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Chapter 5: Orleans Singularity: Deviation (2)

Because of him being useful and helping in the Fuyuki Singularity, Theo found himself a permanent position on the control room. He became the somewhat assistant of Doctor Romani. Ritsuka and Mashu also thanked him for his help and Gudako was grateful to him for helping her Brother. After Fuyuki Singularity, other than Gudako summoning Robin Hood, Ritsuka have summoned in Cu Chulainn in his caster form.

" Didn't I tell you to summon me as a Lancer kid? "

Theo, watched as Ritsuka apologize and getting angry when Cu Chulainn started hitting on his Sister. After the Fuyuki Singularity, the only remaining staff on Chaldea was on number 37. If he didn't include the two masters, him and Mashu. Everyone in Chaldea mourned their fellow colleagues. After the impromptu burial– Theo wasn't even certain where the heck did Da Vinci and the other staffs buried them. He returned to his room after the exhausting events. He have read Theodorus journal and continued to write on his own. He also practiced magic and rest on his bed. He was starting to miss– no, he want to go back on his Earth. He doesn't want to stay in this Earth where the fiction he knows turned out real. It's true that it has Waifus, but a peaceful and relaxed life with his family are what would be more preferable. Not this life that was full of danger and death. Why can't just Zelretch chose another guy? The Protagonist would defeat that Solomon and save the world, why was he even dragged in this?

That night, Theo dreamed of never seeing his family again. Staying in this world and failing to save this world. The girl– he doesn't even know her name. Because of him, even he didn't mean it, his actions cause her to die. Theo has an awful dream.

2 days before the Orleans Singularity happened, Theo decided to consult Doctor Romani Archaman and Da Vinci on implanting the artificial mystic eye. Theodorus mentioned on his journal that he was planning to implant the mystic eye on his self. He mentioned that he acquired the mystic eye as a gift from his grandpa. His grandpa has created the mystic eye with the help of the head of the Lehrman family who specialize in crafting artificial mystic eye gems. In his writings, Theodore saw how grateful Theodorus was to his grandfather. Theodore decided to honour and proceed with his parallel self's plan. The artificial mystic eye would be a useful arsenal.

" Are you really certain with your decision? "

Doctor Romani asked him before he nodded his head. Theo wondered why would he worried. Maybe it has just to do with the doctor's kind and gentle disposition to worry about others. Heck, it was just a common thing for some rich Magus nobles to have a mystic eye planted on them. After his stubbornness, with the help of Da Vinci and Doctor Romani, he have the mystic eye planted on his left socket.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! "

He screamed in agony during the procedure. He never thought that it was so painful and he needed to be awake during the process. Theo shouted in pain until he doesn't have voice to shout anymore. It was a torture but Theo decided that it was worth it.

The procedure was a success. Doctor Romani and Da Vinci advised him to take a rest and sleep for a while. A day after that, he was given a clearance to use magic again. While practicing, he noticed that he have improved two times the result than the last time. To his surprise, having the artificial mystic eye have helped him a better grasp on his magic and remembering certain things other than allowing him to create powerful illusions. Still, despite that– he was just a beginner to magic. It would take a while for him to master Theodorus craft and the use of the artificial mystic eye.

When the day of the Orleans Singularity arrived, Theo arrived in the room just in time to see Ritsuka and Gudako surprised that the Leonardo Da Vinci was a man.

" Mr. Solonea, Good morning "

Mashu greeted him with a kind smile on her face followed by Ritsuka and Gudako when they noticed him. The trio's eyes inadvertently drifted to his left side. Theo decided to ignore the brief flash of sadness that was revealed in their eyes as they stared at him. It was rude. He decided to ignore the annoyance that was rising within him. He made certain that it would cover his hand and wore a gloves on them so that he wouldn't see people staring at them with pity.

" Good Morning. Ms. Kyrielight, Mr. Fujimaru, Ms. Fujimaru. "

The two protagonist cringed when they heard him address them in their surname. Mashu just accepted it but Theo noticed that she doesn't seem to like to be addressed by her surname.

" So formal and reserve as always, Theo-kun! "

Da Vinci smiled and winked at him. Beside her, Doctor Romani Archaman sighed.

" I would like to be called Doctor Roman. It is fine if it would be Romani. Aren't you tired with calling me Acting director doctor Romani Archaman? "

" Good morning Leonardo Da Vinci-san. Good morning to you too, Director Doctor Romani Archaman. "

" Ughh... "

Gudako smiled at the sight of Doctor Romani Archaman groaning. After a little bit of friendly greetings and teasing, everyone went serious. It was currently their business to save the world after all. The two Fujimaru and Mashu were rayshifted to the Orleans Singularity.

When they arrived, it went on just like what happened in the game. The sight of the hole in the sky was impressive when they showed it to us. It must be more shocking for them since it was personal.After that, they went to gather information. They encounter some soldiers that was under the subordination of creepy caster Gilles de Rais. Then they went in the Vaucouleurs in Lorraine Region. They heard the murmurings and fear of the people about the Dragon Witch.The two Fujimaru heard the one sided attack of Jeanne D'arc from the soldiers and the people she have slayed under her dragon banner. Then, the wyverns attacked the town.

Theo was also surprised when Da Vinci ordered them to withdraw. (all of that happened while Doctor

Romani was in the cafeteria for the Coffee)

" Withdraw and take refuge somewhere safe. "

{ What are you saying... Da Vinci-chan?! }

Gudako was frustrated when she heard the order and Ritsuka froze. Theo feels it was so surreal to heard it coming from her.

" A Singularity is an isolated space detached from another era. If you repair the Singularity, everything that happens there would be erased. That means, even if the people of that era die, there won't be any problems. Frankly speaking, the judgement of you two would save us all. "

After that, the two protagonist have a protagonist moment.

{ Mash, Take care of that Dragon! Caster! }

{ On it, Kid. It's time to blow up fake dragons! }

{ Do you even know what are you saying Da Vinci-chan?! Umm... Anyway, where is Robin?! I can't see him! }

{ I'm already at the back, Master. The lady and caster, and the other master can take care of the front lines while I am here supporting at the back. }

{ What?! }

They helped on fighting and helping the soldiers to defeat the dragon. Meanwhile, Da Vinci closed her eyes and smiled.

" They are too kind. Operator-san please calculate and find if there was any nearby magical readings. "

" Already doing it. "

" As for you Theo-kun? "

" I have found one nearby leyline. They should go there and summon a servant. "

{ Servant?! I would be the one doing the Summoning! "

{ Gudako... }

{ You already have the adorable kouhai and Caster. Now, It's my turn! Mister Theo tell me where it is! I should go there as soon as possible! "

" Defeat the wyverns first or I'm not telling you. "

While they are helping the soldiers to defend and defeat the Wyverns, Jeanne showed up. Theo knows that it was her, despite being covered in the robe with a hood. After successfully defeating the wyverns, Gudako insist that they should go to the leyline and summon a new servant.

{ Mister Theo, tell me where it is?! }

" It was on a nearby forest. "

On their way there, Jeanne then showed herself and explained what happened to her as well as her lowered stats.

{ We should power up you as soon as possible Jeanne! }

{ Gudako, I can sense your motives behind your friendly facade. }

{ Shut up, Ritsu! }

Soon after, Doctor Romani Archaman returned bringing a coffee for himself and Da Vinci. As for Theo, he took a sip on his mug and frowned.

" Hot Chocolate? "

Wouldn't it be more proper if it was a coffee? Heck, he was exhausted for the past days, he really needed a god damn coffee.

" Chocolate are helpful for the brain. "

Well, looks like he really dislike being called by a very long name. When they finally arrived at the leyline, Gudako was excited. She rubbed her hands and activated her summoning crest. Different from the other fate franchise, in Fate Grand Order they don't need to do any chant to summon the servant.

{ Here we go!! }

{ Senpai is certainly enthusiastic.. }

{ Kid, I can't see any resemblance between you and the cute lady. }

{ Ugh... I apologize for her behavior. }

{ Come on, come on, come on, come on! come forth servant!!! }

Under the bright glow, a purple haired samurai servant was revealed.

{ Servant Saber, Sasaki Kojiro arrived and answered your call, Master. }

{...Wa... wa....}

Theo can hear the surprise and disbelief in her voice.

{ Wa..On-One.. Star.. }

He knew it! As expected of Gudako. It wasn't the voice of positive disbelief but one of disappointment.

{ Aren't additional servants helpful on defeating my other self? You don't look happy Miss Gudako. }

{ I ... How unlucky. }

Da Vinci and Romani were surprised when suddenly, Theo left on his chair and stand up. He has a smile on his face which was seen unusually for a person like him.

" Don't understimate Sasaki Kojiro, Gudako. (Bow down, Gudako.) "

{ What? }

Gudako was surprised when Mister Theo were suddenly reprimanding her.

" Even one star servants can match the skill of the five star servants. ( the regend has arrived! Our path to victory has grace us with his regendary presence! ) "

{ But... }

" It's not the star that matters. It's was the Regend. "

{ Huh? }

{ Senpai, Mr. Theo is acting strange. }

{ I know Mash. I know. }

" I mean, it was the skill that matters. "

{ But 5 star servants have powerful skills.. }

Gudako reasoned under the intense stare that Mister Theo was giving her.

{ I apologize, Master. If I am not within the level of the King of the Knights. }

{ The 5 star...}

{ Shut it. Gudako, you're being rude. }

{ I guess... I better try next time.. yes, that's it. I would soon commence on plans to get a 5 star servant.. if it is not a 5 star.. a 4 star should suffice.}

" You should know the true power of Sasaki Kojiro soon, Rejoice, little girl. Soon, you would learn how wrong you are. "

{ Is it me, or Mister Theo is acting like a villain Senpai? }

The adorable kouhai asked to Ritsuka.

{ Maybe, losing his hand and foot resulted on losing his sanity. }

{ Now, you are the one being rude Ritsuka! }

After a few minutes of talking, Theo suddenly somewhat, feel embarrassed for his outburst. Damn, he suddenly wanted to hide something where he couldn't he found forever. How shameful. Da Vinci and Doctor Romani are now teasing him for being a Chuunibyou and a fanboy. They welcomed him to their non existent Otaku Club. Doctor Romani even recommended Magi Mari to him. Who would want an idol that telling them to die? Maybe he should, while thinking of the person who was behind the Magi Mari. Or not. He probably doesn't have any need for free somethings. When the morning came in Orleans Singularity, eventually their happy banter ended when they saw the La Charite getting destroyed by the dragon fafnir. Then, Jalter showed up riding in Fafnir.

" We are detecting a large amount of magical residue in the area, Fujimaru-kun. Could you tell us what is happening? "

" Doctor, the other Jeanne found us and her servants are approaching. "

" Did you see if she was carrying the holy grail? "

" It doesn't seem that she was carrying the holy grail. "

Jalter showed up saying her evil lines and mocking Jeanne. And then, she ordered her servants to surround them.

{ Yo, master. It seems we are in a bit of a tough spot. }

" Gudako, can you tell me how many servants are surrounding you? Not including Jalter. "

{ Jalter? }

" Jeanne D'arc Alter, so Jalter. "

{ Hmmm, let's see there's 7 present servant on the scene, Mister Theo.}

" Could you show me their images? "

{ Got it. }

Gudako showed him the images of the servants. Theo's eyes widened when he saw that there are 6 servants present and one of them isn't the caster Gilles de Rais.

{ Do you recognize them, Mister Theo? You have proclaimed that you are knowledgeable in the servants that's why Doctor Romani and Da Vinci offered that job to you. You have even manage to identify the identity of the servants in Fuyuki Singularity. }

" I know, nearly all of them. "

{ Nearly? }

Da Vinci and Romani were looking curiously at him.

{ I can't identity one of them. }

" It was alright if Theo-kun can't identity all of them. You have done enough. "

" Thanks, Da Vinci. "

" It's already wonderful that you can identify some of the Servants. Maybe the rumours from the clock tower that the Solonea were a very long distant descendants of Solomon are true. "

Theo nearly choked hearing it coming from Doctor Romani.

" ...They are just rumors, Acting director doctor Romani Archaman. Don't believe on them. None of those are true. "

" Isn't there a saying that rumors contains some truth on them? "

Doctor Romani took a sip on his cup while he look at Theo curiously. The latter shook his head.

" Rumors are no good, Doctor. Many historical facts are altered and twisted because of them. "

If you are talking about the fate franchise and some histories back on his Earth.

" A wise saying, Theo-kun. "

" I just quoted someone. And I was just using a record of a knowledge.. "

" Record? "

{ Can we go back to the business now? Doctor, Da Vinci-chan, Mister Theo? We are surrounded by the enemies! }

" Right, I apologize for my behavior Gudako. Starting from the saber, Chevalier d'eon. Lancer, Vlad III. Rider, Saint Martha. Archer Atalanta. Assassin Carmilla Bathory. Could you see the stats of the one that I can't recognize Gudako? "

{ Hmmmm, let's see... Eh?.. what is this? }

" What's wrong? "

{ His class are indecipherable. It's was like that there are a virus. }

Could it possibly be a Moon Cancer? No, that's impossible. So early? BB is the only one that he knows in that class.

" Ritsuka, do you also see the same as your Sister? "

{ Yes, Mr. Theo. I can't read his class properly. Other than that, he was a one star servant. He has an E in agility, endurance and strength. He has a E– luck? }

Ritsuka paused a moment and look at Caster Cu. Jalter's servants also started to prepare for battle and Mashu has her shield already prepared. Jeanne was looking at her other self with a determination in her eyes.

{ Also he was EX rank in his mana quantity and his noble Phantasm was classified as an unknown. }

" I see. Thanks for the information Ritsuka. "

{ I apologize if we can't identify the name of the servant. You are a big help to us, Mr. Theo. }

" It's not your fault, that you can't see the name of the servants along with your sister. Having their stats revealed are already helpful. You two have a really useful abilities! "

It could also be considered a little bit of a cheat.

{ Thanks, Mr. Theo. }

" You should plan to retreat for now. "

{ Yes, we can't beat them with our numbers. }

{ Not just numbers. Look. 4 stars! They got a four 4 tiered stars servants! That Lancer is 5 star...Jalter is a 5 star! }

Theo sighed while listening to Gudako. Looks like being Gacha obsessed is really an accurate description of her. He should watch out warily for Guda– Ritsuka in the future and see if he was also a Gacha obsessed and a trap pervert.

For now, it would be better if they identified the identity of this unknown servant.


I don't have enough time to dwell on that person who look surprise in the Hologram and was currently warily watching me from that communication device. Jeanne Alter ordered us to surround them within our minds. We have already prepared our weapons when Jeanne Alter have given the signal to attack them. Carmilla disappeared and appeared behind one of the masters.

" Gudako!! "

Unfortunately, her attack wasn't successful. Arrows appeared and bombarded her.

" A sneak attack? I can't afford you to best me in my field, Miss Vampire. "

" I was near on collecting the blood of the young maiden. I would torture you sneaky archer for your disturbance. "

Carmilla then attacked the Archer. Meanwhile, The other people distance themselves from Martha because of Tarasque. I gripped on the metal rod tightly. I know that I am not a good fighter and this would be my first time fighting the other servants– my escaping from Jeanne Alter's grasp didn't count. In all of my lives, it could be counted on the hand the times that I fought. I remembered that I was mostly a support guy. It was rare that I did the fighting. And those fights aren't really violent either. I didn't want to do evil. Yet, I would never thought that I would fight on the side of the evil. It was wrong. I know it, but I am helpless with those damn command seals ever present on her. I was ashamed of the things that I have done by her order.

I don't want to fight for her. I don't want to obey her. Yet, my body moves on their own. I don't want to hurt those people. But, I want to protect 'her'. I know that I can't protect her. She was a strong person. There is only one thing that I am certain... I want to repay Saint Martha's kindness. Steeling myself with pure determination, I let all of my hesitation go away and rush towards the battle. Specifically, towards Saint Martha's side.

" Saint Martha! "

My eyes widened when I saw the incoming blast coming from the opponent Caster Cu rushing towards Saint Martha while she was fighting Sasaki Kojiro. I rush towards her but I was too late. Thankfully, Tarasque blocked it for her. But it must be hurt a bit even he was a dragon. Sasaki Kojiro glance at me before going back at warily looking at Saint Martha.

" Hughes? "

" I want to help Saint Martha. Would it be fine? "

She was kind and a gentle person. She didn't deserve to be under someone's orders and have her title sullied because of Jeanne Alter's orders. I wanted to protect– Saint Martha really didn't need any protection since she was strong.

" I know that I am weak. But i would try my best to not be an obstacle. "

Saint Martha look at me in the eyes at the moment. I know that I was mostly a coward. I didn't like to fight. But I want to help her and repay her kindness.

Saint Martha smiled and said.

" You can help me to lessen Tarasque's damage. "

" I would try my best. "

Saint Martha went back on fighting Sasaki Kojiro, I saw another blast of fire came rushing towards Tarasque. I gripped the metal rod and slam it ends to the ground. I feel the mana run through my body.

" Summon! "

[ Activated Personal Skill —Random Summoning: F Rank

Available 20 times a day.

Usage: 1/ 20 ]

A magic circle appeared within the ground. I clenched my fist and begged someone inside my mind.

I sighed in relief when a giant lump of rock appeared out of nowhere blocking the incoming blast of fire.

Thankfully, it wasn't a durian fruit that appeared just like the time that I tried to escape from Jeanne Alter.

The battle continued after that. Jeanne D'arc against Jeanne Alter. Vlad and Atalanta against that pink haired girl with a shield. Carmilla and the Archer at fighting each other. Caster Cu was assisting the shield girl while he occasionally throws random spells towards us. Kojiro and Saint Martha are fighting and I try my best to help. Occasionally, Saint Martha would activate her healing skills and heal me and Tarasque. Regarding my summoning, I have manage to consecutively summon bombs on until my 10th turn after that big lump of rock. But my luck decided a come back after that. I summoned a toilet bowl on my 11th turn. Caster Cu can only stare at it speechlessly after it dropped on him. The other servants, even the two Jeanne D'arc Arc stared at it for a moment before resuming in their fight.

" A toilet bowl? "

One of the masters said with a voice filled with amusement.

" Shut up! "

I glared at the girl and activated my summoning skill again. This time it was a chair, followed by a sewing machine, a vending machine, billboard, a mirror, a soap and on my 18th turn, a fucking Barbie doll.


At that time, all of them were staring at me. They stopped fighting for a moment. It was like that their eyes were telling " seriously? " I think, it would be preferable to just be die and return to the freaking throne of heroes. The master who was named Gudako can't keep her mouth shut anymore and started laughing at me.

" Hahahahahahahaha. "

What made me to wish that time was Saint Martha's eyes that was full of pity and Tarasque's expression on his face. And then, a carriage appeared hauled by a strange crystal horse appeared. Servants appeared to rescue the two masters and their servants.

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