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Chapter 2: pg- Chapter 1: The Rogue

Nightfalls upon the cyberpunk city as its residence began heading back into their homes, while few stood by and became night stranglers at night. The glowing, neon lights of the city shines brighter than the stars of the night sky that attracts many kinds of people, including a certain someone in white.

She walks through the streets and stick out against the dark environment of the city, due to her white attire and cloak. She wasn't permitted, but gets herself inside a drink shop to which she needs info about the Ghost character. She sat down on the stool near the table and waited for an opportunity to ask. The Tender ask her, "What drink would you like ma'am", She simply answers, "Water would be nice." The Tender nods and gets her order, while she waits for the news to pop up; and it did:

Announcer: News Flash!

Curt: Hello you beautiful people, I am Curt Robman.

Selina: And I'm Selina Riley.

Curt/Selina: And we are here on the Nighttime News Network!

Curt: And Tonight's Story: Ghost Strikes once again.

Selina: In the reason events, following the rise of the "Menjanjikan Vita Corporation", Ghost has been more active for the last few weeks.

Curt: He has seen to fight off the "muties" day in and day out non stop for an apparent reason. However, He have been cleaning up every criminal that walk upon the grounds.

Selina: Tonight, Ghost has strike the motherload once again and this time he has struck down Criminal gang lord "Sugoi Khan".

Curt: While he may have been brutal, nonetheless he clean up the streets pretty good and efficiently. But the Question still stands: Who is Behind the mask? Stay tune for more info and this is The NNN News, signing off.

Just by saying his name strikes fear and terror into the hearts of everyone involved and those who knew of his existence. After she gets her order, a man in rags walks into the bar and ordered his drink. The woman is curious about the man as he speaks, "You know a lady like you shouldn't suppose to be here." She replied, "I'm only here to find the Rogue named "Ghost", then then man ask her, "Why would you want find such a man of mystery and terror", "Because I believe he is the only one that is capable of defeating a common foe of mine", she answered.

The man looks to the girl and thinks of something. An idea sparks his mind as he makes sure no one is watching them but themselves. "Okay, I'll tell you, but you need to trust me", He said to the girl which she nodded. The man casts a spell onto them for a more private conversation.

Man: "Now, Why are you so eager to find this "Ghost?"

Girl: "Didn't I already told you?"

Man: "I like to see your reasoning Girl. What's your name by the way?"

Girl: "My name is Soul, please you have to help me. This man is someone we need."

Man: "We?"

Soul: "The Jiwa Paladins have been with this problem ever since "The Behörde" rose to power. They became a ruckus amongst the ranks of the Paladins. We try to instill peace, but they just keep on coming."

Man: "Hmm, interesting. If you want more information about this Ghost, I suggest you look for a small hut under the abandoned castle of fortune and solitude."

Soul: "Near the western border?"

Man: "*nods* Look for a man name "Veritas", he's a friend of mine."

Soul: "V-Veritas. Got it."

After that, the spell dissipates as well as the man. "A spellcaster. Heh, haven't seen them in a while", Soul thought to herself as she finishes her drink and heads out. She then ride a transport to the Main City and head back to her place.

She walks the streets towards a gorgeous palace containing the remnants of the Jiwa Paladins. They were the most fiercest of warriors that dare face battle to save the Innocents from death and destruction. Only females and a handful of males were allowed to enter. Luckily, she is one of them. "Hello there Daughter Soul. Welcome back", a guard stood proud as he greets Soul. "It's good to be back Charlie. Did Mother Supreme called for me", She asked to which Charlie answers, "She said she been worried sick of you the moment you step out of the palace. However, She has been waiting for you at the Hall of Sanctuary." Soul thanks Charlie and proceeds to enter.

In the night sky, when the shadows dissipates into the darkness, only one stood out. He watches the people below like an angle of god. Only this one craves the deaths of the wicked. He wears a mask that strikes fear within the hearts of his victims and foes. He sees the criminals as a disease that needs to be eradicated. There was never one time that a criminal feel safe, only feared by the Ghost.

On the ground, a lonely hybrid couple strolls through the alleyway to find their car. While they are going towards their vehicle, they were intercepted by a Racist group. "Look what we have here: A Male Human and a Female Cat Anthro - disgusting", The first human Racist said to his comrades. "He he, Looks like we have to separate them and take out the Animal", The other Racist suggested and they all agreed. The man stood infront of his girl to defend her, while the Racist draw out their weapons. The first one commands them, "We first knock out the Human, then torture the Freak", they all have their sadistic grins; ready to do unspeakable actions. That is stopped by the arrival of a dark figure. "You should stop this madness. Go home", the figure in black warned them. They look at the Figure and just laugh at him, "And what your going to do? Talk us to death", The Racist taunted the Man. The man unhooded himself to reveal a terrifying revelation. "No... it can't be", The Racist cried as the man slowly crept out of the shadows to reveal his true identity - Ghost.

Ghost stares at the Racist as they were going to do a crime. Ghost jerks his head to the left - signaling the couple to run away. "You know that racism is a minor offense, but attacking a civilian, you just made Major", Ghost spoke to them with a grim voice, startling the Racist behind the first one. The First one taunts Ghost, attempting to show no fear at the man. "I'm going to give you a choice: Either death or imprisonment, your choice", Ghost suggested the Group to which the 2 immediately bow their heads down and yelled out the latter option - the first one didn't do it. "You think I'm scared of you Ghost! I have the power of a sorcerer. Your tech can't beat my magics", he taunted to which Ghost just yawns of disappointment. "Yeah, yeah, The Whole Magic is better than Tech or Vise versa is all bull to me", Ghost sasses the Racist that angered the him. The Racist makes a stance while Ghost just stands and wait.

The Racist makes his move and attacks him with <ICE SHARDS>. Ghost saw this and dodge left and right. He counter attack the Racist using a Sonic Pulse. This disoriented the Racist long enough for Ghost to rush at him and stab the Racist with a Dagger. The Racist muttered to Ghost, "To Hell, with you", to which he replied, "Where do you think I come from?" Ghost then push the racist away with the dagger still imbedded at the abdomen. The Racist's friends tried to help him, but Ghost detonate the dagger - killing the group all together. Ghost puts back his hood as he walked his way to a car.

While Ghost gets in his car and drove away, a small bird perched near a ledge watched the whole scenario played out. It makes a chirp tune, before flying towards the Jiwa Palace. A lone figure waited for the birds arrival as it gracefully landed on the arm of the figure. "Another Ghost attack", The figure ask the bird to which it chirp into her ear. "I see. Well then I'll make sure Soul gets her chance", The Figure said as she release the bird into the night sky. She looked towards the moon and wonders, "Is there more to this darkside than meets the eye?"

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