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Chapter 2: Chapter Two - Shawdow

I heard voices again.

"Wake him up," someone said. The voice was that of a calm and gentle male who was probably in his early twenties.

"I'm trying," another voice said. This was a voice of a girl about my age. It sounded very familiar. The voice was beautiful and smooth; that of an angel. There was no way someone could forget a voice like that. "Jacky wake up, please."

There was only one person that called me by that name, and that was Jade. I opened my eyes to see her emerald eyes staring right back at me. "What?"

"Oh good! You're awake," Jade hugged me before helping me to my feet.

"Where are we?" My chest still ached, but it did felt a little better. My vision was slowly coming back to me, and for a while I couldn't see anything that was more than six feet away.

"I don't know," replied Jade, "One thing for sure is that we're not in the school's bathroom anymore."

Good we're not in the bathroom anymore. Maybe that flash of light I saw was the fire fighters trying to see who was still in the school. My eye sight hadn't returned yet, so for right now Jade was the only person I could see. She had some ash on her cheeks, but she still looked great. Her curly hair was messy and everywhere.

I tried to wipe my eyes to see if it would help my vision. Instead I ended up getting sand in them.

"What the heck! Where did this sand came from?" I yelled.

"Wait, hold still. Let me get it out of your eyes," Jade said. She grabbed my hand, opened my eye lid and blew air into it. "Is that all better?"

I didn't want to give her the satisfaction and I also felt embarrassed that she pulled a mom move on me. "It's alright I guess."

"Are you two done fooling around?" another voice said. It was the same voice as before. "Your eye sight should return to you anytime now."

I opened my eyes again. This time they were back to normal. I was finally able to see where we were and was highly surprised and disappointed. We were in the middle of nowhere, literally. There was no civilization in sight. Just a blanket of sand and a hot sun beaming down on us.

"Where the hell are we? The Sahara desert?" I asked.

Someone laughed, "Not even close."

I looked up to see a figure. No, literally a figure. It looked like a shadow of someone, but it was floating in mid-air.

"What are you?" I asked.

"You meant to say who you are?" he said. "I'm still a human but I sent my shadow because I had some important work to do."

"Sent your what? Never mind that just tell us where we are."

The shadow stopped floating and stood on two legs. He walked toward us. "Yes," he said "you guys are the ones I was looking for. It was a good thing I showed up when I did or else you would've been dead."

"Thanks for saving us," Jade bowed.

"One question," I looked at the shadow. There was one question that been on my mind since I woke up and I need an answer now. "Why would you go out of your way to save us?"

"Would it be enough just saying I did it out of the kindness of my heart?" he replied.

"That would've been enough if we were still at the school," I replied back. "But that's not the case here. We're in the middle of nowhere and I'm thirsty!"

"Jack stop! You're being rude!" Jade yelled. "Who cares about what his motives are? At least we're safe!"

"You call this safe?" I yelled at her. "We don't even know where we are and on top of that have you thought about the fact that everyone we know now thinks we're dead!"

I felt bad about screaming at Jade but she has to understand that we were better off dead. At least then our bodies would've been found, and our parents would stop wondering if we were alive or not.

Jade could see that I was right and she was mad about it.

"Okay. I don't want you guys to fight," Shadow stepped in. He was floating around, and taking it easy. "Look, I used up a lot of power going into your dimension then coming to this one. It's going to take me at least a week to summon up another dimension gate."

Wait. What was this guy talking about? Is this his way of trying to get out of answering the question? I couldn't take any more of this! I needed an answer now. "Get to the point already!"

"You're annoying," he told me. "The reason why I saved you guys and couldn't be here today is because the galaxy is in danger and I'm needed."

"Okay let's just say all of that makes sense-- which it doesn't. Why did you safe us?"

"I need you guys, and besides you owe me for saving your life," he said. I couldn't tell if this guy was serious or not because I couldn't see the expression on his face. After all, he was just a shadow.

Jade looked at me, "I believe him Jack and plus he did save our--"

"Stop right there," I cut her off. "Okay let's say we owe him a life debt. What he's saying still doesn't make sense."

"That's because you have a small brain!" she said. "For crying out loud he's a shadow without someone attached to it. And how do you think we ended up here? A freaking plane!?"

Damn I hate it when she's right, but something is still telling me that none of this could possibly be real. Me almost dying then ending up here not knowing what happened or how I got here. I couldn't help but wonder if I even woke up this morning.

"What do you need us for?" I finally asked.

"Well since you guys are going to be here for at least a week how about you do something for me while I recover my energy?" he was floating around without a care in the world.

"What is it?" Jade asked. Of course she would do that, and this is the exact reason why I disliked her. She acts too nice, and people usually take advantage of her kindness. That never seemed to stop her though. In fact I think she lived off it.

"Well the Ancient Scrolls have been scattered throughout the dimensions, and it looked like one ended up here."

"How do you know it's here?" I interrupted.

"That's because a lot of Celestial energy is being release from this Universe. A lot more than it had a few years ago. I need you two to get it back for me." He continued.

"How are we supposed to find it?" Jade asked.

"Oh trust me you'll know if it's near you," he laughed. "Your head will go crazy with the sudden rise of energy!"

"Wait, one question," I said. "What if we get it for you before a week, could you use the power to take us home?"

"Yeah I guess I could look the other way and use it this once. But that's only if you can get it before then."

Boy this guy was annoying and I could tell that Jade felt the same way. If all we had to do was get back a piece of paper then that's easy enough. Especially if that paper attracts a lot of attention to itself. I guess doing this would repay the life debt situation. Only thing that's a challenge is reaching civilization when you're this close to dying.

"Hey you think you have enough power to take us to the nearest civilization?" Jade asked.

"I guess I can do that much," he said. He pointed his finger, and instantly a blinding white light in the form of a ball appeared. It was the same light I saw when I thought I was dying.

"What's that?" I shielded my eyes afraid of being blinded again.

"It's a portal, wormhole, call it whatever you like," he said.

"I thought you didn't have enough power to make it!" I yelled. I should've knew he was lying. Why trust someone whose face you can't even see. For all we know this might not even be his actual height and size. Shadows do have the ability to change shape depending on the angle of the sun.

"Correction, I said I didn't have enough power to make a dimension gate. This is only a simple portal. Even a child like you can create one if you know where you want to go." He replied.

"Hurry up and get in. I can't keep it open any longer."

I stepped in first and even though I shielded my eyes from the light, it was going take a little while before I could see again.

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