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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

As everyone stood there shocked looking at this man, Eva was the first one to move. She knew this man had to have extraordinary status just based on his looks so she kneeled down and lowered her head looking only at Isaac's feet. Once she moved everyone was quick to follow and also kneeled down.

Isaac was startled and he wanted to tell them to get up but having people kneel down to you sure felt incredibly good.

´´Thank you young master for saving us, we will forever be in your debt`` Eva spoke out.

´Young master? ... that does sound pretty good, I like this girl` Isaac's smile became a little wider which no one but Axle who was looking around curiously noticed.

´´Its fine its fine, I already told you that this is what INFO is for, come stand up and let me show you around since this is going to be your home from now on.´´ Isaac said as he helped Eva up and started walking towards the entrance.

´Looks like we made the right choice´ she smiled and gestured for everyone to follow behind them as she started walking behind that perfect man.

´´You are the head of the village? Whats your name?`` Isaac asked Eva who was leading the group of people just slightly behind him.

´´Young master this little ones name is Eva, My father was the village head´´

``Was?´´ Isaac asked unable to read the mood.

Eva clenched her fists as she answered ```He sacrificed himself with the other men from our village to distract the beast and give us enough time to hide in the shelter.``

``I'm sorry´´ he was not a sentimental person and did not know what to say in times like these so all he could do was apologize for bringing it up.

´It was obvious he wasn't here anymore and i just had to ask I'm such an idiot ....´

´´Its okay it was because of him that you were able to get there in time to save all of us, at least he didn't die in vain´´ her eyes were a little damp but she held it in and followed behind Isaac quietly after answering.

No one spoke anymore as they quietly walked down the road outside the castle towards the residential area so Isaac decided to check on the last notification he had gotten from the system.

´´Congratulations to host for saving your first humans. Reward: One Tier 1 building of your choice

Congratulations to host for saving 65 humans. Reward: 65 Structure points``

he had already asked the system a lot of questions while he walked the endless desert so he already knew about the points which could be used to trade for certain buildings for the space.

´´System give me a list of the T 1 buildings i can choose from``

´´The tier 1 buildings you can choose from are. Small Clinic, Small Elementary school, Small Park, Small Police Station.`` The cold female voice replied.

Thinking to himself for a bit he decided on the clinic as there were some people in the group who was hurt, though it was mostly cuts and bruises they should probably get it disinfected.

``Give me the small clinic please and also show me the list of all the buildings i can buy with points´´ Isaac was curious about how far he could upgrade his space.

The system paused for a second and then spoke `` Small clinic has been added to commercial area.`` a small screen with a big list appeared in front of Isaac which he scrolled using his mind.

``Weapons R&D Facility, Body Enhancement Facility, Exo Suit R&D Facility, Vehicle R&D facility, flora and fauna genetic modification laboratory`` Looking at a few of the most expensive buildings near the bottom, Isaac could feel his blood boiling as he pictured a giant robot trotting through the wasteland with jets acting as scouts and smaller humanoid robots saving the people and bringing them back. Of course that was far in the future.

`I have to quickly find other villages, just walking around aimlessly is losing me too much time, ill ask Eva about it later.´

Reaching the residential area which was full of tall gray buildings he turned around and spoke to the girl who has been walking quietly behind him.

``Come with me ill explain how everything works and you can teach everyone afterwards, they can stay outside and wait.``

Eva nodded and gestured for everyone to wait then followed behind Isaac into one of the buildings.

Inside the dark gray building Isaac flicked a small switch on the wall lighting up the inside, he then walked passed the couches in the leisure area and into the cafeteria that was also on the first floor.

``This is the cafeteria, its where you will all go to get your food. Every building has one and all you have to do is get a bowl over there and a wooden spoon over here, then you bring your bowl under this thing and pull the lever.`` As he explain he did it all slowly so she could remember.

Once the lever was pulled a white goo like substance slowly came out of the tap. Isaac was a little embarrassed as he had forgotten this was the only food you could get for free and if he wanted anything else he would have to find some animals and build a pen also grow some crops in a farm.

Eva frowned `Everything is so perfect but why is the food like this?`

``Don't worry, even though it looks like this it doesn't taste like anything also it contains everything the body needs and best of all its unlimited so you can eat as much as you want.´´ Eva didn't say anything and only nodded.

After the cafeteria he walked up the stairs into a random apartment and showed her around. It was a very simple setup, there was 1 kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and one living room. He then showed her how to use the sink the shower the toilet and some of the appliances in the kitchen as well and after they were finished they walked back out to find everyone resting on the ground while talking among themselves.

'what a powerful mage! There are even artifacts to go to the bathroom!'

``Come, there is still one more place i want to show you.`` As Isaac started walking once again everyone else quickly stood up and followed.

Walking for a couple of minutes they reached a small building that was not too far from the residential area that had a sign on top that said ``Clinic``.

Though the building was small it was big enough to hold everyone so they all headed inside.

Once inside Isaac called to a little girl that was standing with a group of kids. She was very cute, she had straight dark blond hair and looked to be around 8 years old. The girl did not move but looked at Eva first, she seemed to be wary of Isaac which left him a little hurt. Only after Eva gestured for her to come did she stand in front of.

Crouching down Isaac smiled at her and asked ``Hello whats your name?``

The little girl did not answer at first and it was only after she got the courage did she say ``My mom said you are suppose to give your name before asking for others``

The villagers were startled, no one expected her to say that. Even though they also wanted to ask they were too afraid to. Isaac was also stunned but he just laughed making everyone sigh in relief.

``Youre right! how rude of me. My name is Isaac may i have your name little beauty?``

The little girl smiled at the compliment and answered. ``My name is Lina like the hero witch of fire!`` she spoke in a loud voice and seemed very proud of her name.

Isaac was about to ask about her parents but quickly caught himself. ´not going to make that mistake again´

``Well Lina it looks like you have a cut on your arm and this place is like a hospital that anyone can come to get treated. Do you want to be the first and show everyone how it works?``

The little girl was holding her left arm that had a small cut that had already stopped bleeding. She first looked at Eva again and when she nodded she also nodded as well.

``Good then i would like you all to meet Betty. Betty you have a patient!``

``Coming~`` a kind female voice came from the other side of the room, you could then hear wheels rolling on the ground until a figure pulled open the curtains and showed herself in front everyone.

The villagers gasped in shocked and Lina had to cover her mouth not to scream, even Isaac's eye twitched slightly

It was a robot that seemed to be modeled after humans but the bottom had wheels instead of legs which would still be fine and all but, it had no skin! Betty looked like a metal skeleton monster on wheels!.

``Who's the patient?~`` The kind female voice asked before she turned and noticed Lina standing in the front.

When Betty looked at her all of Lina's hair stood on end but before she could start crying a handsome man stood in between them both and spoke to her.

``Lina this is Betty and she is a very nice doctor. *i know she looks a little ugly but don't be afraid or you will hurt her feelings Okay?*

Lina giggled at the skeleton monster being called ugly but she nodded at Isaac and spoke out to Betty. ``Miss Betty I'm the one that's hurt`` she said while holding out her arm.

``I see~ follow me please~`` She then turned around and went back through the curtain

Lina followed her slowly but looked back a little worried before she went through the curtain when she heard Isaac shout.

``Just look past her ugliness!´´ Lina giggled, nodded and walked through the curtain after Betty.

The older people were nervous for Lina but waited patiently for her to come out. After around ten minutes the curtain opened once more with Betty going through it first and behind her popped out The little girl with her arm bandaged and a couple of Band aids on the smaller cuts. She had a big red Lollipop she was sucking happily

´´Procedure completed~ who is next~?´´ The kind female voice came out of the metal skeleton once again.

Seeing as Lina was completely fine and she even got a treat everyone was relieved, the first person that spoke out again was one of the 4 strong man that followed behind Axel called Lars.

He lifted up his foot showing bleeding gash on the sole ``Miss Betty i stepped on a sharp piece of stone can i also get treated?´´

``Of course~ Please follow me~´´ Betty said as she once again headed past the curtains with Lars following right behind her.

10 min later the curtain opened once again showing Betty and Lars following behind her with a bandaged foot and empty hands looking depressed as he stared at the lollipop in Lina's hands. There was no way he would ask for candy in front of everyone and also Betty was still a little scary.

´´Procedure completed~ who is next~?´´.

seeing as everyone got the hang of it Isaac turned to Eva ``Do you know where there are any other villages close by?``.

after thinking for a bit Eva answers ``There were other villages close by since beasts don't usually enter the desert but they have gotten a lot more active lately and all the other villages have already been destroyed. We were already getting ready to move to a more hidden location before we got attacked. I heard there was a large forest to the west so that's where we were going to go, apparently there are a lot of villages there``

´´We will head to the west then. I've already showed you everything you need to know so you can go and teach everyone once they are finished with their treatment, and tell them they can pick where they want to live.´´

Isaac turned around and started walking out when Eva bowed down``thank you for everything!´´.

Isaac's smiled and waved his hand as he left. Once he reached the castle once more Isaac sat down on the throne and went unresponsive at the same time the giant steel golem slowly started moving once again, it looked up towards the sun to get a inkling of where he was and started heading west with large steps.

PeaceAndQuiet PeaceAndQuiet

For writing prompt contest so if you enjoy the story please leave some stones for this poor newbie.

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