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Chapter 40: Expansion

As I walked into the meeting room I was met with 5 tired (Administrator)s. They were physically fine, but I could tell were mentally exhausted. Note to self probably get some managerial staff to help offset the load of managing 200 personel with only Miss J and my own multitasking skills helping them. They noticed me enter 5 seconds later as they fixed their posture. They were really tired as when I trained them they had it down to a half second reaction time. Upon making my way to my chair in the meeting room I examined it. And boy was it secret spy stereotypical as hell. Dim lighting with all of their faces shadowed, but that didn't really do anything when your eyes emmited light. A dark oak table ornately carved details on the legs and I also sensed something else. Something off.

(Reality Warping abilitys dampened by 95%)

(Caused by: x47 Reality Anchors)

Now it was good they were using them in the meating room, but in the case of an assasination I would limited to my physical capabilities and whatever I had on me. Stealthily testing my coats manipulation I found I could say convert a sleeve to a blade but couldn't reinforce it passed a thick leather hide that would maybe dampen a gunshot. Despite my internal crisis of how screwed I was if the G.O.C. busted down my door and brought a huge chunk of Scranton Realitg Anchors with them I carried on. But had the mind to ask a simple question. "How powerful are these reality anchors compared to the Foundation and G.O.C." I asked as that would be a goid benchmark for how many to avoid at once.

The (Administrator) who was in charge of all building and technical aspects seemed surprised before responding. "About 20% more effective sir." That was a huge increase wonder where they got that from I wondered. "When you have free time please try to find a way for me to bypass them as I am pretty much crippled in my abilitys right now." They seemed to gain some amount of energy back at my proclomation growing worried.

"Now then I hope to hear something back on that matter. But getting back on point we are understaffed." That caused some grunts of agreement. "And so I will be commisioning a list from all of you of all the personell you need to do your jobs. Your subordinates jobs. And any and all future proofing for any projects you imagine happening." They all shot up and looked like a told them they now have their own free will. Manifesting a stack of papers I then said. "I want these done by the end of the week.

"Then we will convene and discuss your choices as well as how current projects and research is going. As well as codenames as I am getting sick of calling everyone her "you"." I looked towards the (Administrator) in chrage of research. "And you." That got their attention. "You will be providing me a list of all captured SCPs so that way I may assign personell as I see fit." I ordered. "Meeting adjourned. "Except for you." I said to the (Administrator) in charge of outside affairs. "You will come with me." I said as the (Administrator) nodded.

As we made our way to my office I watched as Jordon Belfort rounded the corner before calling out. "Hey buddy I've got stuff to do with you. Remember our conversation well I've got news for you I've been gre- oh hello boss." He stopped mid sentence acting all apologetic, but I could tell it was an act he didn't give a shit. Not paying attention to him my gaze fell back on the (Administrator) you may discuss with him after we have our buisness done." I told him my terms.

Jordan looked back at me before saying. "Gotcha."

After walking inside I made it so Jordan would only hear a past conversation between me and the Doctor about paycology and the human mind. And how manipulaters observe the person they wish to manipulate to find out their weaknesses and how to do so. I felt Jordan feel vulnerable, freeked out and out of his depth. After all a little intimidation to set someone of his caliber back into place is good to reminf them of who's in charge.

Going back to the (Administrator) I explained both my (Storefront) and (Medium Sized Classified Intelligence Agency Building). Since they managed the (Infiltrators) and drop off points for materials and the contacts that came with it they would advise me in the best position to place the (Intelligence Agency), but not the (Storefront). As I would be selling very diluted versions of SCP-500 there and have it act as a normal phramacy. Now I had a very good reqson for this. Bullwark has absolutely no contacts with the occult side of the world that isn't hostile. And for some reason it seems anamalous people get attracted to anamalous places. So tell me what's more anamalous then place wuite literally selling a pill that will cure all your problems within a week.

So as we were going over where to put the (Intelligence Agency) we came to a good question. "Is it above ground or below ground)

The (System) displayed to me 4 options just like before.

(Concealed) (Bunker) (Satellite) (Infiltration)

Going left to right I clicked

(Concealed Type Intelligence Agency)

(Concealed Type Intelligence Agency)

Although all Intelligence agency type buildings are made to allow for seemless entrances and exits without anyone noticing one can connect the dots and discover were a suspected agent may be reporting to. The (Concealed Type Agency) however is disguised to act, and look like a hotel. This comes with a package of people who will be written into existence "living" inside as they go through their dag to day lives. Nothings suspicious if an employee goes back to their house after all. Most importantly however is that if asked they will report that the agents assigned to the apartments would have been home while they went back out to do some assigned missions. The apartments basment will be outfitted as an armoury and meeting location. While the connected sewers will be integrated as a way to enter or exit the apartment complex. All expenses relating to the hotel and its occupants are paid by the system.

This was perfect for us as I wanted to maintain secrecy as long as possible when it came to Bullwark. Even with a force of 1,000 trained guards and 100 elite guards I couldn't deal with the G.O.C. breathing down my neck.

(Bunker Type Intelligence Agency)

A type of building that boasts a defensive structure made to be the rock that the forces of the enemy are stopped. This is meant to be a base of which Agents can operate out of while being unable to be raided or caught offguard due to the systems put in place. This is mostly for an agency who has already bwen found out or prefers a more combat ready force then a concealed one. This grants a full bunker with 5 levels to it outfitted with defensive formation and included firearms. Due note however that you are sacrificing secrecy and subtlety when choosing this as a secret bunker in any country is a big deal.

This would be perfect if I was at war or more wanted my infiltrators to go one heavilly risky missions which needed more then a pistol. But I wasn't at that stage, and never wanted to be an infiltrator should never give away their cover unless absolutely necessary and this is like kicking a door down and yelling. "I'M NOT HERE TO ROB YOU!"

(Satellite Type Intelligence Agency)

Mainly used for scanning and observing the globe upgrades to hardware have allowed this (Intelligence Agency) to seemlessly connect to satellites in space without whoever owns them finding out. Due not however that due to the nature of this building a strong connection is required and placing this Agency building under a communications tower is recommended. Due to the nature of this building the Agents assigned will not be given a location to which they can easily slip in and out. The (Satellite Type Intelligence Agency) is meant for globe scanning surveilance.

This was clearly for when Bullwark expanded further, or I faced threats big enough to warrant such survillance. As I was more focused on one Site and expanding our assets I was not concerned with the globe yet.

(Infilltration Type Agency)

Meant to be a start up for any units all assigned the the (Infilltration Type Agency) will be a network of multiple smaller bases and safe houses. Every agent assigned to this building will have a safe house that they can generate and place anywhere they wish, but the quality of location depends on infiltrator level. From the use of multiple issolated locations instead of one big conglomerate the Agents assigned will be unable to take part in multiple agent missions. But it grants benefits as the extra secrecy allows for a lower detection risk. This also has it so if one agent is found it they may not risk the other Agents, nor will they know they existed.

This was great, but severely limiting. From the use of "begginer" in the (Infilltration Type Agency) implies that there will be more. But as I see it using a medium sized one on something that would naturally expand even if it was small I saw as a waste getting. The (Satellite Type Agency) one is usefull, but as I explained previously I wasn't at that level. The (Bunker Ttpe Agency) is an immediate no as that is more if I'm in active conflict and secrecy dosen't matter or they know all my locations. The (Concealment Type Agency) however is awesome. A fully legalized and payed off building with tenants and staff all placed their by the system. What's more the fact that they will agree to their alibis makes it all the better. I didn't know what the basement would be like, but with how the description talked about the sewers they would probably be connected to the basement. The best thing however was the decreased chance of being found out as I didn't want to have to neutralize an infilltrator like the Level 2 one that got caught.

Ultimately choosing the (Concealment Type Agency) I got back to my discussion with the (Administrator) and informed him of this. To which they responded with gratitude and excitement of having someting so effective.

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