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Chapter 14: What the F*ck?

(King opens the mysterious door to a dark room with no light)

Hawk:"I cant see a thing in here."


(They walk into the room and suddenly the light turn on)

Hawk:"EECK!! Oh god the lights scared me."

(They walk into the room with the door closing behind them when they hear a louder form of the crying from earlier. They begin moving forward.)

King:"Whoever built this place is seriously upto no good."

(As they walked they found multiple doors with signs on each one.The first door they see says "Exp:001")

Hawk:"I dont like this."

King:"Me neither but we gotta figure out what this place is about."

(They open the door to another dark room which light turns on when they get in and then they saw.)


(Kings face once again turns pale and Hawk begins to get more nervous.)

In front of them was a grey demon however this grey demon was smaller then average,almost human size.Its organs seeming to slip out of its body.It looked like some kind of zombie.It's incased in a glass cage infused with magic with blood covering the walls,ceiling,floor and body of the demon. With other similar sized grey demon corpses on the ground with the one remaining living grey demon feasting on its breatherin. It was a truly horrific site.

King turned his head slowly to a sign right beside them and it read as follows:


"An utter failure. It appears i have a lot more to learn about the chemical reaction of a demons body. I had hope that it would work as he was showing signs of intelligence and compliancy. Instead it went berserk and ate the other demons. I may have failed but I havent lost everything. Now with this new specimen I could synthesize a new chemical that could cause the demons to attack each other."

"Further research is required."

After reading the sign he heard a bang. King looked back to see the demon banging on the glass appearing to be interested in eating Hawk.


King:"hehe. Alright."

They leave the room and continue walking passed many rooms with sounds of screaming and other sounds until they reached the door with the sound of crying and opened it.

When the light turned on they were shocked. They saw...

A little girl? seems relatively young and appeared to be human but her skin and hair was all grey.The girl opened her shockingly beautiful red eyes and saw King and Hawk standing across the magic glass

King:"Uhh. H-Hello?"

The little girl got scared and hid in the back of the small room.

King:"Dont be scared.We're here to help."

Hawk:"Does she even understand you?"

King:"Hmm. I think so. Umm...Can you understand us?"

The girl looked at them in confusion.

Hawk:"Looks like thats a negative."

King:"Hmm. What are we gonna do?"

Hawk:"Let me try getting in. I might be able to get her to come with us."

King:"There's just a problem. This room has far more protection then any other room. It's gonna be difficult getting you in and her out. Man if only Merlin was here."

...:"You called me?"

Suddenly they both jumped in shock and turned around but no one was there

...:"Look down."

(They both looked at Kings magic bag he had and realised they were talking to Merlin.)


Merlin:"Yes,its me. Do you need help with anything?"

King:"Umm. Yeah. Theres multiple very strong magic barriers we cant get through so we kinda need you to open them."

Merlin:"Magic Barriers? Where are you?"

King:"I'll explain when we get back but can you help us?"

Merlin:(sigh)"Very well but you got a lot of explaining to do."


Merlin:"Face the bag towards the barrier."

King:"Huh? Why?"

Merlin:"Just do it."

(King faced the bag towards the barrier)

Merlin:"Absolute Cancel!"

(All the barriers disappeared)

King:"Yes! Thanks Merlin."

Merlin:"Alright.If you need anything else be sure to call my name."


(Hawk went to entertain the little girl and while King was waiting he noticed a sign with the details about her and he read the following:


Catalog 1:

"Success! I have finally successfully developed a full Intelligent Human looking grey demon. It appears to still have the same strength as an average grey demon if not stronger. It also appears I can manipulate its mind with a device using a special frequency and temporarily stops basic cognitive function and make it do my bidding. This is perfect. More research is required but it should be successful."

Catalog 2:


(When King kept reading the second catalog he looked scared. Like he saw a ghost but before he could think of anything to say Hawk snaps him out of it)

Hawk:"Hey King!"

King:"Huh, what?"

Hawk:"This kid doesnt understand language but I manage to get her to come with us."

(King pauses and looks at the child.He gets nervous)

King:"I..Think we should... not take her with us."

Hawk:"What?! Why?! Do you know how long it took me to get this girl to understand to come with us."

King:"Yeah but the thing is-"

Hawk:"Its fine, Whatever it is you can explain later. Let's go."

King reluctantly followed them out of the Laboratory and they headed to the direction of the portal. To them over 4 hours has passed and they find the portal and go through. Their finally back

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