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Who is this man? Amanda nearly lost consciousness from his three-word threat. How can he treat a woman like trash? He's scarier than I imagined. So handsome and beautiful yet so evil. He commands even the aura that surrounds him. I'm reckoned to be frightened by what I saw earlier but rather it turned me on and I had to swallow hard at the memory of how he stared at her lips and then her eyes. How can he seduce me without even knowing? Wake up Nal he's your boss he'll never see you the same way.

Breathe! his voice startled me.

Sir! I replied shocked by his voice.

Get back to work. he spoke and ushered the gentlemen into his office.


Bro, did you see Amanda's face earlier? She was squashed. said, Liam.

Man you're so mean towards women, it's more like you're the devil himself, Leo added.

I'm still better than you two because all you do is sleep with girls and break their hearts.

By the way, bro your secretary is hot, she's more like a seductress, but she's very savage though, I mean look at the way she screwed Amanda. said, Leo.

Trust me to say you both were not boss and secretary you'd pass perfectly well for a couple. Liam commented supporting Leo's words.

You both had better shut up and keep your eyes off my staff! he warned his friends.

Do I smell jealousy in the air? teased Leo.

Shut up! Logan spat irritated.

Oh oh looks like there's a heated romance story coming up, good luck bro! Teases Leo.

One more word from both of you and that thing you call a hand will be displaced from your body, that alone made them quit the teasing.

Okay back to business, the new construction building at the coast, for the beach house has a problem, somehow, the landowners want their property back. The problem is we bought that land with legal measures, from land authorities. Now what we do not know is how to explain to the neighbouring communities that we got that land the right way. "Explained Leo"

One thing about these 3 was that when it came to work they were down for it, same as having fun for Leo and Liam. Logan was more of a busy figure

I see,... Let's set up a meeting with the neighbouring communities and compensate them. That's the only way we can fix this situation.

Okay, they all agreed.

We'll take our leave now. " They said standing up"

That new! Logan commented with a suspicious look on his face.

We heard aunts in town so sorry dude, we're going ahead to enjoy the free food.

I knew it, you both never leave without me chasing you. Wait, how did you even know she was in town??

She called and invited us over, saying we should come over for a barbecue and some sweet chicken sauce. explained Liam.

Trust me aunt is one hell of a sweet talker, I couldn't even turn down her offer, confirmed Leo.

Well. We'll be leaving you now. Good luck with your new secretary. he shot them a deadly glare.

Calm down dude we're leaving. And that's how it ended.

The rest of the day passed in a blur with me working on several documents and Nalani reporting to me from time to time. At 6:00 PM she came to inquire on whether to go home.


Come in.


Yes, Nalani? I questioned without lifting my head from the documents on the table.

I wanted to know if I was done for the day.

Yes sure. You can leave. I'll send an e-mail to you later.

Okay, sir. I responded hoping he'd look up, but he seems to be focused.

You're still here.

Oh sorry sir. I apologized but he raised his head from his papers and gave me a keen look.

Anything else you wish to say? he asked with an evil smirk on his face as he sat upright to look at me in the face.

N. No Sir. I just wanted to say thank you for earlier. I spoke stuttering, this man has a huge effect on women I can strongly swear on that.



The last time I checked I didn't do it for you, I did it for the company, no one has the right to touch a staff of mine.

Oh. Okay sir, see you tomorrow. She said and turned on her heels to leave.

You're welcome, Miss Nalani.

Than...Thank you, sir. I responded blushing hard

Just as I stepped out of his office, I felt weird and everything went black. And I dropped to the floor.

Was staring at the door when I suddenly heard a loud thud. And so I rushed outside only to find her unconscious.

What the...?!! feeling frustrated I lifted her and carried her using the private exit and took her to the hospital.

What's wrong with her? I asked calmly.

She's fine, she just really needs bed rest, it hasn't been long since she left this hospital.

Wait. Hold on. I don't understand.

It's funny how you brought her to this same hospital. She was discharged yesterday around 5:00 PM.

What is she sick of?

Staring at him with fear, he swallowed before asking the one question he was afraid of asking. Are you her boyfriend or..?

Will you answer my question and stop acting stupid he barked.

She has amnesia, she was involved in a car accident and she lost all her memories, she can't remember anything. That's what is wrong with her. he explained quickly because the aura emanating from him was deadly.

Okay, was my calm response, but deep inside I felt a certain pain just knowing this, it's more like I understand what she was going through.

She needs enough bed rest and less exercise, please make sure she takes her drugs regularly. The doctor instructed.

Ok. Can I see her now?

Yes feel free, ward 204. I just wanted him out of my office, he has a very intimidating aura surrounding him. I wonder who he is. Although he looks familiar. Wait!.. He's Mr Brooks of the Brooks Corporation. Damn, I'm very lucky to be in one piece after the question I asked. People have vanished and never returned because of him. I'm very lucky.

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