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Chapter 2: (ch 2)The first trial part 1

Rin dreamt of a forest.

An absolutely giant dark forest, something only native humans saw before white people ruined it with colonizati-....

I'm getting off topic.

In the vast expanse of the sky, the moon played a game of hide-and-seek with the clouds, their constant dance accompanied by snowflakes swirling endlessly. Each veil of cloud that passed over it seemed determined to obscure its glow, making the already chilly air feel even more biting.

Amidst the towering trees of the forest, Rin found herself surrounded by the dense foliage, their canopy casting intricate patterns of shadow and light. She couldn't help but marvel at the relentless cycle of growth and decay, as old trees fell and crumbled into dust while new saplings eagerly sprouted in their place. It felt as though time itself was rushing by, with years passing in the blink of an eye amidst the perpetual rhythm of nature's renewal.

'I feel like there should be some profound quote here, you know, like 'life is too short' or whatever. But honestly, who has the energy to come up with that stuff? I mean, I'm just seventeen. Leave the deep thoughts to the old folks. Honestly, I don't even know what I was expecting from myself right now, to be completely honest.'

As Rin gazed around, she caught sight of a brilliant glow peeking through the dense foliage, drawing her nearer with each step.

As she approached, a campfire materialized, its flames dancing gracefully in the breeze, yet there was something peculiar about their movement, akin to a scene rewinding in a movie.

The fire cast a luminous glow, illuminating the surrounding trees with a mesmerizing brilliance until... Time seemed to hesitate, pausing briefly before returning to its normal rhythm.

[Aspirant! Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare for your First Trial...]

Speaking of the devil…


Gradually, she starts to feel sensation returning to her body, but it's not a comforting sensation. Instead, it's a biting cold that seeps into her bones. With each breath, she can see the mist of her exhalation, a tangible reminder of the frigid air surrounding her. Her throat rebels against the icy onslaught, protesting with every swallow.

Despite the crackling warmth of the fire nearby, it feels feeble against the relentless chill of the weather. This level of cold is entirely new to her, and it seems to intensify with every passing minute, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever before.

'Damnation, why is it so cold, I hate it!'

"Oi Rin, why are you staring off into space again."

Rin was jolted from her trance by the sound of a friendly voice addressing her. Startled by the presence of unfamiliar faces around her, she swiftly composed herself and replied to the stranger with a smile.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about the cold. It's chilly out here, isn't it?"

Rin responded, aiming for a casual tone while concealing her confusion at how effortlessly she spoke a different language.

The stranger simply shrugged and replied:

"Yeah it's cold as balls but at least, we are finally done with that grueling mission."

Curiosity piqued, she found herself pondering the purpose behind the gathering of individuals clad in somber, antiquated attire. However, opting to maintain an air of warmth and hospitality, she refrained from voicing her inquiries and endeavored to exude an approachable demeanor instead.

'Okay, so we are colleagues on a mission but they seem too friendly asking about the mission or who i am will most likely bring suspicion. Maybe we are friends?'

Rin observed the strangers with a sharper focus, trying to glean any hints or insights into their identities and intentions. As she scrutinized them, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease creeping up within her.

Each of them exuded an air of danger, radiating a sense of self-assurance that made Rin question her decision to linger in their presence.

One of them, a slender man with blonde hair, caught her attention. His lithe frame and the way he carried himself hinted at a nimbleness that spoke of practiced agility. Despite the playful smirk adorning his face, Rin couldn't ignore the poised readiness in the positioning of his hands, hovering near a pair of kunai, suggesting he was prepared to act swiftly if the need arose.

The second newcomer appeared as a towering figure draped in formidable, dark armor, exuding a confident aura with a hint of intensity. His broad frame carried a hefty sword, and his sharp gaze swept across the surroundings, taking in every detail.

The third stranger emerged as a woman of captivating allure, yet her dark, penetrating eyes hinted at an inner strength and determination. Her long, ebony ponytail cascaded down her back as she moved gracefully, concealed beneath a cloak that hinted at her readiness for battle. Despite her gentle demeanor, there was a sense of seasoned warrior within her, which momentarily softened as she tenderly tended to a horse nearby.

The remaining pair were unmistakably twins, their emerald locks and striking features mirroring each other perfectly. Their slim figures and vibrant eyes belied their potentially lethal intentions, their casual conversation peppered with mentions of combat. Dressed in matching attire, they wore fitted black shirts and cloaks with subtle bulges, perhaps concealing their weapons beneath.

There were five individuals present, all appearing armed and vigilant, with a mutual wariness that extended even towards each other. Despite the initial inability to discern anyone lurking in the shadows, she couldn't shake the feeling that this cautious behavior was standard protocol.

Nevertheless, she remained on high alert, prepared to defend herself should anyone make a hostile move, armed with her own weapons—a kunai and katana. She bided her time, curious to observe the intentions or actions of these strangers.

Her proficiency with a kunai and katana stemmed from past experiences, notwithstanding an incident in the slums where she inadvertently cut herself with a rusty knife.

She planned to play it cool and see if she could glean any additional details from them. It was clear they were acquainted with the individual I replaced.

As she attempted to unwind, her gaze caught sight of a carriage stationed on the outskirts of the camp. Crafted from sturdy dark wood, it sported a canopy fashioned from thick, shadowy fabric.

'Okay...okay I can do this, the next step was to just check out my aspect.'

Summoning her Spell Runes was easier than she thought. An unknown ancient language made of runes came into view but their meaning behind was somehow clear.


Name: Rin Lunar

True Name: -

Rank: Aspirant

Soul Core: Dormant.

Memories: -

Echoes: -

Attributes: [Essence pathway], [Genin], [A Shadow's Friend].

Aspect: [The clans eyes].

Aspect Description: [Right now, these eyes are useless, just like any others, except these happen to be rarer..]


'Thanks Nightmare Spell.'

In her mind, she cynically mimicked the tone of the police officer's voice, adding her own touch of sarcasm to the internal commentary.

'The nightmare spell isn't an execution... Wow, thanks for the advice, old man. I really appreciate it. It's just great to know that in a world teeming with nightmare creatures, I've got these useless rare eyes to rely on.'

The moment this thought crossed her mind, the big man shouted:

"Rin! Stop daydreaming and get your ass to the carriage, we're moving now,"

Rin quickly waved away the runes, muttering in annoyance as she did so, knowing they were only visible to her.

'Prick. I hope you die first.'

"Rin, you said something?"

"No, nothing of course."

With a gentle smile gracing her lips, she rose from her seat, her innocence radiating. Walking gracefully alongside the man, she joined him on their journey towards the awaiting carriage. As they approached, the woman, engaged in the task of harnessing the horse to the carriage, exchanged words with them, her voice warm and welcoming amidst the hustle and bustle.

"We'll be home in a few hours if there are no problems."

The muscled guy nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, the weather has been pretty good this season, and although it's strange, we haven't seen any monsters.

'Thanks for jinxing us. You are definitely dying first now.'

Just as she was about to discreetly listen in for more details, a sudden voice startled her to the core.

"Rin you alright? Are you maybe homesick?"

The blonde guy said with a smirk.

The man with the sandy blond hair flashed a smirk as he spoke. Drawing on every ounce of deception and performance she had honed surviving in the rough streets, she responded with a smile.

'Okay, bullshit your way out of this Rin, say the first thing that comes out of your mind.'

"Yeah, I'm sick of home."


The blonde chuckled as he looked at her:

"Oh, the youngest sister hates the clan and her brother. Who wouldn't be tired of being compared to him? Hes more skilled than anyone in the clan"

'Okay, so I've got an older brother who's pretty skilled.'

She smiles as she thinks about the similarities

'Is this world trying to mirror the old one?'

She turns more serious as she realises something

' If he finds out his sister is different, I'm done for. Just gotta ask the smart questions now, Rin..'

Her heart quickened as she pondered a question that would spark a flurry of responses. With each passing moment, the pressure to come up with the perfect query intensified, driving her to delve deeper into her thoughts.

'Come on Rin, use those skills from the slums to maximum capacity!'

Rin looked up and smiled stupidly:

"Who am I."

'F*ck, sh*t, balls...god-damnit.'

'I'm so f*cked.'

For a brief moment, his expression shifted into one of confusion, causing her heart to quicken its pace. Then, he responded as if he grasped the question perfectly, easing her nerves.

"Wow, we're really diving into some meaningful discussions. So, you're Rin, the second child of our clan head, recently back from your first mission, a reconnaissance one that went incredibly well, yielding valuable intel. And hey, it's pretty obvious you're eager to make an impression on your dad.."

He marked a pause and with a grin, he said:

"You know, it's important to mention that he doesn't really view you as his daughter. He takes immense pride in your older brother, and any achievement you have is overshadowed by your brother's success, leaving you somewhat neglected. Oh, and your older brother, well, he's not exactly invested in your well-being. Honestly, your family dynamics seem quite toxic.."

He stood up, posed as if he was going to say the world's greatest sentence:

"I understand why you asked those types of questions. I find myself pondering the same thing sometimes: Who am I? Well, I'm Greg... and I like to think I'm a pretty cool guy."

'This mother fu-/. I didn't ask you an existential questio- you know what, you just saved me!'

With a stoic face, I responded:

"I see. That was really enlightening."

"It's my pleasure, I only give the best advice and answers."

With a silly grin on his face, the clueless man leaned casually against the carriage, attempting to appear suave.

As the woman in control of the carriage urged the horses forward with a snap of the reins, the sudden movement dislodged a plank, causing it to break off and sending the man crashing to the ground amid a shower of splinters.

His pride shattered along with the plank, he swiftly rose to his feet, brushing off the debris as if nothing had happened, though his smile now seemed strained.

Not even bothering to glance back, the woman raised her voice to address the commotion caused by the man's fall.

"Oi, Greg stop fucking around and get back in!"

'How did she figure it out? Hmm, I suppose it's a silly question considering he probably consistently behaves like this.'

"Sorry Lisa, this stupid old carriage broke by its self. I swear!"

'Alright we got another name, Lisa.'

He persisted in speaking, determined to regain his sense of dignity. With a slight throat-clearing, he endeavored to project confidence and assertiveness, yet a subtle tremor persisted in his voice, betraying his inner turmoil:

"I-I mean, I meant to do that!"

He blustered, trying to save face.

"It's a classic technique of the warrior to make himself appear weak before his foes so they underestimate him!"

His desperate attempt at saving face only made him sound more ridiculous, but he still continued on with his story regardless.

Rin raised an eyebrow, answering back:


Dashkins74 Dashkins74

Big thanks to Karma-Sensei-dono again you are an absolute legend

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