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Sakamaki Izayoi in Classroom Of The Elite / youkoso jitsuryoko (Cote) Sakamaki Izayoi in Classroom Of The Elite / youkoso jitsuryoko (Cote) original

Sakamaki Izayoi in Classroom Of The Elite / youkoso jitsuryoko (Cote)

Author: Vucols

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Every human being keeps within himself an unprecedented but essential feeling, a feeling called curiosity, the one that allows you to experience and discover new things, every adult has it, no matter how old, this curiosity is even greater. in children it is normal for them to possess it, a child without curiosity can only be explained as bored and without apparent interest.

In a room whose location cannot be told unless you are someone in a position of power, a dozen children find themselves in what looks like an average classroom, if you overlook that room's most conspicuous feature, white, It did not matter which wall, up or down, which place you saw because you would only be able to perceive the white, and even the desks and chairs were white in the same way the clothes that the children wore were no different, you can associate the children as simple beings, Little people who are mischievous and have no notion of their appearance, they could have their face stained with sweets and snot and they would keep laughing and playing. So why haven't they painted the walls, aren't they making a fuss?

Simple, they could no longer be considered children, at least not in the Anglo-Saxon sense of the word, they were taking an exam, all relatively normal, if you remove the fact that the exam was of a higher level then, no, this was not normal, you could tell just by looking at them that they were already empty, lacking life, well all but one.

The only boy who was exempt from this activity, not because he had a special treatment although that could be a reason but at least not completely, said boy had an appearance with sharp features, but cute for a child, he had tousled hair and blond, and eyes of deep amethyst.

Unlike the lifeless sight of others, he only had a bored and disinterested look at his surroundings, he had not answered a single question, not because he did not know the answers, because if you thought that then you are absolutely wrong, the boy it only took one sight to his exam to solve all the questions, the reason is simple, he was already fed up with this place, he had endured his 5 years of his life being here, you would think that 5 years is too hasty, but for him it was too much long.

Since he was 2 years old he was already aware of himself and his environment, he already thought and wondered, he remained here letting these subjects use him, enduring their tests, such tests since they learned of his abilities no longer consisted only of being physical and mentally, they began to test his immune system, no drugs, gas or poison could affect him, that only made the scientists more excited about him, he was his goal, to create a human who can be on the cusp, the problem? They did nothing for him to have his abilities, they are the result of his natural talent, from birth, that is, without apparent explanation.

That is why he knew it, even if they did not say it out loud, it was obvious to say that they were jealous, heh that stupid 'is what the boy thought every time they pretended to be kind to him, after all it is obvious, everyone your efforts to create a change in the world, when it is the same world creating that change as if it were mocking you to your face.

So it's simple, he made his decision and got up from his desk, the puppets with the appearance of children looked at him for his sudden action, he obviously ignored them, it was not as if they cared what they did, they were boring and never provided him with anything. again, just a strange girl, unlike the empty and hopeless looks of these children, said strange girl still had that look, but the difference was that she was happy, as if being locked up here was expected, it was the only thing different of this boring room, said girl with purple hair in two ponytails, she always looked at him as if it was a success that she already expected, her reasoning for it she did not understand, simply because they never had an interaction, although it was to be expected after all since understanding came to him, his first discovery was the expected

"The heavens do not make man above me"

Going to the exit of this room, the boy saw that the door was locked, not as if it were a problem, there was no possibly resistant room that would stop him, before kicking it he was stopped by a voice, said voice belonged to the person in charge of supervising The test and the puppets today, an idiot old scientist, turning to see him with an annoyed and disinterested face, I hope to hear what the old man wanted.

"Is there a problem with your proof, did you have misprints? Or is it some other matter"

Said old man was looking at him with an obviously false smile, it only served to further irritate the child, you can see in his eyes that he clearly looks at him with apprehension, fear and anger, he supposes that it is obvious, they are not addressed by his name but not by him Damn number they gave him, he made his point clear after he broke the bones of the previous idiot who referred to him by a silly number, but it seems that his pride prevents them from addressing him by name, not as if he cares.

And it seems that he could not weigh the option that he would leave, what an idiot

"I'm leaving here, open the door old man or I'll break it"

Opening his eyes in surprise and disbelief, the man looked at the boy as if he were crazy, but he would be even more crazy if he did not comply, and possibly hospitalized, he knew that the child was not lying, hell if he delayed it is possible that he will destroy the facilities, but still had to ask why and if it is possible to convince him to stay.

"A-ah * uhum * can I ask the reason why you want it to open?"

"... I'm bored of this place, it's simple, now open up, don't

I will say again "

There was no threat behind those words, he said it as natural as breathing, the only trace in that voice was only boredom, as if explaining the simple reason was a waste of time

** glump * p-of course, right away

With nervousness and panic, the man took out his card and opened the door, it is possible that he could get into trouble, but what he was doing was reducing the damage, it was well known that the boy was spoiled, and that he should not be disturbed, Several guards and scientists had to learn it the hard way, never tell him he was throwing a tantrum or you would spend a week in intensive care, that only spoke of how incredible the child was, he calculated how much he should hit to make it an exact week that you will be in the hospital, it's terrifyingly awesome.


A scream of someone being smashed into a wall rang out

Looks like a rookie tried to stop him

A girl with two ponytails was only watching how the boy left what she considered a home, her gaze could only be called one of sadness

Tch, how boring, at least I took his card from an idiot

Currently the boy is going to the exit of the facilities, only a poor soul dared to stop him, now it is possible that he will find a concussion and 2 broken bones, he could not remove his feeling of curiosity about the world, of course he had heard talking about him, but it is not the same as seeing him, the damn director of this place at least told him things about the world to keep his boredom to a minimum, he did not spend time with him because he was born from his rotten heart, he knew that he even had your child in this experiment.

He did it so that this would not happen, he did not leave, after all you do not let go of your hen that lays the golden eggs, and to be able to study him and see him closely, but he began to get tired when he used him as a circus animal When they exhibited it to the sponsors of that old man, another reason why he was leaving, he was curious, after seeing white and shitty old men for 5 years one cannot remove his curiosity, he wanted to see what the exterior could offer.

So taking the last steps he left that boring establishment, and what he received was a vast blue sky, uniform clouds that only made a good complement to the great sky, such a bright sun.

With an anxious and anticipatory smile, for the outsiders would look at a smile so predatory that they could easily mistake it for a large lion, the boy walked without apparent direction

"HAHAHAHAA could be interesting, let's see what you have to offer and not end up being boring"

He left, one could not foresee that the boy would end up meeting a woman who would change his life, and would teach him things that even wandering alone or a library could show him.

10 years later

"Haaa ... Bored"

A boy whose hair is accommodated by headphones with a flame logo on the sides let out a sigh with a whisper in his words.

He is currently sitting in a bus chair, reading a book and listening to one of his many songs, if you would like to know he does not have a particular favorite genre, as long as he is not rubbish he is fine, the same could be said of the book, while Do not be completely boring, you will read anything of your interest, the book that you hold strangely enough is not in your Japanese language, it is a story in Farsi, whose title is Shāhnāma, The Book of Kings or The Epic of Kings, a poetic book

The reason for the language was because he wanted to spend his time reading and being the person he is, he chose it in another language to make the trip less boring, although obtaining the expected result, not even that was enough to remove his boredom; he finds himself going to a school, the reason, a promise to a certain annoying woman who kept bothering him to go to one, and he can enjoy his youth, the problem? This school is a boarding school that will isolate you from the world for 3 years

He obviously didn't want it, didn't need it anyway, there's no knowledge that the school can teach him that he doesn't already know, so why does he go to one? Said woman is the only one who can make him nervous, although it is obvious she does not show it on the outside, she is the only woman alive who puzzles him, after telling him to his face and in front of those 2 brats that if the reason why he cannot Is going to boarding school for 3 years because I have mastitis? Being the proud and arrogant boy that he was, he accepted his challenge, it was obvious that he was challenging him.

So you wonder, how could he manipulate it, because it is because he allowed it, he is not a fool but quite the opposite, but again she is the only one to whom he allows it, at least he owes it

At least the school has a somewhat peculiar way of carrying out its study plan, as you know, in the interview the questions they asked you obviously had a reason, it is the same as job interviews, giving you a psychological evaluation, just who could realize that both the words that were used and the questions that were said in it were somewhat peculiar, and obviously he did not remain silent, anyone with common sense would realize that the questions were strange, but they could only think about only one thing, after all aspiring to a prestigious school and the expectations of entering will only make you see a map and not the whole panorama

The reasoning that one would arrive would be "They are analyzing if I am suitable and meet the requirements to be admitted" something like that, but not him, he could know that they classify students, see their psychological profile, how they perform, and what is the motivates

Again, questions and words were the key to realizing it, and he guessed it was the obvious, a school that is dedicated to the elites who will guide Japan can only select people who are worthwhile, again with ranking, but only He knew that, without information one cannot work, and he liked that, he can have theories but they are only that until they provide him with more details, the obvious answer will be that they will be classified by groups, he is curious to know what kind of people were classified into your group


Without looking up from his book, he could realize that there was a slight commotion in front of the bus, looking sideways he could notice something

An average salarywoman argued with a guy with an arrogant smile, next to the salarywoman there was an old woman, I could already deduce what was happening, someone doing their good deed of the day when trying to help the old woman, but apparently you have your villain from third category that prevents you from doing it, makes fun of you and your efforts, tells you that he does not have the obligation, you get angry you resort to the always infallible, "do the right thing" ...

He couldn't help but think that everything was too normal and boring, he could already tell that people must think badly of the guy for not giving in, but they don't think they can get up and do it themselves, after all, if you want a change, give your contribution in what you want to happen, of course there must be some who think that it is not their problem or simply want to ignore it, it is not necessary to look at them, just seeing how this progresses without anyone getting up says everything, if you wait a little more someone He will get up and give his seat, unless he decides to intervene he could make the guy move either by words or by force, no matter what argument he has it is easy to deduce his personality and lower it from his cloud

But that would be annoying, he just wanted to get bored like the normal person that he is, after all he is not a hero, such boring things as justice or power do not move him so he will not give a clichéd and corny speech of motivation and the right thing to do.

Giving a sigh he got up from his chair, sitting, standing or even if he is in free fall it is the same "Oeee, they are annoying one just wants to get bored like a

common person, hey old lady, take this chair or stay

full is not my problem "

He simply stepped aside, he did not even hear the gratitude of the old woman when she passed him, he could feel that people were looking at him, it is not like he cared, he did not do it out of goodwill, they were annoying, even though I didn't listen to them because of their music, still it wasn't necessary, I was bored, standing up while reading could be a challenge, who was he kidding, it would be ordinary for someone like him

Hey maybe 3 years isolated is more of a challenge than I thought, the bus has already stopped at its destination and it is time for its boring school life to begin

When he got off the bus he could see a part of the facilities well, he never went to a school so he could not compare it, but if he could be sure that it would be the largest in which he will be, he could see that the other students around him were visibly nervous, others had a determined look, one or another looks as if they were already waiting to be inside and be accepted, he simply had a look of disinterest in particular, the only thing that interested him about this school is its classification, it is obvious to say that It must be hierarchical, but in what order, who is in the lead and who is the garbage.Although that did not matter to him, he was never interested in external opinion, only his own, after all there was nothing fun in showing something to someone, like this that where they assigned it did not prove anything, when it was about to enter, someone touched it

I already knew that this person has been looking at him since he gave his seat to the old woman, and since they went down, he already knew that he was approaching, but he did not do anything and he did not care, it is not as if it was interesting, looking slightly he saw a girl

Said girl had brown hair, adorned by a white headband, and reddish purple eyes, turning off her headphones to know what her passenger stalker wanted

"Excuse me, I saw you giving the lady the seat, that was very nice of you, I had planned to get up but you were faster

"Anyway, I was bored, it's not that bad"

Answering in an uninteresting and boring voice, as it was clear, he did not try to be nice or do a good deed

"I'm Kushida Kikyo, it's nice to meet you, huh?

Said girl leaned in to be closer, it was not necessary to emphasize that her bust only increased more, obviously he looked at them, no matter how bored he was, he was still a completely healthy heterosexual boy, to say that he was not attracted to the body of a Girl it would be a lie, only that he was not desperate to be looking for a partner, but for a girl to give you an invitation was well received

He looked at his face and saw his smile, it did not take him long to notice that that smile felt forced, almost like those old men from years ago, but it was not his problem and he found interest in asking

"Sakamaki Izayoi, feel free to refer to me by either of the 2"

With her characteristic arrogant smile, Sakamaki Izayoi introduced herself

"It's a pleasure sakamaki-kun, I hope we get along well, I'm in class D," which one are you in? "

'La D eh..'

He thought to himself, not finding any inconvenience in telling her what her class was, he chose to tell the forcibly animated girl

"Class D, I guess the same Kushida, see you later I don't want to have the trouble of being late"

It was obviously a lie, he did not care if he had a delay, but he did not find a reason to continue talking

"Yes, see you later sakamaki-kun"

Said boy was just lazily waving his controller and got lost in the distance

-and ready give it a favorite and comment what you thought, if you wonder why in class D, it is simple, I will give more details in the next chapter, but I can say that it is due to his lack of interest in doing things, he just acts when you earn interest or if it will bring you satisfaction

Bye bye

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