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RWBY: Bond Of Brothers RWBY: Bond Of Brothers original

RWBY: Bond Of Brothers

Author: StarKnightStories

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Volume 1

(RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth LLC...I do not own or have the right for it. This is a work of fiction.)

RWBY: Bond Of Brothers

*Volume 1 Opening*

Northern Sanus, miles outside of Vale. A small peaceful village rested at the foot of a valley before stretching out towards miles of a willow tree, two people were practicing outside a house. They were brothers.

"HA...UH....YAH!" Cole grunted as he swung his battle axe left and right while practicing. The other brother, Kyle...sat on a log and cleaned his weapon of choice. He sat reading a book about strategy and making sure his Lance was in good condition.

Cole had bright blue eyes and dark brown hair, was shorter...and was 16...and didn't have much longer until his next birthday. He was at medium height for his age, around 5'10. Kyle had dark green eyes and pitch-black hair. He was 17 years of age, the eldest son. A proper measuring would put him around 6'2.

Cole continued swinging as Kyle sat on the log under the tree and read his textbook while slowly cleaning his Lance. Cole finished doing pull-ups on a tree branch before turning to look at his brother."Are you really going to sit there and clean your stupid Lance all day?" he asked, irritated.

"I intend to read my book and keep my weapon in good condition, yes" Kyle answered him."How about we spare again, but no weapons this time?" Cole suggested."Are you sure?" Kyle asked him.

" aren't training. You've been reading all day" Cole said, cracking his knuckles. "Yes, I am doing my training the way I see fit,'' Kyle told him. "No one said it had to be physical". "Let's just get this over with," Cole said, raising his hands in a stance.

Kyle set his book down and stood up just as the first punch came from his brother. He managed to dodge it, but the next one he had to block with his arm. Kyle kicked Cole in the leg, making him wince. He punched him in the ribcage just as Cole elbowed him in the jaw. He dodged the next two punches before hooking his left foot under Cole and tripping him. He angrily mumbled to himself before quickly standing back up. Kyle began backing up as a flurry of kicks came at him from Cole, and he did his best to dodge them.

Kyle spun around again as he struck Cole's leg again, making him fall on the dirt." "Ugh!" he moaned, falling on his back. Kyle offered his hand but Cole only ignored him as he stood to his feet. "Boys, dinner's ready!" a voice called. They immediately

stopped sparring and walked towards the house.

The two of them walked in through the doorway as their mother began setting the table. She was a plain woman. Yet she was different in her own way. She was quiet and very thin for her age. Her beauty had hardly faded since her youth but she did nothing to flaunt it. Her name was Maple. She had long brown hair and a light brown complexion she shared with her two sons. Her eyes shined with a dark orange, almost sepia with age. "Work up a sweat, boys?" Maple asked the two. "Yes" both of them said at the same time."So why clean your weapon if you're hardly going to use it outside battle?" Cole asked his brother. "Training is far more important"

"Weapon maintenance is the first key, a faulty or damaged weapon will do you no good" Kyle told him as they sat down at the table. "You don't think I already know that stupid?" Cole snapped at him before scooping a spoonful of peas and shoving them into his mouth.

" NICE," their mother warned from the kitchen. "Stupid ?" asked Kyle narrowing his eyes. " "You know your grandfather was born in Anima, not too far from Mistral...." She said, interrupting quietly.

"Ah,yes...I think I remember you telling us that quite some time ago mother" Kyle told her as he began eating. "Dinner is delicious mother, even better than your last one". "Better than your training routine.." Cole murmured, taking another bite.

"Cole, that's enough." Maple said, picking up their glasses and filling them with fresh water. "No, it's fine," Kyle said, raising his hand to stop her. "What about my training routine?" He said looking over at his brother. "Ha, I'm the one who does more than you, whether you like it or not" Cole smirked as he put a roll on his plate.

"I do mine on my own time, thank you" Kyle answered impassively while taking a sip of his drink."When?" Cole asked him. "I hardly ever see you pick up your weapon!" "Don't you think there will be plenty of competition at Beacon?!" Cole exclaimed as he pounded his fist on the dinner table.

Behind them their mother quietly sighed as she continued washing the dishes."I do, but if father could see you now he'd be disappointed in your behavior...regardless of your training" Kyle replied three of them suddenly all paused at the comment and exchanged quick glances.

"SHUT UP!" Cole screamed as he threw his plate at the wall while kicking the table over. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Kyle asked blankly as he sat in his quickly glanced at his mother and angrily back at Kyle again before stomping to his room upstairs.

"Cole.....Cole come back!" Their mother called to him. "It' fault" Kyle said with a hint of anger in his voice. "I shouldn't have said anything" "Ever since.....IT happened....Cole, he was never the same" Maple said as tears formed in her eyes."He doesn't need us anymore, he needs to learn to grow up and quit complaining" Kyle thought to himself.

"He's...changed" she continued with a long sigh. The two of them began picking up the pieces of the smashed plate and set the table back up. After a long while, Kyle finished his meal and cleaned his plate so his mother could do dishes. "So, when will the two of you be heading out?" Maple asked looking over her shoulder."I was planning on us heading out tomorrow morning...but since Cole's pretty mad at me, I was thinking of heading out on my own tonight" he told her bluntly.

"Kyle..." his mother began.

"What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

The serious look on her face told Kyle she was very worried about himself and his brother ."It might not be safe to travel alone" Maple said as she rubbed her arm slowly."Vale is at least a week's walk from her mother" he told her. "Or More..." Maple added.

"I want you to be looking out for your brother," Maple said as she looked out the window. "Cole didn't finish his time at Signal, I did..." he reminded her. "He isn't ready"

"He has been training everyday with you" She reminded him. "And I'm sure you guys did plenty of schoolwork together in the combat school you were at"

"You just saw that I tried to offer him some advice, how'd that turn out?" Kyle asked her.

"You brought up your father, know how that makes him feel..." Maple replied, shaking her head slowly.

"I....I apologize" he said embarrassingly while looking down at his feet.

"He's hardheaded...he isn't safe out there by himself...ESPECIALLY with his anger problem"

"He doesn't want my help," Kyle told her. "Just think of all the trouble he will get into without the two of us...if someone says the wrong thing or does something to him" Maple said ignoring his last comment and turning to meet his gaze."I want you both going to Beacon together....and I mean traveling too mister" his mother demanded.

"Everything will be fine if I stay on the road and travel during the day" Kyle assured."Don't you mean...WE?" Maple asked, crossing her arms while giving a stern look."Uh...of course mom," Kyle said chuckling nervously.

"Good," Maple said, hugging him. "Maybe the two of you can get some family bonding in on the way there...hmm?"

"I'm not so sure about that," Kyle replied as he rolled his eyes. "You know I've been lying to him about my semblance. He thinks I don't have one. I'm only doing so he can remain confident in himself." Yes, and you've been doing so great" his mother replied. "Your father would be so proud of you." Yes but Cole's OVER-confidence just may be his weakness he told her sighing.

They both looked at each other for a brief moment before his mother smiled back at him again. "Why don't you finish cleaning up here, and I'll go tell Cole the plan for tomorrow so he can pack?" she said. "You mean clean up the mess HE made?" Kyle asked her with a small smile. "Sure mom" Maple gave him a frown before turning to leave the kitchen.

She slowly walked upstairs to the second story in the house.

Maple came to the second door on the right and paused.

She gave a small knock before opening the door slightly and peering in.

"Cole...?" she whispered quietly.

She looked into the dark room and saw her son lying on his bed with his back to the door.

She stepped into the room and moved towards the foot of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Maple asked as she gently came over and sat on his bed.

"I'm FINE" Cole hissed sitting up as he quickly dried his eyes.

"I was thinking you and Kyle could maybe travel together when you both leave for beacon?" Maple suggested. "Why!?" Cole exclaimed. "The only thing we ever do is fight, I have to beg him to spar me!"

"He cares about you more than you know," his mother said tenderly. "He's always putting me down; he obviously thinks he's better than me!" Cole stated angrily.

"He just wants to help you improve Cole...that's all" she told him.

"Whatever, I should just head to the academy by myself," he said.

"If the two of you don't go together, you won't be going at I make myself clear?" Maple warned him.

"Okay, mom," Cole said reluctantly.

"You're old enough to make your own decisions, but please try to have a little more self-control next time...okay Cole?" his mother said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not a child anymore.." he answered before pushing her hand off and standing up. Maple remained on his bed, watching him move across the room. She wanted to say something. She wanted to comfort him, but couldn't think of anything else to raise his spirits.

"Guess I'll start packing then" Cole said glumly.

"Ok....only take what you'll need dear" she reminded him.

"I know...." He replied in an annoyed tone.

As Cole began lazily starting, Kyle walked into his room quietly

He opened his dresser and took his books on Dust, Aura, and various sciences out .before putting a few in his bag.

"Well, tomorrow morning should be fine....get some rest okay?" Maple said, stopping in the doorway. Cole didn't answer as he continued shoving things into his knapsack. He headed back downstairs to see Kyle finishing up packing his luggage.

"So, everything alright?" Kyle asked his mother as she entered.

"Yes, I suppose Cole's going to feel like tagging along after I talked with him, " Maple told him. "Guess it's set then" Kyle replied with a nod. "I might as well make you guys some food for the trip," she said, stepping into the kitchen."I suppose, but we could stay at an Inn and grab some food when we pass through town," Kyle told her.

"Nonsense let your mother take care of you" Maple replied as she smiled to herself.

The sun set and the night quickly came for the three family members. Thoughts were numerous as they tried to get sleep for the coming day. Kyle was the first to wake, rising at the very peak of dawn where sunlight was barely to be seen.

Cole finally came down the steps to see his brother sitting at the table with an empty plate. He walked over and set his bag and battle axe on the floor.

He looked over to see his mother cooking in the kitchen. He hadn't noticed her, she was so quiet."'m okay" Cole replied quietly. "It's going to be a long road ahead....better get some food in you" Kyle told him. Cole only shook his head as their mother left the room to grab their food. "Why wait?" he asked, giving Kyle a serious look.

"Our mother would not approve of me taking off without you...that's why" Kyle told him as he picked up his knapsack and lance before heading for the front was about to respond but Maple returned and handed them the food she had made.

"I have faith in the two of you, so stay together whenever possible. Please look out for one another" she said as her eyes began filling with tears. The two of them both gave her a hug before stepping out of the house. "Are you going to be okay here by yourself?" Kyle asked, turning back to his mother at the door.

"Yes...of course I will" she said. "But there been those silly reports of crazy people and bandits running loose across Vale, terrorizing everyone.....but it's no big deal" she said brushing back her hair and laughing.

Kyle gave her a very serious look. "Are you kidding me?!" "We can't just leave you unprotected like this!" He told her with a worried look on his face."Relax, I'm sure they're only rumors dear," Maple reassured him.

Kyle gave her a doubtful nod before walking out the door and joining his brother both gave a final wave as they turned away from their house and reluctantly left the woman who had raised them.

They walked down the road that went through the village and continued far north towards them , walking in absolute silence, until Kyle turned to Cole and looked at him

."I'm doing this for mom....not for you".

Cole only snorted and continued pacing next to him. "It should be for Dad too"

"How dare you" Kyle thought to himself.

"I suppose we don't have much further now" was all he said.

"Yeah, but HOW much further?!" Cole asked as he took a sip from his canteen.

"A day and a half perhaps" Kyle guessed.

"What do you know?" he scoffed. "We won't make it on time...not at this pace" Cole said complaining.

"As long as we remember our training and stay vigilant we have a chance..." Kyle said. "We have to keep moving"

"Yeah, but what happens when we get there...?" Cole asked. " How am I even going to enroll if I didn't finish at Signal?"

"No worries," Kyle reminded him. "With my credits and with Dad's Huntsman credibility that won't get in my or your way."

Both of them had previously gone to Signal Academy, a combat school on the island of Patch. They both left following the death of their father.

"Regardless of what we know, we'll have to get through initiation" Kyle told Cole

" that's gonna be easy," he replied.

"Whatever you need help touching up with I can help you" Kyle added.

"Yeah, don't need your help " Cole said bluntly.

"Whatever, I suppose you can handle yourself...for now. But I'm still worried about leaving Mother behind all by herself," Kyle told him.

"Why?" Cole asked him. "She's got Dad's old sword hanging above the fireplace"

"There are reports of highwaymen and robbers running around Vale...and she hasn't fought in years" Kyle continued.

"Stop letting it eat away at you, that woman has handled herself in a fight" Cole demanded as he looked around off the road.

They continued walking further until they were far from any human town or village. Through the trees they could see the tops of a few buildings.

"There's Mountain Glenn, we have to stay away from's prowling with Grimm" Kyle told his brother.

"I know that, dumbass" Cole scowled beside him.

Both of them walked another mile before the road split into two.

One path led further north, another to Mountain Glenn.

"We take Lef-" Kyle began.

Before he could finish they both heard a small rustling in the bushes besides them.

Both of them span around to see a small grey tabby cat coming onto the road.

It slowly made its way over towards them as it gave a small meow.

"What's it doing out here I wonder?" Cole asked himself.

"No telling, probably a stray or just wild" Kyle answered as he got down to motion the cat over.

"Purrr" the cat cooed rubbing against Cole's leg.

"Ugh..." he grouched and kicked it way gently.

"Aw, look you've already made a friend" Kyle told him as he managed a small laugh.

"Shut up, I'll decide who can be 'friends' with me" Cole snapped back at him.

Kyle reached down to pet the cat as it walked past them.

It hissed at him before turning to run off.

"Ha, real smooth" Cole chuckled "If you keep this up you won't stand a chance with the ladies"

Kyle chose to ignore his immature comment.

Cole kept laughing to himself until both of them heard a branch snap from behind.

They instinctively drew their weapons and spun around.

Both looked and saw five shadowy figures peering at them out of the woods.

"GRIMM!" Cole cried.

"GET BACK!" Kyle yelled.

They slowly emerged from the trees towards Cole and Kyle.

They were the most common Grimm, but still dangerous.

The pack of Beowolfs encircled the two brothers before snarling and baring their teeth.

"Cole, stand your ground" Kyle warned him quietly.

"SCREW that" he replied.


Cole ran forward as the group of Grimm leapt towards him.

They lashed their claws out at Cole only to see him dodge it at the last second.

"You missed" he said as he smirked.

He swung his battle axe at the nearest one, slicing it into a vapor.

The next Grimm swung at him as he blocked it with the handle of his battle axe.

He flipped his weapon around to uppercut the beast in the skull.

Just as it disintegrated, Kyle turned to see Cole surrounded.

"He's moving too fast, he's going to get himself killed!" Kyle thought before running to his brother.

He ran and leapt over him before spearing a Grimm in the neck.

It evaporated as his lance fell back to the ground.

The last two Beowolfs snarled before charging the both of them.

Kyle preferred to use lightning Dust, while his brother used fire. It could allow him to attack a target without seriously wounding it if needed to.

Kyle twisted the handle on his lance as it extended into separate pieces and spread out to form a whip. It soon became bright and sparkling with electricity.

"BOOST!" Kyle yelled as Cole quickly looked over at him.

Cole quickly kneeled down and laid his battle axe over his knee as his brother ran full speed towards the Grimm behind him.

Just as Kyle stepped on his battle axe he lifted it off his knee and raised it into the air, catapulting him towards the Beowolf.

Kyle quickly lashed the first Grimm in his path, before soaring over the other one and sliding to a stop. Cole pressed the knob on his Axe and soon it was covered in fire. The Grimm leaped at him before Kyle used his whip and pulled it back the the ground.

"AUGGH!" Cole screamed as he finished it off.

Now they were the only ones left standing.

"Well.....that's....the...last of them" Cole said catching his breathe.

"You can't rush...into...battle like that" Kyle panted between breathes as he turned to Cole.

"I could've taken that last one by myself" he said

"So hot-blooded.." Kyle thought to himself.

Soon both of them had set up camp in a small clearing in the woods.

It wasn't very cold but they had a fire going just in case.

Cole sighed as he finished doing push-ups.

Kyle sat quietly reading his book while he ate a piece of fruit. "Aren't you going to eat?" he asked.

They stared at the cindering wood as the fire continued burning for several minutes.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I said earlier...the cat probably hissed because it saw Grimm behind you" Cole told him out of the blue.

" don't say?" Kyle said biting into his fruit.

"Hey...I said probably" Cole smirked.

"But if you say that to the wrong person at Beacon you'll be in a bad situation" Kyle said looking him in the eye.

"So what?" Cole barked. "Who cares, if they're offended, they can suck it up"

"What do you want to be?" Kyle asked.

"The best" Cole said turning to face him.

"You should better yourself one day at a time, not trying to be someone you aren't" Kyle told him .

Cole paused for a brief moment, but soon realized he was being honest.

"Hell maybe we could do it..together" he said. "But....uh, funny how those Grimm attacked this close to the road to Vale...huh?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yes about that..." Kyle began. "The Grimm are attracted to negative emotions"

"Oh...." Cole stated. "Right, I knew that....must've been that cat"

After everything was said and done the night before, Cole and Kyle both woke up early and continued their journey north.

After continuing on their path for a day, an array of structures could be seen in the distance.

"LOOK!" cried Cole.

They gazed across the approaching urban mass of buildings and noises.

"HELL YES, IT'S VALE!" Cole shouted again.

The two of them entered the bustling city and met many different faces, all new to them.

"Hmm, maybe we could have a look around for a bit..we haven't been here in forever" Cole stated.

"I don't know, we've already been here almost an hour and we've only been sight-seeing. Maybe in a fe-" began Kyle

"Last call for morning flight to Beacon Academy!" cried a voice suddenly, startling them both.

They looked over some ways to see a hologram and others boarding a rather large Vale airship.

"Okay, we should hop on that airship, the sooner we get to Beacon the better.

"I was afraid you'd say that....Cole pouted.

"Surely I have enough Lien in here for the two of us.." Kyle began as he opened his wallet.

"You'd better!" Cole snapped. "Want me to rob you!?

"Relax, It's here" Kyle replied as they stepped forth, paying their way onto the ship.

After waiting some time for more passengers , the airship finally rose off the ground and began towards it's destination.

Kyle and Cole leered outside the window for the view in awe.

"Wow, itwon't get any better than this I bet" Cole started.

"Yeah, I agree" Kyle replied. "Great view"

They looked around and saw the other young faces all thrilled to be here.

Suddenly Kyle looked to see the holoscreen and couldn't help but notice the mugshot of some criminal being there.

"This robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa." said the woman.

"The guy didn't look too tough to me" Cole groaned.

"Looks....can be deceiving" Kyle said as a reminder.

"Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony." Continued the broadcast. "The once peaceful organization has now disrupted many.." Suddenly the news feed disappeared as the hologram of a woman replaced it.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon!" she said.

"Hubba hubba" Cole said under his breath.

"Shh, she's going to say something!" Kyle told him.

"I am Glynda Goodwitch." she continued. "You are among the privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

As the hologram went away, suddenly a pale-looking guy ran away from the window in a hurry.

" okay man?" Cole called to him. After waiting a moment, he walked after him as he noticed he was turned away and hunched over. "What's the matter?"

Suddenly with no warning the same kid turned and barfed all over the ground.

The splash damage got onto Cole below the waist, covering his pants and shoes.


"Yikes" Kyle thought to himself, an amused smile on his face.

He looked around to see the grossed out faces of the other students. The only to catch his eye was a tall blonde who stood next to another girl. Looking away and back outside the window he watched as the school got closer.

One way or another, today was the today.

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