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Chapter 7: Civilization

sorry about Gaslighting you guys, India has a covid surge and voluntary lockdown kinda sucks for mental health. also this chapter will most likely be released with the end, or be the end.

this will also have a bit of infrastructure in the start, because that's just a part of kingdoms building. no adventure or fight is dangerous to him at this point already unless he's going against while army's by himself, and even then I'd he red l reveals his magic he can just burn them at massive scale it poison their food supply as a bird,

he is the Prince of the kingdom so he doesn't really need to climb politically either. at this point, it's sim City for the win.

I know that that's not 100% the most interesting thing to most of you, but I can at best say that if you don't like kingdoms building, this story is already at its happily ever after. night king is a joke if I can shoot arrows of dragon glass at him


Once my new ziggurats started making a name for themselves as centres of production and trade, I sponsered many bards to sing of its glory throughout known world to bring more merchants from home and abroad.

by the time quarter of the planned road and ziggurats were finished, i already had vale offering me a huge sum for their own modernisation project. vale had made a lot from increased trade from my conquest of the three dragon heads (formerly the sisters), but my new projects were diverting way too much attention to riverlands, cutting in their profits.

I assigned majority of work at Riverlands to Elia, with Edmund under her, and took Jenna with me to vale. here due to mountains, the road network was going to be much more challenging and I can't really build ziggurats everywhere here due to hard stone mountains. the rivers in Riverlands were generated from marshes while here the snow from the mountains make up the rivers here.

I started my making a network of very wide aqueduct (bridges for water basically). small boats would use these as if a modern mono rail, but very slow. these again allowed me to harness power of flowing and falling water to help produce everything else around it, like mountain roads and terrace farms. the step like structure of these farms allowed me to build some housing for workers of said farms and their families.

the aqueduct became a fast(not in speed but being a short-cut) transport for nobility while also providing water and production to nearby facility's. while the road network remained mainly for transport of large amount of goods and people. most aqueduct cut the sky through a terrace farm due to both needing mountains and hills. this led me to making some small scale workshops on those terrace farm neighborhoods to utilise power of flowing water from those aqueducts.

due to relatively low population of vale compared to Riverlands and need for specialised workers, the work here was much slower, but with my army of Maws doing their best, it was just a matter of time that these will be built.

seeing the rise in merchants bringing their families for tourism rather than just coming for trade made me think of adding some tourist attractions in both vale and Riverlands.

in vale, I built ski-resorts where no lord would dare put a castel due to snow and isolation from civilisation.the flowing water of aqueducts powered ski lifts to take tourist up the mountains, from where they would ski back to the resort. I had to boot a few mountain clans but with my experience in last life as a northerner and a first man, I knew how to win then over. by shear martial might and a respect for their customs. maybe a splash of my magic played a role but I even got a lot of them to join my army.

to promote the huge cavalry(knights) culture of vale,I had built many huge Hippodrome(arenas that are not circular but more capsule shaped) throughout the Vale . this place will have attatched stable for horses and later some other animals that I hope will perform in circus like manner here .these were designed to showcase cavalry battles but also could hold normal tournaments that any arena could and also host circus and other artistic performances. they would also function as stages for sports that I am going to introduce to this world. due to high foot fall of this place, it's exterior also served as a market place.

in Riverlands I used my step Wells as artificial lakes to create water parks and water front resorts. i was already using following water to power the Mills, so using them to push water at higher elevation to have them constantly running in the slides was not too difficult. I could even get some wrags I had taken under my command to train aquatic creatures to help perform shows with them(like fresh water dolphin). one didn't need to be a wrag to train them, but with help from them, anyone would have a much easier time about it.

all this lead to a huge economic boom in vale and Riverlands but I profited the most from it since I owned most of the stuff I made. these places were also staffed by my men who choose to retire from my army when their minimum five years contact was over. such preferential treatment in getting a high paying job also incentivesed. although being a local (from same district/fiefdom as the job) and being in my army got a bigger priority. other localites, not of my army were also hired, but almost never for a high paying job, mostly as janitorial services.

with two of the seven kingdoms officially in industrial age(beta version, hydro powered rather than coal and steam), I got offers left and right from all over the world and my other lord paramount, except from iron Islands.

by the time both of these were finished, all my squires were already adult and Lisa Tully and Jaime were even married by now. they were all knighted with distinction in this period and Cersei, lyanna and Caitlyn had even joined my Queen'sgaurd. unlike kings gaurd, my order didn't have any celibacy vows so their parents just thought they were glorified hand maidens and ladies in waiting for the Queen until they could be married to benifit of their respective houses. what they didn't know was that they were already married to me in the same way Elia and Jenna were.i don't need a septon to tell me who me wife is, it is so because I will it to be so, so mote to be

with the dowry he got for Lisa from her father's newly found wealth , tywin made an offer to beat out the competition to get my services for modernisation. now I'm not really bothered by money anymore, but i still have a weakness to a great deal. I feel like a rich girl who can't say no to a good sale, even if she is never going to were those shoes.

his kingdom was almost evenly devided with mountains in the North and hills in the South, unlike vale where hills and mountains were ubiquitous. with Northern westerlands I easily copied my techniques from vale, turning what was only useful for mining into fertile terrace farms. I could even use any of the already dug out dry mines that were out of commission to dig out tunnels wherever it would help. not all mines in westerlands were gold mines so tywin didn't hide any dry mines that I could use to build a tunnel into. with so many of his subjects being experienced in mining and hence digging, my work here was most efficient yet.

because mountains here weren't all snowy, so ski resorts didn't really make to much sense here nither could I put many aqueduct,I still made as many as I possibly could but not nearly enough to work as travel option. I did the same with hills in the South westerlands, putting terrace farms on hills wherever mines were not.

because they weren't snowy and cold like in vale, the yields here were much higher. I had set up wind Mills throught the westerlands hills and mountains to make up for production lost due to less aqueducts and rivers. although they didn't make great adventure sport resort locations unlike vale, I could still set up mountain and hill top as luxury hill stations with tranquil environment and highly decorated Châteaus . not a place for adrenaline junkies like water parks and ski resorts, but a place to find inner peace.

most expensive and luxury foods and cash crops are actually best suited for hills, and with wind Mills, these plants could be processed into their final form here easily. most of its Châteaus actually worked as vineyards as well due to high quality grape production and using windmills to do a lot of the heavy lifting of producing vine.

with my accomplishments regarding modernisation ringing everywhere, I chose to modernise dorne next at Elia's request. I set up sea side resorts which looked to horizon at both sides, one to the wide open sea and one to the wide open desert. I set up a few glass making centres all around here, to supply all of Westerosi glass needs without needing to rely on myr. myr has declared war for less, but my navy is too powerful for them to try anything at this moment.

throughout their river side, I had many ziggurats built, to work as markets and production centers as well as produce some food locally as they were built like the hanging gardens of Babylon.

I beside sea resorts, I also had a lot of sea projects built that used Sunrays to heat metal pipes of sea water which is then evaporated and passed through twisted and bends extension of those pipes to condense them into drinking water. there are only two docking stations where ships can buy fresh water to pass through dorne. with my intervention, each of my desalination plants can provide some water to my sea resorts through under ground tunnels, which can sell to sailors depending on availability. since they aren't extremely productive I still can't use them to set up whole citys but a resort for every Dozen such plants is still doable.

while deciding on my next target too modernize,I got the message that iron Islands have reblelled and tried attacking and raiding riverlands and westerlands and that pirates from step sisters tried to skirmish with my navy. this is probably a coordinated attack, probably sponsered by Myr due to me mass producing glass here in dorne. both attacks have been thoroughly destroyed as I was expecting this, even waiting for it. maybe I even manipulated them to get this outcome


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-Percy Jackson


-fate stay night


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