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Chapter 9: Other Idaten Ability


The sound of the boom sounded very loud.

On a remote island in the middle of the ocean, male and female figures were fighting at an absurd speed.

Even though it was called fighting, the fact was that only the men attacked, while the women just stood still and fended off everything that came their way.

The two of them were none other than Ars and Rin, who were doing their daily routine, namely training.



Rin was hit by Ars' leg kick in the stomach, and her body was thrown into the sea.

Before Ars could relax, Rin's figure appeared behind him and smacked him on the back.


The sound of the spine breaking is very clear.


Lying on the ground, Ars spurted blood from his mouth and couldn't speak.

(Maybe my lung was punctured by my spine.)

In a helpless state, he thought about the reason he could not speak.

"Good job, Ars, your progress is very fast. In just 100 years, you have managed to land a hit on me."

Seeing Ars's deplorable condition, Rin didn't sympathize at all, instead she was proud of his progress.

"You will recover in three hours, after that come see me, and you will continue training."

After saying that, Rin jumped and landed on the hill that contained the seal.

Ars was left alone on the ground and could only stare at the sky in his current state.

15 minutes later, he was able to speak after his lungs recovered.

"Cough… I can finally speak, that damn granny doesn't know how to hold back. Once I master [Teleport] magic to the highest level, I will leave this world."

Ars had made up his mind to leave this world. The biggest reason is that he is very bored. The progress of this science has stopped because the world has been hit by a deadly disease outbreak.

From the news he read in the newspapers, the plague was called Night Fever. Everyone who caught the plague would suddenly develop a fever, and their body temperature could reach 38 degrees Celsius. They would then die at night.

This disease is transmitted through the air, and there is currently no cure. The Night Fever pandemic has resulted in the deaths of more than 250 million people worldwide.

"The Night Fever reminds me of the Black Death that occurred in Europe in the late 14th century."

Remembering it all, time had passed unknowingly, and Ars had fully recovered.

"There are no Demons in this world anymore, what is Idaten's existence in this world for?"

Nothing could answer his doubts, so he jumped and landed next to Rin.

"Rin, let's continue training."

"Okay, today I will teach you how to use a sword."

A one-handed sword with a curved blade emerged from Rin's palm.

"What the hell! How do you do it."

Ars' composure, which had been honed for over 100 years, was shattered when he saw the strange phenomenon in front of him.

"Huh, why are you surprised? You can do it too." Rin said as if it were natural.

"I can do it too?" Ars doubted, why he never knew.

"It's the same as our clothes, you can also change clothes as you like, right? The method is simple, you only need to imagine the weapon that is in your mind."

"I will try."

Holding his right hand, Ars closed his eyes and visualized the weapon in his mind. And he succeeded only once.

A katana came out of his palm.

"Wow, I did it! This ability is similar to [Unlimited Blade Works]."

Holding the katana in his hands, Ars cheered like a child who got a new toy.

Then, he tried to manifest the weapons he had in mind, starting with spears, shields, arrows, axes, hammers, shurikens, etc.

But he failed when he tried to manifest firearms.

(It seems that I can't manifest a weapon without knowing the structure of the weapon itself) Ars felt a little regretful.

"During the 100 years that I have lived, it turns out that Idaten has the [Weapon Manifestation] ability. Rin, how come you never told me?"

"You never asked."

Rin's simple answer silenced Ars' complaints.

"Okay, let me ask, are there still Idaten's abilities that I don't know about?"

"Hmmm... Let me think about it for a second..."

Rin pondered for a very long time, and after 15 minutes had passed, she finally spoke.

"Ars, did you know that Idaten can freely control their weight?"

"Oh, there's something like that?! Teach me how, Rin."

This is another ability of Idaten that Ars doesn't know about. He thought he had understood the ins and outs of Idaten. Today, he knew he was overdoing it. There are still many mysteries about Idaten that have yet to be unraveled.

For example, why are there no baby Idaten? And why do they look like humans?

This is still a mystery to Ars.

As for Rin? He didn't think about the matter at all.

As a fellow Idaten, Rin was not stingy and started teaching Ars.

"As you can see, Idaten can defy the laws of physics that govern things like weight and air resistance. Even in a fight, reduce your weight to accelerate, then increase it a few tons when attacking."

"It's easy, all Idaten can relieve it. But 'aggravating' is a different matter. To go beyond base weight, it requires a delicate level of imagery, which is comparable to removing a weapon from the body."

"Reaching a few tons would take hundreds of years, but hundreds of kilograms? Just a few years. Dozens of kilograms? A few weeks, in fast conditions, maybe a few days."

"Looks like you won't need a few hundred years, Ars. You can remove weapons from your body with just one try, it won't be difficult for you to master [Weight Manipulation] ability."

To be honest, Rin was a bit surprised to see Ars manage to manifest a weapon in just one try. Even she needed a whole year to succeed.

(Is Ars a genius.)

For the first time in hundreds of years, Rin smiled faintly.

The stronger Idaten was, the happier she was. If one day the Demons somehow managed to escape the seal, they could be stopped by the peaceful generation's Idaten.

"I feel lighter."

Ars tried to lighten his body, and it worked. But since there are no scales, he doesn't know exactly how much he weighs now.

The next time he tried to put weight on, the ground beneath his feet cracked like a spider's web.

(Later, I have to buy scales in the city.)

Ars planned to visit Mathias City, he also wanted to check if Marie was still alive.

Although Idaten has an extremely powerful healing factor, it only applies to oneself, and there is no way to use it on others.

He couldn't do anything if his friend's family caught the plague of Night Fever.

(I didn't know my healing magic could treat the plague.)

Although not advanced magic, Ars could use healing magic that he had learned at the Red Prison Academy in the past.

"Time to train."

Rin went first.

"I hope you are well, little Marie."

Gazing at the vast expanse of sea in front of him, Ars caught up to Rin.

That day, he understood how strong Rin wielding a sword was.

Rin only needed one simple swing of the sword, and Ars was split into small pieces. Not only that, but the sea behind him was split into two tens of kilometers.

From this incident, it can be seen that Rin is very strong!

As a result, his plan to go to the city had to be postponed due to the condition of his broken body, and it is estimated that he will need one week to fully recover.

If it were him 100 years ago in his current state, it would take at least 3 months to recover.

Takamiya_Shin Takamiya_Shin

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