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Chapter 11: Aftermath

In the aftermath of the rating game between Rias and Riser, Sirzechs had called for everyone who had been watching and also the participants to join him for a Party at the Gremory house to celebrate his sister's victory. Riser had his peerage had decided not to join them, due to Riser being somewhat scared of being anywhere near Gohan much to Issei's amusement.

Once everyone except Gohan, had been healed by Asia they all went to get changed into something more presentable as they would meeting a lot of important devils. Gohan had decided to stay in his favored gi which Rias contested too, but, Sirzechs said it would be best if Gohan stayed in his gi for some reason. Rias had a feeling that her brother wanted to show off if anything about Gohan and let other devils know that she would be off limits to any future devil family trying to work their way into the Gremory's good books.

Issei and Kiba were the first ones to come out after getting changed and they were both wearing something similar to each other. They were both wearing a Black tux, however, the difference was Kiba's was black with silver strips on the hems while Issei's was a dark colored red tux, he gathered it was because of the being the dragon currently inside of him.

"Well, don't you two look good" Gohan was just inwardly glad he could stay in the comfort of his gi.

"Thanks, Gohan, you're lucky, you get to stay in your gi," Issei said while fidgeting with his collar and bow-tie.

"Come on Issei it's not that bad" Kiba chuckled at the behavior of Issei.

Just as Gohan was about to say something the door to the where the girls were getting changed opened and both Issei and Gohan's jaws dropped to the floor as they were shocked by what they were seeing.

Koneko was the first out and she was wearing a white dress which just ended below her knees, it had a little cat print on the bottom of it which did look cute especially to Gohan, Koneko was also wearing some white flats as she wasn't too keen on wearing heels even if it would make her a little taller.

Asia walked out and was wearing a pale white strapless dress that came down to her knees, her almost golden blonde hair was now up in a ponytail with a fringe that just seemed to stop just above her beautiful green eyes. Asia was also wearing some white socks with little frills at the top and a pair of yellow heels that were the same color as her hair.

Next was Akeno, she was wearing a similar dress to Asia, however, Akeno's was black and also thanks to her rather big assets there was a lot of cleavage on show, Akeno had her hair flowed down freely but had been straightened too. She also wore some knee high black boots which just seemed look perfect for Akeno.

"You like what you see Gohan..." Akeno winked at the shocked teen in front of her teasing him. Gohan was still just in shock but it wasn't because of Akeno which she realized, oh well guess I lose this time...

Gohan was staring at Rias as to him she was the most beautiful girl he had seen, Rias was wearing a black ball gown which just seemed to hug her eye-watering body, it had a slit down the left leg which showed her gorgeous legs which would make any man stare, Rias's hair was free flowing like Akeno's however it was all curly and just seemed to mesmerize Gohan's eyes. She was wearing some black heels that were tied up around her ankles which just seemed to fit the dress and her perfectly.

"Wow... you look beautiful..." Gohan just muttered out quietly but Rias did hear him and immediately began to blush at the comment but she smiled to her savior and thanked him.

"Come on everyone, let's go..." Rias then guided everyone to where the party was happening which was the main hall in the Gremory house.

As the group made their way into the main hall, they were getting a lot of stares from all those that were invited to the party. Most of the male younger devils that were a part of prestigious devil family's were eyeing up Rias and Akeno, however, when they were just about to go and introduce themselves to the girls, both girls took a position on either side of Gohan which very quickly scared the devils away especially after seeing what the boy had done to someone as powerful as Riser. Issei and Kiba were giggling like little school kids at how bright red Gohan's face had suddenly become because of the two girls now hugging an arm each, He may be able to scare some high-class devils but he will always be beaten by embarrassment... Issei kept laughing to himself until Asia suddenly grabbed his arm tightly then causing him to turn beet red as well.

"I see the guests of honor have finally arrived" a happy and somewhat relieved Sirzechs announced to all those who hadn't realized Rias and co arriving.

As they all made their way to the center of the room where Sirzechs had called them over, whispers could be heard by everyone in their group.

"Why is he still wearing that atrocious outfit?"

"He may have won the game for them but he doesn't deserve to be here, just look at that bed head of hair..."

"He looks like a monkey..."

Gohan just ignored them; he had already made his point to everyone else that was watching the rating game. Issei had to be held back by Asia as the comments about his friend were so annoying to him and all he could think about was punching the stuck up bastards.

"Rias, Congratulations on winning your first rating game even if it was an unsanctioned one" Sirzechs was ecstatic at the result of the game and put on a very happy face for the party and his sister.

"Thank you brother, but if it wasn't for everyone here then I would have lost that game" Rias then turned to her friends and bowed, "thank you, all of you. You all fought so hard for me and I will always be so grateful!" Rias lifted her head only to see Akeno stood in front of her smiling at her.

"You don't need to thank us Rias, after all, we are your peerage and we will continue to do our best for our King" Rias and Akeno shared a hug while everyone else just smiled and watched on.

Sirzechs then walked over to Gohan, "Thank you Gohan, you've helped my sister so much and you have also helped me in the process, I am forever in your debt." All the higher class devils were then stunned by what their Lucifer did, Sirzechs bowed to Gohan in thanks for all that he had done for him, but he did feel somewhat embarrassed by Sirzechs's actions.

"Sirzechs, please don't bow to me, everyone is staring" Gohan was frantically looking around at all these people now looking at him in dissatisfaction and at Sirzechs in shock.

"EVERYONE, YOU WILL SHOW THIS YOUNG MAN SOME RESPECT!" Sirzechs shouted, making Gohan and co jump at the sudden outburst.

It seemed to do the trick though as all those that had whispered about Gohan and those that had given him dirty looks had all slightly bowed to the boy much to their displeasure of having to do so.

"Gohan, I would like you to say a few words it just so these people can see what type of person you really are," Sirzechs asks Gohan hoping that he would agree to it.

"Well, I guess so but what am I going to talk about?" Gohan replies with his head tilted to the side pondering of something to talk about, "Oh wait, I know what I can talk about."

"Okay, good. Everyone, I have asked Gohan to say some words seeing as he was the one to win the game for my sister."

Gohan then went and stood on the pedestal at the front of the main hall, "Hi everyone" Gohan somewhat nervously said. "There is something that I want to say to my friends and fellow Gremory peerage members starting with Asia" Gohan points to Asia as she feels embarrassed that Gohan pointed out and now everyone in the room was looking at her.

"Asia, you were brilliant today. You may not be a fighter but you did what Rias needed you to do and that's been there ready to heal your King when needed so well done Asia" Gohan was full of praise for the timid blonde but she did her job well and he was proud of her for that.

"Koneko, I'm really proud of the way you fought, it was a shame you got taken out of the game so quickly as I would have liked to have seen what you had perfected in your training but when you were fighting alongside Issei I saw that you were calculated and calm in your situation." Gohan was upset and angry when Koneko had been taken out by the bomb queen but smiled at her to reassure the small cat like girl that what he said was true. Koneko was happy at the comments Gohan had made and would make sure to fall asleep on his lap later as she had missed doing so recently thanks to all the training recently.

"Kiba, well, I'm amazed at how far you have come in your hand to hand combat, the way you took out the three pawns with such ease was amazing to watch and made me want to have a spar with you. When you joined up with Issei, you too did very well to stay calm and collected in the situation, especially when a certain someone was losing his cool..." Gohan looked at a very sheepish Issei while Kiba and the others just laughed. "Kiba, you were a dark horse in this game and you played the part brilliantly so well done Kiba." Kiba was inwardly beaming at the comments Gohan had made and was now desperate to get back and continue training.

Sirzechs who was now stood next to Grayfia was smiling at Gohan's comments and pondered what the young man was going to say about his sister. Sirzechs knew that they both had some feelings towards each other even if they tried to hide it, to him it was obvious especially with his sister. You are the only person I would willingly give my sister to Gohan…

"Akeno, you were incredible in your fight with Yubelluna, I was proud to see that you had learned not to solely rely on your lightning magic and try some other methods, it was a shame that she had those phoenix tears as you would beat her easy just like you already were." Akeno smiled and slightly bowed to Gohan in thanks to the praise which surprised Rias somewhat because of how her best friend had hated men not too long ago but she knew Gohan was different to most men. All Akeno wanted to do then and there was just rip Gohan's clothes off and try and dominate the young Saiyan half-breed.

Gohan had to pause before continuing as he suddenly felt a cold chill go up to his spine, hmm wonder what that was about…

"Issei, for me and I,'m sure to everyone in this room, you were the surprise package in this fight, you never gave up and fought through some tough opponents. I am personally so proud you because not to long ago you were the weakest member of this peerage but now you have proved just how powerful you are and this is only the beginning Issei, I've told you before that you have a huge potential especially thanks to your tenant and I will help you so that you can protect those you care most about." Issei had tears in his eyes as he was so happy from Gohan's comments. "People here keep saying that I won the game for Rias but I don't believe that at all, yes I beat old chicken wings…" Sudden laughter could be heard by many in the room due to that insult towards Riser, "However I was not the one that won this game for us, it was you Issei, you took down most of his peerage on your own and persevered through sheer willpower to unlock the next level of your sacred gear so to me you are the MVP of this game Issei, congrats!" Gohan began clapping him and soon enough Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Asia and nearly everyone else in the room began to clap with him as everyone could kind of agree that Issei was the most surprising and best piece of the day.

Issei at this point was trying his hardest to hold back the tears and just bowed to everyone in respect to them clapping him and then finally looked back at Gohan, Issei lifted his arm up and did a thumbs up to Gohan while copying Gohan's grin but with some tears streaming down his face. My hard work paid off...Thank you Ddraig…and thank you...Gohan

"Last but least…" Gohan then looks at Rias and looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes, "Rias, thank you for working so hard in your preparation for this game. You worked so hard if not harder than any of us in your preparation while we were all training. I'm so glad that I got to join your peerage and all I have to say to you is one're free Rias Gremory so please remember whenever you are in trouble or are down about something, you have all of us here ready to make you feel better and face whatever comes at us head on." Gohan jumped down of the pedestal and was now feet away from a very happy but tearful crimson haired beauty.

Rias walks up to Gohan and puts her arms around him and buries her head into his chest seeking that warmth that she had grown accustomed to now, Gohan returns the hug as they both just stand still for what seemed like hours.

Sirzechs seeing this as the best time for his surprise for Rias and Gohan steps in, "Everyone if you would come to the gardens I have a little surprise for my sister."

When hearing her brother's words she lets go of Gohan and they all begin to follow Sirzechs outside. Once they had gotten outside into the gardens Issei, Asia, and a number of high-class devils all had a rather shocked look on their faces as they saw a huge Griffin sat there looking at them all.

"What's a Griffin of all things doing here!" Issei bellowed out not realizing how loud he spoke.

"This is my surprise for my dear little sister, Rias why don't you and let's say Gohan ride this back home."

"Well Gohan, shall we..." Rias turns to look at Gohan but sees that he doesn't seem that interested in it much to her dismay, however…

"Actually I have a better idea, I think Issei should take the Griffin with Asia, don't you think so too Rias I mean after all he was the MVP of the game" Gohan winked at Rias, he saw that she was disappointed with him offering it to Issei instead but he had a better idea for him and Rias.

"sigh… Yes, I suppose you are right, go on Issei you deserve this after your performance today..." Rias was upset that Gohan didn't want to go on the Griffin home but it did make sense that after everything Issei had done in the game he was that deserved a little prize for all his hard work.

"Are you sure Rias? I mean your brother got this Griffin for you..."

"Yes, go on Asia, Issei quick" Rias smiled to the pair as they both nodded to her and Issei jumped on Griffin's back, Asia then jumped up onto the birds back too and was now sat sideways in front of Issei.

"Oh one last thing Issei, don't pull any of its feathers out or it will attack you…" Sirzechs warned, however, before Issei could reply, the Griffin quickly got up and shot off into the moonlit sky.

After watching them set off, Gohan then steps behind Rias with nobody noticing as they were too busy looking at Issei and Asia riding the Griffin off into the distance… "Well, guess it's time for us to go to Rias..."

"WAIT GOHAN!" Rias screeched.

Gohan had scooped up Rias bridal style and started to fly off leaving everyone now staring at the sudden action by Gohan, "I thought you might prefer this way of traveling especially after last time we did it" Gohan did his usual grin while looking at the still shocked crimson princess.

Rias quickly wraps her arms around Gohan's neck for safety, "Yes, I suppose you are right but did you have to scare me like that..." Rias puffed her cheeks while trying to look angry at Gohan which just didn't seem to work as Gohan's grin just seem to calm her down.

Gohan just laughed at Rias's cute little angry face, Even when she's angry, she is still beautiful…

As Gohan flew higher towards the huge moon in the sky, Rias tucked her head into his chest once again and thought back to hers and Gohan's very first meeting. She knew there was something intriguing about him from the very first moment they shared together, when they were both staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity in the classroom, but she didn't expect him to be the one who would come to steal her heart and save her from a miserable life with that damned chicken… Rias giggled at that insult thinking back to how Gohan had called Riser it and put him on two walls in their first meeting.

Rias then looked up at Gohan, you really have stolen my heart Gohan…

Gohan was also having similar thoughts about how he had come to this dimension by pure accident and he had met some amazing friends and also how he had found his first love, I really do love Rias…

Gohan then started to slow down his flying and decided to hover in the moonlight over the Gremory house, "Are you okay Rias?" Gohan asks a very comfortable looking Rias.

"I am thanks to you Gohan..." Just as Rias answers Gohan, they both look into each other's eyes again and as if they both had opposite end magnets inside their lips, their lips collided with a very soft and loving kiss.

Just as they had begun to kiss, Rias's wings suddenly sprout out of her back and they both just seem to hover in the moonlight sharing their very first passionate kiss.

Everyone on the ground that had seen Gohan and Rias take off had seen the passionate exchange between the pair, Sirzechs had a massive grin on his face while his wife Grayfia just smiled while looking on the pair that she had come to care for in particular Gohan in recent weeks. Akeno and Koneko were both having similar thoughts, I wish that was me… Akeno knew her feelings for Gohan were growing but she knew that her best friend Rias needed this more than ever, I will get my turn soon Rias… Koneko was slightly different, she didn't have any romantic feelings for Gohan, however, she saw him like an older brother and wished to be praised by her older brother and Koneko still wanted her monkey lap pillow back as she had been without it for too long now.

As Gohan and Rias finished the passionate make-out session, on the back of the Griffin a similar event was occurring between Issei and Asia. "You were amazing today Issei, thank you for all your help" Asia looked at Issei and could see that his eyes were still sort of puffy thanks to Gohan's speech earlier, thank you Issei…

Issei was just about to reply to Asia when she suddenly cupped his face and kissed his lips which he returned after realizing what was happening, HA screw you Motohama, Matsuda…

The sunlight started to break through the curtains and begin to make Gohan stir in his sleep, as he slowly opened his eyes he tried to stretch his body but found a weight on his chest that seemed to pin him down. Gohan managed to rub his eyes so he could see the culprit as to why he felt heavy on his chest but he had a suspicion as to who it was, Gohan looked down only to see a whole lot of crimson hair just covering his muscular body. Should have known you would stay…Gohan smiled as he gazed upon the girl who was sound asleep and breathing softly onto his abdomen.

"Gohan..." Rias mumbled in her sleep. Gohan had just smiled when hearing Rias say his name in her sleep.Think it's time you wake up…

"Rias, wakey wakey..."

Rias stirred ever so slightly but didn't wake up so Gohan decided to use extreme measures. Gohan decided to float upwards while still on his back, however, as Gohan did this the covers were coming off and Gohan forgetting about Rias's love of sleeping naked was suddenly left red-faced as he got a full view of her naked body and could now feel her all over his naked top half. Gohan then turned slowly as he hovered as to try and drop the crimson princess straight back onto the bed. Dammit, what is with this grip… Rias was now holding Gohan tight as if she knew it was best not to let go.

Rias did eventually let up her grip and fell 2 feet and landed comfortably onto the bed, "Ahh what's going on!" Rias was finally awake albeit slightly confused about what had awoken her from her lovely slumber.

Gohan looked down on her with very rosy cheeks thanks to seeing everything, he chuckled at Rias's sleepy behavior and decided to land next to her on the bed.

"Gohan! That was mean!"

Gohan laughed at the childish face she was pulling. They both got back under the covers together and Rias just cuddled into her savior, for the next few minutes they didn't say anything to each other as they both felt somewhat nervous about each other, especially after what had happened the night before with their passionate kiss.

"So...Rias does this mean...we are now, you know...together?" Gohan very shyly queried Rias.

"Well, how do you feel about us being together Gohan?" Rias was feeling shy about the conversation just as much as Gohan was but she knew this was the best chance to ask him, Rias knew her feelings for Gohan but she needed to know just how Gohan felt about her.

"Rias for you a lot, you are a beautiful person on the inside and outside. Back in my dimension I didn't talk to many girls that were my own age so this is all new to me, however, I would like to see where this relationship between us goes and I want to be with you Rias." Gohan was now just gazing into the blue orbs that were Rias's eyes, he really did love her eyes.

Rias didn't need to say anything as she just kissed Gohan straight away once he had told her how he felt about her. Rias was so happy that she had finally found someone that saw her as just Rias and not the heir to the Gremory household. When they finished their kiss Rias just looked at Gohan and did a grin to him which was similar to his own.

"I'll take it that we are boyfriend and girlfriend then?"

"What do you think..." Rias just kept kissing him in reply…

I guess so then…

Once Gohan and Rias had finally decided to get themselves off each other and out of bed, Rias told Gohan that she had a surprise in store for him and the rest of their friends. So with that, they got ready for the day and left Gohan's apartment and made their way over to Issei's house.

"So what's this surprise Rias?" Gohan was very curious now as Rias had not stopped smiling since they had left his home.

"I'm not telling you Gohan, you will just have to wait and see when we get there. Everyone else I should imagine will already be there" Rias was simply ecstatic at the recent events, she had finally gotten rid of that annoying marriage problem, she now also had in her words, the best boyfriend she could have asked for. Last but least, the surprise which was something great not just for her in general but also for everyone involved.

As Gohan and Rias turned onto Issei's street, Gohan noticed something sticking out like a sore thumb. "Rias, please tell me that's not who's house I think it is..."

What Gohan was looking at was a 3 story house which just seemed to tower over all the other houses that were nearby. Gohan was just in shock because he knew straight away that was where Issei's house was.

"Do you like it? I had my brother renovate the place while we were all at the party after the rating game." Rias and Gohan were just stood in front of the huge building as Gohan was trying to take in what had happened.

"So this is the surprise then? Because it's a pretty big one." Rias giggled at that comment, "Well, this is only part of the surprise, come on let's go see everyone else inside." Rias grabbed Gohan's hand and ran inside with him.

Rias opened the door, "Helloooo… anyone here!?".

"Bout time you two got here!" Issei had just walked in from what seemed to be the kitchen.

"I'm guessing everyone but me knows what is going on here…?" Gohan was very confused at how Issei was being so normal about what had happened to his house.

"EVERYONE, RIAS AND GOHAN ARE HERE!" Issei shouted loudly so that everyone in the house could hear him.

Issei then led both Rias and Gohan into the reception area to where the stairs were, eventually, everyone had finally come out from all different parts of the house.

"So can someone explain to me what is going on because I'm so confused right now..." Gohan queried the rest of the group.

Rias decided she would explain everything, "Gohan like I said I asked my brother to have Issei's house renovated, this was because I wanted all of us to live under one roof. My brother agreed because he sees this as a good opportunity for all of us to become closer as friends and as a peerage so that if we can become a better unit together." Rias had gone into detail about all of this with Sirzechs and Akeno who also saw it as a good idea, even though all she was thinking was she would be able to get closer to Gohan this way too.

"I see, but what about Issei's parents and my apartment, seeing as it has my training… you have had one made here haven't you..." Gohan could see the smirk that appeared on his girlfriend's face and instantly knew.

"Well, I knew we had to have some sort of leeway in order for you to move in here" Rias and everyone else just laughed at this as they could see a very happy looking Gohan now.

"Well, I guess I'm in! Now can I see the training room?" Gohan was like a kid in a candy store, he was desperate to this training room now.

"I am glad to see you're so eager to move in here so I will show you around and then seeing as nobody else has seen the new and improved training room I will show that last as it is in the new basement" Rias was so happy at the fact Gohan had agreed to move into the house, she hadn't realized that she had a big smile on her face and everyone else could see it.

"Okay well, you take the lead Rias."

Everyone was then led from one room to another as Rias and Issei showed everybody else around the huge house. As the group made their way up to the third floor where the bedrooms were, Gohan suddenly had a bad feeling about something, Why do I feel like something is going to happen to me any minute now…

There was a total of six rooms on this floor which all included there own en-suite for each room, "Wait, why is there only six rooms when there is seven of us?" Gohan was confused but suddenly as if that feeling from earlier was a warning for this particular moment he realized quickly what was about to happen.

"That's easy Gohan, seeing as we are together now, it's only natural for us to stay in the same room together..." Rias casually replied to the now jaw dropped Saiyan.

"Wait! You too are actually a couple now!?" Issei blurted out loudly surprised by the sudden announcement.

Akeno and Koneko at this point were in two minds, they were both happy for their King and for their friend Gohan, however, they also felt somewhat sad as they knew that there might not be much time for them to spend with Gohan as they didn't really want to come in between the pair's relationship. Well, that's how Koneko felt anyway, Akeno on the other hand was struggling with her inner self about wanting to have an affair with Gohan.

"Yes, we are indeed." Gohan was still shocked about staying in the same room as his girlfriend but he knew that she would only end up coming into his room anyway and getting into bed with him. Gohan gently grasped at Rias's arm as they linked hands and just smiled to the group.

"Congrats you two!" Kiba congratulated them first, he could tell they both had mutual feelings for each other before the rating game and now was just happy for them both.

Koneko, Akeno, Asia and Issei then congratulated the pair themselves with hugs and kind words for the pair.

"Now, room arrangements, me and Gohan will be taking the middle room on the right. Who wants which room?"

Almost immediately after announcing which room Rias and Gohan would be having, Koneko and Akeno quickly went to the rooms on either side of Rias and Gohan's room. Rias had a suspicion that Akeno would take one of the rooms next to hers and Gohan's, although, she didn't expect Koneko to take the other one so quickly as well, She must really look up to Gohan…

Issei and Asia took a room each that was next to each other as Kiba took the last room. Everyone was happy with the rooms they had taken and then met back outside their rooms once they had each finished having a look at their rooms.

"Let's go and have a look at the new training room then because I feel if we don't now then my dear Gohan will end up going to take a look without us." The group laughed at Rias's comment as they could all see the excitement in Gohan's face.

Just before Rias was about to open the door to the new training room she wanted to give a heads up to everyone before they entered, "this room is very similar to Gohan's training room at his apartment, however, there have been some...upgrades added." Rias then opened the door and immediately everyone could see the difference.

The entrance into the training room had changed a lot, the safe area was now open and was its own little building which consisted of a shower room along with a bathroom. It also had three large sofas which were facing the rest of the room so that people could watch on and take a rest. The panels on the walls of the room were very easy to make out compared to the old training room.

"The new features in this room are magic energy machines which you can have shoot attacks at you while you train to help with your evasion and concentration amongst other things. There is also now a cloning machine, instead of Gohan creating his own clones you can now decide on an opponent and the new system will create the clones and however many you want to fight." Rias explained carefully trying not to miss out any of the details her brother had explained about the new upgrades.

"This is amazing, it reminds me so much of the hyperbolic time chamber back home..." Gohan was just looking around in awe at what he was seeing, the room so far was a paradise for any training nut.

"ACHOOOOO..." a certain Saiyan Prince sneezed, hmm, Kakarot best not be talking about me…

"The room does still have to gravity controls and everyone's voice has been put into the system so we can all decide on what gravity we want it at when we are training." Rias was so glad that the room had been built in time for everyone to see especially Gohan as she could see how excited he was about the whole room.

"Oh, there is one more thing..." Everyone then looked back at Rias wondering what else had she had made in this room.

"Instead of shouting what you want to do like Gohan had to in his old training room" Rias then pulled out some special black bracelets, "When anyone comes in here from now on, you are to put one of these bracelets on."

"But why? What are they for Rias…?" Issei asks on behalf of the confused looking group.

Rias simply put one of the bracelets on and tapped on the small screen that was on them, a hologram of all the settings you could control in the training room could be seen, "All the rooms settings can be controlled via these so make sure you put one on as soon as you come in, I will place them by the entrance."

Gohan was so happy about the room, it was so much better than his previous training room, I'm so glad we have this room…

After Rias had finally finished showing everyone all around the building and gotten Gohan out of the training room, Gohan had to go back to his apartment and grab all of his belongings to bring to the new house. Thankfully he had Kiba and Issei to help him out while the others got tea ready for everyone.

"Issei, I've been meaning to ask you this but… where are your parents…?" Gohan addressed the young boy as he suddenly realized that they were nowhere to be seen in Issei's house.

"Oh yeah, when Sirzechs told me about the renovation to my house he said that he had given my Mum and Dad a trip around the world and as soon as they were given their tickets they were gone straight away." Issei just chuckled when he was told all about it by Sirzechs.

Some time later, once Gohan had moved into the house, the group were now sat in the dining hall at the table with a huge feast in front of them, even though most of it seemed to be directly in front of Gohan thanks to his rather large appetite. They all shared smiles and laughter as they were all content with the way their lives were at this moment in time.

Once everyone had finished their food and everything had been cleared up, it was getting late so they all decided to head to their rooms individually. Gohan and Rias made their way inside their room and quickly got changed ready for bed, Gohan had managed to convince Rias to wear something to bed as he didn't want any unfortunate incidents to happen. Rias teased Gohan on this matter trying to make him more embarrassed, "You sure you don't want me naked in bed with you Gohan, I felt something this morning getting rather excited by my naked body being rubbed up against his..." Gohan at this point was beet red and just trying to ignore her cheeky smile and teasing.

As they both got in bed and Rias cuddled in close to Gohan they both just seem to breathe a sigh of relief at finally getting some rest as it had been a rough couple of days and for Rias more mentally exhausting more than anything but she was now at peace.

"Thank you Gohan, you've saved me from my own hell… I love you..." Rias muttered out the last few words as she dropped off to sleep while laid on Gohan's bare chest.

Gohan just looked down at her and smiled, "I love you too Rias." He kissed her head and proceeded to fall asleep too with one last thought going through his head, I hope this never moment never ends...

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My new Book on Dxd which is called Issei Hyoudou: The Guardian tell me about how you like ????

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