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Chapter 23: Back To Totsuki

Kojiro looks in major displeasure as Soma was in the middle of sweeping his restaurant's floor

"Man, it's good to be working under Kojiro-sensei again!" Soma said with a smile while sweeping the floor with a smile

"Out of all the students in Totsuki, why did I have to get him?" Kojiro muttered out in displeasure

"You said something, Kojiro-sensei?" Soma asked to which the French chef replied by shaking his head

"No, nothing at all," Kojiro said as Soma continued sweeping.

After getting the place done, Soma and Kojiro entered the kitchen where there were three staff members in

"Yo! Yukihira! Long time no see!" a staff greeted Soma as the two shakes hand, "you've grown so much from the last time we've seen you!"

"Sure did," Soma said while shaking hands before shaking the hand of another.

"Glad to have you onboard, yet again," the staff said

The two are Gao Wei and Lucie Hugo, both former staff members of Shino's in Paris and somehow close friends to Soma

"I knew that voice sounded so familiar," another staff said as his name is Abel Blondin, formerly the sous chef at Shino's

"Abel-san, long time no see!" Soma greeted him with a smile before shaking his hand

"Looks like we will be giving you French Cuisine 101, yet again," Abel said with a sigh while smiling.

"That's enough talking," Shinomiya said as he was carrying up some crates that were filled with wine, "we've got a lot of work, people."

"Oui, chef!" Soma and the others replied as they all started working on the restaurant

The next day came as Soma was wearing the staff uniform of the restaurant.

"Man, this brings me back," Soma said while adjusting his sleeves, "never thought that I get to wear the Shino's chef uniform again."

"I took the liberty on making it your size since your last visit," Kojiro said, "I knew at first hand that you would be in fit condition."

"Huhuhuh, Chef Shinomiya sure is mellow when it comes to Yukihira," Lucie said with a snickering smile.

"Sure is, they're like father and son," Gao added in with a giggle before Kojiro turns to look at them.

"Get back to work," he said before Gao and Lucie scrammed out of the kitchen

"Chef Shinomiya, the customers are here," Abel told to Kojiro who nodded

"Alright people, let's serve up some customers!" Kojiro exclaimed

"Oui! Chef!" Soma and Abel shouted out as the customers came in

Soma, Abel, Kojiro, and Lucie started cooking while Gao was serving the customers as the orders were coming like a hurricane.

"Table 4, Chou Farci is done!" Lucie exclaimed, "I need some fillet fish here!"

"Oui!" Soma exclaimed as he passed a tray with filleted fish on it

"Yukihira! I need some cabbages here!" Kojiro exclaimed as Soma came with two cabbages in hand.

"Oui!" Soma exclaimed as he helps everyone out in a flash

And in just one night, the first day of Shino's Tokyo succeeded.

"It looks like our teachings haven't worn off of you, Yukihira!" Lucie said with a grin.

"Hahaha, like hell it would!" Soma said with a laugh

"Don't laugh too much," Kojiro said as he was counting the profit, they made with Gao, "there's still tomorrow and the next day after, by then you better prepare yourself, Monsieur Yukihira."

"You betcha!" Soma said with a grin.

5 days instantly passed in a flash as Shino's Tokyo was somehow empty of any customers

"There are no customers?" Soma said while taking away a trolley filled with clean plates.

"Oh, it's because today the restaurant is reserved," Lucie told the young chef

"Reserved? By a top taster or someone?" Soma asked Lucie who shook her head

"Them," Lucie said as the door to the restaurant was opened.

Soma looks to see who entered and it was Roland Chappelle, Inui Hinako, and the rest of Alumnus of Kojiro's generation and that of before

"Hina-nee-chan!" Soma greeted her as the two hugged each other

"Soma-chan! This is a big surprise!" Hinako squealed out

"Why is Yukihira here?" Mizuhara asked.

"The Stagiaire, I presume," Roland guessed as Soma nodded.

"Sure is," Soma said.

"Looks like everyone's here, huh?" Kojiro exited his kitchen as he came to greet his friends.

"Mou! Kojiro-chan! You could've told me that Soma-chan was here too, you know!" Hinako nagged at the man

"Where's the fun in that, you ditz?" Kojiro asked with a smug.

"Hey! Don't call your Fiancé a ditz!" a voice shouted out as an elder woman entered into the restaurant, "y' hear, Kojiro!"

"Oh! Shinomiya-obaasan! Long time no see!" Soma greeted her as the elder woman was, in fact, Shinomiya Kojiro's mother

"Long time no see, Soma-chan. You've grown so much from your last visit," the elder woman greeted the young man with a smile, "been eating well?"

"Sure am," Soma replied with a grin

"Now that we're all here, let me make you guys dinner," Shinomiya said as everyone settled down to their seats before Lucie and the others came and served them all the restaurant's dishes.

After an hour in the restaurant

Kojiro's mother left by taxi as her son sees her off.

"Now then," Kojiro said as he went back to his restaurant

"A recipe battle!?" Hinako and the others exclaimed as Kojiro and the others are going to make a small cook-off to make a new recipe for the menu

"Oooh! This is like back then! Soma-chan vs the entire staff! A battle of history!" Hinako exclaimed

"Looks like we would be witnessing quite a match," Roland commented with a grin as Soma and the other chefs were prepping up in the kitchen as it was silent

"Well then," Kojiro looks to his watch as it the long needle reaches to the top, "Begin!"

In an instant, everyone went to prepare their recipe as not a single beat was missed in the cooking.

"Ooh, Soma-chan's dish! I wonder what it is!?" Hinako said with excitement as she watches the young man cooks his dish

After minutes in the kitchen, everyone presented their dish to Kojiro as he judged them all before it was Soma's turn as he was the last one to be tested.

"It's an Oyakodon," Soma said as he presented a roasted whole quail to Kojiro.

"an Oyakodon?!" Hinako exclaimed in surprise as she had never seen one in such a form.

"This is the best French Dish I can serve right now," Soma said.

Kojiro sliced a piece of it before he eats the piece.

A powerful burst of flavors was sent bombarding at Kojiro's tongue as it felt like the flavors were attacking him without mercy

"Let me try it, Kojiro-chan!" Hinako exclaimed before taking a bite as she was instantly sent flying on a giant quail bird to the sky

"there's cabbage in it!" Hinako exclaimed as she looks at the dish in amazement

"Yup, I used Cabbage. I wrapped the Risotto in Cabbage that had been parboiled in saltwater," Soma explained with a smile.

"You did it, Soma," Abel told him as he was impressed by the young man's dish.

"It's too low quality…" Kojiro said before taking another bite, "so long as it stays how it is now"

Soma smiled as Kojiro stands from his seat.

"It's fine to be served at a small-time Restaurant you'll have in the future. It's a little lackluster to be served here. I could beat into you what I'd do if I were to make this Dish," Soma said as he and his teacher went to the kitchen as Kojiro teaches him the way to improve his dish.

"He could've just been honest and just say it," Hinako said with a smile as everyone watches the two cooks in the kitchen

The time ended as Soma had to go back to Totsuki

"Thanks for everything, Kojiro-sensei," Soma said to Kojiro as he and the others were seeing Soma off

"If you want to thank me," Kojiro said as he lifts his glasses, "grab the First Seat in Totsuki."

"You got it!" Soma said with a grin.

"Don't lose to anyone yet, Soma-chan," Hinako said with a smile.

"Sure, Hina-nee-chan," Soma said

"With your Stagiaire complete, things are about to get harder," Roland said.

"Then it will just make it more fun," Soma said surprising the French chef "Cooking with hurdles of challenges? I couldn't ask for more."

"Arrogant brat, aren't cha?" Kojiro said as Soma just grins.

"See you later, Head chef!" Soma exclaimed as he went off to his car

Kojiro watches the young man left his restaurant as he could see his past self

"Soma-chan sure is growing up so fast," Hinako said with a smile as Kojiro nodded in agreement.

"hey, Hinako about the Marriage contract agreement.." Kojiro started

"Yes yes, move it next week because you're busy this we-" Hinako said before Kojiro cuts her off

"I squeezed some time so we can go there tomorrow and I moved the schedule for tomorrow as well," he said as Hinako snapped her head towards him while in tears

"KOJIRO-CHAN! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Hinako cried out as she showered the man in kisses.

"Gaah! Save the kisses when we're married, you fricking Ditz!" Kojiro shouted out

Mitsuhara and the others smiled to the future married couple before looking to the sky as Totsuki's future seems very bright

Fumio was in the middle of cleaning the Polar Star Dorm before the front door was slammed open as Soma came in

"I'm back!" Soma shouted out.

"Oh Yukihira! you're the first back," Fumio said with a grin.

"It's been a while Fumio-San," Soma greeted the dorm mother.

"You're looking good, you've got a lot of mail," Fumio said as she pointed to the mailing box.

"Oh wow!" Soma exclaimed as he sees dozens of letters in his mailbox.

"They're all Shokugeki Challenges," Fumio said as Soma took one and reads its content, "they've been coming nonstop."

"Excuse me! you're here, Yukihira Soma!" a big guy appeared from the front door as it was a second-year student.

"my name was Kabutoyama Tetsuji, the Second Year in High School." The big man introduced himself "I watched your performance in the Autumn Match! And ever since then I want to challenge you myself! I challenge you to a Shokugeki!"

"Fine," Soma said as the man was delighted with his answer.

"That's great!" Kabutoyama said with a big smile, "Then let's see, the date of the match will be-"

"Let's do it now," Soma said as he cuts him off.

"Wha?" Kabutoyama and Fumio said in unison.

"Let's do the Shokugeki now, Senpai," Soma said with a grin as Kabutoyama was not talking to the Yukihira Soma of the Autumn Classic at all, he was now face to face with a new man

"then let us do the Shokugeki!" Kabutoyama said with a grin


After a few hours, Megumi and the rest of the polar star residents returned one by one as everyone was reunited with each other

"Did Soma-kun come back yet?" Megumi asked Fumio who just pointed to the TV as the Shokugeki match between Soma and Kabutoyama was about to begin.

"HE'S IN A SHOKUGEKI MATCH?!" Megumi and the others exclaimed in shock

Erina was walking around in her mansion before she went to the front door as it was opened and revealed Hisako

"Hisako…" Erina looks at her with surprise before she hugs her, "welcome back."

Hisako hugs her back while smiling, "I'm back, Erina-sama."

The two hugs each other for a good minute before separating as Hisako's tablet was buzzing.

She opened it and sees that the news of an instant Shokugeki between Soma and Kabutoyama spread like wildfire.

"A Shokugeki!?" Erina and Hisako exclaimed in surprise before smiling as they knew that it was in the redhead's nature to do such things.

Soma and Kabutoyama stood at each other's cooking station as Soma grins to his opponent

"Shokugeki! Start!" the announcer shouted out as the cooking match instantly starts

After 20 minutes, the result came out.

"Happy to serve!" Soma exclaimed as the match ended in his victory

'I lost….I was overpowered,' Kabutoyama thought as his cooking was surpassed by Soma

"It looks like I win, Senpai," Soma said to the Iron Skewer, "then as promised, you must teach me every trick about skewering!"

"All right, that was the condition of this contest after all," Kabutoyama said with a smile, "come to me whenever you want and I will teach you."

"Thankies!" Soma thanked the man.

After a few minutes, Megumi and the others came running into the arena and sees that Soma was in another Shokugeki Match.

"He's doing another Shokugeki?!" Yuki exclaimed in shock

"And there's still more!" Ryoko exclaimed as there were dozens of chefs who were surrounding the arena

"So it's two on one first," one of the senior students said while watching the match

"You know, taking one on one or two on two is taking too much time," Soma said as he rolled his shoulders around before taking a deep breath, "let's do a royal cook-off."

"Eh?!" Megumi and the others exclaimed in shock.

"All of you against me, how about it?" Soma said and, in an instant, the Shokugeki turned into a battle royal as Soma fights against dozens of chefs at once

"Yukihira…is a fricking monster!" Yuki exclaimed as the match-winner is Yukihira Soma

"Happy to serve, ya all!" Soma exclaimed as he defeated 30 students in just one match.

"To anyone who wants a Shokugeki with me," Soma spoke out to the audience, "you don't need to send me letters anymore…"

Soma's expression turned serious as this reminded everyone in the Polar Star Dorm, the moment when he turned angry but it was somehow different.

"I'll take you all on, anywhere and at any time," Soma grins as some of the audience members were grinning back.

Isshiki was watching the match from the VIP lounge area as the man smiled at his Junior.

"He is something," Isshiki said, "taking on 31 Shokugekis after returning from Stagiaire, that is so Soma-kun."

"Yes," Erina appeared as she joined the man in watching Soma who was now chatting with the Polar Star Residents. She had a soft smile as she watches the man smiling so happily, "he sure is."

"It's about time that we meet them," Isshiki said as there were several other figures behind the two, "time for them to meet their seniors of The Elite Ten."

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