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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

You smiled at Senku's statement. Senku cleared his throat "So (y/n) I still have some questions left" 'So he's finally going to ask me how I managed remaining my counciousness during all the 3,700 years,huh', you thought. I really do hope he'll believe my story....

"How did you manage to-", he began but was interrupted by Kohaku barging in with a bowl of Ramen "Chrome was busy so I brought the ramen", she loudly declared. When looking at Senku's expression you saw that he was annoyed a bit and you thought it kinda looked cute so you chuckled. "What's so funny?" both Kohaku and Senku asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry it's nothing" you answered while fidgeting your hands in the air and acting nervous. "Ah, and thank you for the ramen. I really appreciate it and I'm also really grateful for your help Senku", you steadily said and bowed. "It's nothing to bow for", Senku answered but you could still see the wide grin on his face.

Kohaku also smiled. She soon handed you the ramen and you began eating it. It was so bad that you almost spit it out but you still continued eating because you definitely didn't want to be rude and you surely didn't want to waste any food in this stone world.

Senku could see through your expression and smirked at you. "So is it good ~?", he asked you in a cocky tone. 'Oh~ so this is how you wanna play', you thought and smirked back at him. "It's so bad that I could puke but it's also so good at the same time", you answered honestly while smiling and continuing to eat your food.

You of all people definitely knew the most that wasting food was not an option and this situation reminded you of your childhood. You were born in a town where everyone only knew war and famine. It was really hard but you actually managed to survive and that's how you came to your profession.

Senku looked at you with an undefined expression and he looked like he was lost in thought. The only thing that could be heard in the small hut were the sounds of you eating the ramen. Senku was the first one to talk and attempted to clear this strange mood "I'm going to look for Chrome. Please stay here with (y/n) and look after her, Kohaku", he said and left.

"Okay, Senku", she answered. After that she turned to look at me and continued talking "I guess we haven't really been introduced yet. I'm Kohaku and you are..?" "I'm (y/n). You can just call me (nickname), Kohaku", you answered and smiled at her. The next few day's Kohaku began visiting you.

You could say that you became good friends and you would never say it aloud but you kinda enjoyed Kohaku's company. Even though you had to act around everyone all the time she was different. It was fun talking to her and you could also talk about girl's stuff.

It also looked like she grew quite fond of you because her voice always became softer when she talked to you. Today you decided to finally talk to her and tell her the truth. Well it wasn't the real truth but you couldn't tell the real truth to anybody not even to Kohaku!

Today Kohaku already was on her way to leave when you grabbed her dress tightly and put on your best acting skills. "What is i-", she began but immediately rushed to you when she saw that you were shaking. "I-I want to tell you the reason why I m-managed to break free from the petrification", you told her nervous while shaking.

"Look...", her voice softened. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to", she answered. "I-I know that b-but you are my only friend here and I really want to tell you. Besides I don't think that the others trust me yet and you're the only one I can talk to...", you answered while giving her a small smile.

Her expression softened and she answered "Ok, but if it's too uncomfortable for you, we can always stop". Ofcourse I wasn't uncomfortable at all and I already noticed Senku and Gen listening in on our conversation from outside of the hut. 'Listening in to a ladies secrets? Rude~ but well it's not like I can blame them', you thought. "Ok, so it all began two months before the petrification...

My parents were supposed to be on a business trip on my birthday. Of course I was sad that we couldn't celebrate it together but I never showed it because this trip was really important to them", you answered. 'A lie. And another lie. Since you were born your parents abandoned you and it's not like you remember them anyway', you thought.

"The next day I got the message that both of my parents died in a car crash. A-apparently they were rushing home in the rain yesterday because they wanted to surprise me on my birthday", you answered and began sobbing lightly.

"I-I was completely devastated. I-It was all my fault", you cried out. "Shh, don't cry. I'm sure that it wasn't your fault!", Kohaku comforted you. "Well I was really sad and I didn't have a place to go anyway so I ran away. I began going to parties and downed all of my worries in alcohol, dumb right?", you sobbed. "I think it's a normal reaction", Kohaku answered although you could see that she only understood half of it but still tried to help you. 'Such a kind person', you thought. "Well this one day when I was just leaving the party everything went black and I woke up finding myself tied up against a chair in a dark room.

I was abducted and they were planing to sell me to someone", you brought out while shaking. "I-I was so scared... It was hell. They kept me there for two months and they even took photos..", you answered while sobbing quietly. I was about to be sold when I saw this green light and everything went black once again.

I was so scared. I didn't want to be alone in this darkness again and I decided to be stronger and to escape from this darkness!", you answered. "So I spend all 3,700 years to think of every method to escape this darkness and I also wanted to become stronger", you answered while rubbing away your tears.

You smiled at Kohaku "I've decided! I'm going to help the Kingdom of Science and I'm going to be useful to you! I'm going to become stronger and overcome my past!", you declared. Kohaku smiled at you " Don't worry I'm sure everyone is soon going to accept and support you", she declared friendly. " Thank you for listening, Kohaku! I've finally been able to let it all out", you said and smiled.

                     ===============TIME SKIP==================

After my little talk with Kohaku I fell asleep. Well at least I pretended to. My real objective was different. I slowly got up without making a sound and leaned against the door of the hut to listen in on Kohaku's Conversation with Senku and Gen.

"So do you still doubt her?!", Kohaku asked a bit angry. "She's just an innocent girl who lost her parents!", she half shouted. "Calm down, Kohaku. We never said we doubted her. We just wanted to make sure", Senku answered calmly. "So mentalist, what do you think? Did she tell her the truth?", Senku asked. "I'm sure of it!

She definitely told the truth, Senku-chan~", the unknown person which you could identify as Gen answered in a playfull tone. You were worried because of your little act but luckily it had all worked out. You let out the breath which you didn't even realize you were holding in.

'It all worked out just fine. I don't even know why I was so worried before', you thought. You were feeling tired so you decided to sleep, for real this time. Laying down you thought about everything that happened in the last few days. It was kinda fun and you couldn't wait to do new things.

Your arm had already healed after all. You were also very thankfull to Senku because he visited you, to help you apply the ointment, everyday even though you heard that he was quite busy building some kind of generator. Thinking about it you really thought that Senku was amazing. It's not like you couldn't have done that but his willpower is really amazing.

Even after carrying the huge weight of saving all of humanity on his shoulders, he still continues to move forward and he never shows any of his emotions at all. 'I'm sure that he's suffering but he never tells someone because he doesn't want them to worry about him.

He's always bottling everything up and it's kinda sad. I bet that even when he's injured he acts like everything is fine because he puts everyone before him', you thought. With the thought of a suffering Senku your heart suddenly ached. You were wondering why but you just decided to ignore it and go to sleep.

It was already nighttime and everyone was sleeping, well everyone except you. It was no secret that you had insomnia and that it had been keeping you awake since long ago. You tried to change your sleeping position but it just didn't work and you didn't want to wake the others so you just decided to go for a little walk in the moonlight.

You put on the Jacket Senku had given you and sneaked out. You were humming a song while enjoying the cold night breeze when you suddenly heard footsteps and the sound of a spear. You didn't waste a second and immediately hid behind a nearby bush.

You saw a big strong man carrying a spear and walking towards a person sitting on a stone. The person had half white and half black hair. 'So this must be Gen, huh', you thought. Looks like he's in danger... you thought but couldn't find a way to help him without getting caught.

It was already too late. The big man punched him a few times and then finished him off with one strike of his spear. After you could hear Gen's body falling on the ground with a dump thud, the man left.

After you had assured that he left you immediately ran to Gen. "Damn it! What do I do now?!", you whisper shouted. You decided to check on his injuries and you were pretty stunned. 'He is a magician through and through, huh', you thought.

He managed to guard himself with fake blood bags. Although his injuries weren't threatening his life they were still serious. You decided to carry Gen on your back and ask Senku for help.

When you arrived at the huts you saw a small light burning in Senku's lab so you decided to enter hoping you would find him. As you entered you heard him asking what you were doing here this late but you didn't care at all.

"Gen was attacked earlier and he has some serious injuries but he managed to guard himself from life threatening injuries with bags of fake blood! I managed to carry him here but what do we do now!?", you shouted in panic. Senku looked up from his blueprint and saw Gen laying on your back.

He immediately stood up. "Bring him to the hut, we need to treat his injuries! I'm going to wake up the others", he answered while running off. You did as you were told and brought him to the hut laying him down on a small bed. You knew it wasn't a good idea to leave him alone now but you had to check something.

Earlier when you were walking through the forest you saw some herbs with a healing effect. You ran towards the direction of them and you were right. There they were. A field of medical herbs. You managed to grab some and carried them in the hood of your Jacket.

When you arrived you saw everyone and a worried Senku asking you something "Where were you (y/ )?!" 'Well I searched for medical herbs to save your friends ass!', but you refrained yourself from saying that.

"I found some healing herbs in the forest!", you answered and showed them the plants. "These are-", Kohaku said but was interrupted by Senku. "Ginger and Japanese Knotroot. Good Job (y/n)! So you're smart after all, huh"

"Hey! Who said I wasn't smart?! I do have some knowledge you know!", you shouted while acting angry. Senku stood up to take the herbs and patted your head. "Thanks", he said while smiling.

After applying the herbs Gen seemed to look a lot better and his breathing became steadier. Everyone already left. The only one's in the hut were you, Gen and Senku. It was quiet but Gen mumbled something "Senku-chan?" "Yes?", he answered. "Can you make it for me?", Gen asked.

"Make what?" he asked. Gen turned to face Senku "Even in this stone world.. Can you make a bottle of Cola for me?", he asked weakly. Senku smirked "Yes, I'm 100 billion percent sure I can!" Senkua answered. You smiled at the display infront of you.

Soon after Gen fell asleep, so you and Senku decided to do the same. You were climbing down the ladder when Senku reached out for your hand. You took it and chuckled "My, my what a gentleman", you teased him. "Shut up! Or do you want me to let go?", he asked and you just smiled.

This moment Senku was very glad that it was so dark and that you couldn't see the fierce blush which painted his face. He didn't know why he blushed and he didn't understand what he felt at all. Everytime he saw you his heart fluttered and he felt warm and fuzzy. It only distracted him and his work so he decided to ignore it.

Arriving at your hut you both went to sleep. "Goodnight, Senku", you mumbled but he didn't answer so you just assumed that he already went to sleep. Oh, but how wrong you were. Senku wasn't asleep at all. Instead he was blushing and so embarrassed that he couldn't answer.

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