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Chapter 3: The X-Men or The Brotherhood?

"You guys are late."

Marvel is not only known for their insanely overpowered characters, unreliable timelines, or Stan Lee's cameo entries.

But it is also known for the disgustingly beautiful characters. 

Looking at Storm, I was left speechless. If I was on earth, she would easily be able to dethrone 'The Most Beautiful Woman of Earth.' 

Her chocolate skin and white hair made her look like a goddess… which she kind of was. 

But moving my eyes away from her, I saw one of the coolest mutants of the X-Men. He might not be the most powerful mutant around… But no one can say that he is not cool. He is pretty much the X-Men's mascot after all… It was none other than 'The Wolverine.'

And finally, there was the man, the legend himself. The one who was responsible for saving countless mutant and human lives, while also destroying an equal amount.

He would have been one of the best Marvel characters if not for his stupidity at times.

'*Sigh* He is technically my father in this world.' 

Yes, the man in the wheelchair was none other than Charles Francis Xavier. Or as the world knows him, 'Professor X.'

"It's an honor to be standing in front of the three most famous mutants." I said walking towards the trio.

"I can't exactly say the same, bub. Had to travel miles just to fetch you up." James rolled his eyes.

"Logan. Don't be rude." Storm tried to reprimand him.

Not that I mind as I already know his personality quite well. 

"It's alright, I don't mind." And I don't. Wolverine without his short-fuse ain't the Wolverine at all.

"Young man, may I know how we can address you?" 'Father' spoke, drawing my attention towards him.

"Ah, forgive me. My name is Adam Scott, a recently awakened mutant." I said extending my hand towards him.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Scott." He shook my hand. "As you must already know, I am Charles Xavier. The headmaster of the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."

"Anyone ever told you that the name is kinda long?" The name wasn't bad, but it was very long.

"I told you that we should have changed the name ages ago!" James spoke from behind.

"The name is indeed long. But it also has a lot of memories attached to it… So, sadly I cannot change it." He said with a sad sigh.

"I see. Well, maybe we should discuss your reason for the visit." I said putting on a smile.

"Ah, I almost forgot about that." No, you didn't. "Forgive me for that. I, Charles Xavier, on behalf of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, would like to invite you to our institute. And you must already know quite a bit about it."

You have no idea, old man.

"But let me tell you a bit-"

His speech was cut short when another jet landed near us.

"Worst timing as always." James muttered.





"Don't be so hasty, young man." There he was. The mutant that I was interested in meeting.

The one who cared about the mutants even more than Charles. The man who later walked the path of destruction, the Master of Magnetism himself, 'Max Eisenhardt' or as everyone else knows him… 'Magneto.'

Behind him stood two other mutants. 

The first one was a behemoth of a man, twice if not thrice as big as Magneto. This was the archnemesis of Wolverine. The man who was superior to Wolverine in terms of raw strength but weaker in terms of healing factor. 

He was Victor Creed, the 'Sabertooth.'

And the Thicc blue mutant standing behind him with an excessive sultry smile was Raven, Raven Darkholme, AKA 'Mystique.'

I don't have much to say about her as I know that despite being the weakest one amongst the group. She is the one I would not mess with without proper planning.

As they say, the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous they are. 

And Mystique is without a doubt both of them.

"Max!" Charles called his ex-friend's name with a scowl on his face. "What are you doing here?"

Mystique rolled her eyes at the sudden outburst of Charles, while Magneto simply laughed.

"Don't be stupid, Charles. Did you really think that I would let you waste the limitless potential of another talented mutant just for the sake of your pipe dream? Don't make me laugh, old friend."

Professor X's dream was indeed stupid but so was Magneto's. 

"Young man, don't let these people fool you. You are a mutant, and not some delusional spandex wearing superhero."

"What did ya say?" James was pissed, no doubt.

"Heh. You want us to repeat that again, little man?" Ah, yes. These two always loved taunting each other.

Both James and Victor drew out their claws but were stopped by Charles and Max respectively.

"Don't be so rash, gentlemen. We are not here to fight today." Mystique said walking towards me, which made me raise a curious eyebrow.

"We need strong gentlemen like you in our group." She whispered into my ears. "And you wouldn't want to always be under strict rules, would you?"

"No, I don't." I replied honestly. There was no way that I was going to be bound by some rules.

"Then you should join us, cutie-pie." She winked and went back to her position.

"The choice is yours to make, young man. Decide what you believe is right for you." Magneto said with a calm smile.

Alas, such a good person ended up the wrong path. I can still bring him back to the right path.








Nah… I am too lazy for that.

"Before I decide, I want you two to answer a question." 

This made both of them a little surprised but they nodded nonetheless.

"Tell me. Do you think that humans and mutants can coexist within the same society?"

It didn't take even a second for Max to answer. "Humans are weak and foolish. Yet they think that they are superior to us 'Homo-Superiors', a foolish bunch they are. No, we cannot coexist." He said with certainty.

*Sigh* I already knew his answer but let's hear Xavier's version.

"What do you think, Charles?"

The man in question closed his eyes and let out a sad sigh. "I do not know. I want to say that we can, but I know, that if I say that it will be a lie. I am willing to adapt to be able to coexist with humans, but I would not let my children suffer any harm for that coexistence either!" 

Okay, that was kind of surprising. But his answer did make me smile. 

"I have decided, I will join Charles and his crew."

This came off as a surprise to Max as he grew a scowl on his face.

"You made the wrong decision punk!" Sabertooth said as he lept towards me with his claws.

"Victor don't!" Magneto shouted but Victor didn't pay much attention to him. 

Magneto is a 'decent' leader but not the best one around.

"Bub!" Wolverine was horrified at the sudden turn of events.

*Sigh* If it was me, who didn't ask Zara the way to tap into my powers, I might have died. 

But I did ask her.

The moment Victor jumped towards me, I erected a force field around me, which in turn, saved me from being slashed into half.

"Should have listened to your boss, pal." I said before casually throwing him towards a building with my powers.

My telekinesis might not be the strongest, but it is enough to handle a few foes. It can at least protect me from a 'calm' Sabertooth.

Yes, this was him being 'calm.' His enraged form is terrifying, to say the least.

He was about to attack me again, but this time he was stopped by Magneto.

Sabertooth clicked his tongue. "Kid's a psychic. He got spunk." 

"Indeed, my powers are telepathy and telekinesis." Why did I reveal my power? 

Well because it doesn't take a genius to figure out my powers from the way I defended myself. Now that I think about it… this guy actually played me. He never wanted to kill me, instead, he wanted to test me.

Smart, which I didn't expect from Victor. But it doesn't matter, I was not going to hide my powers. Well, not the basic ones at least. There is no way I am revealing any of my trump cards.

"You chose the wrong side, young man." 

"Adam." This made Max raise an eyebrow. "The name's Adam Scott."

"I see. Very well then, Adam. You might have made the wrong choice today but the Brotherhood will always welcome you." He said before letting out a sigh. "I just hope that you do not end up as another foolish "Hero of Justice."

Hero of Justice? Hell Nah! I am too lazy for any of that bullshit.

Magento doesn't like to beg or waste his time. I knew that much about him, and so as expected of him. He went towards his jet when he understood that I won't be choosing the brotherhood anytime soon

Raven walked towards me and gave a kiss on my cheek. "I hope you change your mind soon." She said with a wink and walked away, followed by Victor who had a massive grin plastered on his face.

Both Wolverine and Storm rolled their eyes at that.

"So, are we going?" I said which made Xavier smile.

"Ah, yes. Of course." He said before directing me towards the Blackbird.

[A/N: Thank you, Lasagna.

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