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Chapter 5: There's no cereal

I wandered through the halls looking for a kitchen, I didn't find one. I did find a sauna though, problem I didn't need that. Eventually my wandering led me to find Emerald.

"Howdy Orphan!"

"Nope." She turned and walked the other way. I sped up and began following her.

"Was that one too strong? Fine, I'll tell you what! You lead me to kitchen where I can eat some cereal and I'll stop."

She looked at me, "Do you know where we are?"

"Yes, and I want cereal?"

"i-What is wrong with you."

I shrugged, "Not much, what's wrong with you I only asked if there was cereal?"

"We are in the middle of nowhere! There is no cereal! You are! You're..."

"I'm what?"

She began walking away again, I of course followed. "So pretty crazy we gonna go to beacon together, strange that cinder is going to she seems a little old for it though."

She turned on me again, "What do you mean going to beacon together?"

"Well Me, You and Cinder will be going off to Beacon to complete not only Cinder's mission, but my own mission as well. Cinder will likely need to find a 4th though, cause don't we need like 4 people to start a team?"

"i can't believe this! I have to find Cinder."

"Oh cool, Is she in the Kitchen?"

She stopped responding to me, "Do you not like me because I killed your friend? Look I would like to state you guys were going to attack me! I only defend myself. I will always defend myself."

Words a little too real, but she likely didn't know the meaning behind them.

"Do you honestly think that matters? I understand you defended yourself, its the fact your an asshole!"

"Is that it? I verbally lash out because I grew up in a toxic environment with a Grandfather who I loved, but was scarred by time and war. Parents who literally stole money from their kid to support their gambling addiction and finally I was bullied for being a Faunus. I lash out for my own mental health, is it wrong yes. Do I care no, its similar to how you likely the stereotypical orphan who pickpocket people to survive."

"I-I don't..."

"So are we gonna find Cinder or the Kitchen now?"

"You can't just say all that and move on like nothing happened!"

"Yes I can, here's why Emerald...You just switched from disliking me to feeling some sympathy for me. After all everyone can have a hard life. Your semblance is hallucinations, but that isn't the only way to get into someones head. I now have to work with you, so I prefer to make your attitude neutral towards me at the very least. So before you go on and talk some more, you should go back to looking for Cinder. Since we have to talk and figure out when we are leaving for Beacon."

"Holy shit! You... Fine let's go, but this conversation isn't over."

"Wasn't much of a conversation, but okay."

She seemed to really want to turn around a say something about what I had said, but she didn't. I was right after all, I broke the first barrier. I just required 3 more before I could use an Enchantment on her. I would have to do this with basically everyone I met. Either that or kill them, My wants and needs were far above theirs.

Salem likely knew I would do something like this, she is no doubt way more experienced. Cinder will likely be watching me and the things I did. I would never truly be on her side, but she also knew I would never work with Ozpin. After all, he was the one to send my Grandfather off into his grave. She wanted to manipulate my fears. I knew this because of the only enchantment I ever use on myself. As long as I had a specific motion set in place I could use Intel to scan a person. Scanning Emerald showed me that she had a deep underlining fear created by Salem. Fear was Salem's tool, Ozpin's was Trust.

It was Bullshit that the Remnant was basically manipulated by two petty immortal beings essentially cursed by the gods. The whole thing was clearly a set up to force humanity to grow up. At least that's what I believed, Salem didn't tell me the reason the two of them were cursed. I didn't really care though, it was likely something horrible trivial in my opinion.

Emerald calling out to Cinder broke me away from thinking. "Cinder! Is Salem really going to send us to Beacon now?"

"Ah...Yes, apparently she is. Due to the discovery of..." She looked at me while speaking. I just smiled to match her glare. "Useful assets we are to go to Beacon and begin are plans much earlier. Thankfully it will be the very start of the year so we will be able to blend in."

"Question! Oooooo ooooo pick me I have a question for the class!"

If looks could kill Cinder's glare would burn a whole in me. It likely could...

"What is your question Mars?"

"Since we are working together now, and how old are you? I mean if we are talking ages here I would be a first year, soooo? Does that mean we are going in as first years? I mean you look 20ish."

"You never ask a lady her age, and unfortunately we are going to have to be first years. Now I suggest you find your way. I must speak with Emerald privately."

"Come on share your secrets!"

"I am being polite, I will not continue to be a second time."

"Fine jeez!" I walked out, sadly not listening in. I didn't want to expose all my tricks yet. I would need them for kicking Cinder down to use my semblance on her. People put up walls I had to break them down to use hypnotism on them. I would certainly hypnotize everyone I could according to Salem's orders.


I paused, "I wasn't suppose to say that aloud...whoops!"

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