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Chapter 2: New Reality, New Challenges

Scott sat down for a while, thinking, althought he was gonna use all the quetions, that did not mean he was gonna be an idiot and do it on the spot, he contemplated for a couple of minutes to find questions that would not just help him now but also help in the long run, and finally after a while, he asked "Nightmare Spell, what are the steps I should take in this Nightmare to get a Divine Aspect?"

Scott had thought deeply about his first question and in the end the one that appeared to be the most important was asking how to get a Divine Aspect.

Not only were Sunny, Nephis and Mordret the strongest at the same Rank but they were also the most versatile, so he thought getting one as well should be a priority.

At the same time, he did not just ask about how to get one, but about the steps neccesary to get it, he asked about the process so he can get information about this Nightmare at the same time.

As Scott asked the million dollar question, the light shining on the wooden snake's left eye brightened for a moment, and then faded away, and at the same time, the voice of the Nightmare Spell filled his ears.

[Aspirant, To get a Divine Rank Aspect in this Nightmare trial you would need to survive the final trial of the Smoke Demons, there is 64 Deciples participating but only four are to Survive and past the test, and 7 among that 64 are awakened, be one of those four survivers against impossible odds and Awaken your Divine Aspect, or die]

' better than i expected and at the same time, way worse than i expected' Scott thought with à frown.

The way the spell told him was simple really, it was practickly the same thing that 'Master' said, but more detailed, it was also pretty straitforward.

He just had to stay alive 'Okay, what do i know, there is 64 of us that would be fighting, said 'Survive' not fight or win, so i can assume we would be surviving something'

'Anyway, 7 are awakened which is...fucked up' Scott recalked Sunny's first Nightmare, there was only 1 Awakened but it ŕequired intense planning and deception to get rid of him, and now he must deal with 7!

'4 are going to pass the Trial while the rest are going to die, so i can safely assume other 'Deciples' are going to be forming teams of 4, they were 8 of us under this one master, which means someone will likeĺy approach me soon to join their team'

'Now, how can i stay alive? I see three ways to go about this, if there is something hunting us, i should hide by myself since going in groups will attract attention, then bide my time until only 3 others are still alive althought hiding for that long is highky unlikely.'

'Two, if the trial is by fighting each other...then i should join a team since some group will propable think i am an easy kill if i went by myself, but even then i should find a way to convince the team to lay low and let the others kill each other'

'Three, if something IS hunting and we are to fight each other at the same time, things will get messy, yet the best option would remain that i find a way to hide by myself and let the others fight it out' To Scott, all these lines of thoughts were possible, yet knowing the Nightmare spell, the third had the highest probability of being true.

Scott went throught a couple of scenarious in his head while assuming the worst case scenario 'Eventully, even if i managed to hide, i will be found or forced to come out sooner or later eaither by someone or something, taking into consideration Sunny and Nephis's first Nightmares, i can assume that what ever is coming for us will be an Awakened beast of some sort, most likely an Awakened Devil or Tyrant, worst case scenario a Terror, Titans are out of the way since its a giant leap of strengh, another thing that would fuck up the plan would be other people, especiakly the Awakened 7 since they have the most likely chance of making it out'

Scott released a deep sigh, everything just felt so...sureal, half an hour ago he was home and now, now he was contemplating survival.

Scott continue sitting down for a while, doing nothing, just staring at the wall in silence, he wasnt even thinking about his possible death or any plan of sorts, he was just...reassuring himeslf, he was never a very atheletic guy and he was definitly not the smartest, he only ever had one attribute he was proud of since he was a child, and that Attribute was... making freinds.

It took a time but his eyes focused again, a resolve igniting within, Scott was gonna make it, or die.

He got up, tuned to the only door in the room and left, a single thought swirling in his head

'Time to be a Social Butterfly again Scotty'


Stepping outside the door for the first time, Scott finally took in his surroundings.

He was in a small shack, arounded it, hundreds of trees coverd everything above, at their crowns, white flowers bloomed, while small rays of sunlight smuggled themselves between.

"Beautifaul" Scott couldnt help but say, eveyrhing was so colorful and vibrant, the air was fresh rejunivating his lungs, while the clothes were still intchy and generally unconfortable, they werent worst than his granmother's hand sewn pants, so he ignored them.

"Hey, Amon" Suddenly a voice sounded from his left, his head snapped to it, then saw one of his fellow 'Deciples', he was of ,course, wearing the exam same thing as Scott, exept his face mask was down, allowing Scott to be mesmerized by the beauty of this man.

'I am not gay, but sheesh, staying with this guy long enough may turn me into one' He thought, momentarly forgetting about the shitty situation he was in.

The guy looked young, 17 or 18, Scott wasnt sure, he was sure thought that the guy was super Asian, a strange beautifaul mix between Kurean and chinease.

Scott stopped staring in a moment, and then said "Hey"

Scott didnt want to talk much, he had a guess why did the guy approch him, so he will let him talk and hopefully get some information from him, while the Nightmare Spell told him what to do, the information it provided were too general, he needed details.

"Head still hurts from the spar huh?" The guy said, interpreting his little response to something Scott found interesting.

"Yeah my head is still pounding from it" Scott decided to go with it until he learned something of value, Scott also found the fact that he could talk in wathever language this is facinating, more Spell magic at work.

The guy sighted with dejected face "Zo did a number on you yesterday, i was suprised to see you walking today, but what does that matter? We are all going die tonight"

At the same time he starting walking in a certain direction, clearly expecting Scott to follow, and he did just that.

"Very optimistic view you have there" Scott said with a laugh, he wanted to applaud his acting skills but was not the time for that.

"Very funny, but its true, rumers are saying one of the Deciples of Master Shi has already Awakened, we have no chance" The man had a 'I give up' look upon his face, Scott meanwhile found it facinating how someone can talk about his demise so casually, he also noted that they were 'Masters' with plural s, and scenario 1 was eliminated.

"Dont you know, strenght is in numbres, if we banded together, we could make it" Scott was, for the lack of vetter words, bullshitting, he remembred very clearly how strong 'Auro of the Nine' was in Sunny's first Nightmare, even if the Awakened here warent trained (wich he doubted) they were still way physically superior to any normy like him.

The guy looked at him like he grew a second head, but apparantly decided to ignore that comment as he focused on another thing "You know, that is why i came to see you, we formed a team, me, Yuna, and Sung, and we were wondering if you would join us, you said it yourself, strenght is in numbres and together, we could survive, althought we probably wont"

Scott was amused, he could read between the lines, he was the last person chosen, that clearly told him his position in the group.

"What about the other 4? Did they form a team?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

The Handsome/beautiful guy nodded "Yes, Zo is leading the others"

"Sure, i will join you guys, staying together is for the best, only the Master know what kind of beast they would lunch on us" Scott was just testing the waters, verifying wich scenario from earlier is the correct one, if the guy responded to that, and giving what he said earlier, they will likely be fighting each other and wathever abomination that would hunt them, if he got confused, then they would most likely hunt and kill each other.

"True, i heard from one of the guards that they let a massive dog out in the last trial, they said he ATE people, only the Shadow know what would they will let on us" The guy confirmed Scott's suspicion.

'This...simlifies things' No matter how cold or distant people acted, in the end, they were human, and uniting humans on an outside force had always been easier than turning them on each other.

Scott's plan was simple.

Talk to people+Unite them against the monster, then against each other after that=Profit.

It was simple, but extremly affective, all he had to do is establish their trust in his judgement, and then turn them on the enemy, it didnt matter who the enemy was, as long as he managed to label the opposition as enemy, he already won the fight.

"So are we going to meet the others now?" Scott asked, it was still early in the morning, midnight was a long wait.

"Yes, but we wont talk about tonight, we are going to break our fast now, I heard they bringing fancy fuit for us today *sigh* we all are going to die, at least they will feed us well before IT happens" He said, then he started ranting, it seems like this talk with Scott has broken the damn that he was holding in his heart and now he just wanted to empty it.

"You know, when i was a kid, i always wanted to join the noble guards, defending the city valiantly like a Gallant, getting the highest of honors but now it seems..."

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