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Chapter 7: Let‘s Go

Alivia POV

"Well, Fudge."

What else could I say? 'I'm in a movie, Behold My Powers!' Yeah. No. I'd be shot or stuck in an insane asylum. ... Though, right now probably isn't the best time to be stuck in my head.

I realized, I still have Steve's phone. I turn to Steve, who seems to be stunned in his confusion, not that I'd blame him.

"Thanks, Steve." I offer him his phone, only to be met with a rattle and clatter.

'Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.'

I had offered his phone back with my left hand, still chained to the

chair. I sigh, switching the phone to my other hand offering it back to him. He didn't take it.

"Um, Steve?" I ask.

"Huh?" He snaps out of it. "Oh, yeah. Uh... sure. You're welcome." He replies.

'He's so cute.'

I smile. "It's okay Steve. I don't bite," my smile widens,

showing  him my teeth, "...often." I make a playful snap. Probably shouldn't have done that, but 'too late', my head sings in response.

I hear Tony snicker.

Steve finally takes his phone back. "Thanks again, Captain." I smile at him. I mean it, he was the first to offer.

"So..." I continue " can we remove this now?" I rattle my handcuff.

"No." States Nick.

"Excuse me." I say politely. "May we remove this now?" I rattle it again.


"Sorry, May we please remove this now?"


'I used the magic words though and a proper sentence. ... Oh.' "Abracadabra, May we please remove those now?"

I hear a few snickers.

"Not until you answer my questions." Nick states flatly, after what I assume, he had rolled his eyes.

"Sure. Fire away. Not like I'm doing anything at the moment. Will mention though, it'd be pointless to ask me about the Avengers, I'm not one of those die hard fans. I wouldn't know all of their dirty laundry. Just some general stuff."

"Where did you live?" Nick asks sitting down in front of me.

" Idaho. Born and raised."

"Ah, country girl." I hear.

I turn my head to see Tony smirking. I smirked back.

"Sure. Only if I get to call you city slicker."

I was starting to feel right at home. Of all the universes to fall into, The Avengers was, is a good one. Hot guys, plenty of adventure and Bonus! Tony Stark's sarcasm is music to my ears.

I grew up with sarcasm, if you dish it out you damn well better take it. It was, honestly, what I missed most when I moved out. Even in collage. Dad was a master, Tony a legend! Or so I've read.

I can honestly say, I'm glad I didn't end up in a romance novel as a third wheel or rival, or in a Tokyo Ghoul like story where death is in every corner and you're waiting to get slaughtered. In The Avengers universe, sure there's danger, but I can fight back. I can learn. And maybe I'll  be able to find 'me' along the way.

"How did you get here?"

"I drove."

"No. How did you get here?"

"I drove." Nick gave me a look.

"Seriously director." I didn't know how he'd want me to address him so I went the safe route. "I drove from Idaho to New York to save money on the flight. I have no clue how I ended up here."

"Why New York?"

"Why not?"

It went on and on like that for.....forever, it seemed. Nick asking me all these cliché questions. I swear I would have fallen asleep... if I hadn't just woken up. But all of a sudden,

"What's up with your technology?" Natasha asked. Tony seemed to perk up at that.

'My tech?'

"What do you mean? This is the modern world right? I just have the regulars. Laptop, iPads, ... they're nothing special. Why?"

"Okay," Tony pipes in, "How are you with computers?"

"I can use them, if that's what you're asking."

Tony just shrugged. I'm guessing he was disappointed.

"So.... we're done here right?" I asked. " I kinda had plans today."

"What plans?" Nick asks.

"I wanted to go to the park."


'No you're not' I thought.

"You'll have to change your plans. You're moving into the Avengers' tower."

I know I should be jumping for joy here, I really should, but what Nick just said kinda pissed me off.

"Tony's tower." I deadpanned Nick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tony's eyebrow raise.

"Is SHIELD paying for it? No. Is the government paying for it? No. Tony is. It's Tony's home. Not a SHIELD apartment." I nudge my heads towards Tony, only to see him with a wide grin as if to say, Go on tell me more. An extremely cute look for Tony.

"His house, is rules. First ask him, Then you can tell me to move in, after you get his permission. I may not have a choice, but he does."

Nick just stares at me with a dead pan expression saying, "Really.' I just rolled my eyes 'Yes, Really.'

"What?" I shrugged. "It'd be like me taking a suspect from kingdom-come and bring them to your house and saying, 'Hey, guess what. Just found a suspect. They're gonna be living with you for a while. Don't let them escape or you'll be sorry'" I stared at Nick.

He really needs to show the others some respect. It's not like I hate him, it's just... if he doesn't like something he shouldn't just push it onto someone else. He needs to learn to ask for help rather than demand for something. Even if it's for a good cause.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

I turn to see Tony clapping and walking towards me. When he reaches me he extends his hand, " I like you." He says with a very satisfied smile, "You're more than welcome in my home. As you know, I'm Tony."

I return his smile and shake his hand. "Alivia, Thanks for having me over then." I take a glance noticing the Avengers are stunned into silence.

Poor Steve is once again frozen, Natasha is hiding her emotions like usual, Clint is watching how things might play out, and Bruce had taken a step back avoiding the Fury radiating off Nick who at this moment is steaming.

"So..." I start. "Can I go now? I've got along day ahead if I'm moving, I've got work tomorrow."

Natasha looks to Nick, who nods in approval. She finally comes forward and unlocks my cuffs.

"Thank you." I say to her.

I hold out my hand, "Alivia."

She takes it, "Natasha."

I walk over and introduce myself to the other Avengers. Clint seems to be a friendly guy, while Bruce seemed to be nervous, I'm guessing it's because I knew he was the Big Guy. He was shocked that I gladly shook his as if he was another guy, not a monster. He's been through so much, no thanks to the authorities.

I walk to Nick and hold out my hand. "Nice to meet you, ..."

He looks at my hand. In typical Nick fashion, he takes my hand give a firm hand shake. "Director Fury."

"Furry." Tony corrects snickering.

Earning a glare from Nick and a shameful blush from me, 'it was a slip of the tongue ...sorry Nick'

I nod my head, "Got it. Nice to meet you Director."

Nick looks to me, slightly shocked, but smiles in approval. 'Must've thought he'd have another 'Tony' to deal with.' I smiled.

"Teachers pet." I hear someone mumble.

I assume it was Tony as I chuckle a bit, "True, old habits die hard."

'But being one has its perks too. They are more willing to bend a few rules. All you need to know is a person's boundary. I was thrilled to check out a whole collection of manga. ...Ah, fun times.'

"So, should we go?" I assume it's 'us' going since I gonna be under 'watch' for a good while.

We were heading towards the door when Tony slows down to walk beside me. "So why'd you call me Rocky?"

I laughed, "You called me 'Doll'"

I continued chuckling out the door, this turn in my life was gonna be a lot of fun.

Clint POV

"Sorry about the mess." She says as she opened her door. We were met with a disaster zone.

"I might have to take that offer back." Tony comments.

"How many tornadoes visit you? Daily?" I ask.

She just chuckled. "Not many." She turns to Tony. "I didn't have any motivation to do much, not like many people'll come over, you know."

"Is that why your kitchen's so clean?" Nat asks.

"Well I do use it a lot." Alivia shrugged.

"Speaking of which,..." she heads to her fridge. "You guys hungry?"

She starts pulling out food. Deviled eggs, twice baked potato, sliced ham, buns, green bean casserole.... wow... they just keep coming...

"Were you planning a party or expecting us?" I ask.

"Nah," she states. "Just want stuff I haven't had in a while

Besides, leftovers are helpful." She sets all of her food on the counter. " I can freeze my own to-go meals."

"And if I'm moving, I'd like to clean out the fridge." She sets the last of her food on the counter.

"So dig in guys!" She says as she plucks a deviled egg from its plater and pops it into her mouth, heading towards her living room.

"What are you doing?" Steve asks.

"Ya"ll need somewhere to sit don'tcha?" She replies turning her head revealing a sassy smirk, winking at us.

'She's playing with us.'

Steve walks towards her, "I'll help." As the rest of us headed towards the food, well ... banquet...

"No need" I hear. "My mess, my problem. You don't need to do that."

"It's no trouble at all."

"Thanks, Steve. Could you move the boxes to the wall, by the door?"

"...She really cooked a lot." Bruce draws my attention back.

"Yeah. A feast for our eyes. ... Are you sure she wasn't expecting us? Seems like it's too much for one person."  They nodded at my comment.

"She did say she lived with her family before coming, maybe she's used to cooking for more." Bruce mentioned.

That'd make sense. Though, it did seem she was storing food for an apocalypse.

"Speaking of a feast..." Tony smirked.

'Oh no.'

" Her buns are amazing!" I would have laughed, but Nat was right there.

Nat punches Tony's arm, "Tony. Stop."

"What should Tony stop?" Alivia asked as she and Steve walked in.

"He said your buns were amazing." I mentioned, curious to see what she'd do.

She looked at Tony, then looked at the buns untouched on the counter and back to Tony seeing a confident smirk.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Tony." She said.

As she was walking towards him, I was a little disappointed.

When she reached Tony, he looked pretty smug. I was about to roll my eyes when she walked behind him, smacking him hard upside his head.


Nat had a big smile at that.

"What was that for?!" Tony's eyebrows narrowed together in pain.

I snickered as Tony rubbed the back of his head.

"Just Gibbsing DiNozzo for being a pervert." She smirked.

Steve's POV

I offered to help Alivia clean up. Her living room was ...a disaster. I never knew a woman could be so messy, even if she wasn't expecting company.

She polity refused saying it was her mess. Then I told her it wouldn't be any trouble. She smiles and asked me to move the boxes to the wall.

Surprisingly, it only took a few short minutes. I seems she hadn't finished unpacking and that was the mess, plus the junk she picked up to throw away. The living room was quite bear, I don't know if she could call this a home. It didn't have any decorations, almost like she didn't care if she was comfortable here, like ... she didn't want it to be a home..., her home.

"Well, we should get the others. I'm sure they'd want to sit down to eat." She interrupts my thoughts.

We're heading into the kitchen when we hear Nat, "Tony. Stop."

What should Tony stop?" Alivia asked as we walked in.

"He said your buns were amazing." Clint lifted his finger informing her.

'He didn't!' I looked, seeing Tony with a wide smirk.... 'He did.'

She looked at Tony, then looked at the buns untouched on the counter and back to Tony seeing his confident smirk.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Tony." She said.

She walked up to him.

When she reached Tony, he stood there with a plate full of food looking pretty smug. She then walked behind him and smacked him hard on the back of his head. ... I heard it all the way over here...


Nat was smiling happily, I had to agree. He deserved every bit of that.

"What was that for?!" Tony's eyebrows narrowed together in pain, rubbing the back of his head.

She just smirked, "Just Gibbsing DiNozzo for being a pervert."

"Gibbsing? DiNozzo?" I asked before I realized it. I saw her turn towards me, her smirk dropped into a gasp.

"...You don't know NCIS?! You don't know what you're missing!!" She ran off before I could say anything...

"Aww, poor  Cap made the girl run away." Tony joked.

"Wha-" I got cut off as she came running back carrying a ... laptop?

"Grab some food Steve!" She said smiling. "I'll show you while we eat." She set her laptop down on the coffee table and went to grab a plate.

I saw Clint whispering to Nat and pointing to the laptop, smirking. Only to be jabbed in the ribs by a very annoyed Natasha.

'I wonder what that was about'

Even Tony seemed very interested in their conversation.  Bruce was the first to get a plate of food and sit down. The rest of us fallowed.

Alivia dragged me to her couch and sat me down in its corner, sitting right next to me. Tony decided to sit gallantly next to her on the other side, earning him an eye roll from me, 'of course'.

She sets her plate of food on the table and picks up her laptop, going to a website called 'YouTube' and types in Gibbs Hits DiNozzo. What pops up is an older man and a younger man, she clicks on the video.

Her eyes went wide when she saw the beginning, her face possibly whitening as she plugged her ears and closed her eyes like she was avoiding it... then peaked through her eyes watching as the video played, ...with a massive grin, and ... ...squealing with ... I'm hoping , just excitement....

Then the video got to the point where there was a girl in black tight pants bending over and the guy on the cover took a picture, literally ...which earned him a good smack. She fist pumped.

'Just like Tony.'

She turned to Tony, "That's Anthony DiNozzo." Smirking and patting his shoulder.

Earning her a quick wack, from an innocent looking Tony. She touches the back of her head with an 'o' expression.

"Oh, it's on!" She says grinning. She quickly goes to smack him back, but Tony just playfully blocks with a smile.

The sudden movement causes her laptop to fall,  I reach out to catch the laptop... or not. It fell right through my fingers, no my hands!


"Opps." She stops horse-playing with Tony setting it back on her lap. She and Tony are still laughing.

'I didn't just see that right?' I panic. "Thats not normal.'

I look to see Clint, Natasha and Bruce staring with shocked expressions, I'm sure I'm showing it too.

"What?" Alivia and Tony ask.

Crystal_Aris Crystal_Aris



Edit 12/23/2018

2657 words

.... wow this story got away from me...the laptop thing was supposed to happen sooner in this chapter and I would have continued it, but I though you'd all like an update seeing how I became slow.



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