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Chapter 14: Ticket Master

---The Ticket Master Pinkie Pie POV---

As I jumped out of the window, I was surprised to see Spike and Twilight in my launch path. We accidentally hit each other. As we laid there in a heap, I was surprised when what I thought were bats landed on my face. "Bats! Bats! On my face."

As I looked at the tickets on the ground. I let out a loud exclaim, "Oh, cool Grand Galloping Gala tickets!"

Twilight looked at me, slightly nervous. I was confused about why before I decided to ask her a question "Who are you going with, Twilight?"

Twilight looked me up and down before replying. "I have not decided yet. Do you want to go?"

I realized that a couple of our friends probably really want to go. I informed her, so she did not need to worry, "Onyx is taking me! He told me and said that even though he does not like loud parties, he was willing to take me."

Twilight let out a blink in surprise. "How did Onyx get tickets?"

As I was about to answer, Twilight's stomach decided to contribute to the conversation that we were having. "Want to get some food? I will tell you over a meal."

She smiled at me and nodded her head as we were getting ready to move into the cake's restaurant. I heard Rarity let out a gasp. I quickly looked over in the direction of the gasp. She was leaning over Spike looking at the Tickets. "Are these what I think they are?"

I quickly answered, not even thinking about what it would mean to Rarity and what Twilight thought about the matter. "Yup, those are tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Twilight is still trying to decide on who to take to the Gala itself in Canterlot."

Rarity had this shine to her eyes that I rarely saw. "I design Dresses and Suits for the Gala every year, but I have never had the opportunity to attend."

We watched as she slowly swooned in a circle. "Oh, the society, the culture, the glamor, it is where I truly belong."

I slowly twisted my head in confusion because Rarity has always had the countryside belle of the ball kind of feel to me. "It is where I am destined to meet him, mister, right the man who will see my designs and help me expand my shop into an Equestria-wide establishment."

I blinked before I remember she was currently hunting the elusive Astral Stepper. Twilight leaned over and whispered at me. "I thought she was going to say she was looking for a husband."

"Nope, she really likes Astral Stepper; I think their first date is coming up," I whispered back as Rarity slowly swooned in a daydream. "It almost looks like she is hunting a husband anyway, doesn't it."

I blinked, and Rarity practically teleported in front of Twilight. "Oh, you must let me come, Twilight. Please! Please!"

Spike let a yelp of surprise as I watched Angel the bunny stole the tickets and climbed up Fluttershy. She let out a low gasp. "Angel, these are perfect. Where did you find them?"

I let out a low hum while looking at Angel. 'Sometimes, I swear that thing is not a rabbit and more like a squirrel.'

Twilight let out nervously. "I still have not decided who is getting the ticket. I mean, Applejack wants to set up a food stall to make money, and Rainbow wants to audition for the Wonderbolts."

Rarity looked at Twilight like she murdered her own child. "Y-You haven't?"

I slowly watched what was beginning to become a fun-looking train wreck.

I watched as Fluttershy slowly walked towards us and asked in her own nervous tone of voice. "Twilight if you have not decided on who you wanted to attend with you…"

Rarity let out a scandalized gasp. "You want to go to the Gala Fluttershy."

Fluttershy moved her foot side to side nervously. "N-not so much the Gala itself, but I want to see the castle's wonderful private gated garden that is open during the Gala itself. The flowers and plants there are said to be some of the most beautiful and fragrant in all of Equestria."

Her voice got more and more excited. "That night of the Gala, every flower is said to be in full bloom."

"That is just the Flora, it is said there is a massive amount of fauna there as well," Fluttershy informed us of her reasons happily. We watched her start describing the various animals in the Gated Garden.

"Well, that is another one throwing their hat into the ring," I informed Twilight with mirth. "Want to hear my reason?"

The look Twilight gave me was pretty much a massive stink eye. "No, Pinkie, I would not like to hear your reason."

Rarity let out in confusion. "Why ever not, darling?"

"Pinkie already has tickets from Onyx that they are going." Twilight threw me under the bus super quickly with a triumphant smirk.

Rarity looked at Pinkie in surprise before smiling. "I get to make multiple Gala Dresses and a Suit!"

Twilight watched my worried expression and realized her plan; if I had to be forced to accessorize, I was taking Twilight with me. "Do not forget Twilight as well, Rarity. She will need a dress as well."

"Oh, I will not, darling." Rarity informed us. Already planning out our dresses in her beautiful mind.

"Hold on a minute!" Rainbow said while standing on a roof. I looked up at her in confusion.

"What are you doing up their Rainbow?" I let out a question in confusion. As I watched, Twilight let out a sigh of annoyance.

"Were you following me, Rainbow?" Twilight let out an indignant question while looking up at Rainbow.

As she jumped down, she quickly let out a series of excuses "No! I mean, yes! I mean, maybe… I had to stop you from giving up that ticket to just anyone like a goody-two shoe."

Applejack let out in an annoyed tone of voice. "Now wait just a minute, Rainbow."

"Applejack, were you following me as well?" Twilight was truly getting confused from what I could see.

Applejack was quickly denied the accusation before pointing at Rainbow. "I was following this one. From trying anything sneaky like and taking my ticket."

Rainbow floated up into the air while letting out sarcastically. "Your Ticket!?"

As Applejack and Rainbow started arguing, Rarity quickly jumped in while it looked like Fluttershy wanted to as well. I nodded my head. "Do not want to be here any longer."

As I slowly sneaked away, I saw Twilight looking at me with hope. I smiled at her and mouthed at her, 'Wish you luck.'

---Time skip Onyx's house Still Pinkie Pies POV---

When I got home, I was surprised that Onyx was dressed really nice, he was in a suit, and he was reading a newspaper. "What is with the fancy Clothes Onyx?"

He slowly put down the Ponyville newspaper. As he walked towards me and started kissing my neck, I was surprised that he was seducing me. "We are going to see a movie and then to a restaurant, and then I am going to make love to you for the first time tonight. How does that sound?"

I felt what could only be steam rising from my head and quickly shimmied out of his arms. I kissed him on the lips and started to the stairs. "Give me an hour. I need to get ready!"

---POV Onyx---

I could not help the snort that escaped my lips. "Pinkie has gotten really easy for me to be able to seduce."

I opened my book before looking at my next rune project in the making. As the blueprint was laid out before my eyes. The Rune Trike a 1 front wheel 2 wheel back that could go off-road. The limbs connecting the body to the wheels would be able to bend as well. The Wheels themselves would be able to connect and stick to surfaces. As I slowly wrote out the blueprint, I remember that I would have to send in the third volume of my runes to Princess Celestia.

---Time Skip an hour later---

As I looked at the blueprint's rough version, I had changed it to a spider-like vehicle. 'Ugh, I just could not get the wheels to stick and unstick like I wanted them to.'

As I listened to thumps coming down the stairs, I could not help but smile. I quickly moved my things into my bag and stood up, and was shocked at Pinkie. She was wearing a beautiful red dress with a slit on both sides of her legs that went up to her knees. She was wearing either stocking or a garter belt.

'Close your mouth Onyx… Close your mouth before she laughs at you.' I quickly shut my mouth as she turned towards me.

"So what movie are we going to see, Onyx?" the smiles she gave me was pure sin in it of itself.

"A movie by a pony named Bruce Phillis…" I quickly realized that this was most likely a counterpart to Bruce Willis. "He is apparently massively famous right now."

As we walked outside, I saw Twilight and Spike run past us, followed by a crowd of ponies. "What is going on, my dear?"

"Twilight got two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, and everyone in town wants to go." Pinkie answered me with a slight snicker.

"What did you do?" I asked because it looks like she played a small prank on Twilight.

"Moi, I did nothing." The look Pinkie was giving me could not have melted butter in her mouth.

"Whatever you say, dear." As we walked towards the theater, I could not help but think this was going really well so far. 'Looks like Ticket Master is still on the course it should be on.'

---time skip 2 ½ hours---

As we exited the theater, I was surprised that music was playing as they were chasing what could only be a miss Twilight Sparkle. "Is this really still going on?"

Even Pinkie looked surprised as she watched the crowd run back and forth. Unlike me, who was looking at the whole group, she was looking at the faces. "This is turning into a game for fun."

I looked down at Pinkie in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Most of the ponies have got caught in a herd mentality and are just having fun with their friends." Pinkie explained to me.

As we moved to the restaurant, I slowly thought about what she informed me of. "That makes sense. I had wondered what they were all getting out of it."

"It is something that a few are doing for fun." Pinkie snickered at my words.

'Wait, how did the other ponies find out about the ticket? From what I remember, Pinkie was the one to let it loose about the ticket.' I blinked in confusion before looking around and seeing a poster on a wall. "Let me guess, you got a message to someone before you headed home."

Pinkie blinked up at me innocently. "Of course not."

"What did she do to deserve this?" I looked at the printed flyer detailing everything about the ticket and who had it.

"She might have sicked Rarity on me by letting out that we had Tickets." Pinkie informed me of her little revenge and looked up in the air in the thought of what Rarity would do to us when she calmed down.

"You know what? What are a few pranks between friends." I informed Pinkie, who started snickering at my answer.

As we walked into the fancy restaurant, I was surprised at how empty it was. I looked at the maître "Reservation for Cobalt."

"Right this way, sir and madam" he slowly led us into the empty restaurant.

---time skip 45 minutes later well-fed ponies 3rd POV---

As we left the restaurant, we heard Twilight scream, and the music finally stopped. Onyx could not help but let out a snicker. "Looks like she figured out the only answer."

Pinkie nodded in agreement before she smiled up at me. "Ready for dessert?"

"Race you home?" Onyx asked while looking down at Pinkie.

They quickly ran back to the house, with Pinkie reaching the front door first before Onyx pinned her to the outside door.

---The first attempt at a lemon---

As Onyx slowly kissed Pinkie, he roamed his hands up and down her sides. Onyx slowly growled out at Pinkie, "You have been teasing me all night."

"Yes, I was!" Pinkie groaned out when Onyx took a big handful of her ass cheeks. "I just wanted to skip dinner and rush straight to dessert."

As Pinkie finally got the door unlocked and pulled Onyx inside with the space between them, she undid her hair and got her shoes off while Onyx got his dress shoes and jacket off. He quickly pinned her to the wall while kissing her neck. "Can you feel me, Pinkie?"

"Yeah, you are extremely hard!" Pinkie sounded really excited about what would happen. She quickly unbuttoned his shirt before tossing it to the side. Onyx slid his hands up her legs and grabbed her panties before yanking them off and throwing them to the side. He was surprised that Pinkie was wearing a garter belt.

"When you moved in, you did not own anything like this?" Onyx noticed something while roaming her body.

"Had Rarity make it for our first time together." Pinkie panted while looking up at Onyx. "Victory Underwear, I believe it is called."

"Bedroom now!" Onyx growled into Pinkie's ear. She quickly giggled while rushing up the stairs while stripping naked, with Onyx doing the same following behind her. Onyx's hand lashed out to his own surprise and swatted that jiggly booty. "That is a fine ass."

The yelp that Pinkie let out was extremely cute to Onyx, so he quickly did it again. Pinkie quickly wiggled her hips side to side in front of Onyx. Pinkie let out her own sexualized growl. "You better be ready to ruin me, Onyx!"

Onyx quickly picked Pinkie up and threw her over his shoulder. They were both naked except for a few articles of clothing. Onyx only had on was his socks and tie. As for Pinkie, it was her garter belt and stockings. Onyx tossed Pinkie onto the bed and quickly kissed his way up her legs before reaching her pretty pink fur-covered pussy. "What are you doing, Onyx?"

"I always wanted to try something." The smile Onyx gave Pinkie was truly seductive before he attached his mouth to her pussy and started eating Pinkie out. Pinkie let out a gasp of surprise.

"Oh, that feels exquisite, Onyx." Pinkie gasped out loud in surprise. "But I really would like your cock in me right now!"

Onyx slowly kissed his way up her stomach to her beautiful breast, her slim neck. His cock head was pushing against her outer pussy lips. "Your wish is my command."

As Onyx slowly pushed into Pinkie, he was surprised at how velvety smooth Pinkie was on the inside. Her insides were especially hot and tight. "You feel so good, Pinkie, my love."

As Onyx slowly inserted himself into Pinkie, she was letting out groans of feeling, incredibly full. The kiss Onyx put on her lips surprised her before she wrapped her arms around. "So much bigger than my toys Onyx!"

Onyx was surprised and smiled at the compliment because he was only 9 inches. "Only toys have touched you, Pinkie?"

"No boyfriends have ever reached this point, Onyx, because they always did something to make me mad… I would like for you to focus on me right now, Onyx." Pinkie spoke as she slowly got used to him and pulled Onyx into a kiss. "If you do not start fucking me and keep asking about the past, I am going to be mad."

Onyx nodded and started rocking his hips into her body as he kissed her neck. Every time Onyx bottomed out into Pinkie she made this groan that sent tingles up his spine. As he squeezed her thighs and smiled down at her, "I wonder what other noises I can get you to make."

Pinkie felt like she was getting eaten by Onyx. All the noises she made only turned him on even more. She quickly spun them, so she was on top and slowly rocked her hips while moaning out his name. "Onyx… Onyx… Onyx…"

Onyx felt Pinkies' velvety depths give almost butterfly kisses along his shaft. He let out a deep groan and pulled Pinkie into a kiss. "If you are not careful, I am going to cover your insides in my cum, Pinkie."

"Would that be so bad?" Pinkie groaned out as she kissed down Onyx's neck. "Little Onyx's and Pinkie's running around."

"Not married, Pinkie." She gently pulled out his cock. She slowly moved down as she kissed Onyx's body before taking him into her mouth and pushing him all the way down her throat. Onyx let out a loud groan as he exploded down her throat. "Pinkie…"

---lemon end---

As Pinkie crawled up Onyx's body. She slowly cuddles into his arms before speaking aloud. "That was amazing."

Onyx wrapped his arms around Pinkie and smiled happily. "What was that about kids?"

Pinkie snickered before informing him. "Got you to cum really fast, didn't I."

As they slowly fell asleep in each other's arms. Onyx kissed Pinkie on her forehead. "Yeah, you did."

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