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Chapter 2: Where It All Begins

After some uncomfortable hours of riding, Brom finally arrived at his destination, only an hour before dark.

Whiterun is the capital city of Whiterun Hold, in the center of the province of Skyrim. It sits on a raised bluff in an open plane and is surrounded by wooden and stone palisade walls. Being in the center of everything makes it a natural location for it to assume the position of being the heart of Skyrim's commerce.

As Brom approached the outer ring of the city, he noticed many more trading tents and even temporary shelter than in the game. That would make sense though, of course, this world would be much larger than the game could show.

"Well that's the end of the line for me," The carriage driver said as he pulled up to one of the stables.

"Alright, thanks for the ride," Brom replied still in a daze at the actual size of the city.

In game, it had one stable, one inn, and only a few houses. In reality, it was much bigger. There were at least five large stables along the main path outside the city limits. And Brom could see many smoke trails coming over the walls. Brom started walking down the dusty path towards the first gates when the carriage driver called out.

"Hey, you still need to pay the other half!"

"Oh, sorry I forgot in my haste" Brom jogged back and grabbed what he assumed to be his coin pouch and opened it up. "How much was that again?"

"25 septims" He replied,

Brom looked through his purse and pulled out the money.

"Here you go," and with that taken care of, he put his purse back in his belt, and went back towards the gate.

"I'm gonna need some more coin soon" he muttered to himself. That 25 septims was more than half of what he had.

Brom reached the gate and the guards stopped him

"Hold there, do you have a visitor pass?" one of them questioned.

"No, I don't believe I do" Brom replied.

"Well then either get lost or pay up," The other said gruffly, obviously annoyed by Brom's cluelessness in these matters.

"How much?" Brom sighed. He was surely going to go broke before the night even ended.

The two guards glanced at each other and then looked at Brom

"It's 20 septims" One said a little sterner than called for.

Brom noticed these little clues and figured they must be trying to hustle him. He was about to hand the money over anyway when he remembered. This is his new chance, and he wasn't going to be a pushover this go around.

"Fine, let me go double check that with your captain," Brom said as smoothly as he could manage.

The guards looked at each other once again and simply stepped aside, they knew they had been called out and by the looks of this guy they were not going to be able to bully him. He seemed quiet but still looked like the dangerous sort.

"Have a nice day" Brom said to the closer guard. And with his new found confidence as he strolled the rest of the way to the main city gates, and entered Whiterun.

As he officially entered the city, the first thing he noticed was that it had a similar yet vastly different layout than the game. This city was stilled organized into four sections, the outer city which is beyond the walls and consisted of the stables and temporary traders. The plains district is the lowest area on the bluff and where you enter the city, it consists of shops, inns, and other places of work. The wind district was a little higher and holds all the residential areas and the city's Hall of The Dead. The Cloud district was solely occupied by the Jarls palace, Dragonsreach.

Brom took all of this in as he walked down the main street that led to the biggest inn and tavern, The Bannered Mare. It was a tavern on the first floor and an inn on the second. He passed some closed market stalls and Belethor's General Goods store. He didn't see the alchemy store or blacksmith that were in the game, but they are probably farther back off the main street.

Once Brom made it to the inn, he grabbed the door handle when it suddenly turned, and the door got shoved open.

"Hey, watch it!" Brom said as the door hit him.

"Sorry, my… good s si sir" stuttered the drunk man that was just cast out of the building.

"Next time don't stand in the way," Said a Nord looking man, presumably the one who threw the drunkard out.

"Watch what you say," Brom said, still full of confidence from before.

"Is that so? Well let me apologize right away." Laughed the Nord." Wait, on second thought. How about you apologize to me."

"Yeah, for what?"

"For wasting my time" The Nord was obviously drunk and looking for any reason to start a fight.

"How about no"

"Fine, I'll just teach you a lesson then. Just like that drunk over there" The Nord threatened as he pointed towards the drunk on the ground.

"Try it, I dare you," Brom said, he was really hoping he had some fighting instinct since he cannot remember ever fighting in his old life.

The Nord was sure he was gonna win, this Breton looked tough. But he had beaten tougher.

Brom for his part was not so sure.

"ARGH" the Nord yelled as he swung a wild right hook.

Brom flinched and just reacted however felt natural. He had used his left hand to grab the wrist of the Nord and pull him towards him. Then he ducked his head under the Nord's left arm and stepped past him. With the Nord off balance and facing the wrong way, Brom kicked at his knee to bring him to his knees. Then grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall of the tavern. Knocking the Nord out cold.

"Wow, thanks m mister!" the drunk said.

"Yeah, sure," Brom said distractedly, as he was trying to figure out how he just did that.

Brom just shook his head and walked into the tavern, he really needed some rest to help wrap his head around all of this. As he entered the tavern, he took a quick glance around. Everything seemed to be like the game, just bigger. There was the central fire pit surrounded by bards and benches. The tables spread out around the room, to the left led to the kitchen, and to the right was the bar counter. That's where Brom went to pay for a room.

As Brom approached the counter the Inn's owner put down the mug she was cleaning and looked up at him.

"Food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty" Hulda said the line she has said thousands of times.

"Actually, I'm looking for a room. And maybe some mead to go with." Brom replied with a smile. That line was said so many times in the game, it was a classic.

"Well, then that will be 10 septims for the room for tonight and 2 for the drink," Hulda said, this time with a smile of her own. She was used to the gruff customers but this one seemed nice.

"Here you go then," Brom handed over the coins and took the key and mead Hulda had set on the counter.

"First room on the right as you go up the stairs in the back"

"Alright, thanks Hulda" Brom replied easily, then as he turned, he realized a mistake. She never said her name. Brom prayed she wouldn't notice.

"The pleasure is mine" Hulda replied.

Brom headed to his room and closed and locked the door behind him. He opened the mead and took a sip.

"ugh" Brom groaned, it was bitter and sweet. He'd just have to get used to it. It is practically all they drink around here. Deciding he had enough adventure for the day, Brom stripped to just his cloth shirt and leather pants, then laid in bed. He would try and figure life out in the morning. For now, he just wanted a nap.

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