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Chapter 2: 1


Operation 1: Construct a team.


Operation 0: Assess the situation.

Status: Complete.

Newfound information: It's the perfect case.


Operation 1: Construct a team.

Status: Ongoing

Objective: Create a team that won't lean on authorities, have a sense of motivation, will commit, work well together, and will excel at their given tasks.

Current suspect: None

Current motive: None

Current victims in the game: None

Notes: When looking for the members, certain traits must be shown. All must have a motive or a drive to help. Must have a reason, or they may back out. They must be okay with not telling authorities. If they do, it's ruined. They must commit to whatever they are told to do. If they don't, it's ruined and the bait could die. They must work well together. Arguments may result in sabotage. They clearly must be good at what they do.

Traits required for the muscle include; strength, stamina, agility, observant, fast reflexes, witty, smart, tactical, realistic, obedient, loyal, sneaky, open book, trustworthy, trusting of only the team, no doubt, confident, drive to find the killer, drive to keep bait alive.

Traits required for tech include; heavy tech experience, tech major, genius, observant, strategic, calm under pressure, obedient, easy to read, loyal, open book, trustworthy, trusting to only the team, no doubt, submissive to me, confident in skills, can think on the spot, practical, good at math, also a drive to find the killer and keep the bait alive.

Traits required for bait: female, pretty(suspect seems to tend to go for attractive, but batshit crazy women.), can read people and situations, good at acting, can handle violence, not dramatic, calm, rational, easy going, easy to talk to, easy to confide in, overall people person, not suicidal, not absolutely crazy, reasonable, easy to trust, no shame, good at challenges, likable, witty, cunning, smart, calm in stressful situations, calm when faced with danger, comforting, confident, impossible to read, quiet when needed to be, out spoken then needed to be, an all around social chameleon, competitive, drive to find the killer.


CURRENTLY, Lee Minho was searching through the campus for the social king Park Jimin. Rather than learning, today his focus was on creating the perfect team to solve this case.

In high school he had a team to solve cases as well. This team consisted of himself as the brains, Christopher Bang as the muscle, Kim Seungmin as the tech, and Hwang Hyunjin as the distraction and bait. However, the quartet had split up and gone to different universities to pursue different dreams. The other three, never wanted to solve cases again, and Lee Minho was disgusted by it. Truth was that they grew out of their rebellious phases. Lee Minho did not. This case proved it.

The reason he was looking for Park Jimin was because Jimin knew everything about everyone. Jimin was popular, and for good reason. He was kind, caring, considerate, easy to talk to, and trustworthy. All of which Lee Minho was not.

Truth was that Minho wasn't necessarily liked. He was seen as crazy by practically the whole school due to his antics. Still, it was no lie that Minho was good looking. The boy had his share of love confessions. He rejected every single one, though. He and Jimin were the same in that regard. Jimin had received way more and rejected them kindly. Gently. Minho was always blunt.

Despite the bad stigma surrounding the boy, Jimin was still on good terms with Minho. Minho did appreciate that much of Jimin. Jimin never judged him and always helped him out when he asked about people. Jimin knew everyone. He was a social butterfly.

Hence why Minho was searching for him. He could easily ask Jimin who would best fit his team. Sure, he couldn't say what it was for, but it was better than nothing. There was no doubt that Park Jimin would know the perfect team.

Suddenly a loud gentle chuckle came from the next hall over. Minho could recognize that laugh anywhere. It was his favorite hyung. The Park Jimin himself.

Minho made his way towards the sound. There was Jimin talking with one of Minho's peer's Sana. He couldn't tell if Jimin was flirting or not, but he didn't really care. He was going to interrupt anyways.

Jimin smiled and waved at the approaching Minho.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Minho didn't hesitate to get straight to the point.

"Hyung, I need to borrow you."

Jimin chuckled and waved Sana off, telling her that he hoped to see her again. She just smiled, waved, and left with no complaint. That's what Minho appreciated about Sana. She wasn't pushy. She was somewhat a candidate for the bait.

"Blunt as always, Lee. What do you need?"

Jimin just smiled and waited as Minho formed the right words to say in his mind.

"I need a team."

"A team? What kind?"

"I need three people whole will work well together and listen to me. I need someone good with tech and math, someone strong with good stamina and agility, and a girl that's a good actor, likeable, and witty. Sort of a master of deceit if you will."

Jimin laughed once again.

"Sounds like a bank heist. What do you have planned this time?"

Minho sighed. He knew he couldn't tell Jimin his plan, but he had to say something so Jimin wasn't suspicious.

"Ah. You know how I am. I like solving small crimes, and a team would be useful."

Jimin wiggled his eyebrows.

"So why a girl specifically then? Hmmm??"

Minho slightly pushed Jimin who just laughed.

"Okay Okay. I won't question you."

"So do you have an idea?"

"Well for the strong person, I'd suggest a dancer. They have good stamina and are agile."

Minho mentally agreed. It was true that a dancer would check most of his physical boxes. He would just have to find one with the upper body strength to tackle a person.

"Do you have anyone specific in mind?"

Jimin didn't hesitate with his answer. He really was a bowl of social information. He was like kprofiles on steroids.

"Song Mingi or Jeong Yunho. They are first years, but check all of your boxes. They hang out together too, so it's not like they will be hard to find."

Minho thought hard about that. He really didn't want to use first years, but he knew that Jimin knew best, so he would check the boys out anyway.

"What about a tech?"

Again, there was no hesitation from Jimin. It truly amazed Minho.

"Park Jiwon is your best bet. She's in your year. But if you need other options, then maybe Yoo Minhee, she goes by Minnie though. She's a fourth year. Or you could look into Mark Lee. He's a first year who's pretty cool. There's actually a few first years who are prodigies, so don't limit yourself to those three."

Minho nodded, although he was pretty set on Jimin's second choice Minnie. She was realitively quiet and Minho thought she would fit in well.

"So what about the bait-best person for the last spot?'

For the first time, Jimin hesitated. He sat deep in thought as he weighed his options for a moment.

"Before I say anyone, can I know if this is dangerous?"

Minho thought. He didn't want to lie, but he wanted Jimin's number one pick. Therefore, Minho shook his head mumbling a quiet 'no'. In return Jimin smiled again and nodded.

"Then I have the perfect girl for you. I must warn you though, she is quite the troublemaker as much as it seems she isn't. However, she fits your description perfectly. The only one who does in fact."

Minho furrowed his brows.


"None other than my little sister, Park Jinsun."

Minho mentally gasped. He didn't think Jimin knew what he was going to do with that information. In fact, he knew that Jimin didn't because if he did, then he wouldn't name someone so important to him. However, what confused Minho more was how she fit his description. Park Jinsun was like Jimin in many ways, only slightly more reserved and not as socially tangable. He had never once heard something bad about the girl. He only ever heard good things about the second year. Why would Jimin label such a pure girl like Jinsun as witty, let alone, a master of deceit?

"But isn't Jinsun too innocent and pure to deceive anyone?"

Jimin just laughed.

"That's where she gets you. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, but you can't beat that little brat at any game because she tricks you and runs circles around your brain. Sure, she's kind, but she's not innocent. She's more of a con artist with a kind heart. She always wants to do the right thing, but her tricks to get to that point, are plain dirty."

Minho nodded. If what Jimin said was true, and he couldn't see why it wouldn't be, then that would mean she's really good at what she does because even he can't see her true side. It made sense that she was studying psychology. If what Jimin said was true, and she really always won at games, then that would be a huge advantage to winning Russian Roulette. Everything about her that Jimin said fit his criteria perfectly.

"How would the team work. Like would they work well?"

Jimin thought for a second.

"Well, Jinsun would probably be good with everyone, but Jiwon. Their personalities clash. Yunho and Mingi are both friends with Mark, so they'd work well. Minnie and Jinsun are acquaintances, and help each other out every once and a while. Mingi and Jinsun are cool with each other, and Yunho admires Jinsun. It's really up to you."

Minho nodded. He would definitely take Jimin's words for facts.


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Remember, formatting is way prettier on Wattpad lol. I'm still not fully used to this website/app. Please bare with me.

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