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Chapter 6: Another Encounter

Gale's day began with the soft hues of dawn casting a gentle glow across his room. The magical plant by his bedside, now a familiar companion, added a touch of ethereal beauty. Rising from his bed, Gale embarked on the familiar routine that had become the anchor of his daily life.

First on the agenda was his morning training, a blend of physical exercise and magical practice. With the sun just starting to illuminate the sky, Gale took to the estate's grounds for a brisk run. The cool morning air invigorated him as he pushed his limits, a routine he had incorporated to enhance his physical prowess.

Returning from his run, Gale delved into meditation. In the quiet solitude of his room, he focused on strengthening his magical core. The whispers of the novel's narrative echoed in his mind, guiding him through the intricate dance of magic manipulation. As he honed his abilities, Gale felt a surge of energy, a testament to his growing proficiency.

"I think if I keep training like this, I might even kill a dragon at this point", Gale thought which was of course a hyperbole.

Dressed in a practical yet elegant attire, Gale descended to the heart of the estate—the bustling hub of the family's import and export business. The grandeur of the estate and the intricate dealings of the business world were juxtaposed in this daily ritual.

Applying his knowledge from his previous life, Gale revamped the family's approach to business. With a keen understanding of supply chain management, he streamlined processes, optimized logistics, and maximized efficiency. The once-traditional practices now bore the mark of Gale's modernized strategies.

With a meticulous eye, Gale reviewed the paperwork for the day, ensuring that every detail was in order. The family business, now operating at peak efficiency, garnered the nod of approval from his father, Viscount Arsenio Wicherton.

Lunchtime arrived, and instead of dining within the familiar walls of the estate, Gale ventured into the heart of the city. His destination was a place that blended into the vibrant tapestry of common life—a pub with a rather nondescript exterior. The manager and the patrons had grown accustomed to Gale's presence, and he relished the anonymity it provided.

He was a regular at the pub by this time. He had a set 'uniform', a so-called commoner clothing that specially wore when he was in the city. This gave him a pretty good cover and no one thought of him otherwise neither did people bother him.

Entering the pub, Gale greeted the barman with a nod. "Hey, Master Gale, the usual?" the barman inquired. Gale responded affirmatively, and soon, a delectable meal arrived—a juicy steak accompanied by a side salad and a pint of beer. This was what Gale had taught the chef here, Steak. It was his favorite in his previous life but he did not have the body or the money to buy and eat a steak on a regular basis. This life however was different. His body was different, he was leaner, healthier and younger.

As Gale enjoyed his lunch, a black-haired man with a hooded cloak caught his attention. The man seemed intrigued by Gale's meal, prompting Gale to extend an invitation. "Join me," he offered, signalling the barman to provide the man with the same feast.

It was only when the hood came off that Gale's casual gesture turned into a revelation. The man was none other than the First Prince Maximus. Gale, looking at the audience, muttered a realization of his predicament.

"Well, this is just great luck," he said with a wry smile. "What are the odds of meeting the tyrant main character himself? And what's with Max naming the tyrant after himself? Weird, right?" Gale chuckled at the irony of the situation, fully aware that his casual lunch had taken an unexpected turn into the realm of political intrigue and potential complications.

The man sitting in front of him was very handsome indeed, the Third Prince Adrian was stunning but this man was no joke. He had a chiselled jaw, a prominent chin and a straight long nose. He had jet-black hair and ferocious red eyes. One could see the similarities between Adrian and Maximus.

"The king's genes are very strong. They look very similar even though their mothers are different." Gale commented.

The man spoke first, his curiosity evident as he inquired about Gale's dish and its origins. Gale, maintaining his composure, explained the concept and how he had contributed to the pub's success by introducing it. He couldn't resist a bit of boasting, subtly highlighting his role in enhancing the establishment's offerings.

"You know, this steak wasn't always on the menu here. It was my idea. I thought, Why settle for the usual when you can have something extraordinary?", said Gale very proudly.

Maximus, displaying genuine interest, raised an eyebrow, inviting Gale to unravel the narrative.

"So, I had a chat with the chef here, gave him a few pointers on the perfect seasoning, the right cut, and voilà, the best steak in the city was born." He smirked.

Maximus, seemingly intrigued, raised his glass, signalling Gale to expound on his bold claim.

Gale nodding confidently said, "Oh, absolutely. People never used to come here because of the ambience, but now, they come for the steak. I've practically turned this place into a culinary hotspot."

Maximus smirked, "Quite the achievement."

Gale leaning back with a satisfied grin said, "You see, it's all about innovation. I've always had an eye for these things. Back in the estate, they're still catching up to the fact that a good meal can be a game-changer."

"A culinary pioneer in the making, I see," replied Maximus

Gale now playfully said, "Well, I do have a knack for bringing a touch of the extraordinary to the mundane. It's a family trait, you know?"

"Family trait, you say?" Maximus was intrigued.

Gale looked at the audience, "Well he doesn't seem such a bad guy." Then it hit him, he had let slip that he was a noble. "Oh shit! I messed up."

As the conversation unfolded, Gale scrutinized the man's expressions and demeanour. Despite his initial trepidation, Gale detected no signs of the tyrant's ruthlessness. It seemed Maximus was not yet the tyrant depicted in the novel, giving Gale a small sense of relief.

The lunch continued with casual banter, the two engaging in light-hearted discussions about food, the city, and life in general. Gale was cautious not to reveal any recognition or awareness of Maximus's true identity. He maintained the façade of an ordinary nobleman enjoying a meal at a local pub.

Their meal concluded, and Maximus stood up. Before leaving, he leaned in and whispered something into Gale's ear. The words sent a chill down Gale's spine, a realization that the encounter was far from ordinary. But as Maximus glanced back at him, expressing gratitude for the unassuming interaction, Gale found himself in a peculiar situation.

"Thank you for not making a fuss. It's refreshing to have a normal conversation without the weight of titles," Maximus remarked before leaving.

Once the man was out of earshot, Gale couldn't help but reflect on the whispered message. The revelation that Maximus knew his true identity, along with the mention of the Southern province, left Gale unsettled. The cryptic message, "See you in the South," hung in the air, adding an air of mystery to the unexpected encounter.

Gale, now pondering the implications of this encounter, felt a mixture of unease and curiosity. The veil of anonymity he had carefully woven seemed to be unravelling, and the path ahead appeared more complex than ever. As he finished his meal and left the pub, Gale couldn't shake the feeling that his journey had taken an unforeseen turn, one that would lead him into the heart of political intrigue and the looming mysteries of the Southern province.

AtharvisAJ AtharvisAJ

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I am having fun writing this story, hope you are having fun reading it. If you have some idea comment it and let me know.

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