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Chapter 6: Two Years

Well as you can guess by that title up there it has been two years. Ah hey stop that!

//A/N Sorry the MC needed punished a bit for breaking the forth wall.

It has been two years since me and Naruto left the orphanage. I hear they have a new caretaker now as the other got fired. I hear the new caretaker is a very kind woman who treats all the children like her grandkids. That's good at least.

Not much has really changed for us at least in the way we are treated. Naruto is still treated as a monster and children tend to avoid him and the ones who don't avoid him beat him up for no reason. As for me I am treated as a monster and an outsider just no one get's physical with me anymore since my Kekkei Genkai activated. Every time they go to hit me a thin layer of iron appears on my body to block the hit which from what Grandpa, oh I call the 3rd grandpa, shouldn't happen unless I had a bloodline to match.

Other than a few people everyone else looks at us with eyes of hate or scorn. Teuchi, the man in the ramen shop, treats us well as we visit him often. The people in the hospital still have varying feelings about me. A few like me as they say I am very talented as a medical nin. While most others still don't trust me so they only allow me to work on minor injuries. Lastly the blacksmith, on the outside he seems to dislike me very much always yelling but I know he is very kind. Sometimes he offers me two sandwiches saying "My wife accidentally made the kind I don't like here take this garbage" it's kinda funny really.

I gotta say chakra is amazing! It is like a new form of energy only it exist inside us. I have read about people being able to summon the rain, split the earth, turn forest barren in matter of seconds, using nothing but chakra and jutsu. It is really amazing to see what humans can do in this place.

There are a few things that concern me though and it isn't the bullying and mistreatment. Rather it is my personality. In my last life I was a bit cold and rarely had any expression or smile on my face that wasn't fake but here I sometimes end up acting like a child. Excited over everything, screaming, shouting and jumping everywhere in joy. Yet at other times I have the same personality as my last life. It bothers me since I don't have control over the two different actions.

Another thing that concerns me are my dreams. I always end up in the maze with many doors and sand. I walk and walk but I can't find my way out. There is a voice trying to speak to me it whispers to me telling me to hate to destroy. Every dream the voice gets a little louder or clearer. I feel I am approaching whatever it is but I don't think I want to meet it yet my feet never stop moving.

Sometimes in the dreams I find doors that can be opened. Inside I see a boy who looks like me he is treated as a monster too. Kids throw things at him, they scream at him, and they avoid him. Even the adults don't seem to care for him at all. Luckily sand moves around him and protects him from damage. At first I thought these were images of myself and what life should have been like if my soul hadn't settled in this body but I hear them call him something other than monster I can't make it out. I believe it is the boys name.

Well other than dreams I have read all the books that Grandpa got me and I learned more about my Kekkei Genkai. From what I have observed is that I have control over metal. I can absorb it into my body and make it twist in my hands like playdough. As long as it is metal I can do anything I want with it. I get some from the blacksmith to tinker with and have made a few metal trinkets. Tops, magnetic twirlers, and a newtons craddle which I gifted to Grandpa.

I make these things to earn a little more money but I can't take credit for these since if people knew I made them they wouldn't buy them. With the extra money I buy more books, supplies, and food for me and naruto. I am trying to teach him what I learn but he doesn't seem all to good at learning from books. Naruto seems to enjoy the meals I make, not as much as ramen but still.

It isn't like there are no kids who I get along with in fact I made two more friends outside of Naruto. He is a skinny boy who likes being lazy a slightly obese child is always hanging around him too. Their names are Shikamaru and Choji. Choji seems to hang around me because I make food he likes. Me and shikamaru sometimes play chess together. It's challenging since he learns fast. At first I always won but after a few rounds we began to draw often. Now the score is tied between us.

Well that is what has happened to me the last two years. I must say even though most still don't like me I rather like it here. In my last life people respected me but only my foster mother really cared about me. Here though I have real friends and people who care about me. I even managed to snag a grandfather though I wasn't adopted by him or anything I still call him grandpa and he seems to like it. Well that is what happened I'm going to get to bed now. Wonder if that boy will be in another door?

ShadowRose13 ShadowRose13

This is just our MC updating what has happened the last two years. Now the harem thing I have decided some characters for him but I will keep it a secret for now. Some have said he should get with Tsunade and all I can say is we will see. I am making this up as I go along one chapter at a time not really planning ahead too much.

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