

The third let out a small sight before he waved his hand." You two are dismissed, return to your posts." He ordered.

"Hai, hokage-sama." Both ninja replied before they promptly vanished from his office.

After their departure, another masked ninja stepped out of the shadows of the room. His face was covered by a porcelain dog mask and his spiky grey hair was still as eye catching as ever.

"Any news Kakashi?" Hiruzen asked as he sat back in his chair.

"We have multiple tracking teams leaving now. We'll know more soon." Kakashi replied, his tone was serious which was extremely uncommon for the normally lazy ninja.

Hiruzen leaned forward and rested his head on his hands." I don't understand Kakashi, why would she leave like this? How did we not see the signs?" He wondered aloud.

"Sir, if I may?" Kakashi asked and after receiving a nod from his aged leader, he continued." I don't think this was premeditated. I think her running away was a spur of the moment thing." He told the man." These last few days, there has been no change in her attitude or demeanor. That means something must have happened tonight that made her suddenly run." Kakashi hesitated for a moment before asking a question that didn't really surprise the old man." Are you sure donzo had nothing to do with this?" He asked softly.

Hiruzen frowned at that but he took a second to truly think about the possibility of donzo being responsible for his young charges sudden departure from the village. He and many others knew of donzos not so hidden desire to turn Nia into a mindless weapon. The old war hawk had tried numerous times to get him and the council to hand Nia over to him. But he was denied each and every time.

The untold horrors of what donzo could do to the world with a mindless jinchuriki under his control was scarier then the nine tails itself.

But donzo was smart and cunning. He wasn't stupid enough to kidnap Nia as he knew it would attract not only the hokages notices but also that of Kakashis, Jirayas and a few other jonins. He couldn't risk his root operations like that and he knew it.

So with that in mind, Hiruzen shook his head." No, I don't think donzo had a hand in this." He answered surely before locking eyes with the masked ninja." But we need to find her and bring her back, Kakashi. The world is a dangerous place for a little girl like her, she hasn't even joined the academy yet and kami forbid if another village gets to her first." Kakashis hands formed into fists at the very thought of his senseis daughter being taken." Not only am I worried for her well being but our village can't lose anymore strength, not after what happened with the uchihas last week. Find her." He ordered in a stern yet calm tone.

"I'll do my very best, hokage-sama." Kakashi replied and with a nod he vanished from the office in a small cloud of smoke.

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