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Chapter 11: The High King and the Ice Queen

Sinbad was currently lying down bathing in the sun with Leone. Sinbad wanted to spend more time with his women instead of training so he didn't train in the morning. He also told Leone about Akame and Leone wasn't surprised as she already knew that Akame was holding feelings for him. She teased Sinbad about being a block head and Sinbad could only agree as he didn't even notice Akame's love for him.

Leone: Boss told me about your plan...

Sinbad: I knew she would tell you sooner or later. So what about it?

Leone: Are you sure you can do it?

Sinbad: I believe I can... If I didn't have the belief then how would I as High King be able to rule a country if I'm not able to believe in my own judgement? I'm going to put my faith in the little of what is left of Esdeath's humanity and if it doesn't work out then either I or Esdeath could end up six feet below the ground.

Leone: Then I'll trust you. *smile*

That was when Sinbad saw Lubbock coming with a serious face. Sinbad and Leone got up as Lubbock approached them.

Lubbock: Sinbad the capital is hosting a martial tournament and the one behind it is Esdeath.

Sinbad: Esdeath...

Leone: For what reason?

Lubbock: She is using the tournament as a means to find someone, however from what our sources detail, no one has any knowledge about who she is searching for.

Sinbad: Well let's go to the tournament and check it out ourselves. Call the others if they want to come along and we'll head out.

Lubbock: Sure.

After Lubbock left Sinbad thought 'So the tournament still happens...' After everyone got ready they went over to the capital. Sinbad, Leone, Lubbock, Tatsumi, and Mine went because the others would get recognised very easily. Sinbad separated from the others as they did also into pairs. A new found discovery for Sinbad was that Mine and Tatsumi were profoundly close with each other. It was a similar relationship like in the anime. Sinbad thought 'They still might end up together.' as he stroked his chin.

Sinbad wore a cloak and only decided to reveal himself when tournament finished. He wanted to lure Esdeath away so they could talk alone. The streets of the capital were bustling in excitement as it was rare to have events like these ever since the new reign of the young Emperor. Of course, none of the public dared to voice out their dissatisfaction with anything they disliked about the regime. Otherwise they would've been dealt with accordingly and no one would give a damn but care for their own life.

Sinbad blended in with the crowd and was untraceable. Sinbad had the ability to completely erase his presence and could easily be lost in the blink of an eye. Sinbad made his way through into the coliseum.

At this moment the Emperor and the Prime Minister were talking at the table over some brunch.

Emperor: About General Esdeath... Why has she started talking about things like love?

Honest: Everyone starts desiring the opposite sex when they reach a certain age. Such as General Nouken he brings along his ten concubines off to the battlefield you see. General Esdeath has always been a person that has lived for the thrill of battle... She's always chose war over flowers until now. But it seems that desire is finally blossoming. *munches on cake*

Emperor: I see... Is that why she's searching for this Yuuto, is it?

Honest: Yes but we've been unable to find anything about the man Yuuto. My only guess is that all the eye witnesses on Main Street exaggerated the looks of this Yuuto a bit too much and that he's just an average country bumpkin that Esdeath has taken a liking to.

Emperor: Then why is she requesting that his tournament be held then? It makes no sense.

Honest: You see young Emperor, Esdeath had said that Yuuto was strong and only by using a tournament would it draw the strong over and that was her conclusion to bring out this Yuuto.

Emperor: Oh I see... She is quite the strategist, isn't that right Prime Minister?

Honest: Of course, now let's carry on eating.

Back in the coliseum, Sinbad was sitting in the crowd totally unnoticed as the tournament was going on. The fights were so boring that Sinbad couldn't wait for it to end and the same could be exactly said for Esdeath. When Esdeath looked through the participants in the tournament, she fervently searched for Yuuto but was disappointed. She even had the Jaegars search the entire capital for Yuuto but came out with nothing. She really wanted to see him again. All she could hope for now was that he was in the crowd watching.

The tournament had finally reached the final, which was between nobodies that Sinbad felt shouldn't be mentioned at all. He saw Esdeath looking extremely depressed and looked like she only there for pleasantries. The fight ended between the two and Sinbad felt that it was time so he summoned a clone to tell the others not to worry about him if he didn't return back to base.

The winner of the fight celebrated and Esdeath felt that she had enough and got up. But before she turned away, she caught a glimpse of the man she had thought about all night. She ran out of the viewers box leaving Run who was confused that Boss had just left without reason and in panic. Esdeath went to follow Sinbad through the crowds as waves of people parted as she walked past. She saw Sinbad turn a corner and pursued him. Esdeath lost sight of him and continued to walk around until she found him.

That was when she arrived at a quiet lake, where there was a gentle breeze and a beautiful sakura tree moving in the wind. She looked over to the sakura tree and saw a gentle man looking at the lake as it reflected the soft ambient sunlight. She thought 'It's him!' as she walked over to the man in excitement.

Esdeath: Yuuto?

Sinbad turned his head as his luscious purple hair blew in the wind. He saw Esdeath and smiled.

Sinbad: Esdeath.

Esdeath: Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you...

Sinbad: Sorry Esdeath, I've been travelling around for a few days. But I've come back to see you. *smile*

Esdeath: Then why didn't you come back sooner?

Sinbad: Esdeath... I've just been travelling around nothing more, but wanting see you was always in my heart.

Esdeath: Yuuto, stay with me in the palace. You can even be a part of the Jaegars.

Sinbad: Esdeath, there's something I haven't been telling you...

Esdeath: You can tell me anything.

Sinbad: My name is not Yuuto... My real name is Sinbad. *looks down*

All Sinbad heard was the blowing wind and the rustling grass and leaves. Sakura petals continued to fall as all Sinbad heard was silence. He looked up and saw Esdeath's cold deathly stare and knew that she wanted to kill him. He couldn't see anything else but her cold deathly stare.

Esdeath: So you're Sinbad? The supposed 'High King of the Seven Seas'. *glare*

Sinbad: Esdeath you have to understand that the reason I go against the Empire is because of the innocent people that suffer from this oppression. I don't want to go against you. I want to be with you.

Esdeath: When you said that your name was Sinbad everything between us was gone.

When she said that her heart was agonisingly hurting. She loved Sinbad but her loyalty to the Empire was greater than her love for Sinbad or was it. She would've never felt the same kind of pain for betraying the Empire in comparison for pushing one thing she truly desired for which was love. Her heart was experiencing a pain that was even worse than when she consumed the Demon's Extract.

She tried to compose herself and put on a brave front and looked straight on at Sinbad with wavering eyes. But she held it all in. Her strong will was wavering and slowly voices were beginning to entering her mind.

Sinbad saw the pain she was in and knew she was having a battle within herself. Sinbad didn't want this to continue and had to convince her to change for the better.

Sinbad: Esdeath, I can see that your hurting. Why, go through all that pain when you could come with me and live a life where you can live freely? The people of this Empire want to live freely also and don't want you want that? To be with me and have a family.

Esdeath: Sinbad I want nothing to do with you. We are enemies and nothing can change that.

Sinbad: Esdeath, innocent people are dying because of people like you! This isn't an Empire this is a tyranny! Esdeath I know that you can change and I felt that. When we connected I felt the you that was trying to be free. I can help you.

Esdeath: I don't need your help. Only weak people need help. You people make it seem like you're all noble and righteous but you're not. Your crimes against the country make this country worse. You kill noble people, politicians and the military for protecting and serving their own country and you think you're making this country a better place. Without us there would be no place for those vermin to live in.

Sinbad: Do you really mean what you said?

Esdeath: Yes.

Sinbad: Fine, but no matter how weak or strong a person is, everyone is under the same flag. The weak and strong support the country in any way they can possible. But this Empire is riddled with people that abuse their power not to help country but for their own agenda. Eventually the Empire will crumble due those in power and it's only a matter of time. Esdeath I don't want you to become a victim of your own power but if it's come to it... I will stop you.

Esdeath: I will kill you next time I see you.

Sinbad: I wouldn't be so sure about that. They don't call me the High King of the Seven Seas for no reason.

Sinbad fully released his Kingly aura which overwhelmed Esdeath. She now knew that this man was definitely the strongest person she knew. She released her Queenly aura in full force in response to Sinbad's. Sinbad's aura was significantly stronger than Esdeath's but Esdeath held her own against him. Their auras were in complete contrast with each other as Sinbad's was warm, confident, and wise while Esdeath's was cold, deathly, and bloodthirsty. They stared into each other's eyes with a hint of unwillingness to fight each other but knew it was inevitable. It was more than just them, it involved the fate of the people and the Empire.

Sinbad: I guess this is it Esdeath. However, next time I will save you and bring you to my side whether you like it or not.

Esdeath: You wouldn't even stand a chance.

Sinbad: Then, we'll see. *smile*

Sinbad stood there as he looked at Esdeath one last time as a portal swallowed him up and he disappeared. However just as he was about to go he saw one tear streak down her face and knew there was still a chance to definitely save her.

Esdeath steeled herself and walked back to the palace in deep contemplation. She still in love with the man but he was against the Empire and it was her duty to rid of anyone posing a threat to the Empire.

Sinbad made it back to base and knew this was the right decision. He had to tell her who he was otherwise what kind of man would he be if he hid his true self from someone he loved. He clenched his fist and knew there was going to be a big battle in the near future. The first thing that came to mind was train,train and train. He didn't want to leave anything to chance. He had to save Esdeath.

But before that, he went to Leone and explained to her what happened and decided Akame had the right to know so he called her over as well. Sinbad explained the whole situation with Esdeath and the both of them fully supported him. Sinbad told them that he would be training away from the group for a while. He realised that the group relied on him too much so it was best for him to leave to enable their growth.

Sinbad: We're going to have to postpone our date Leone, sorry.

Leone: It's fine, after all of this is over we have all the time to date.

Sinbad: I'm a lucky man for having such an understanding girlfriend.

Leone: Of course, you're lucky. *smirk*

The girls called upon everyone to gather in the conference room so Sinbad could tell them about his departure.

Sinbad: Everyone I'm going to be training in seclusion for a while.

Mine: Why?

Sinbad: We have a big battle in the future and I don't want to leave anything to chance. Also you have been relying on me way too much, which in effect would hinder your growth.

Bulat: Sinbad is right. All right Sinbad, we'll be fine and train our hearts out while you're gone. *laugh*

Seryu: That's right Sinbad! We will uphold the Justice here while you're gone.

Koro: Ai! (Yeah!)

Sheele: I'll look after them Sinbad. *smile*

Tatsumi: Sinbad I won't be a burden anymore and work harder.

Lubbock: Sinbad come back soon and kick some ass with us when you come back.

Mine: Yeah Sinbad, you just get stronger.

Leone: You heard them High King, we'll be just fine.

Akame: That's right Nii-san don't worry about us.

Sinbad: Great! Well I think that they're pretty worthy now, don't you guys think? *laugh*

Mine: Guys?

That was when a rumble shook the room and everyone thought someone was attacking the base. But that was when they saw seven silhouettes forming behind Sinbad. Their pressure was awe-inspiring as a mysterious mist was surrounding Sinbad.

The first figure to manifest, had a crown where it had a protruding horn and a jaw guard that also protruded forward. He had two stripes on his cheeks and furry ears. Furthermore, behind him was a ring of levitating resplendent golden orbs. This was Crocell the Djinn of Pride and Leadership. He had a proud smile on his face as he looked at the terrified faces of the people in the room.

The second figure to come into being, had an insect antennae and wings which were either moth-like or butterfly-like. She wore earrings and a necklace. She had dark skinned and bared her chest and waist. Lubbock's and Tatsumi's noses erupted into a fountain of blood as they saw Vepar the Djinn of Radiance and Symphony.

The third to come, had antler-like horns that protruded vertically and were attached to both sides of his head. He was dark skinned and had long, messy black hair. He looked like a happy-go-lucky child, this was Furfur the Djinn of Ecstasy and Rending Darkness.

The fourth one to phase into existence, was a cute white cat which totally ruined the cool badass entrance for the other Djinns. The members of Night Raid had blank faces as they thought it was going to be another cool looking Djinn but contrary to expectation they were unimpressed. Valefor saw the blank looks on their faces as he laughed and transformed into a menacing white wolf that howled to the sky. Valefor was the Djinn of Falsehood and Prestige.

The fifth one to come out of the mist had the appearance of an imp, with a potbelly, horns sprouting out of his head and bat wings on his back. He had a cheeky mischievous grin on his face as he saw everyone in the room. This was Zepar, the Djinn of Spirit and Puppetry.

The sixth one was very handsome and had a face that could attract many women to his side. He had long hair that stuck out with feathers around his body. He wore lots of jewellery, and had feather markings beneath his eyes. He expected the girls in the room to fawn over him but they were not impressed as they had already seen Sinbad, and Sinbad had gotten even more handsome than before ever since his transformation so Focalor was average in their eyes. Focalor had tears in his eyes but recomposed himself. He was the Djinn of Rule and Submission.

The last to come out, released a terrifying earth shattering pressure that almost made everyone break apart before the other Djinns suppressed his aura. His appearance was similar to that of a dragon, with bat-like wings, scaly skin, and horns. He had dark, shaggy hair and a third eye in his forehead. He also wore two necklaces and a belt. This was Baal the Djinn of Wrath and Heroes. The Night Raiders saw this unfathomable existence and knew he was the boss of the group.

These were Sinbad's seven Djinns!

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