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Chapter 18: Rais Hell

A few days had passed since the ordeal with Kokabiel and Valper, each person from Rias's Peerage including Rias herself had to take a long hard look at themselves as they had come to realise that if it wasn't for Gohan being there or even Vali showing up at the end, they would have been in big trouble as the only one even able to deal damage to Kokabiel was Issei and that was only because Issei caught him off guard.

Rias being the leader, felt that her own abilities were not good enough and didn't want to have to rely on Gohan for every situation.

Akeno felt that she was in some ways useless to her boyfriend in the fight, she knew that he had an incredible amount of power especially after his latest transformation but she still would of liked to be of some help for both Gohan and Rias and not just be a bystander.

Issei was similar to Akeno, he knew that he was becoming stronger everyday, however after seeing The White Dragon Emperor and how strong he was, Issei felt inadequate even after Gohan telling him that he wasn't. Issei had begun his training with Gohan the day after they had all rested from the battle with Kokabiel. Gohan had started him off with wearing weighted clothing again, he had made it heavier but made it so Issei was able to at least move around in it. Issei had been wearing it all the time as Gohan had instructed and had told him not to take it off until Gohan himself tells him too. When Gohan had taken Issei into the training room he had also increased the Gravity and sparred with Issei, however, Gohan soon came to realize that Issei was terrible at hand to hand combat, he tended to just throw his weight around and not concentrate on his instincts to help him fight. Gohan decided that this would be the first step to Issei's ascension.

Koneko, Kiba and even Xenovia had decided to partake in Gohan's training as well as they all felt they needed to improve greatly. Koneko would spar with Gohan and sometimes Issei as well while Kiba and Xenovia seem to grow closer through their own spars with their swords.

Even Asia felt somewhat helpless with her healing powers especially after the Kiba issue. Asia was upset with herself that she couldn't do more for Kiba when he had been fatally injured. Asia decided to ask Rias if she could try and learn from Sona Sitri's Queen piece, Tsubaki. Rias, Sona and Tsubaki agreed to help Asia and decided to teach her a little attack and defence magic along with helping her quicken her twilight healing which Asia was ecstatic about.


As another boring high school day passed, everyone had met up after class at the clubroom as Issei and Koneko both had a summoning tonight while Xenovia had to hand out flyers seeing as she was just beginning as a Devil.

"So who is my summoner tonight President?" Issei asks curiously.

"Issei, it will be the man that you saw last time, the one who paid with that painting" Rias replies as she points at said painting that is now hanging up in there clubroom.

"I can't believe I forgot his name…." Issei mutters.

"It is strange actually, even I don't know his name and this is the second time he has specifically asked for you...Issei" Rias did wonder just who this mysterious man was but according to Issei he just seemed to be a normal guy albeit a little lonely, Rias shrugged it off and sent Issei on his way.

Gohan, who had been sat on the sofa finishing off some homework had noticed the look on Rias's face so as Issei left the room to get ready for his summons he looked at Rias and asked, "Do you want me to follow him and make sure nothing happens…?"

Rias ponders for a moment and considers Gohan's offer, "No that's okay, I think he will be fine… just keep sensing him and see if there are any random spikes of his power" Rias asked, not completely sure of herself so thought better be safe then sorry.


Issei had arrived at the summoners apartment and had been let in by the mysterious man.

"So what is it you want me to do for you today then?" Issei asks as he sits down on the sofa.

"Actually there was a reason I called you hear today..." the black haired man with golden bangs replied.

"Why me?" Issei curiously asks as he looks at the man questionably.

"Well, I wanted to speak to both you and that other boy, the one with black spiky hair"

Issei was now surprised by this statement as one, this man had never met Gohan and two, how did he even know of Gohan…

"Oh right, I guess I've not introduced myself properly have I…" just as the man finished, ten pitch black wings sprouted out of the man's back shocking Issei as he suddenly jumped over the sofa he was sat on and went into a defensive stance slightly worried about the predicament he was now in.

Issei not realising that he had activated his boosted gear mentally made Gohan back at the clubroom suddenly become aware of his random energy spike.

"My name is Azazel and I am the leader of the Fallen Angels..."

Issei was now genuinely worried as he knew how powerful Kokabiel had been and here he was now stood in front of the leader of the Fallen Angels that had caused him, Kiba and Asia so much pain.

"So are you here for revenge?" Issei growled while trying to keep an eye on any sudden movements from the man.

"Don't worry, I am not here for a fight or revenge even, as far as I am concerned Kokabiel deserved what he got, however, I would have liked it better if Vali managed to bring him back" Azazel stated. The Fallen Angel leader was surprised to hear that one of his former leaders who had been a big figure in the War had actually been killed by some unknown kid.

"I am curious about the Sacred Gear you hold Issei and I am also very curious to meet your friend Gohan and see his...powers in person" Azazel smirked as he thought about Gohan.

"Then you won't have to wait very long..." A sudden voice made itself known, Gohan who had sensed the spike in Issei's energy earlier on told Rias who then asked Gohan to get to Issei quickly. Gohan flew fast to Issei's location and was there for a few seconds. Gohan came in the apartment via the balcony, he had heard what Azazel had said before he made himself known though.

"Ah, so you are the boy who killed Kokabiel… interesting..." Azazel said as he looked at Gohan trying to read his power.

"Gohan!" Issei inwardly was breathing a sigh of relief as he was slightly worried this man was going to take his revenge on him.

Gohan stood by Issei, "Why are you so interested in me and Issei?" Gohan could sense the Fallen Angels power, He's definitely stronger than Kokabiel but what does he want…?

"Well, I'm not that interested in the Red Dragon Emperor because he is weaker than I expected" Azazel stated, Issei pride was hurt by that statement and it took a lot for him to not try and smash the cocky Fallen Angel in the face.

"However you, Gohan… You are a very special case seeing as you are not from here"

Gohan was shocked by this, How does he know about that!… "What is it you want?" Gohan steadily began to increase his power in case of any quick or sneak attack.

"Nothing really, I am only here to tell Issei here that I will no longer be asking for his services as something has come up, although, I should imagine that we will be seeing each other very soon" Azazel retracted his wings and began to leave via the front door, however…

"If you are here for revenge Azazel, you can expect to end up just like Kokabiel as I will not let anyone hurt my friends or this town" Gohan venomously states as both Gohan's and Azazel's eyes meet before the latter leaves. Azazel did notice the sudden teal coloured eyes coming from the boy and could feel the staggering increase in power without even transforming completely.

Azazel then disappears leaving the two concerned and confused boys. "You okay Issei?" Gohan asks while looking at his friend who seemed to be shaking a little from the confrontation.

"Yeah…. Thanks for coming Gohan, I was scared that he was going to try and get revenge by killing me" Issei breathed a sigh of relief as his body collapsed into the sofa he had been sat on.

"Sorry about that, anyway I think we better get back to Rias and the others at the clubroom and inform them of Azazel being here in town, now," Gohan says as Issei nods in agreement once regaining his composure.

"Yeah, let's go..." Issei and Gohan then leave the building heading back towards the clubroom.


Not long after their meeting with Azazel, Issei and Gohan had made it back to the Occult Research Clubroom. Koneko, Xenovia and Kiba had already left to do their summons which left Rias, Akeno and Asia at the clubroom, Gohan and Issei explained their encounter with the Fallen Angel Leader, Azazel.

"I cannot believe that the leader of the Fallen Angels has been in my territory for a while now and that he tried tapping up my special Pawn!" an irate Rias said, clearly pissed off that she had no idea of such a powerful person in her territory.

"Well, he has left now anyway so we don't need to worry for now I guess, I didn't feel any negative emotions towards us more along the lines of just curiosity" Gohan explained to Rias and Akeno.

"It is odd for such a higher being to be in Kuoh Town especially now after all the problems we had to do with Kokabiel," Akeno said, Gohan, Rias, Issei and Asia all agreed with Akeno's statement, it seemed to be too coincidental.

As everyone continued to think about Gohan's and Issei's meeting with Azazel and what it could mean for the future, eventually Kiba, Xenovia and Koneko returned and were told of what had happened with Gohan and Issei. All three of them were worried about the random appearance of Azazel and what he wanted.


"So, why are we doing this again..." Issei asks slightly confused why he was stood in front of a murky, disgusting green pool.

"Well Issei, I thought it would be nice of our club to do this as a thank you to Sona and her group for all their hard work while we were fighting Kokabiel before" Rias explained.

Rias had spoken to Sona earlier on in the day and when Sona had told her about the school's swimming pool needing to be cleaned, Rias had the sudden idea of herself and her peerage cleaning it as long as they could use it once it was clean. Sona agreed quickly, grateful to Rias taking on the job.

"Just look at it this way Issei, the quicker we get it done, the quicker we can enjoy it for ourselves" Gohan patted Issei on the back.

"Alright everyone, let's get to cleaning!" Rias cheers.

The girls all went into their changing room while the boys went into their side as well. As the boys begin getting changed from their school uniform into their school gym track suits, they begin talking about random things from their school day until…

"Issei...Gohan, there's something… I want to tell you both" Kiba mutters shyly.

"What's up Kiba?" Gohan asks.

Issei turns to his blonde friend to see what is making Kiba act out of character. "Well, I just want to thank you both again for your help with Valper and Kokabiel, it means a lot to me and I just want to know that I will always protect you both!" Kiba announces while half naked, causing Issei to be somewhat worried by the strange timing of his statement of intent.

"Kiba, you are making things awkward… by standing there HALF NAKED!" Issei blushes and turns back to his locker.

"Kiba, don't go doing anything crazy if either me or Issei are in danger, especially me" Gohan says in a serious tone causing Kiba to look down upset, "Kiba, you don't need to guard us constantly, we can both protect ourselves so the best thing you can do is keep getting stronger and work in protecting all of us while we all protect you too Kiba… after all, this is a Family" Gohan smiled at Kiba who instantly perked up at hearing Gohan say this. Issei who had also heard what Gohan had said smiled to himself, I must become stronger…

"Thank you again...Gohan" Kiba wiped away a few tears that had escaped his eyes and turned back to his locker continuing to get changed.

Issei suddenly notices something strange on Gohan's lower back as he takes his school shirt off. Issei turns to look at it and realises that it is a hole with a bit of what looks to be animal fur coming out.

"Gohan… what is that hole on your back…?" Issei questions looking confused.

Gohan knew that this would come eventually, he was kinda surprised that Rias and Akeno had not been the first to ask after all their baths together.

Kiba then turns to look, curious by what Issei was talking about until he sees the hole on Gohan's lower back and shouts, "WHAT IS THAT!"

The girls had heard Kiba's very loud question and came running into the boys changing room thinking something was wrong. Luckily for Kiba and Issei, they had already gotten changed while Gohan still had his top half exposed, much to Rias, Akeno's and surprisingly Xenovia's enjoyment as Rias and Akeno loved to look at Gohan's incredible body while Xenovia was enjoying the sight for only the second time.

"What was with the shout Kiba!?" Asia said worried for her boyfriend and friends.

Kiba just pointed at Gohan's lower back in which all the girls looked to see the hole on Gohan's back.

"Well, seeing as everyone is here now I may as well tell everyone..." Gohan then explained to the group about the Saiyan Race and how they were known for their special transformation during a full moon. Gohan told them about his first time turning into the great ape and how his master had to destroy the moon and cut off his tail in order to stop him from nearly destroying the planet. Gohan also mentioned that he could quite easily grow it back by having someone apply pressure just above the hole where his tail was meant to be but said it would be best for the whole planet if he didn't have his tail for right now seeing as they still had the moon in this dimension.

The group were shocked to hear about Gohan's extra transformation he had after seeing all the others, even if this one would cause him to become a giant monkey.

"How did we not notice that hole when we bathed together..." Rias mumbled, Maybe it was because all we could do was stare at everything else on his god like body…

Once Gohan finished his story of his tail and origins, everyone finished off getting changed and made their way now-drained pool courtesy of Akeno.

The group very quickly clean the pool thanks to a little competition between Gohan and Issei to see who could clean it the quickest. Gohan won thanks to his crazy speed.

The girls then got changed into their swimsuits while the boys who had already put their swimming shorts on underneath their gym clothes waited and also took their gym clothes off.

The boys were all wearing the same style shorts which seem to finish off just below their knees. Gohan's was orange with blue trimming up the sides and yellow lace that could be used as a belt. Gohan had gone for these swimming shorts because they were the same colour as his favourite gi which resembled his fathers gi.

Issei wore some black shorts which had a flaming red welsh dragon up the leg. Asia had seen them in a shop before they all met at the pool today and instantly bought them for Issei hoping that he would love them.

Kiba wore just a similar style to Gohan's apart from Kiba's were blue with a tinge of white to them.

"You girls nearly done yet!" Gohan shouts as he couldn't wait to jump in the pool and finally relax for a bit.

"Just coming!" a voice shouts from within the girls changing room.

As soon as the changing room opened and the girls walked out, Gohan and Issei in particular were just in awe at their girlfriends. Rias was wearing a pale white 2 piece bikini which seemed to make her very smooth pale skin gleam along with her crimson red hair. Akeno was wearing a very skimpy black bikini which showed off her huge bust and heart shaped bum.

Issei was staring at Asia who was wearing the traditional blue school swimsuit, Issei had mentioned before that he liked girls wearing them, Asia remembered this and wanted to impress her boyfriend.

Koneko and Xenovia were the last ones to walk out, Koneko had gone with the same idea as Asia and was wearing her school swimsuit, meanwhile, Xenovia was wearing a similar bikini to Akeno as it was barely containing her large bust and didn't leave much imagination to the boys looking on.

"So Gohan, I guess by your facial expression you like what you see" Rias teased upon seeing Gohan's face. Rias and Akeno both chuckled at their boyfriend.

"If you're a good boy Gohan, I might just let you rip this off and let you have your way with me..." Akeno cooed into Gohan's ear which just seem to be the final straw as Gohan exploded with blood from his nose and collapsed on the floor.

"Well, it seems that all powerful Gohan does have a weakness" Akeno laughed along with Rias.

"Do you like my costume Issei?" Asia mumbled as she was blushing at the stare Issei was giving. Soon enough Issei too exploded with blood from his nose and collapsed next to Gohan. Everyone just began to laugh loudly at the boys reactions.

Once Gohan and Issei managed to get a hold of themselves Akeno used a spell to fill the pool with clean water instantly. Rias and Akeno had set up some sun beds for their group around the pool which they decided to lay on for a while before they took a dip in the pool.

Gohan then noticed Koneko acting very shy towards going in the pool, "Koneko, you okay? Don't you want to swim?"

Koneko began to blush in embarrassment as she had been worried about this moment, "Actually...Gohan could you...teach me?" she said very quietly, Gohan had a feeling that was the reason why she hadn't gotten in yet.

"Of course I will Koneko!" Gohan pulled his usual grin at the cat like girl, Koneko smiled in reply, happy that she had become so close to Gohan. To Koneko, Gohan was the sibling figure she had always wanted, she did feel the same in some way with Rias but she was more her master than anything but with Gohan, she knew that he would always be their for her as that was the type of person she knew he was.

Gohan and Koneko got into the shallow end of the pool so that they were out of the way of Kiba as he was currently doing relays. Issei had seen the interaction between Koneko and Gohan then turned to see that Asia was giving him the puppy dog eyes as she too had heard the conversation between Gohan and Koneko.

"Issei, will you teach me how to swim please" Asia pleads.

"Come on then..." Issei agrees as he knows once Asia gives him the puppy dog eyes he just cannot win with her, Damn that unbelievably cute face….

For the next hour, Gohan and Issei try to teach the girls on how to swim. Koneko seemed to pick up on the basics very quickly and was able to swim at least 20m on her own until she reached Gohan who grabbed her just in case she began to struggle seeing as she couldn't touch the bottom. Asia was still struggling so they decided to have a little break.

"Gohan can you come here a minute..." Rias called over her boyfriend. Gohan then walked over to Rias and Akeno who were both laid on their front.

"What is it Rias?" Gohan happily asked.

Rias then grabbed a sun cream bottle, "Can you rub this on my body please..."

"Oh, can you rub some on me as well please Gohan," Akeno asked, wanting to feel Gohan's hands touching her body as well.

"...erm, okay..." Gohan was slightly nervous especially after Akeno's little comment earlier on. Gohan then got a seat and sat in the middle of both girls and poured some cream onto both the girls backs. As Gohan began to massage Rias and Akeno's bodies with the cream, both girls were trying to hold in their moans, however as Gohan continued to massage Rias and Akeno's back, thighs, and calf's the girls couldn't help but moan in pleasure from his God like fingers and hands.

"erm…girls are you okay?" Gohan asks not really realising just how stimulating his touch was.

"Yeah…just...go Koneko..." Akeno managed to utter her words while feeling like she was slowly melting into the bed she was laid on.

Xenovia had been sat on her own bed not far from Rias and Akeno, she had been her new group and felt somewhat jealous of them all. Rias, Akeno and Asia had a special someone in their lives who they could depend on for love and comfort, even Koneko did in a different way with Gohan. Xenovia knew she was new to the group and but she wanted that special someone too, Gohan had really left an impression on her from the moment they first met, he just seemed to ooze power and a special kindness that was hard to find in others, not to mention thanks to seeing his body earlier he had the body of a God. The Red Dragon Emperor Issei Hyoudou, he had surprised her as at first he seemed weak and not very desirable, however, during the fight with Kokabiel, Issei showed that he could be a big help and was very caring, kind and when needed to be, very dependable. Last but not least, Rias Gremory's Knight, Kiba Yuuto. Xenovia's first thoughts on her team mate now was that he was weak as well because of their little spar when she had first arrived in Kuoh Town and introduced herself to Rias Gremory, however, just like with Issei, Kiba proved to be a strong person both in battle and in life especially after the moment he saved her life from that weirdo, Freed Selzan.

"I hope I can be with someone..." Xenovia muttered out loud.


Everyone had enjoyed their day by the pool, it was nice for all of them to take a bit of relaxation time for once seeing as they had been busy with problems recently with Rias's arranged marriage and the most recent Kokabiel and Valper issue. They were all now sat inside the clubroom to relax for a little while before heading off home.

"Issei, how do you feel with those new weights?" Gohan asks. When Gohan, Issei and Kiba were getting changed in the changing room, Gohan decided it was time that Issei needed to up his weights as he had gotten used to the first ones already, Ddraig must have something to do with why Issei has already begun to gain a little more muscle now…

"They feel okay I guess, it's hard to move every now and then because I forget I have them on at times" Issei chuckled while scratching the back of his.

Gohan just nodded and smiled to Issei, glad that he was sticking to his word before and trying his best.

Suddenly a bright light engulfed the clubroom causing all members to look at the source, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything..." a man's voice spoke.

Rias was the first to notice who it was, "BROTHER!" She gasped, surprised the sudden appearance of her older brother.

Sirzechs had arrived in the clubroom along with Grayfia, "Like I've told you before Rias, is it so bad for an older brother to worry about his younger sister..." Sirzechs smiles to his younger sibling.

Koneko, Kiba, Akeno and Issei all got down on one knee and bowed to the King of the Devils, while Asia and Xenovia were surprised by the sudden appearance of the Sirzechs. Asia looked at him in awe, So this is Lucifer leader of the Devils and Rias's big brother…

Xenovia was again surprised by the seemingly normal type of guy that Sirzechs, the King of the Devils truly was, He's nothing like what me and Irina were told by headquarters…

Gohan smiled at seeing the man that had given him a purpose and saved his life upon arrival in this dimension. "Hello Sirzechs, Grayfia" Gohan happily spoke snapping Asia and Xenovia out of their thoughts.

"Hello again Gohan, I see that the gi's you asked me to create for you are still in normal condition" Grayfia smiled to the young boy as she spoke. Grayfia always enjoyed seeing Gohan thanks to his very happy and kind spirit.

"I don't believe that you are only here to see me brother… what's going on?" Rias narrowed her eyes looking at Sirzechs trying to make him answer.

"Did you forget Rias… it's open house at your school" Sirzechs said.

"Wait! You mean you are here to come and watch me at school! Surely you have much more important things to be dealing with right now!" Rias shrieked, This is going to be so embarrassing…

"I'm not here just for you though Rias, I will also be watching Gohan and Akeno..." The latter two surprised by this.

"Why are you watching us as well?" Gohan asks.

"Well, I'll be watching both Gohan and Akeno because of two reasons really, first is because I'm technically their guardians as it says on the application forms for Kuoh academy"

"What's the second reason…?" Gohan asks curiously.

"Well, that should be obvious… because Gohan will become my Brother and Akeno will become my Sister as well..." Once Sirzechs had a finished his explanation the room just fell quite, until…

"WHHHHHHAAAATTTTTT!" The entire room bar Sirzechs and Grayfia shouted in surprise.

"What? You thought we didn't know about the relationship between you three?" Sirzechs teased.

"But how did you..." Rias muttered wondering how her brother had already found out about her relationship with Gohan and Akeno.

"I have my ways..." Sirzechs just winked at the three teens.

"Oh by the way Father is coming as well" Sirzechs announced which seemed to just cause Rias to collapse back into her chair, Could this get any worse…

"There is also one other reason why I am here and it is for business, we are thinking of having the summit between the leaders of the Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels right here at your school"

Everyone in the room was shocked to hear this bit of news. Rias was inwardly screaming as it just seem to be one bombshell of information after another from her brother.

Sirzechs then noticed the two newest member's to Rias's ever growing family, "Ah, you must be Asia Argento… I'm glad that my Sister managed to get such a capable healer to her peerage, please take good care of my Sister and the others Asia" Sirzechs bowed.

"iii...wwill yyourr hhighness" Asia mumbled her words out as she was surprised and embarrassed by the compliment from Sirzechs.

Sirzechs then turned to the stern looking blue haired girl, "And you must be the holder of the legendary sword Durandal, I have to admit even I was surprised upon hearing that Durandal's holder had joined up with my Sister"

"Yes, my name is Xenovia Quarta my lord… it is a pleasure to meet you" Xenovia stiffened at her introduction to the King of the Devils.

"I know that you were both apart of the Angels faction and I hold no grudge for that, all I ask is that you stay loyal to my Sister and help her continue to grow as you all grow yourselves" Sirzechs smiled to the girls which seemed to calm them both down from their nerves, Asia and Xenovia both nodded in agreement.


Not long after Sirzechs and Grayfia had arrived and explained their visit to Rias and her group, they all left and made their way home. Sirzechs told Rias that they would be staying with them for next few days which Rias wasn't best pleased with but after Gohan said that she should let him seeing as he is family, Rias gave in and agreed.

Over the next couple of hours, Sirzechs spoke to all of Rias's peerage individually and asked them about how they were doing in themselves.

Issei was first and he told Sirzechs that he just wanted to become stronger so that everyone didn't have to rely on Gohan all the time. Sirzechs could see in Issei's eyes just how much this meant to him and encouraged him to do his best and keep training.

Sirzechs then spoke with Koneko, he noticed how she was forming a close brotherly bond with Gohan and was happy for her, especially after the past that had.

Kiba was next, Sirzechs saw something different and new in the blonde boy. Kiba explained that thanks to everyone he was finally rid of his past and thanks to his friends from his horrific childhood he had managed to become stronger and showed his new sword to Sirzechs.

Lastly was Akeno, he had spoken to her in a separate room as he knew she wasn't ready to reveal her Fallen Angel past to those who didn't know. Sirzechs told Akeno that he was really happy that she had finally opened up to someone and found love in that someone. Sirzechs then began to realise just how much of an impact the dimension traveller had on Rias and all of her peerage, I'm glad that Gohan has really made this group grow together and become stronger together… With that Sirzechs and Akeno rejoined everyone else when Sirzechs heard something interesting…

"Issei, want to come and train with me?" Gohan asks his brown haired "student".

Issei perked up at hearing this, "YES!" he shouted.

"Gohan, do you mind if myself and Grayfia come along… I would like to see your new transformation" Sirzechs asks as he wanted to know just how powerful Gohan was now.

"Yeah, course!" Gohan happily agrees.

"Me and Akeno will join you as well" Rias announced to her brother and boyfriend.

"I want to come too..." Koneko muttered, wanting to see her "brother" in action again.

Before Kiba, Xenovia and Asia had said they wanted to come too, Gohan just told everyone to come along seeing as their was no harm in it.


Everyone was now in the middle of the training room ready for the little show.

"I would like to see the Red Dragon Emperor progress too seeing as you all ran into the White Dragon Emperor recently" Sirzechs stated.

Issei then called upon his gauntlet and boosts began to be heard by all, eventually his gauntlet shouted EXPLOSION! "Issei, fire all your power at me..." Gohan said casually which seemed to surprise Issei as he didn't want to hurt his friend/teacher.

"Come on Issei, don't worry I will be fine!" Gohan gets into his familiar martial arts stance and increases his power until a white glow engulfs his body.

"DRAGON SHOT!" Issei shouts as he fires all his power at Gohan. Gohan just smirks at the incoming blast as Sirzechs and Grayfia watch on with the rest of the group in anticipation.


A huge explosion occurs upon impact with Gohan and as the cloud begins to dissipate, everyone sees the shadow of Gohan still in the same state as he was, except…

"Damn Issei… you are getting stronger everyday" Gohan mutters. Everyone is happy to see Gohan unharmed but as for his favourite gi, the top half had been incinerated around the left side of his chest and around his shoulder.

Sirzechs begins to clap at Issei's show of power, he might just become an Ultimate Class Devil in no time…

"Now that Issei has shown me his power, I would like to see all your transformations Gohan"

"Okay… but if I were you I would make some kind of barrier and make sure that it is super strong" Gohan had managed to handle his latest form a lot better now after his training sessions early in the morning.

Sirzechs and Grayfia put up a barrier they gathered would be sufficiently strong enough not to break no matter what, however…

The familiar golden aura soon enveloped Gohan as he showed his Super Saiyan form of first, then sparks began to clash around Gohan as he increased his power and tapped into the Super Saiyan 2 form.

"These are the forms you showed me before and you are now telling me that you have an even stronger form..." Sirzechs could feel the energy coming of Gohan even through the barrier but nothing could shock him more than what happened next…

Gohan's aura became more violent, sparks clashing and smashing the floor making huge booms on the ground. His screams echoing throughout the room and piercing through the barrier to the others. Soon enough the barrier began to have cracks in it which shocked both Sirzechs and Grayfia as they had put a lot into the density of the barrier. The bright golden light blinded everyone and the barrier just seem to shatter under the immense power that Gohan was giving off. Sirzechs and Grayfia then looked to see Gohan and were completely gob smacked by the new look and also the incredible jump in energy he had just taken.

"This is Super Saiyan 3… hope you like it" Gohan's voice sounding somewhat deeper and more cocky.

"Incredible..." Both Sirzechs and Grayfia muttered in unison.

Gohan, you really are an incredible boy and I'm glad that I can leave my sister and Akeno with you and know that they will be forever safe...Especially with what's to come...

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