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Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Dragon Kingdom Unleashed: An Epic Battle Unfolds with Unprecedented Forces and Unseen Powers!

Not all of the Dragon Kingdom's forces are present.

Only a small group of highly confident people have gone out in full force.

The rest have stayed behind.

When these people received signals from their companions in the Dragon Kingdom, they immediately headed back to help.

Most of the other forces chose to stay on the sidelines and gloat about the Dragon Kingdom's misfortune.

They are all competitors and would prefer to see the Dragon Kingdom weakened or destroyed.

This would also consume the Dragon Kingdom's resources, which would benefit them.

"That guy who's rushing in too headfirst is going to get himself in trouble. He's just going to end up being taken advantage of!"

"Wait until we've seen the full list of military list before we make any moves. Don't go around claiming to be an expert on the Dragon Kingdom. Such an obvious attack strategy must be on the list somewhere! You're being too impulsive!"

"But that thing is really tough to deal with!"

"The people who are able to enter the Dragon Kingdom aren't exactly pushovers. It's probably best if both sides just end up killing each other off."

"The Dragon Kingdom is so vast, those monsters can't possibly be endless!"

Gao Yang is not attacking all the forces right away because he wants them to fight each other and weaken themselves.

If he attacks them all at once, they will team up against the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom is strong, it will still suffer heavy losses.

So, Gao Yang is letting the forces fight each other for a while so that they will become divided.

This will make it easier for the Dragon Kingdom to defeat them.

Kizaru is also involved in the battle, and he is impressed by the power of Cross Saint and Grimmjow.

He knows that he needs to help as a Marine Admiral.

But he is also facing a lot of ships and strong men.

Despite the odds, he remains fearless.

[Sengoku: This blind swordsman is so brave! He's standing right in front of the port, facing all these strong guys!]

[Loan usury king: The Golden Emperor is even going down with the Dragon Kingdom! What's so special about this place anyway?]

[Garp: Are you serious? Did you even watch the previous video?]

[Red Hair: It's a pity]

It's great to have a reliable partner like that.

It's a shame that he has to face so many strong enemies.

He's not just a strong man, he's an actual Marine Admiral!

No one person can stop all these strong men!

Kizaru is not the only powerhouse among them!

If there are no accidents, he will fall soon!

That's why the redhead said it's a pity!

A smile drew the knife, and the air force transmitted the shockwave!

Boom boom boom~~Suddenly, a violent sonic boom sounded.

People in the entire sea area of the Kingdom heard the movement from high above.

At first, it was just a star-sized flare.

No one paid much attention to it, but as the extinguishing light approached!

Countless people at sea showed expressions of horror!

[Capone Bege: Holy crap! That blind swordsman just summoned a giant meteorite!]

[Morgans: That's huge! I'm right here, and I almost forgot I'm not watching the sky from home!]

[Big Mom: Isn't that a bit overkill?]

[Ochoku: If that thing falls, no one's gonna make it out alive!]

[Kaido: What an incredible technique! That guy has really mastered the gravity fruit!]

[Silver Ax: This guy is definitely another monster-level powerhouse!]

[Aokiji: The Dragon Kingdom has another top-tier expert!]

[Kid: What the heck?! How can a remote kingdom in East Blue produce so many monsters one after another?]

[Bonney: The Dragon Kingdom is amazing! Hahaha! I knew they were something special! They're definitely the most powerful country on the military list, even if they haven't made their move yet! Elbaf has two top-tier powerhouses, so the Dragon Kingdom must have at least one too!]

[Apoo: Impossible! No way! A top-tier powerhouse is not just lying around like cabbage on the side of the road!]

[Stussy: This is unbelievable! Could the military list actually be real? But how can such a small kingdom produce so many monster-level powerhouses at once?]

[Nusjuro: Dragon Kingdom...]

"The situation is getting dicey!"

Kizaru watched as the meteorite fell from the sky, covering a huge area of the sea!

He wondered if the earthen walls were only used to trap people and animals.

Or if they were also used to protect against tsunamis.

The people on the other ships were all terrified!

They couldn't believe how powerful the Dragon Kingdom was!

This blind swordsman was even stronger than an Admiral!

He was a true monster powerhouse!

And he was the strongest of all the monster powerhouses!

The meteorite was so big that it could easily destroy an entire island!

It was terrifying!

Kizaru is not going down without a fight!

With a flash of his lightning sword, he slices the meteorite in half!

The meteorite explodes, showering the area with debris.

Each fragment is as powerful as a high-explosive shell.

Kizaru deflects the debris away from his own fleet.

But others are not so fortunate.

Many sailors are hit by the debris and killed instantly.

"We're in too deep now! The Marines are going to the island, so we might as well follow them and take them down!"

Kizaru realized that he had to go to the island to help, no matter how strong the enemy was.

It was his duty as a Marine Admiral.

So, he flew into the air and headed towards the port.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the sky, surrounded by dazzling beams of light.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

"Gravity Knife․Tiger!"

With a swift backhand slash, Kizaru's sword roared like a tiger, shattering the ball of light.

Kizaru himself was right behind the light ball, his sword ready for action.

Coating his sword with Haki, Kizaru slammed it down with incredible force.

The moment the two swords clashed, a terrifying shockwave erupted, sending tremors through the air.

Despite the overwhelming power of the clash, Issho remained unfazed.

They calmly retreated to the air, observing the battle without a hint of panic.

It seemed they were accustomed to maintaining their composure even in the midst of such intense confrontations.


The Golden Emperor was shocked!

He had thought that Issho's strength was about the same as his own, but Issho was clearly much stronger.

It seemed that Issho was a worthy vice-captain.

"Hundred Times Gravity Slash!!"

He was suddenly struck by Issho's attack.

A powerful beam of energy erupted.

Kizaru's body transformed into a laser beam, instantly blasting nearly ten pirate ships into oblivion.

When it reached the eleventh ship, Kizaru stopped.

His face was grim, and a stream of blood overflowed from his mouth.

[Loan usury king: Holy crap! They're going at it!]

[Kid: The Marines are getting their butts kicked! They're not even able to step foot on Dragon Kingdom territory!]

[Sentomaru: Kizaru, now is not the time to slack off! Sengoku and the Five Elders are watching]

[Yellow Ape:...]

'Having a subordinate like you is both an honor and a curse.'

[Garp: Kizaru got his butt kicked when he faced off against the Dragon Kingdom's forces! They're incredibly powerful!]

Warning! Warning! All ships approaching again will be considered intruders!

Warning sirens blared across the Dragon Kingdom as ships began to scatter, trying to find other landing spots along the coast.

They were determined to enter the Dragon Kingdom and meet up with their allies, but some were so intimidated by Issho's power that they abandoned their partners and retreated.

Meanwhile, others saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and invade the Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom welcomed these intruders with open arms.

Warships transformed into massive sea creatures, and black-armored soldiers prepared for battle.


In an instant, a barrage of high-explosive bullets, armor-piercing rounds, and energy beams rained down upon the invaders.

The firepower of the Dragon Kingdom's warships was so overwhelming that even Four Emperors-level powerhouses couldn't remain calm.

The old sailing ships of the invaders were no match for this firepower, torn apart in an instant.

Many invaders didn't even have a chance to fight back before they were obliterated.

The criss-crossing beams of light blasted warships one after another, leaving only a few scattered sparks on the sea.

The sight was both beautiful and terrifying, a reminder of the countless lives lost in the battle.

Even the most powerful pirates, with bounties of hundreds of millions or even nearly a billion, could not withstand the onslaught.

They were transformed into corpses amidst their howls of frustration and regret.

"I can't believe this! I haven't even set foot on Dragon Kingdom soil yet!"

A strong pirate cried in sadness.

Even strong monsters are not able to fight against such powerful attacks.

This is especially true at sea, where they don't have the ability to move quickly.

They are easy targets.

"Hey, don't think I'm not trying to save you. It's just that this firepower is a bit too much for me to handle. Besides, you're strong enough to protect yourself, right?" Gibson said helplessly.

[Silver Ax: The Dragon Kingdom's warships are insane! Their firepower is off the charts! It's like comparing a fishing boat to a battleship!]

[Buggy: That's terrifying! I'll never go back to East Blue! Ever!]

[Redhair: You escaped from East Blue? How did you even manage that?]

[Kid: It's scary, but that electromagnetic gun is pretty cool, right?]

[Hawkins: Those pirates didn't even stand a chance against the Dragon Kingdom's soldiers. They were wiped out before they even got close to the island!]

[Sentomaru: Their weapons are way more advanced than anything we have! It's like they're from the future!]

[Sengoku: I knew the Dragon Kingdom was strong, but I never expected them to be this powerful. Kizaru and the others are in over their heads!]

[Unknown Marine: If we had this kind of firepower, we wouldn't have to worry about pirates!]

[Saturn: The World Government strongly condemns the Dragon Kingdom for using weapons of mass destruction! It's inhumane! Please stop attacking our personnel immediately! This is the signal of the government's full-scale war!]

[Urouge: I think I need some air... crap!! Pretend you didn't hear that!]

It seems someone had anticipated Urouge's strategy.

Some individuals with special abilities or racial talents took to the skies to attack the Dragon Kingdom's warships.

However, the warships were able to adjust their weapons and effectively counter the aerial threat.

The battle raged on, with bloody explosions illuminating the skies.

Golden Emperor, who had recently awakened his ability using the golden fruit, transformed into a massive golden giant and unleashed a devastating beam of golden magic fire, destroying several warships in the process.

The remaining ships were quickly overwhelmed, leaving the pirates in a state of panic.

The individual combat power of the Dragon Kingdom's forces was immense, and their overall technological firepower was overwhelming.

The pirates wondered if their vice-captain had underestimated the Dragon Kingdom's strength.

[Buggy: What's that thing?!]

[Red Hair: What is it? Where is it?]

[Buggy: It's in the northeast corner of the coast!!!]

Everyone turned their attention to his words and looked at the location Buggy had pointed out.

They were all horrified by what they saw.

There was a giant black monster with a white face that was the size of a mountain.

Many invaders were attacking it from all sides, but their attacks were ineffective against its defenses.

The monster grabbed one of the invaders and sucked it into its mouth, devouring its soul in front of everyone's eyes.

People were terrified by this sight.

They had never seen anything like it before.

How could a monster eat people's souls?

It was simply unimaginable.

Then, the monster opened its mouth again and unleashed a beam of energy that killed many more invaders.

Their souls were sucked into the monster's body, making everyone's hair stand on end.

This was a truly terrifying creature, and everyone was afraid of it.

They had no idea what it was or where it had come from, but they knew that they had to stop it before it could kill any more people.

[Kid: Some of this monster's attacks look like that blue guy's!]

[Capone Bege: This is crazy! I think I'm gonna get out of here. No need to get so close for a show.]

[Hawkins: The Dragon Kingdom is like a comic book villain! This is terrifying!]

[Buggy: More than one head!]

Dozens of these Menos Grande came out of the forest one after another!

[Rayleigh: The Dragon Kingdom has so many powerful people and resources!]

[Gaban: How is it possible for a single country to have so many powerful people and resources?]

[Rocks: What an incredible treasure kingdom!]

[Roger: Rocks, do you think there's a chance you could die again after you're gone?]

[Rocks: Who are you underestimating? Without Garp and Whitebeard's help, you're nothing...]

The more people die, the faster the virtual Menos Grande evolves.

These creatures are cheap to create and have a high growth rate, making them ideal for use on the battlefield.

It remains to be seen how strong they can become in the future.

Gao Yang watches the carnage calmly, while many others feel weighed down by the gravity of the situation.

The screams from the island gradually subside as the moon rises high in the sky, casting an unusually bright glow over the land.

Despite the beauty of the night, the island remains a battleground.

Grimmjow and the Cp0 continue to fight fiercely, with Jikel(idk) occasionally assisting the Cp0 while also fending off a relentless stream of Polar Eaters and Menos Grande.

[Doflamingo: Damn it! The Dragon Kingdom not only has two top powerhouses, but now there's a third one too! What is going on in this country?!]

"What?!" Everyone was in a state of shock.

It's unbelievable that they couldn't process it for a while.

[Kaido: Hey, Doflamingo! What's going on? Is it true that the Dragon Kingdom has another top powerhouse?]

Kaido was taken aback by the news.

He couldn't believe that a single country could have three top powerhouses.

This made the Dragon Kingdom the most powerful force in the sea.

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