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Chapter 2: Chapter 2


I’m roused out of my sleep by the ding of an incoming text. I sent London’s brother, Elliot, a text last night, asking how the house was doing. He never replied, but that’s probably him now.

I poke my arm out of my comforter, flailing my hand around on my nightstand. I blindly search for my phone; I could open my eyes and look for it, but that would be too easy. It’s nippy in here so I’m going to try to stay as covered up as possible.

My eyes bug out when I see it’s in fact from Tate and not Elliot Traverson.

Tate Masterson: Good morning, ???????

Wow, I wasn’t expecting him to text me. It’s been two days since we had dinner. I thought guys were supposed to wait like three days to a week so they don’t seem eager?

Okay, I have to break down and ask him what this name means. I have literally been thinking of it nonstop the past few days since I heard him say it. I wasn’t sure exactly how I heard it pronounced or how it’s spelled, or else I would have Googled it already.

Me: Hi, what does that mean?

Tate Masterson: What does what mean?

Me: You know! ????????

Tate Masterson: It means pop tart.

Giggling, I flap the covers down to poke my head out. He has my heart racing excitedly and I know I won’t be able to drift off to sleep again. I blink rapidly a couple of times to clear my eyes and quickly type back.

Me: Pop tart! Seriously?

Tate Masterson: LOL! Have a good day, sweet Emily...

Me: I will figure it out! You too!

I can’t help the beaming smile I have after our short conversation. It’s been a long time since someone has kind of flirted with me. Wait was that flirting? I think it was. My stomach flips, feeling a little giddy that he texted me after all.

Now I need soda, some clothes and then I’m off to class again. This early morning crap is for the birds. I reach under my small bed to find my twenty-four pack of Coca-Cola and pop one open. I take the first refreshing drink before my feet even hit the floor. The little zip of caffeine always helps me prepare for the day.

I brush my hair and blow-dry it slightly to get some creases out. Every time I sleep with it wet, I wake up looking like some crazed maniac. I go with a cute pink sundress, since I’m already in a happy mood. Pairing the dress with some tan wedges, since I’m barely pushing five-foot-three inches, my look is complete. The shoes are the perfect help I need in the height department!

I grab my drink and backpack on my way out the door. I hope I didn’t forget anything. I know my notes and stuff are in my bag, but I still get nervous. The college I came from was a little more laid back, so I’m trying to stay on my toes.

I make my way to building 119 for my Biology course with no issues, thankfully. I enjoy the walk over even if I am slightly paranoid. I’m still a little scatterbrained with this new school. I had printed out the school map before I started and studied it countless times.

The green lawns of the university are so plush looking, I bet it would be comfortable to lie on and read a good book. I love how the sidewalks are lined with trees. They provide the perfect canopy of shade to escape some of the heat. Now if only there was a cool breeze to complement it all.

I get into the stuffy Biology classroom and make my way down the aisle between the desks. I weave through until I find the perfect spot. I hate sitting with people to my back, but I know I have to be able to hear in order to pass this class. I just pray I don’t end up having to dissect any creatures. That will be my breaking point.

A deep voice attempts to catch my attention but I stare straight ahead, attempting to ignore him, “Psst… Hey… Psst... Hey, Hey!”

OMG, it is way too early for any idiot to try to talk to me. After a few times, I glance back out of the corner of my eye. I don’t want to give them my full attention and egg them on.

I’m met with blond hair and a sweet smirk. Oh! It’s Cameron! He’s sitting behind me, leaning his chair back on two legs.

“Hey, Cameron. You’re going to hurt yourself!” I shake my head, chastising him. “I didn’t see you when I came in or I would have said hello.”

He’s wearing his signature polo shirt; however, today it’s in a different shade of grey. His white ball cap is pulled down low over his blood shot eyes and he looks exhausted. I bet if he stood up he’d be in khaki shorts.

He smirks, murmuring, “Hey, Goldilocks! It’s cool, come sit by me.”

He didn’t seem so bad at dinner, so what the hell, why not. I pack my belongings back into my backpack and move beside him, attempting to quickly get resituated for this lecture. Surely this man won’t talk as much as Avery does this early. He looks way too tuckered out for any meaningful conversation.

I scan the lecture hall and take in each of my classmates. I gaze at each face carefully, cataloging their features. He’s not here, you’re safe.

“Gosh, I hope I do okay in this class.” I turn to him and smile a fake smile. No need for everyone to figure out I’m paranoid.

“Yeah, no kidding. Why do you think I asked you to sit by me?”

I start snickering a little until I hear a throat clear. A shadow falls over my desk and I look up. I stare straight into Luka ‘Tate’ Masterson’s pissed-off hazel glare. God, he’s even hotter when he looks mad. His cheeks flush slightly and he screams alpha.

“Well, good morning, sunshine!” I croon in the cheeriest voice I can, smiling brightly.

Tate looks fantastic today in a pair of nice-fitting jeans leading past his muscular thighs to some black Polo boots. He has the top of his black button-up shirt unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up. Look at those tattoos. I didn’t see them the other night at dinner. Who would have guessed this rich boy could pull off tattoo sleeves. I can’t make out what they are, but holy hotness, they make him look even sexier. He has that ‘I’m a bad boy, don’t fuck with me’ look, going today.

Ugh, we all know I like them bad, too. With that thought, I cringe a little.

“Enjoying yourself with Wentworth, I see,” he grumbles out. “Can I join you or is this a private party?” he huffs. Yep, definitely has the asshole gene. Geez, did he just growl at Cameron?

“Of course, you are welcome to sit here. You’re also welcome to get some coffee or whatever you need before you come next time.”

“Oh, baby, I don’t need coffee to come. Your sweet smile will do just fine,” he replies cockily and licks his lips.

“Seriously, Tate? I’m just going to move.”

I glare at him, disgusted. I know I must be tomato red right now. I don’t have time for this shit. Who does he think he is, talking to me like that?

“I’m sorry Krasaaveetsa (Beauty). Forget I just said that. Stay, I’ll behave, promise.”

I roll my eyes and nod, irritated. Cameron scoots his chair over so Tate can sit in between us. I don’t know why he didn’t just sit on the other side of Cameron. I don’t plan on talking to him, especially after that loser line. I was so excited about that text earlier, too.

Tate fist bumps Cameron, and then he puffs his yummy plump bottom lip out towards me. He tries to look sorry and innocent, but it just annoys me further. I just want to bite that lip. Holy shit, did I just think that? No. No biting for me, focus. Think Biology, not man hunk with an accent. Is that Russian? I think that just raised his hotness factor even more. I am such a freaking goner.

I turn away from him and do my best to pay attention to the professor. Tate keeps brushing his arm against me, causing little goosebumps to erupt on my skin. I know he’s doing it on purpose and I just want to kick him for it. I refuse to give in and look at him. This is going to be the longest class of my life.

I keep going back to the accent. Fuck, that’s hot! Not only do I have to sit next to this absolutely gorgeous guy, but I have to smell him, too. He smells as good as he did last night at dinner. I think he’s wearing Hugo Boss cologne. It’s one of my favorites on a guy and it kind of makes me want to sit on his lap and sniff him everywhere. Maybe even lick his cheek at this point; I bet he tastes like a fine chocolate caramel candy. Asshole.

I didn’t hear a word the professor said during that lecture. I stuff my things back into my bag quickly, pretending I’m in a super big hurry to get to my next class. After the longest two hours ever, I skirt out of class quickly and I give a quick “See ya,” to no one in general.

I wave on my way out the door and practically run down the long hallway. I’m so glad my next class is pretty close by. I kind of expected Tate to follow me, but he didn’t.

Neither Tate nor Cameron is in my next class so I can keep to myself like a hermit. I tuck back towards the rear of the room and pull my phone out. I may as well relax a little now that my body doesn’t feel like it’s vibrating any longer.

I sign onto London’s Facebook page to troll around some. I don’t have one really, so I share hers. What are best friends for, right? No one has posted anything about any jail release so I can take a deep calming breath. Another day, I don’t have to worry about him finding me.

I need a cool shower when I get out of class and a new pair of panties after that run-in with Tate. My Facebook disappears when my phone flashes a new text from Avery. Still nothing from Elliot; I wonder if that punk got a new girlfriend or something. He’s normally pretty quick to text me back.

Avery: Hey, chick! You should stop by the shop when you’re done with class and visit me.

Me: Hi Avery! Do you have anything besides coffee and tea there?

Avery: Yes ma’am, hot chocolate.

Me: Oh! I LOVE hot chocolate! Okay, sounds like a plan. See you in about 20.

Avery: Awesomesauce!

I huff out a small laugh to myself. I know she’s jumping up and down right now. That girl has so much energy all the time. Like a big happy bubble. I’m so lucky to have met someone like her so quickly.

I have to keep reminding myself to be careful. I wish I could just be happy and free like Avery. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to live without looking over my shoulder. I gaze at the girls hanging around campus—all so carefree—on the way to my truck. These chicks have no idea how easy they have it. Never having to worry about who could be following them, finding them, or hurting them.

That reminds me, I need to call London and see if she’s heard anything about him. I know she said she would text but I have to make sure he’s still in jail. London’s been my best friend since we were five years old and started kindergarten. I know I can trust her but I just have this weird feeling. I’m probably overreacting but I can’t let him find me. I can’t go through that again.

God, I miss home. I wish I could feel the sweet Texas air on my granddaddy’s land, softly kissing my skin. I love to just lie in the grass and look up at the beautiful stars. I want to be able to stroke my horse Thunder’s soft mane and tell him everything that I’m thinking of. Just like I always have in the past.

I want to go home. No, this is home now. I have to learn to love Tennessee. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to go back to Texas again.

With that sad thought, I pull open the door to A Sip of Heaven. Drawing in a deep breath, I paste a big, fat, fake smile on my face. My mask.

Standing behind the dark green counter, Avery beams a cheerful, bright smile in my direction as I come in the door. “Hey, pretty little Emily! How’s it going?” I think Avery must be the most content person I know. She is literally happy and smiling every single time I see her. I envy her so much.

“Hi, it’s going okay, glad to be out of that boring-ass class, that’s for sure! How’s work?”

Avery has on her cute little apron and matching green polo shirt. She’s the picture-perfect coffee shop employee today. She has her pretty, wavy, brownish hair tied up in a high ponytail. Adorable little silver coffee cup earrings dangle from her ears and bright pink painted nails.

Shrugging, she eyes me curiously, “Eh, its fine, kind of boring. Although I did see a hot man hunk, by the name of Cameron Wentworth and his dark haired god of a best friend, Luka Masterson. They mentioned something about a saucy little blonde yelling at Luka, that he needed coffee,” she giggles uncontrollably and I wince. “Know anything about that?”

“Oh My God, shoot me now!” I place my head in my hands and prepare to defend myself, “I did not yell at him! He was being a total grouch when I was talking to Cameron in class today. That was right after he sent me a sweet text this morning, too. Men are so confusing.”

Ugh, I know my face is red. What a bum, telling on me! I’m so going to give him a hard time when I see him again. That tattletale!

Avery gasps excitedly, “He texted you? Spill it!” I swear her smile just doubled in size and she has this mischievous look in her eyes. I bet the faker already knows everything. She and Cameron probably spent the afternoon gossiping like a group of high school girls.

“Umm, yeah, he might have just said good morning.” I shrug the question off and go sit at a table as quick as I can. I know she’s up to something just by one look.

“Oh no, you don’t get to escape!” She follows, eyebrows raised, “Tell me about this text.”

I smirk and check my phone. There’s still no text from Elliot.

I chuckle and roll my eyes, “It was nothing. He just said good morning and told me I look like a pop tart.”

“He actually said, by the way, you look like a pop tart?” She’s studying me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Well, no, he calls me this name in a weird language. I asked what it meant and he told me pop tart. I think he was just being silly though.”

“Holy shit! Tate likes you! I freaking knew it when I saw him watch you walk to the bathroom at dinner. He was staring at you like you were a piece of cake he wanted to eat!” Hmm, he’s the one who looks as good as a big piece of chocolate cake.

“No way, I think you were imagining things, he was kind of an ass to me at dinner. Especially about the whole accent thing. I mean, deflect much?”

I’m over this conversation. Yes, he’s hot. No, I don’t need to get anyone else involved with my drama and issues. God forbid if the Monster ever finds me, what he’ll do to me if I’m with another guy. I shudder and then rub my arms to play it off like I just got a chill.

“Okay girly, you think what you want to!” Avery calls out in a singsong voice while she walks to the counter to serve customers.

I guess it’s time for me to finish this hot chocolate and get out of here. I have a ton of work to do, thanks to having to go full-time to maintain my scholarship. I do love the school though, the buildings and the surroundings, it’s all so charming. The humidity is great on my skin and hair, too.

I head up to the counter, gesturing to Avery. She meets me by the register. “Emily, would you like a snack or anything, too?”

I shake my head and send her a small smile. “No. Thanks for the drink, Avery. I have to head out to work on some homework. I’ll text you soon though. Have fun working!”

She throws her arm up and waves behind her as she hurries to help another customer. “Okay, bye, chickadee!” Avery responds busily, concentrating on making some kind of coffee creation so she doesn’t see me return her wave.

Picking my head up off my folded arms on my desk, I blink a few times trying to wake up. Shit, what time is it? I must have fallen asleep reading my book. I glance around groggily and notice my phone blinking.

I rub my hands over my face a few times. Oh man, I forgot to call London, too. I probably look like a loon. I have every single light on in my little apartment, all the drapes and blinds closed and a chair propped up against my front door. Straight nut job, I think, and then shake my head. I push the button to illuminate my screen and see it’s a text from Avery with a picture attached showing a man’s butt in jeans.

Avery: Look who I saw again!

This girl is crazy. I check the clock on my phone. Ten p.m. Holy cow, I slept for hours! Great, I won’t be able to go back to bed now.

I close my textbooks and neatly stack them on the corner of the little black desk I got at Walmart. I place each notebook and folder next to its matching textbook. There, nice and organized.

Me: You are so silly, Avery, who on earth is the poor man you took pictures of?

I chuckle as I text her back. What a goofball. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got the guy to let her take it willingly either.

Avery: Your future ex-boyfriend! Luka Masterson!

Me: You dork! And he said to call him Tate. I can’t believe you took a picture of his butt! Did he see you?

This man obviously works out. I will be saving this picture to my phone so I can look at it again in the future. I may not want to hook up with the guy, but I can appreciate looking at him sometimes. Maybe she’ll get one with his shirt off that I can keep, too.

Avery: He knows I took it. He said I had to send it to you if I wanted to keep it. Told you Tate likes you!

Me: OMG! You are fired!

Avery: LOL! Get dressed I’m coming to get you

Me: No way, you don’t even know where I live! :D

Avery: 1900 Adams Apt 13. I’ll be there in 20, get something sexy on, cause we are going out.

Me: WHAT? How do you know where I live?

Avery: 19 minutes and I’m dragging your butt out for some fun.

Shit! She’s serious. Okay, I am so not wearing anything sexy, I don’t want any extra attention drawn to me and I know Avery will get plenty of attention by herself. What to wear?

Cute little black dress and some hot pink stilettos? Yes, please. It’s fast, easy and I love my pink shoes.

I’m going to put on a little darker makeup than my norm, and wear my hair down. Hopefully, I’ll just blend in with the background behind Avery. I’ve got to remember to not let her post any Facebook pictures of us. That could turn into a train wreck. I have to be careful and any pictures online are way too much of a risk.

He’s found me before when I’ve tried to leave. I can’t let him find me again. With that thought, I top my look off with some pin-up girl red lipstick and open my door.

Right into Tate Masterson’s waiting smile. Ahhh! What’s he doing here?

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