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Chapter 2: Seducing The Druglord

Chapter 2

Are you drunk??!! Is this alcoholic??" I studied the wine maybe I would see anything about that information but Carson's plea interrupted me.

"Daphne, please." I looked up at him

And there it was. That look I hated. The look that he made whenever I told him to fight back against his bullies years ago. The look he made whenever he always wants me to rescue him from his bullies. The look he made whenever he was bullied.

I stood up slowly pulling the chair backwards with a loud and long drag against the marble.

So he really meant it?

"You aren't in your right senses Carson. You aren't"


He grabbed my hand stopping me from leaving with a pleading tone.

"Please, Carson. Please, let me think."

I pulled away from him and stomped out of the restaurant the cold night breeze welcoming me again.

I strolled away from the restaurant desperate to clear my head of what Carson had just requested then my phone beeped with a message.

When I checked my screen it was Carson.

"That's a maybe right? Thank you, Daphne."

I scoffed and tossed my phone back into my purse.

This isn't the first time Carson is doing this - having me make sacrifices for his happiness.

He did it in high school when he was bullied.

He did it when he was so desperate to pass his USPC civil service exam and become a narcotics detective.

He did it when he was on the brink of losing his internship as a narcotic detective and now he is doing it again!

But this time... this time it's different and disgusting!

How could he ask me to seduce a Druglord to get a promotion?

What if he finds out who I was and got me killed in the process?

What if he rapes me?

Didn't he even stop to think about the risk attached to it?

Why did he think I was the one for the job?

They are billions of prostitutes in Canada who would jump at the job and he chooses me?

What does he think am I?

All these thoughts flew through my mind and I hadn't remembered how I found my way to Lyra's favourite nightclub - Cloud Nine and now on my fourth glass of whisky.

I swirl the whisky around as the ice cubes hit the glass with a clicking sound.

Bringing the glass to my mouth, I slurp one of the ice breaking it in the process with all anger left in me but it's still not suppressing.

When I was on my sixth glass I knew I had to get home before I imagined one of the bartenders to be Carson and smack him in the face.

My head was already spinning.

The music was fading into my head.

The Club lights were blurring my vision.

My view was upside down.

I instantly stood up in an attempt to get to the entrance but I bumped into someone that looks like Lyra?

"Babes! What ya doing here? What about your date with Carson?"

Her voice came to my ears as echoes and then I blacked out.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

That morning hangover I detested so much is back.

I can't recollect the last time I had these loathing feelings of nausea and headache.

I drifted to my left and reached for my phone on the bedside table but instead I my hand wraps around something round.

I grab it and held it up to my face opening my eyes to take a glimpse.

Condom?? Used condom??

I fling it across the room and jerked up to take in my environment.

I immediately recognized the familiar blue painted walls, the blue fluffy blanket and the bedspread.

How the heck did I find myself in Lyra's room.

Then, memories of last night came scrambling into my head like tides.

Oh, right. Carson's crazy request.

My blacking out in Cloud Nine

I crawled out of the bed still holding my head tight as if it would stop the throbbing headache.

I saw Lyra sloped on her couch the moment I strode into the living room.

She was watching Grey anatomy with a popcorn settled on her lap.

She looked like she hadn't showered with her messy hair tied in a bun, her oily face and eye bags. This is the messiest I have seen Lyra.

"No class?" I asked, making my way to the fridge to grab myself a bottle of water maybe that could cool down the headache.

"Hmm. Hmmm. You want some?" She extended the bowl of popcorn to me.

"Nah, this hangover is killing me."

"You needed it, I knew the jerk was going to call it off. Dude has never set up a romantic dinner for you in 8 years of a relationship but then he did it just to break it. Psycho"

What's she talking about?

"But hey, I helped you deal with him. There's no way he can get away from hurting you"


Did this crazy bitch...?

"I sent some trained ninjas to disfigure his jaw. They sent a picture, want a peek? Might ease your mind."

Wait... WHAT???!!

"You beat him up??? LYRA???!!!"

"What??? He deserved it! He wasted 8 years of your life in a dreary relationship only for him to call it off like that"

"Call what off??!!" I stepped closer like I wanted to attack her, my blood boiling and the headache increasing to 360 degrees.

So much for a hangover.

" Who told you that? Did I tell you that??!"

"Wait, isn't that why you came to Cloud Nine?"

"No! Jesus, Lyra!"

"Wait, I thought--" Her face fell in horror.

"Oh, My God!"

I picked up my handbag from the couch and darted out of her apartment.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I jabbed in the password to Carson's apartment and hurried in hopes of finding him but was met with complete silence and mess.

And... the whistling sound of a kettle. Papers and files flew everywhere in every corner of his living room, his laptop was on the centre table left on, his TV was also on, his pillowcase was scattered everywhere, and they were also two empty mugs on his centre table.

I rushed to turn off the kettle and saw more wrecks in his kitchen.

Plates probably from yesterday were tossed around the kitchen zinc, his microwave was also left open with a burnt pizza in it.

After cleaning his kitchen and washing the dishes I moved to his living room to clean it.

I packed all the files and papers spilled around the couch and the centre table.

They were papers about MBTI, Molly, Cocaine, Coke and the case he told me about yesterday.

DRUGLORD LUCIAN LEON. Written boldly in italics.

The paper held everything about him - His background, his birthdate, birthplace, his parents, his parent's death history...

I stuffed that particular paper into my pocket but realized that I was still in the purple dress.

I hadn't even showered yet.

I made sure Carson's living room was void of any dirt before I went into his bathroom to wash up.

His room was tidy and then I remembered him hinting that he prefers sleeping on the couch. Don't know why though, weird.

I walked up to his desk and saw stacks of books about narcotics piled up in 5 places then I recognized the particular one I got for him on his 17th birthday - STUDY OF NARCOTICS.

I hadn't thought Carson would cry when I dropped the book on his lap then.

He was so cute then, with his glasses and baggy jeans trouser and those books about drugs he shoves to his chest walking around with them.

People had thought he wanted to become a drug dealer because of the way he purchased books about drugs and narcotics with any little money he got.

He would always skip his dinner to stay at the library late into the night and whenever I found him, he was always surrounded by various books about narcotics reading and jotting.

Yeah, Carson has worked hard for this.

He deserves much more than just a promotion.

I thought again about what he told me last night.

It's just to seduce a Druglord, Daphne.

He isn't asking you to sleep with him.

Just seduce him, make him fall for you and get what Carson needs for his arrest.

I stood up, quickly dressed up in his grey t-shirt and black sweatpants and was out of his apartment in minutes.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As soon as Carson showed up my face fell. True to her word, Lyra had really sent ninjas to beat up Carson.

His face was a complete mess.

His lips were bursted on both sides, he had cuts on both sides of his forehead and he was... leaping?

For Godsake, Lyra!!

What the hell is wrong with that girl???

I came closer to him studying him more. His face was also red probably from the punches.

"I'm sorry, Carson. Trust me, I didn't know Lyra thought we broke up. I could have stopped her."

I gazed at my feet embarrassed to make eye contact with him.

"It's okay. I kinda deserve it though. I'm an unfaithful jerk and I even asked you to do something really horrible"

"Carson, stop! Stop playing that self-pity again! You worked hard for this okay? it's okay if you are desperate, Carson."

"No, daphne. I was a jerk, okay? I was just so desperate to get this promotion and a salary raise." He paused and swallowed hard. "I wanted to get out of this shit. I wanted us to get out of this shit that I didn't consider your feelings."

"I understand, Carson. And seriously, I'm the one who should be sorry for reacting that way. This is your life, you've been working hard for this all your life."

There was a moment of silence and I was contemplating hard if I should agree with this.

"Hey, I'm quite busy. See you later tonight?"

He smiled at me and turned on his heels.

"I'm here to agree to that"

What are you doing, Daphne?

Carson stopped on his track but didn't turn.

"I'd just do it, Carson. You need this. You worked hard for it. You deserve it."

He turned to face me and cupped my cheeks with his warm hand, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, my love."

I was graced with my favourite scent again. I returned the hug and stroked his back smoothly.

I hope I'm making the right step.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

" I'm not sure about this"

I tore my gaze away from the sight of the five-star event hall.

Carson had got me a VIP pass from Lucian's party happening in five minutes and dressed me in the most expensive way possible - a black top and ball gown skirt which had a floral decoration on the chest and waist area.

My blonde hair was styled in a bone-straight and I had a little adjustment on my face at least I won't look like I'm walking out of an horror movie.

I think this is the best I had looked this year.

"Hey, the party is starting soon"

Carson interrupted, handling the VIP pass. I accepted it with trembling and sweaty hands.

Carson grabbed my two hands and cupped my cheeks with both hands. His hands were warm and comfortable.

My favourite touch.

"Look, it's going to be fine. You know what? Just flaunt that pretty smile of yours and that drop-dead sexy voice. You wouldn't need to do more than that."

He shifted closer and took my hands again with a tight squeeze.

"You know, you only had to wear that baggy polo shirt, baggy pants and that oversized flip flops when I fell in love with you. Now look at you in this and imagine a man seeing you in this"

He gestured to my body.

I smiled at this recalling when we first met in high school sophomore. That day, I knocked off all his bullies with my dad flip flops. It was an incredibly funny sight.

"I'm actually pissed that he has to see you in this without even lifting a finger. So, let's get this done real quick, okay?"

He gave my cheek one last stroke and adjusted back into his previous position.

"If you don't see me by 10 call the police, okay?"

I gave him a quick peck on his lips and dashed out of his honda civic grabbing my purse along.

The five-star event hall ahead of me had a better view than the one I had viewed from pictures and Carson's car.

Marching towards the hall I pushed my anxiety away, straightening my back to stand tall and confident as possible.

I immediately plastered on a smile when I approached the man by the entrance dressed in a single-breasted blue suit.

I handed him the VIP pass with a huge and anxious grin. I hope my anxiety isn't showing through my smile.

The man gazed at me weirdly and then at the pass and then at me.

Or is it?


And then he smiled brightly.

"Beautiful dress. Enjoy"

He opened the doubled glass door motioning for me to get in and I stepped inside without wasting a second.

The hall was astonishing as expected.

The whole place was complimented with orange lighting which made it look all cuddled up and cozy.

The orange chandelier lighting sparkled on the glass table and chair.

The atmosphere was so flawless and screams wealth.

I stopped a waiter and took a glass of champagne from his tray dismissing him with a smile.

At this point in time, I needed a drink to swig down this anxiousness.

I took a sip examining the room to find Lucian.

This is his party, he should be around welcoming his guests right?

I stood before a podium in a corner disposing my bottle of champagne on it.

Oh, God! This guy should just show up so I can get the hell out of here quick.

I sipped from my champagne again when I began to hear applauds. I dropped the bottle to see the source of the applause and then I saw him, I knew because I saw a brief picture of him in one of the papers I saw in Carson's apartment that day.



He is extremely good-looking compared to what I had seen in those papers! No, wait that should be an understatement.

He is drop-dead hot, drop-dead attractive, drop-dead stunning!

Is it even okay to walk around looking this insanely good?? You know the guy who got exiled because of his looks? That might be the case for this dude because this right here is art!

I had not in the least imagined a druglord to be looking this breathtaking.

I don't know how he managed to be this hot and don't also know why he is approaching me?!

OMG!! Amid my fantasizing about how good-looking he was, he was already done with his speech and is now approaching me??

Why is that??

What the heck??

I took a sip from my champagne and looked away. Daphne, what are you doing?? You are here to seduce him! Walk over to him and do what you are here to.

OMG! As I turned to face him he smiled at me or not?

He brushed past me shaking the man who had been standing behind me a while ago. But his smile gosh! What was that I spotted earlier? a dimple?? Jesus! Lock this man up already before he starts becoming the cause of broken marriages and relationships.

I turned a little to my back to catch a slight glimpse of him.

He was still chatting with the man grinning from ear to ear and I wasn't wrong about his dimple. It popped in at each of his words and smiles.

His muscles stretched his blue two-piece tailored double-breasted suit.

His black hair is middle centred and slicked back. His green eyes sparkled brightly as he smiled at the man. His sharp jaw danced from every word he spoke.

Wow, he is so perfect.

Hold up. What the heck are you doing??


Drool no more! Let's get to business!

I turned to look back at Lucian who already had his gaze on me. This is a great opportunity to approach him. I smiled at him and found myself walking up to him.

"Hi" Hi? Really, Daphne? Hi?? Oh my God. This is going to flop.

Lucian ignored me and sipped from his drink.

"Uhm, nice party. This is brilliant. The settings. The lighting. And everything really" I motioned around.

I laughed awkwardly trying my possible best to avoid his gaze but he kept mute.

Is he deaf?? At least give me a reaction negative or positive was what I'd have said if Carson's promotion isn't on the line right now so I cleared my throat and sprinted closer.

Hmmm. His scent. He smelled like citrus.

"My name is Daphne" I extended my hands grinning as wide as possible but he isn't still looking my way its as if I'm invisible.

What is his problem? Or am I not doing it right? Is my approach not right?

I was about to ask him why he isn't responding when he dug his hands in his pocket taking out his wallet and I also didn't fail to notice his tattoo sticking out of his suit.

It looked like Spanish? I don't know, the gold wristwatch was blocking it.

Lucian stuck out three dollars note and as I follow suit of where the money was going to settle I followed suit to my breast.

Before I could yank his hand away, he had dug the note into my breast.


"There. Now leave."

He leaned into my side to whisper.

"I don't do this when I'm working. Don't ever show your face here again" His breath fanned against my neck reeking of fruity wine.

He starts to leave but halts and spins on his heels his hand positioned in his trouser pocket shoving the hem of his suit behind.

"Come to Code black on Friday I might consider a..." he trails off and sizes me with his eyes disgustingly. "Lapdance? Unfortunately for you, I don't do flats"

I scoffed and felt my eyes sting with hot tears.

"Leave. Don't make me repeat myself I'm gonna call the security if I do."

His voice was cold and harsh piercing my heart like sharp knives. He eyed me disgustingly one last time before finally disappearing into the crowd.

He fucking thinks I'm a prostitute. I wiped my tears off my face and plodded out of the hall with burning rage. Immediately I noticed Carson's car perched by the corner I made my way there stomping my black pump heels on the gravel with all the irritation left in me.

I knew this was a bad idea! I knew this was going to flop hard! What was Carson thinking?? seducing a Druglord??? He said it himself that he was alert why would he think he would be that easy?

Carson was on a call when I bashed into his car with full force and anger. He ended his call immediately after he noticed my presence.

"Just drive" I demanded before he uttered a word my voice coming out angrier than I had intended.

Carson kicked start the car and drove out of the hall car park.

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Carson's Honda Civic halts to a stop before my apartment and without one-word exchange with him, I got down.

When I made my way to my apartment building I could hear Carson's footsteps approaching me but I didn't stop I know what he wants to say and I ain't ready to hear it.

Carson's hand gripped mine and he twirls me around to face him.

"Hey, what's up? What happened in there?"

I kept my hot glares on him and for a split second I imagined him to be Lucian and almost threw my fist to his jaw.

"Why me? Why are you choosing me for this dirty job?"

"Because I trust you, Daphne. I--"

"Oh, please" I cut him short. "I want a better reason"

"Daphne, imagine giving this job to someone else other than you? Tables would turn, they would be swayed by him or even worse, cross over to his side and start spying on us instead."

He took both my shoulder in his hands.

"But, I trust you, Daphne. I know this job is dangerous as hell but trust me my colleagues will be in every corner you'd be meeting with him. Just do this for us please, Daphne."

I found myself foolishly nodding to him again. This would be the last time I would sacrifice anything for you. This is the last.

I sighed and pulled him into a hug.

Yeah, I just have to make him fall in love with me, it isn't that hard. This is for Carson's future. He deserves it.

"And" he breaks the hug. "After I get this promotion I'm going to be slipping a beautiful diamond ring into that lovely forth finger"

He took my left hand and planted a peck on it.

What?? OMG!!

"Really?? We are getting married after you get the promotion??"

This time I pulled him into a deep kiss, he returned it as he wraps his hands around me.

Yeah, this wouldn't take much time, right? It can't be that hard just to make him fall in love with me it's not like I'd fall in love with him.

He'd be the only one doing the 'falling'

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