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Chapter 37: (ch37) the gate

Cassie's foresight proved accurate as they ventured into the western lands, discovering an expansive, dilapidated city encircled by towering walls, its narrow streets patrolled by wandering monsters. At the heart of the city, atop a hill, stood a magnificent castle.

To their amazement, the castle was teeming with inhabitants. However, contrary to their expectations of finding Awakened individuals, they encountered an entire population of ordinary Sleepers.

The absence of a Gateway within the castle meant these hundreds of survivors, who endured the perilous Forgotten Shore through strength or fortune, were stranded without any prospect of returning to the real world. It served as nothing more than a desolate graveyard of shattered hopes.

Remembering her first days in the castle, Rin couldn't help but chuckle silently

They found themselves leaping across the remnants of ancient, crumbling houses. The trio had chosen not to reside within the castle, finding solace in the absence of obligations and the luxury of avoiding concerns about the future. For her, there was a distinct appeal in sidestepping the necessity of interacting with other humans, as their presence often brought about complexity and challenges. The weariness toward humanity was palpable; however, there were exceptions – the two individuals trailing behind her and the one likely nestled in peaceful slumber within his quaint church hideout.

Living with a devil, solely for the sake of security, seems like a choice only one idiot would make.

She shook her head in disbelief as she reached for her runes.

She wasnt able unable to comprehend why they were dispatching guides to kill Nephis.

'well i know why they are trying to kill her, its just annoying they make it hella obvious'

'more memory's for me i guess. I got alot of them from the last guy'

Softly whistling, she beckoned, and the two mysterious figures accompanying her halted by her side on the weathered rooftop.

[Name: Satchel of everlasting]

[Memory Rank: Awakened.]

[Memory Tier: I]

[Memory Type: Tool.]

[Name: deceiver]

[Memory Rank: Awakened.]

[Memory Tier: III]

[Memory Type: Tool.]

[Name: Feather of Levity:]

[Memory Rank: Awakened.]

[Memory Tier: III]

[Memory Type: Tool.]

[Name: emerald death]

[Memory Rank: Awakened.]

[Memory Tier: II.]

[Memory Type: Weapon.]

[Name: Cobras strike]

[Memory Rank: Awakened.]

[Memory Tier: III.]

[Memory Type: Weapon.]

Wow, this is fantastic! It seems like taking out those veteran guides is the most effective way to snag some great items.

She looked over at her two followers and looked back at her runes

She summoned the two weapons

Cobras strike and emerald death

The initial weapon, known as the Cobras Strike, boasted a lengthy pole capped with a blade reminiscent of a katana, resembling the iconic Naginata.

Crafted with precision, the Naginata sports a sleek black pole constructed from resilient materials, ensuring both stability and durability. Its blade showcases a mesmerizing display of colors reminiscent of a cobra's vibrant hues, with streaks of black, yellow, and red dancing along its sharp edge, capturing the essence of the serpent's graceful yet formidable nature.

Next was emerald death

The spear dagger crafted from emerald-like material gleams with a vibrant green hue, resembling the shimmering depths of a lush forest. Its blade, honed to a deadly point, possesses a translucent quality, allowing light to dance within its depths. The hilt is adorned with intricate carvings, reminiscent of ancient civilizations, adding both beauty and grip to the weapon. With each strike, the emerald-like dagger exudes an aura of elegance and power.

Glancing at her friends, she realized they were in dire need of upgraded weapons. seizing the moment, she knew it was the perfect chance to act. After all, she already had her own arsenal at the ready.

"You two come her"

In an instant, the two of them were by her side, and she gently placed a hand on each of their shoulders. With a serene expression, she closed her eyes, and one by one, she passed the weapons to them, entrusting them with the vital tools.

"Have fun"

She looked up at their faces.

Harvey, 19, is a tall, lanky teenager with a mop of tousled brown hair that often falls into his piercing green eyes. He has a mischievous grin that hints at his playful nature, and his easygoing demeanor makes him approachable to those around him.

Luna, 18, contrasts Aric with her petite frame and striking blue eyes that seem to hold a universe of mysteries. Her long, flowing hair cascades down her back in waves of shimmering water blue, adding to her ethereal presence.

Despite her delicate appearance, Luna possesses a quiet strength and unwavering determination. She is deeply introspective, often lost in thought as she navigates the complexities of the world around her.

Luna's compassion knows no bounds, and she is always willing to lend a listening ear or a comforting embrace to those in need.

Both were fiercely loyal to her, because of…

Special circumstances, made her cough blood for weeks but is was worth it

But first she needed to remember their aspects again

Harvey Aspect confluence is lightning and speed.

He can move at incredible velocities and control electricity He can also channel it through weapons and himself

Unfortunately, his Flaw is a heightened impulsiveness, making him prone to rash decisions and actions, the more he uses his power the more pain he experiences

The next one .

Luna possesses the ability to control water within the bodies of her enemies, manipulating it to incapacitate or even harm them. However, this power comes with a significant flaw: while using it, Luna herself is immobilised, rendering her vulnerable to attacks from other adversaries.

Rin gave Cobras strike to harvey and gave emerald death to luna

'i still have those other memory's i can use'

She summoned the three items all of them were tools

Satchel of everlasting


Feather of Levity

Satchel of everlasting. A modest, nondescript pouch made of sturdy leather with Golden stitching.

Deceiver. A small pendant suspended from a fine chain, crafted from a mysterious metal that seems to shift in colour and texture.

The shape of the pendant is oval-shaped, with smooth, rounded edges and a slightly concave surface. The surface fluctuates between various hues, ranging from deep azure to shimmering silver

Feather of Levity.

A pristine white feather, seemingly plucked from a celestial bird. It shimmers faintly in the light, with an ethereal quality to its appearance.

Approximately the length of a hand, with delicate, wispy barbs extending from a slender quill.

Upon conjuring the feather, an immediate sensation of weightlessness and swiftness enveloped her. She extended her hand forward, effortlessly slicing through the air with increased speed and agility.


The other two tools did nothing substantial the Deceiver made her appearance change for a couple of minutes before it changed back

The satchel appeared deceptively small, yet its capacity defied expectations, almost resembling a miniature cupboard in its ability to hold more than one would assume at first glance.

Luna moved her head and spoke to Rin

"Hey Rin, we might want to look into what's been going on near the city walls. There have been reports of monsters and people being abducted by a group, and they haven't come back."

Harvey nodded

"I agree with lunar"

As Rin gazed upon the duo, a warm smile graced her face. The joy emanating from within her was fueled by the gratifying realisation that she not only had companions but a team she could lead with pride.

"Well i can't disagree now, besides, we have nothing better to do"

Glancing toward the horizon, she observed the tranquil scene as the sun remained concealed, patiently awaiting its grand entrance, still an hour away.

'I believe he should be awake by now. I need to let him know our plans, just in case anything comes up.'

They made a habit of informing each other whenever they ventured into unfamiliar or risky territory, just in case anything unexpected occurred, and they needed back up


A hushed pause enveloped the air, and then, echoing within her thoughts, she discerned the weariness in the voice that answered.

*Yep, it's me. Are you safe?*

*Yep yep im safe, near the city walls. There have been reports of monsters and people being abducted by a group, and they haven't come back. I'm going to check it out*

There was another pause before he spoke he sounded a bit uneasy

*Be careful... I mean I know you can protect yourself. Just don't do anything too risky, okay?*

*Got it*

*Alright, then. If I don't hear from you in an hour... I'll come for you. Deal?*

*deal, you stressing hen*

*Maybe a little. You're the first person I... well…nevermind*

she said tauntingly:

*Repeat that, I think our connections a bit faulty*

*N-nevermind! You would never understand!*

With a soft chuckle, she rose from her seat, motioning for her team to follow her lead as they prepared to move out together.

*Nah come on please tell me*

*I said you're the first person who's ever made me this worried....I... don't know what I would do if something ever happened to you…*

As her team surged forward, she found herself leading the charge, gracefully leaping between rooftops. The enchanted feather she acquired bestowed upon her a newfound agility, making her landings smoother and her movements just a touch swifter.

*That was the cringiest and cutest thing i have ever heard*

*H...hey... I...Shut up…*

After a period of quiet contemplation while navigating the age-old rooftops, they eventually reached the outskirts of the city, where the encompassing wall came into view.

*Alright sunny i have to go, we are approaching the place, keep saying that stuff when i talk against, it was nice*

*Yeah, okay. Good luck. Don't die or something…*

*Sunny even if i'm not there i can tell your face is a bit red*


He abruptly ended the connection, not bothering to bid farewell. A smirk danced across her lips, quickly replaced by a furrowed brow as she noticed three guards stationed by an enigmatic gate on the wall of the fortifications.

She also spotted another duo of armed guard escorting a woman who was bound, leading her towards the gate before vanishing from sight.

The two soldiers approached the group of three individuals, briefly interacting with them before returning to their posts to resume their guard duties.

The guards were clad in vibrant crimson samurai-inspired armour, their attire exuding a formidable presence. Each one sported masks reminiscent of fierce oni, concealing their faces with an intimidating aura.

She summoned her deceiver and smiled as she looked at her teammates

"I've got an idea. Hey Luna, when I give the signal, you'll know what to do."

Lunar's brow furrowed in confusion as she glanced at her leader, hesitating for a moment before finally finding her words.

"Wait!!! what signal?!?"

Rin glanced over at Luna, a smile playing at the corners of her lips, before she leaped gracefully from the rooftop and landed with a soft thud in the alley below. As she descended, she couldn't help but utter a few words to Luna.

"you'll know what to do"


The two guards stood tall and alert, their eyes scanning the surroundings with unwavering focus until they spotted a figure approaching from an alleyway.

It was another guard, adorned in the same striking crimson armour reminiscent of samurai attire, and wearing the familiar mask resembling that of an oni.

However, something seemed amiss as the guard limped towards them, clutching their side in obvious discomfort, blood staining their hands.

The two guards exchanged glances before turning their attention back to the approaching figure. As the person drew nearer, their footsteps grew audible, accompanied by the sound of a male voice speaking.

The sound that echoed was sheer panic, infused with agonizing pain, reverberating through the air with an unmistakable human vulnerability.


Both guards approached their injured comrade, their expressions reflecting concern as they surveyed the scene.

In the end, the wounded guard stumbled, swaying forward and leaning on one of his comrades for support. A mixture of coughs and pained groans escaped the guard as he struggled to stay on his feet.


Finally one of the guard spoke and asked the injured one

"Who? Who's coming?!?!…"

The guard who was injured looked down, his head drooping with an air of dejection. A heavy silence descended upon the small group, creating a palpable tension. After a moment, the other guard, unable to contain his frustration any longer, repeated his question.


As the injured guard gazed up at one of their faces, his demeanour shifted, and with a smile crossed his, the two guards' expressions twisted into a horrified realisation.

Despite the shock that gripped them, their response was sluggish, unable to match the rapid changes unfolding before them.

The wounded guard's voice lacked any trace of emotion as he spoke.


Suddenly, the scene transformed: the vibrant red helmet dissolved into a cascade of black hair, and one of the guards slumped lifelessly as a katana pierced through the chin and into the skull.

The second guard jerked back in surprise, instinctively leaping away with his sword poised, as he lunged towards the mysterious figure that had just transformed into a woman. With a swift motion, his blade arced over his head, ready to strike.

As the sword arced through the air, its trajectory was true to its motions, a real deadly weapon that was inching closer and closer till…

It suddenly halted, leaving the guard momentarily bewildered. He attempted to adjust his stance, yet found himself immobilised, as if his own muscles had betrayed him.

His gaze locked onto the approaching woman, her strides unhurried yet filled with purpose, sending shivers down his spine as an involuntary tremor coursed through his body.

She didn't raise her katana; instead, she steadily advanced toward him. He still found himself frozen, panic intensifying as his eyes darted rapidly between her and the weapon she held.

As she walked past him, the katana rose slowly, its blade not striking his neck directly but gliding across it, leaving him to only grasp a fleeting blur of excruciating pain.


Rin's lips curved into a satisfied grin as she watched the final guard crumple to the ground, his hands instinctively reaching for his throat, desperately trying to stem the flow of blood as he choked.

"Well she got the signal"

A woman in blue hair spoke looking angry

"That wasn't a signal!!"

"Yes it was, that was an amazing signal"

Luna looked bewildered before speaking angrily:

"Murdering a man is not a good signal!!"

Harvey spoke next lunar:

"to be fair it is a pretty good signal"

Luna looked over to Harvey summoning her dagger, the green shining:

"Don't defend her"

Rin let out a soft chuckle. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the Duo before turning her gaze back to the gate.

"You two, stay here and guard this gate. And, please, make sure not to end up killing each other."

She opened the gate and saw the staircase going down into the ground the staircase was ancient, mouldy

As she unlatched the gate, her gaze fell upon a weathered staircase descending into the depths below. The ancient steps were cloaked in a shroud of mildew, hinting at the passage of time and neglect.

Dashkins74 Dashkins74

Im back, and i have a whole half term to do some writing

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