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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Minato:("Shit!!, i can't even eat in peace with my little sister because of unjust behaviour between Bloom-Weed.")He thought.

"You need to draw a line between First Course and Second Course." Another person from the First Course group stated.

Leo:"What'd you say?" growled, visibly getting angrier. As he made to stand up, Minato interfered.

Minato:"Leo. Enough." He said, staring at Leo. "Don't fall for it."

"Oh? I see your friend there is smart. You better back off like the Weeds you are." The leader jeered.

Miyuki:"U-um…" she spoke, unsure of how to diffuse the tense situation.

Leo glared at the leader and the opposite person did the same. The staring match lasted for a while before the sound of the chair scrapping the floor distracted them match. Tatsuya and Minato stood up, holding their trays.

Tatsuya looked at Miyuki and said, "Miyuki, We're done already, so I'll go on ahead." And the both of them walked off.

Leo:"Hey, Tatsuya, Minato, wait!"

Erika:"Tatsuya, Minato!"

Miyuki could only helplessly look at both her brothers walked off, feeling upset at what had happened.

Location: First Magic High, Front Gates

Mizuki:"Would you give up already?" her voice rang out in slight anger.

Minato and Tatsuya now stood in front of the gates, witnessing a quarrel over their sister happening in front of them. Miyuki grabbed Tatsuya's sleeve in worry as they looked on.

"We have something to talk to her about!" another voice rang out, now much louder.

Minato let out a sigh as he look on. Miyuki saw his action and whispered, "Minato-niisama."Minato raised his hand and started, "Don't apologise, Miyuki. This is not your fault. It's the fault of some idiots here."

"Okay. Still…" Miyuki started, not assured in the least as she looked at the Mizuki, Leo and Erika confronting the group of First course students.

Mizuki:"Still, Miyuki-san is saying she'll go home with her big brothers!" She reasoned, visibly angry, "What right do you have to pull them apart?!"

Miyuki:"Mizuki, w-what're you misunderstanding?" Her stuttered, looking flushed in the face as she heard what Mizuki said. Minato raised his eyebrow at his sister's reaction but decided to not ask.

Tatsuya:"Mizuki. Why are you so impatient?"

he questioned, apparently having caught what she said.

Miyuki:"W-what? No, I'm not impatient, right?" she replied unsure of her answer

Tatsuya:"If not, then why are you asking me?"

"This is a class 1-A's problem! Weeds shouldn't be butting into Blooms' business." The leader of the group shouted back. Leo and Erika narrowed their eyes in anger.

Miyuki:"Aren't we all freshmen? You're Blooms, but right now, how are you any better than us?" She questioned.

"Tch." The leader clicked in annoyance.

Tatsuya:"This is bad." He stated.

Minato nodded, preparing his ability if anything went south.

Minato:("Looks like i have to use that ability out sooner than expected." ) He thought, as he looked on the rapidly deteriorating situation.

The leader smirked. "You want to know how much better we are?" he asked arrogantly.

Leo:"Interesting." he said as he planted a foot forward and bent his knees, "By all means, show me."

The leader:"Fine. I'll show you." The leader replied flexing his fingers. Most of the members took a few steps back, preparing for the inevitable fight.Psions particles started to gather around him. "This is…" he started, quick-drawing his CAD from his side pouch on his leg, pointing it at Leo, "… how much better we are!"

Leo ran towards him, planning to prevent the usage of his CAD. The leader was about to pull the trigger when suddenly the activation sequence of his spell shattered. He was shocked and looked around for the source of the forced cancelling.

Minato smirked as he watched the group leader pulling the trigger. As the spell was about to be activated. He immediately tapped his foot and sent out a wave that dismantled the activation sequence. ("Nullification Magic, an ability of mine that was a improved version on all the normal Null Elements ability when I came to this world. It allows me to selectively nullified any spells that I can see,feel or hit me.") He thought as he looked on the shocked faces of the First Course group.

Eirika immediately took the chance and batted away the offensive CAD. The leader clutched his hand in pain and glowered in anger at Erika.

Erika"At this distance, moving your body is faster." She stated as she pointed her baton CAD towards him.

Leo:"I agree with that, but you just about to smash my hand too, didn't you?"

Erika:"What, I wouldn't do that!" she mocked, laughing at Leo's expense.

Leo:"Don't you dare try to laugh it off!" he replied back angrily.


"Damn Weeds!"

Members of the First Course group all started to activate their CADs, ready to teach the Second Course students a lesson. However, a female in their group tried to stop them. "Everybody, no!"

She activated her CAD. Tatsuya immediately analysed the activation sequence and Miyuki tried to warn the female. However, Miyuki was stopped by Tatsuya who assured her that Minato had it under control. He nodded to Minato who then tapped his feet against the ground and deconstructed all activation sequence in the vicinity using Nullification Magic. The spells that the First course students were about to use all failed them. Their activation sequences all shattered as they were about to unleash it. The female student flew back from the force of the shattering. Fortunately, she was caught by her friend who was behind her. "Honoka…" her friend started.

"Stop it!" a stern female voice shouted.

Mayumi:"Except as self-defence, attacking others is a criminal offence." She stated, the student council president walked towards the group. Beside her was another female who was preparing to use her CAD if the need arose. "I'm Watanabe Mari from the Disciplinary Committee. I'll find out the circumstances. Everybody, come with me." She commanded.

Minato walked up and apologised. "I'm sorry." Mari looked to the direction of Minato. She held out her hand to aim it at him. "It was a prank that went to far." Minato explained.

"Mari:A prank?" questioned, not believing it.

Minato:"Yes. The Morisaki family's Quick Draw is famous, so I asked him to show me for future reference, but I was so caught up in the situation that it accidentally got out of hand." He stated. Hearing this, the leader of the the First Course group was startled.

Mari:"So why was that girl there going to use offensive magic?" she said, looking in the direction of Honoka. Honoka looked to the ground in shame, realising what she have done.

This time, Tatsuya walked forward and stood beside Minato.

Tatsuya:"That was just flash magic. And she didn't use all of her power either. Beside, my twin was able to disassemble the activation sequence in time, preventing any injuries." He explained.

Mari:"It seems you're able to read activation sequences as they're being deployed. And your brother is able to negate them." She stated, impressed by the fact.

Tatsuya:"I'm bad at pratical skills, but analysis is my specialty. My brother specialises in Soul Magic which is able to destroy activation sequences." He stated.

Mari:"It seems like a lie about the later part." She said with one of her eyes closed, doubting his story.

Minato:" lie? Not at all! I'm just a Second Course student." Here applied, pointing the empty space where an emblem should be.

Minato:("The Magic High School attached to the Nation Magic University. Being accepted into this state-run school dedicated to teaching magic technicians means that I'm part of the elite few with notable and rare magic skills. However from the moment we entered this school. There's a division between honours students and outcasts.")He thought and then sigh.


Minato New Powers.

1)Nullification Magic:an ability of minato that was a improved version on all the normal Null Elements ability when I came to this world. It allows me to selectively nullified any spells that I can see,feel or hit me.




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