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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Silver Lynora

Lynora stood taller than her oldest brother and her father. Her limbs were taught with muscles but long. The silver hair she kept bound under a large scarf but her eyes still could be seen, shining blue even in the darkness. This is how her parents wanted her, hidden. She was different and hated it. Her long ears picked up sound far better than her brothers, she could see into the darkest places and her strength seemed to only grown by the day. Her family treated her with love and adoration but inside she felt bleak and alone. Every festival held in the territory was off limits. No friends outside of the family. She couldn't even uncover her head in front of anyone!

Her thoughts snapped back to the task at hand. Something was in the river and she needed to sneak up to see. Concentrate. Moving on the balls of her feet she swiftly gained ground to the edge of the river. She could hear splashing and what sounded like a whinny. A horse? Her mind raced but she decided to peek over the rock.

A white horse was laying in the river. Just in the mud on the bank. It seemed to be trapped by the thick mud. Thinking to go get her brothers might take too long she decided to try to help this horse. Taking the rocks down as close to the animal as she could without getting stuck she crept up close speaking softly. The horses eyes were white with fear and it huffed at her while trying to move. It was tired. She could tell. "It's ok sweet one I am going to get you free, just don't wiggle yourself in anymore." Seeming to understand her the horse stopped moving and held its head to her.

Thinking for a moment on how to help this animal or why it was even trapped she worked out that only one hindquarter was stuck in the mud. She didn't have a rope. The horse had no trappings on it. Nothing to help pull. Without thinking she ripped her scarf from her hair. Using it to help pull the horse by the head she slowly worked the animal out of the quagmire and into the water for a wash. The horse was a female and was not afraid of Lynora in the least, it seemed to like her very much. They swam for a few moments before finding a safe place to exit. She decided to take the horse back with her to find the owner .


Parson had been hunting too far into his neighbors land when he caught sight of the river. Deciding it would be a good time to wash up before hurrying off Gaylins land. He spotted the white horse first.... then the thing next to it. The limbs were long, it was taller than any human he had ever seen. The hair was silver! There was a monster across the boarder!!! Parson ran as fast as he could back to his home.


Gaylin smiled as he saw Lynora walking the beast of a horse to the paddock. Where had this girl been? He noticed her hair was loose and whistled loudly. She looked his way "wrap it up Lynora! " he shouted, Pointing at his head. She hustled to follow his order. Ever an obedient daughter. He decided to take a look at this fine animal his daughter had found. The damn horse didn't even need a rope it just followed her. Chuckling he made his way to the barn.

Thinking she would be in trouble for the wrap she was nervous watching her father approach. He was a good man, but a stern man. "Lynora what is this you've found?" His eyes trailing the horse. "Father this poor girl was trapped in the quag next to the river bend. I don't know who she belongs to but I think no injuries were taken." Her father had stopped and was staring at the horse. "Pa what's wrong? Do you know this horse?" He shook his head then pointed at the horses face. At a lump on its head. Situated just in the center of its head. "Oh no she did get an injury!" Lynora quickly started checking the wound and Gaylin decided to let her alone to tend. He would check with the locals and see if anyone had lost a horse.

After tending the horse Lynora decided she needed a change of clothes and some food so she made her way back to the main house. Finding her mother and sisters making dinner she pitched it and told them about her adventure. "Oh Lynora you really have a way with animals" Cynda, one of the twins, said. Clara, the other twin, rolled her eyes. "Another one to feed aye?" She was always cynical. They set the table out and waiting for the rest of the family to come in. Sitting down for dinner they began chatting and laughing, this was always the best part of the day.


Parson had gathered several men from the garrison ready to hunt down the beast in the woods. He had never seen so many men turn out for a hunt. It had happened before to no avail. Parson assured them this time it was a real creature of the south! It had to be. Humans aren't shaped like that. Gwyn wanted to go to Gaylin and ask permission to search his land, so the group decided to start towards the settlement on the main road.


One of the few workers that lived on the Marx farm was Cashun. He was from an island somewhere and people had shunned him in town so the Marx family took him in, gave him a place to live and a job. This was his family. When he saw the mob coming up the main road he did not hesitate, he jumped on his mare kicking her into a gallop. There where miles between him and the farm. The sun was setting by the time he reached the front door, he didn't even knock.

When the door burst open Gaylin stood up first. "What's wrong Cashun !? Did the animals break the fence?" Cashun was out of breath and looked panicked he managed to gasp out the word "Mob" and the room went still. It seemed to explode a moment later with action. The men went into the barn to get ready, the women clearing the table and chattering nervously. Lynora just sat confused . Why were they nervous about a mob? Why were they even coming here? Was it about the horse?

She wasn't nervous at all and didn't understand the panic so she decided to sneak off to see this mob. Quickly she slipped out the back and almost ran into the horse. "What are you doing here silly girl? This isn't for horses." Trying to take the lead and bring the horse back to the barn proved impossible so she allowed it to follow her through the field but once she reached the woods she turned and just said out-loud "you wait here, you can't be as quiet as me" with an ear twitch the horse confirmed. Weird horse, she thought as she slipped into the woods as silent as a shadow. The sun was down now she could become a shadow to these men.

Her ears picked them up first. They were not quiet anyhow but she could tell where they were. Her feet were light on the forest floor as she seemed to blend with the trees. There were about 30 men, mostly garrison men. Their neighbor Mr. Parson and his sons. She had never met these people but she would spy when people did visit, the parson family had been over before. Still confused she decided to get back to the farm so as she turned to go something hit her, hard. As blackness overtook her she heard a man calling to the others that he had found it.


Haika was taking a piss when he heard something move behind him. It was dark but he could make out the figure. It was tall, silent as death and getting closer to his brothers. Thinking quickly he slid his rifle off silently and banged the creature over the head. Hard. It grunted and went down into the leaves. "DA! I found the beast! I have it!"


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