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Chapter 2: History

"A long time ago, a special baby was born in Qingqing, China. It gave off light. Ever since that incident, more people with special powers appeared, and now, about 80% of the world's population has some kind of special power.

These powers have gotten different names in different parts of the world, and here we call them Genetic Powers, or GPs for short. Everyone has a unique GP, and they are most often inherited by their parents, although we have seen mutations sometimes. In Britain, most of the powers are stronger than in the rest of the world, because most parents want the best GP possible for their children to make them useful in the war.

Quickly after people got strong powers, almost all European countries fell. The people wanted freedom in this new world of powers, and most of them sided against the government. Britain was the only country that was able to stay in control, and citizens from other countries fled here. Right now Britain is fighting against the liberation group who call themselves Dokuri.

About 20 years after the start of the war, Dokuri was founded by a man who has the ability to control anything metallic. He used this ability to make robots and other weapons, and was able to become the leader of all of Europe. His name is Seronai."

Haji Genkotsu interrupts the Admiral.

"This is getting pretty boring, we hear this multiple times a year." Haji Says.

"I know, but you all need to remember what you're fighting for. May I continue?"

Haji sighs. "Sure thing miss."

"So where was I? Right, Seronai. Together with two others he has been ruling over most of Europe for the past 80 years, and we have been fighting him. During the early years of the war, Japan helped us by sending over military troops, which we still greatly appreciate. And because of this, most of the adults name their children after the Japanese soldiers, or they give them Japanese names.

This year, Dokuri has been more active then ever, so we need to prepare all of you even better. Some researchers say that there is a possibility they will attack our capital, London, soon, but personally I think that's unlikely."

Niku Kirikage raises her hand.

"What if they attack our training camps, wouldn't that be worse?" She asks.

"Not really" the Admiral replies. "If they do attack our training camps, the higher ups will get notified quickly, but since we are in such a remote place the chances are very low anyway."

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to any of us, before we really go onto the battlefield at least." Niku seems worried.

"It probably won't happen, so try to get that thought out of your head." Yosoku tells her. "Besides, if they do attack they would need a very, very strong army to defeat all of us."

"Well, as long as we have Hakai, we can just destroy them all, right?" Kenkou tries to make a joke.

"I guess that's true." Hakai responds.

"Okay everyone, history class is over. Next up is one on one training, so get ready and go to training area 15E outside, battalion 347 will be there too." Admiral Bunretsu says as everyone walks out of the classroom.

"It was just a joke you know?" Kenkou is a bit annoyed. "You should really try to cheer up for once."

"Sometime maybe."

"You say that every time. It's not my fault you don't want to believe what everyone says, I agree with them too. Your GP is extremely powerful, it's better than my healing at least."

"Your Healing Touch is one of the strongest in the group you know?" Hakai suddenly responds. "Even if you can't fight with it, it's one of the best supporting GPs we have."

Kenkou blushes. "Don't flatter me so much, and you know how awkward it can be sometimes, since it requires skin contact."

"Hiya Hakai!!!" A very happy voice is heard from the back, and Hakai turns around. Suddenly, the girl hugs him.

"Get off me, Shinayaka!"

"Aww, I just wanted to hug you." Shinayaka is smiling brightly.

Hakai is a bit annoyed, but doesn't think that much of it later.

"I told you to not hug me so suddenly, if you want a hug just ask."

"I know I know. Will you fight me today? I really want to see your GP."

"I'm still not allowed to use it in training, sorry."

Shinayaka pouts.

"Hmph, fine then, just know that once you get permission you have to fight me!"

She runs back to her group, and her smile returns.

"Doesn't she annoy you? I would really be annoyed if someone was that eccentric near me." Kenkou asks Hakai.

"Not really, I've known her since last year, so I kind of got used to it. I still don't like it when she hugs me so suddenly though."

"Damn, I'm feeling kind of jealous." Kenkou says to herself.

"About what?"

"Huh? Oh nothing, it's nothing." She quickly looks away.

Because she turned her head so quickly, she stands eye to eye with another girl. The girl quickly looks away and starts walking a bit faster.

"It always looks like Kosoku wants to talk with us."

"If she wants to talk she should just walk up to us and not stare so creepily." A hint of irritation is heard in Hakai's voice.

"It's not that easy for everyone. Hmm… should I invite her to watch the comet rain tomorrow? We are almost at the changing rooms so she can't run away."

"Sure thing, I heard she likes astronomy too."

They go into the changing rooms and change into their fighting costumes, which is different for everyone, depending on their GP.

"Hey Hakai, another day of sitting on the bench again?" Says Moeru Youna. Shimo Hosu and Harou Denastu laugh at his 'joke'.

("Those three again.") Hakai thinks to himself.

"No response again, probably knows I'm right." Shimo and Harou laugh again.

"Just shut up guys, you're probably just jealous of his powers." Yosoku tells them. "Even if you haven't seen it before, it's probably stronger than what you guys have."

"Because he's not permitted to use them huh?" Shimo counters Yosoku's argument. "He probably can't even control them."

Hakai walks out of the changing room. "Don't even bother with them Yosoku, just ignore it."

"Ignoring is for the weak, so it fits you Hakai." Moeru has a slightly annoyed, slightly jealous tone in his voice.

Hakai meets up with Kenkou outside, and they walk to the field.

"Kosoku said she wanted to join us tomorrow, so I hope we can get to know each other better."

"I really hope so too." Hakai says in a monotone voice.

"…" Kenkou hesitates for a moment. "Those three again?"

"Yeah, but don't worry about it." Hakai suddenly seems determined. "One day I will fight them off for good, when I'm allowed to use my powers."

Kenkou smiles.

"Just don't let them get to you."

They enter the training area through the front gate, where both Admirals are waiting for them.

Chapter 2


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