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20% Solo Arc

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 - Results of the Basics

Jaune Arc was panting hard, his fatigue was close to 70% again but he felt better with a 7% reduction in the level of fatigue given how many points he had poured into str stat. He made sure to pace his stat growth to ensure that his friends thought that he was simply getting used to the training without arousing suspicion. After all his body was developing a nice muscle definition with a good lean build at his base. His stomach finally had the beginnings of a six pack, the last of his baby fat had disappeared and he had actual muscle definition without having to flex! And all of this form 3 more days of the same quest!


STR: 18

AGI: 14


INT: 5


Points available: 0

Jaune learned with his curiosity that AGI wasn't just speed, but also his ability to change direction, react, and control his body movements as he was speeding up but slowly losing control at his strength was out stripping his body.

But he was getting stronger so it showed to his friends. The gifts he got per quest were a bit odd though, he managed to get, a hair band, a bandage, and a book on sword dancing basics. He thought that last one was odd until he found out each use.

The day he got the hairband he saw Pyrrhas hairband had snapped during her training so he gave it to her as a gift. It even matched her hair as a nice golden color. Pyrrha thanked him with a nice hug and a nice quick peck on the cheek. Making his brain shut down for only 1 minute this time versus 2 like last time. He gave her a sheepish smile back at that as she went back to her training.

The day he got the bandage, Velvet accidentally landed wrong from a dance movement and scrapped her knee. Jaune came over with the bandage and helped her treat it. She thanked him with a hug as she blushed hard with a peck to his cheek then covering her now neon red face with her ears, while Jaune blushed too and chuckled gently letting her know he appreciated it.

The day he got the book he saw Weiss was confused at why her form was a bit off and he came over with the book showing her a diagram that was similar to her movements just now. She thanks him and invites him to practice with her giving him pointers on how to flow in combat better. And allowing him to get a nice level up in his sword skills, along with a hug and small peck on the cheek form Weiss. Jaune at this point was getting used to the pecks but he was happy all the same with a blush still on his face and a gentle smile of thanks to Weiss. She gave him small flutter of her eye lids and then a sway of her hips as she turned to return to practice. His eyes were laser focused on the move before he snapped out of it and went to study his textbooks.

But todays training got interesting.

His fifth day training the basics gave him the same quest and rewards but the box appeared and gave him gauze bandages. He tilts his head in confusion before he leaves the bathroom he went to use to open it. He holds it in his hand as he approaches his friends as they are sparring on the mats. He hums to himself as he checks his stats on the way.

Jaune Arc


Level 1

Exp: 0%

HP: 100/100

AP: 250/250

Fatigue: 51/100%

Class: none


STR: 18

AGI: 14


INT: 5


Points available: 3


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Basic sword arts lvl 4: 1.4 times dmg with swords

He thinks on his choices for stat allocation before he hears a distressed whine from Yang as she is digging through her bag looking for something. He goes over as he sees Pyrrha is trying to teach Weiss and Ruby some basics of unarmed self defense combat.

Yang huffs as she holds her head in frustration. Jaune comes up and clears his throat, as Yang turns to him, he asks simply, "Something wrong Yang? You seem to be looking for something?"

Yang huffs and turns back to her bag with a glare that pretty much demands it explodes in a burst of flames and death, "Yeah I can't seem to find my kick boxing wraps, I thought I put them back in this bag after I took them out to wash them, but looks like I left them in the dorm room."

Jaune glances down at the bandages in his hand before chuckling lightly and bringing them up to Yangs curious eyes who turned to look at him from hearing his chuckle. She widens her eyes and asks, "Wait where did you get these guys?"

Jaune points a thumb at his bag, "I brought a spare since Pyrrha told me to bring some for sparring practice today, I figured might as well bring a spare just in case one of us needed them."

Yang gives him a flirty smirk as she takes the bandage roll form his hands and then trails a finger down his rapidly toning chest, appreciating the muscle tone she felt from him, as she teases him with a tilt of her torso that reveals her cleavage to him. He blushes then glances back to her eyes, as she asks in a flirty way, "Well thanks Vomit Boy! You know I could teach you a thing or two for unarmed combat if you want~?"

Jaunes mind immediately imagines them on the mats with her straddling him with her legs wrapped around his in a wrestling move, but the only was his mind decided to make it to where he was shirtless and Yang only had a bikini top on. He shakes his head rapidly to break that image. Yang smiles widely at seeing how flustered he got, "No worries Jaune! I mean giving you a Boxing and Kick boxing lesson! Unless you want to focus only on your sword and shield?"

She seems to ask that with mock hurt and a pout as Jaune mentally holds his hurting heart, Ugh the pouting female! Damn my sisters for making me so weak to that look!

He rapidly waves his hands in denial, "No no no! I would love a lesson from you! Especially besides Ren you are our groups best hand to hand fighter! And beautiful too!" His mind clamps his mouth shut before he mentally screams, WHY did I add that?! Its true! But still!

That gets her to happily smile at him with a slight blush on her face, "Well I suppose if I am that skilled and beautiful I can give you a few pointers for future reference and to develop your own style. Come one! Times awasting and we still have afternoon classes to get ready for!"

She saunters onto the sparring mat area with only ankle supports showing off her heels and toes to Jaune with her spats and sports bra that leave nothing to the imagination. He takes off his shoes to be in similar dress to Yang, now only in socks, tank top and his track pants. But his mind is still analyzing (Read: ogling) Yang and her toned body. From her beautiful blonde golden hair, to her powerful arms and shoulders that are slightly bigger than Pyrrhas, her chest that is perky and practically another pair of muscles that rest right above her well toned six pack, down to her thighs that are muscular enough to probably crush his head, and then down to her lovely smooth calves and her soft looking feet with nicely taken care of heel and toes.

He shakes his head as he readies himself into a basic boxer stance and refocuses on Yang herself. Note to self prepare for training first! Ogle teammates at a less inappropriate time! Wait there isn't a time when you should ogle someone at all!

While his internal debate is going on Yang blushes at bit as she had noticed his eyes roving over her form, but instead of getting angry she felt flattered, she knew a lot of guys focused only on her chest and then stopped there, but Jaune actually seemed to appreciate her whole form. Form her hair to her feet. And she was actually interested to know what he thought of her, Well thats for future Yang to worry about, right now. I need to beat Jaune into a good fighter before I consider any possibilities of dating him! Wait given Pyrrha, Velvet, and Weiss are gunning for him as well. Maybe get him into shape first, then talk to them about what they are doing to still be friends while they are going for his affections. Oops too much monologue, not enough punching!

She immediately hops a bit to get into a rhythm then shoots forward like a bullet. Jaune stops his internal rant at himself, before barely dodging her blow, making her properly wrapped fist graze and scuff his cheek.

Jaune takes a few panicked steps back from the blow and sees Yang giving him a feral grin of interest for him managing to dodge that blow almost perfectly. He 'eeps' then mentally places his points into str and agi to better survive this upcoming training.


STR: 20

AGI: 15


INT: 5


Points available: 0

Yang shouts at him, "Pretty good reflexes there Jaune! Now get ready for the real ones!" She leaps into the air towards him making him gasp and roll out of the way as yang slams down making the mats tear from the force of her leap and ground breaker punch she used.

Jaune panic thinks to himself as he looks at the damage she dealt, she must have at least a 40 in her str stat! No wait she is training, so she is holding back at least half her strength! So I might only be barely 1/5 of her total str! But that means I have a chance to match her held back blows!

He charges forward using his new speed and throws a basic jab at her, she grins and goes to match the punch, but then widens her eyes as he uses his sword dancing lessons from Weiss to flow around her head on punch to lower himself below her punch and strike her gut area. Making her flinch at having actually felt that hit.

He backs up rapidly while smiling to himself, I actually hit her! Nice! I can learn so much from this!

~New skill! Unarmed Combat basics lvl 1: times 1.1 dmg with unarmed blows~

Jaune grins in glee. Man this just keeps getting better! Now to try and show Yang what I can do-

He pales as he sees Yang grinning with a full mouth of teeth in a manner similar to a Lioness who is about to tear apart a gazelle for daring to kick her, "Well well! If you want to go full contact! All you had to do was ask!"

She rushes him immediately at full speed with a resounding boom sounding out.

Jaune will deny to his grave that he screamed like a woman in a horror movie for the rest of the sparring session.

Jaune is in his dorm room shirtless as a slightly blushing Pyrrha is currently putting ointment on his injuries from Yang. His bruises were mostly fist shaped but some were welt that are long and thin from padded weapons. Pyrrha and Weiss decided that Jaune should apply his training to actual weapon training so once he was done with Yang he had to spar against them one after another to train his shield and sword arts with padded weapons. They still hurt like the dickenseven though they had pads all over them. So Pyrrha decided to apply some ointment as an apology to help him recover after she, Yang, and Weiss all got a bit carried away with the training. She has her hands linger on his developing muscles a little longer than she needs to as she appreciates his physique that is growing very well from his training. After putting the ointment on and bandaging the injuries up she asks Jaune if he would like to go to the cafeteria for lunch or if she should bring him something.

Jaune groans and plops onto his bed in soreness and exhaustion. Pyrrha giggles as that answers her question, and heads out. After she leaves Jaune opens up his status page to see how he is doing.

Jaune Arc


Level 1

Exp: 0%

HP: 100/100

AP: 250/250

Fatigue: 78/100%

Class: none


STR: 20

AGI: 15


INT: 5


Points available: 0


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Basic sword arts lvl 6: 1.6 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat basics lvl 5: times 1.5 dmg with unarmed blows

Jaune sighs in exhaustion at the sudden leap for both combat skills as he learned that basic practice allows them to grow slowly while actual combat helps them grow faster, as he learned the hard way with Yang. And he even had to use his full recovery reward half way through the sparring training, managing to play it off as a second wind Yang of course wanted a second go with him saying it will help him grow faster. She wasn't wrong per se but still she could have been slightly gentler with him as he was still learning. But now he is wondering what kind of training Yang endured in her training to think this is a good way to grow your skills.

But he does appreciate his friends efforts to help him. However he was shocked that after all of that practice and training he was still at level 1 and that his exp gauge was at 0% still. He thinks to his games, Lets see you gain stats from training, that is already well established, but for level and exp you need to complete quests and defeat monsters. Well that makes sense since I only have the training quest right now and I can't go to fight Grimm at the moment. But I hope I can find like a dungeon to train in or something. Hmmm some games have a shop function, maybe I do too?

He sits up and thinks, Shop

~Shop function is only available after level 20, you can sell items to it but cannot buy from it until you reach the required level.~

Jaune slumps back to his bed with a small, "Damn."

But he has hope as that means there is a chance he can level up from not only Grimm fights, but maybe with fights he actually wins against his fellow students in combat class. So for now he will focus on his training and try to climb to the top of the class and gain access to free battles against the training bots they have here. But he needs to grind himself through the next week before his ban of combat trials is lifted. So for now it is time to train harder than ever!

The next two days followed a similar pattern only this time his rewards for the box were both nonsensical items that seemed to have no purpose those two days. One item was a large soup pot, that should be able to feed close to 12 people, the other was a hard to find spice used for thickening soup stock. He didn't understand why he would need these until the 7th day of his training kicked in and once he completed it, a surprise came to him in the form of the full team of CVFY coming to give him something.

It was Sunday and after another bout of training with the back to back rounds of sparring, thankfully both his skills were boosting rapidly from the last two days of constantly doing this training regime, Jaune and his teammates got back to their dorms only to find notes on both JNPRs door and RWBYs doors saying come to combat arena 1. Everyone shrugs until they notice Cocos fancy signature there on the note corner.

They all shrug and change into their hunter uniforms in case Coco wanted to make it a team spar, without Jaune as according to Nurse Ivy he needed to complete his two weeks of rehab before he was ready for real contact sparring. They all arrive at Combat Arena 1 and see Coco standing there with her teammates packed behind her in a way that you couldn't see past them. Jaune and his friends all give them confused looks before Ruby speaks up, "Hi Coco! Uh why are we here? Something we are doing team to team?"

Coco chuckles before she gestures to her teammates to get ready to reveal their surprise, "Well we had been hunting for a new armor for Jaune here, but since we came up blank in our first two days we had a friend of ours do a personal commission for us. So what do you think Jaune?"

They all step aside and Jaune gasps in happiness while his friends all smile at him seeing the hard work CVFY did on the armor request to capture Jaune and his combat style preference. On a mannequin is a freshly made white steel armor set. The armor looks like his previous Cuirass across his chest but covering up to his shoulders and down to his lower abs, his shoulder paldrons are now plated and layered, then he glances lower on the mannequin to see gauntlets that have forearm guards on them with plates the cover his fingers, knuckles, and back of his hand. On the legs are thigh armor pieces and shin guards.

Coco explains about why it is only a half plate, "We asked how much he could get done in 4 days and he told us about this much is his limit for great quality armor, what do you think?"

Jaune tears up and goes and hugs each member of CVFY, Coco chuckles and hugs him back, Yatsu awkwardly gives Jaune a 1 armed hug in return due to the size difference, Fox sighs with an accepting smile, and Velvet blushes slightly from getting a nice emotion filled hug from her crush.

Pyrrha, Ruby, Yatsu then help Jaune with getting the armor off of the mannequin and putting it on himself. Jaune looks like a kid in a candy store as he admires himself in the armor and even looks at his hands flexing in the new gauntlets before a notification came from the system.

~New equipment gained! Rank C half plate Steel armor equipped!

Bonuses: Str +5, Reduces dmg by 6%~

Jaunes eyes bug out of his skull for a minute before he schools his features and looks away form his friends and does some stretches to get used to the armor while he thinks, So I now gain actual equipment bonuses from my gear? This can definitely help in the future. Now to find higher ranked gear to boost myself further!

He turns to his friends and says, "I love this! The sheen! The color! The design! How easy it is to move in! I can't wait to try it out!"

They all grin at Jaune as he enjoys doing warm ups and even does a few practice swings on the side of the arena as his friends all begin their own training to make sure their skills are still sharp with their combos and weapons.

As Jaune calls out a practice dummy from the arenas storage system and readies his blade he gets a new notification.

~Weapon equipped! Rank E Crocea Mors (Seal level 9)

Bonuses: +10 to dmg~

Jaune stumbles a bit at that shock, before thinking, Has the equip bonus just never activated due to me not using it for real combat until now? Hmm I guess that makes the most sense, but what about those seals? Is that why my sword is weaker than the armor right now? Hmmm I'll figure out what those seals are for later, right now I'll work on my forms.

Jaune surprises himself with being able to go through his forms for nearly an hour straight with his sword, then just on his own for unarmed training for another half hour. He is panting with his fatigue now reaching past 80% but he is smiling at his progress. Jaune leans back and sees his friends are wrapping up their sparring and training areas too.

He begins to head back to the locker rooms when he is suddenly pushed to the ground at the exit area of the arena. Looking up he sees a sneering Cardin looking down at him. And he soon begins a speech that slowly makes Jaune retreat within himself and look sad and depressed with every line escaping from his mouth. "So Jauney boy is up and about normally again huh? I can't wait to show you how weak you still are in combat class once that sparring ban is lifted for you! And what? You think you're closer to being a huntsmen just because you have some new armor on? Well you are still the week noodle of the class! Never forGET-!?"

Cardin stops with a surprised and shocked voice as he suddenly feels and sees many weapons pointed at him with swords, guns and gauntlets galore now right in his face. Cardin quickly back up in a panic and sees all of Jaunes friends around him with Weiss, Pyrrha, and Velvet hugging him close as he is slowly coming out of his despair spiral after Cardins words hit Jaune in a place he hadn't quite gotten over yet.

Yangs eyes are blazing crimson and her hair is on fire with her voice growling out, "You'll fight him when you fight him. Not before! Now leave before you are the next one in a coma while sipping your meals through a straw!"

Cardins eyes go wide in fear realizing they were serious and beating a hasty retreat away from the angry and pissed off group of skilled fighters.

They all glare until he is fully gone before focusing on Jaune who looks like he is finally able to relax while being soothed by Velvets small comforting whispers in his ear telling him he isn't the same as he was a few weeks ago. While Weiss is backing up her claims and Pyrrha is giving him reassuring words of his progress so he can know and see what his progress is like. Yang has a slightly jealous pang in her heart from seeing that but also realizes that she has only very recently begun to have a crush on the blonde dork knight, so she gives it a pass and still needs to find a time to talk to the three girls who obviously like the young man.

After everyone calms down and Jaune gets up with help from his friends he thanks them all then joins the guys in the locker room. Ren decides to put his two cents in as Jaune still looks unsure of himself despite his brave front he put up after that event with Cardin, "You know Jaune, You have improved by leaps and bounds. So don't doubt it, I can tell. You are almost to the full level and experience of a first year here at Beacon, I would put you around second to third year of ability for a junior academy student."

Jaune pauses as he puts away his armor and was undressing to take a cool down shower, he looks at one of the full body mirrors in the locker room and flexes a bit, he is definitely better defined and has apparently gained an inch since training began, now being a solid 6ft even, with a growing 6 pack, good muscle definition and a nice even and lean build. He sighs as he thinks back to his slowing progress as he gains more stats and more skills. "I guess, but I know that means I still have another year or two of training to catch up on compared to the rest of you."

Ren sighs before making sure Yatsu and Fox were in the showers as he says the next one right to Jaune, "And that shows your unnatural growth, when you began you were untrained, had only recently unlocked your Aura, and had the stance of an off balance man on a ship. But now? Your stance is solid, your muscles are coming in nicely, and your abilities are starting to shine through as you are keeping up with us in spars more often now. Okay? Just trust us Jaune you are growing, and you will keep growing. Just keep the path going and you will shine brighter than any of us one day."

Jaune looks at Ren with awe and some tears of happiness in his eyes at the words his brother in arms said, "You really think so?"

Ren smiles at him gently and nods before going to grab his own shower. As he walks away Jaune clenches his fist in determination, and then has an idea pop into his head that would make use of his recent two reward gifts. He chuckles to himself and tells Ren to get their team to the cafeteria along with CVFY once dinner comes around at 7pm as he runs off to grab some supplies for his idea.

He showers and rinses quickly before he runs off to downtown vale with a bullhead ship to take him there, where he goes into town and finds a super market that sells bulk items. With his student account and allowance he gained from missions he bought everything he needed for this idea and after buying it all goes around the corner and into an alleyway to put them all into his inventory to avoid carrying too much back with him. But as he closes his inventory he sees a black pool of something on the wall of the building.

Coming closer to it he sees a notification pop up, ~Warning you have discovered a Grimm Gate, if left alone a pack of Grimm will materialize out of this gate in the next 3 days and 4 hours. You as the Player and interact with this gate and try to shut it down. But if you wait too long and the countdown hits zero Grimm will come out and cause chaos.~

Jaunes eyes bug out as he reads the message and then bites his lips in thought, If I do nothing some people will die, but if I go as is then this will be tough, in my inventory I only have my Crocea mors blade that I stuck in there by accident when I was putting my gear into my locker, no armor, and no other weapons or options.

He looks at the gate and sees it bubble a bit then settle, Damn I am too responsible for this, I'll handle this, I'm definitely stronger. And I'll trust my friends judgments of my growth versus a bitter former bully. I'll prove I can do something as a proper Huntsman!

Jaune draws his blade and shield and heads inside. It felt like walking through jello, (don't ask his sisters had weird prank ideas for him growing up) and when he finished walking through he was caught off guard at seeing a small forest clearing. But beyond the trees was nothing but inky blackness with a red moon. He looks around to hear growls and claws against rocks as some Grimm are on their way to him.

~Quest alert! Survive your first Grimm Gate! You cannot leave until all Grimm are eliminated from this gate, count remaining 20/20. Warning losing results in death.

Rewards: +5 stat points, Full recovery, special gift box.~

Jaune gulps as he sees the number and realizes he did a good choice to finish this gate off, if 20 Grimm suddenly materialized in down town vale where only cops and a few security personnel patrol, then there would be casualties in the double digits at least. Now no one but him is in danger for now.

He shudders as he hears a growl coming from behind, turning quickly and putting his sword at the ready he sees a Beowolf appear out of the tree line. He quickly checks his stats and curses under his breath as he forgot a key detail.

Jaune Arc


Level 1

Exp: 0%

HP: 100/100

AP: 250/250

Fatigue: 67/100%

Class: none


STR: 20

AGI: 15


INT: 5


Points available: 0


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Basic sword arts lvl 9: 1.9 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat basics lvl 8: times 1.8 dmg with unarmed blows

His fatigue was still past 60. Sure he managed to recover a bit after training and with that shower helping, but he was still a bit sore and tired. However he knew if he retreated here innocent people would die. He grit his teeth and glared the Beowolf down. The wolf charges and launches at him, teeth and claws splayed and ready to tear the young man limb from limb but in the end Jaune managed to shove his shield into the Beowolfs jaw and shove it back, opening it up to his blades strike as he managed to cleave its head from its shoulders.

It dissipates as Jaune asks himself, Have they always been that weak?

Then he remembers all his friends praise of his progress and Rens words in the locker room, then smiles gently remembering how many people are beside him right now in his heart. He hears another 4 growls as more Beowolfs appear and he grits his teeth and charges them.

They launch themselves at the brave knight and one of them get cut in half as Jaune ducks below it with his sword raised in a cutting motion. The other three land where Jaune was only to lose another member as Jaune cuts another one in half at the waist, then a third is cut down by Jaune pivoting on his foot to spin slash into another ones head. The fourth one is stunned at how quickly the group has been decimated before his jaw is separated from his face as Jaune then spins and stabs it through the heart area.

Jaune breathes out in relief at how smoothly this is going before getting another notification saying, ~you have leveled up X2!~

He checks his stats quickly in excitement and sees,

Level 3

Exp: 32%

HP: 400/400

AP: 750/750

Fatigue: 69/100%

Class: none


STR: 22

AGI: 17


INT: 7


Points available: 0

Jaunes eyes widen as he realizes he just got the equivalent of almost 4 days worth of stats in 2 level ups. He then grins as he realizes that the most efficient way to grow was to hunt. And he then realizes further that this was his purpose, a Huntsman hunts the darkness to protect the light.

This gives him a pulse of pride as he is now living his childhood dream properly. He is sad that he can't recover Fatigue through level ups but he figures that makes sense it is simply a growth of strength not a full recovery like the rewards.

He then hears more growls as another 14 Beowolfs emerge from the trees and with a twirl of his blade Jaune rushes back towards them with a yell. The Grimm counter charge him hoping to kill him quickly.

– 10 minutes later –

A panting Jaune is seen happy at his recent kills as he catches his breath from that non stop fighting. The more there were the more danger he was in. It was tricky but he managed to finish them all off. He looks at his stats and notices.

~ Level up X5! Skill has evolved! Intermediate Sword arts lvl 1 gained! Intermediate Unarmed arts lvl 1!~

Jaune figured the unarmed arts were from him punching and kicking a few Grimm away when his sword was knocked out or when his shield was stuck and he had to punch them away during the fighting.

Level 8

Exp: 12%

HP: 1,350/1,350

AP: 2,000/2,000

Fatigue: 78/100%

Class: none


STR: 27

AGI: 22


INT: 12


Points available: 0


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Intermediate sword arts lvl 1: 2 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat Intermediate lvl 1: times 2 dmg with unarmed blows

Panting from the Fighting Jaune then looks around as he notices this will probably be the second time he will approach 80% fatigue depending on how tough the final opponent will be as the quest counter shows 1/20 enemies remaining in this Grimm gate.

He looks around before his back hairs stand up on end as he turns and raises his shield in time to block the claws of the Alpha Beowolf who is a good 2 feet taller, longer claws, way more bone armor platting and even has longer fangs.

Jaune manages to resist the strength behind the blow and actually push against it to create a stalemate between the two fighters.

Jaune grunts in effort before he remembers Pyrrhas words from a lesson on their roof top training area one night, "Jaune don't worry about your aura reserves, use them as you feel you need them, empower yourself, or protect yourself, the main thing I need you to do is to come back to us, your team and friends safely. Okay? Especially to me to make sure you don't leave me alone and without my best friend."

Jaune blushes at the memory especially at the last part, Man I have been dense to not notice Pyrrhas interest in me sooner. But at lest I can fix that now.

A loud growl breaks him from memory lane as he has caught the Alphas other claw with his sword and is leaning back to avoid the snapping jaws, Right fighting for my life here.

With a yell Jaune pushes back but this time while channeling his Aura through him coating not just his weapon and shield but also his entire body Jaune manages to throw the Alpha off him and across the clearing by 15 feet. He follows up and charges the Alpha ignoring a notification while he is literally glowing like a Beacon of light in this shadow world. He comes in with his sword as the wolf is getting up and manages two large gashes across its chest through its bone plate armor there. Jaune notes he barely felt the resistance from the bone but shrugs it off as he spins around and pivots going for a decapitation slice, only to have the wolf give up its arm as it rolls out of the way making it come to its feet and launch itself at Jaune jaws wide to take a bit out of him.

Jaune preps his muscles to launch himself back with a great leap only to suddenly feel lethargic and off balance as a notification has appeared that he can't ignore.

~Warning Fatigue has passed 80% physical stats will be halved during all battles until proper rest has allowed it to back down below 80% again. Please keep an eye on your bodies condition in the future. Good Luck Player!)~

Jaune mentally yells out, This f**king troll of a system!

Jaune then actually yells out a long, "AAAAAARGH!"

As thanks to his sudden condition and his distraction he suddenly gets the Beowolfs jaws right into his sword wielding shoulder as he screams in pain as the wolfs fangs sink in enough that he feels the scrape of bone on bone. While trapped in its jaws the wolf then shakes its head vigorously to try and rip that bitten chunk out of Jaune. Jaune sees spots in his vision from the pain as his HP is draining rapidly from the tearing motion.

Pyrrhas earlier words come back to him and kick him into pure survival mode, "YOU WON'T KILL ME! I MADE A PROMISE TO COME BACK TO THEM! HAAAAAAAAH!"

With a great yell Jaune shines brighter than before and makes the Grimm whimper in apparent pain and let go. Jaune feels his shoulder rapidly repair itself during this super bright explosion of aura and swings with all his might at the Alphas head who raises its other arm claws ready to block the attack. Only to have its claws, teeth, bone helmet, and then finally its very skull be sheared in half as it Jaune was cutting through a stalk of wheat and he was the scythe.

With a yell of finality Jaune finishes the cut. He pants heavily as his aura glow fades finally and checks his stats. Right after seeing the earlier notification a new one from his last ditch effort and a level up one.

~Unlocked Warriors Aura lvl 1: +10 to Str, Agi, and Vit for however long this aura is active, cost: 100 for activation, additional 10 per minute used.~

~Unlocked Warriors Healing lvl 1: Recover 100 HP per 80 Aura used.~

~ Congratulations Boss and Grimm Gate defeated! Leveled up X3! All Quest rewards claimed! Would you like to use Full Recovery now?~

Jaune wearily nods while looking at his HP and AP before he does.

HP: 1,100/1,350

AP: 970/2,000

Fatigue: 84/100%

Once the healing kicks in and Jaune was thanking his lucky stars he had these new abilities to help him in not only training but in these life and death situations he now realized he had to figure out a way to recover Aura faster. Let's see Aura is a manifestation of our very souls, which means our body, mind, and soul come together to make it recover and be there in the first place… Great I'll need to balance my build to get the maximum benefits of all my stats. Which means using those new stat points to balance out my lacking stats. Great. But this will aid my survival. After all Sense now revealed its benefits in helping me sense that Alphas back attack. Which helped me with a lead in that fight. Ugh this is going to stink as the Grimm get stronger. But then again would I be a Huntsman if I was hoping for easy? No I would not.

Grinning to himself Jaune looks at his stats before applying his points.


STR: 30

AGI: 25


INT: 15


Points available: 5

Jaune applies them all to his Int to have it catch up to the rest of his stats being in their 20s range while that one was embarrassingly still in the teens. After the application Jaune looks and smiles to himself at his new growth,

Level 11

Exp: 51%

HP: 2,040/2,040

AP: 2,750/2,750

Fatigue: 0/100%

Class: none


STR: 30

AGI: 25


INT: 20


Points available: 0


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Intermediate sword arts lvl 1: 2 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat Intermediate lvl 1: times 2 dmg with unarmed blows

Warriors Aura lvl 1: +10 to Str, Agi, and Vit for however long this aura is active, cost: 100 for activation, additional 10 per minute used.

Warriors Healing lvl 1: Recover 100 HP per 80 Aura used.

Jaune huffs in pride that he finally got all his stats into the 20s and higher range and that his strength was in the 30s. He probably still can't match Yang or Nora but he was probably getting closer to Weiss and Ruby in str at least. He wasn't even going to begin to imagine what kind of Agi he would need to match Ruby with her semblance but he could make it a goal to try and at least match half that speed with his stats.

He walks towards the exit before he remembers he didn't get a regular gift box but a special one this time. He opens it up and finds a key floating out of it. With the title ~Ursa den Rank D dungeon~ Floating over it. He looks at the details and finds it says to put it anywhere he needs to and create an artificial training Grimm Gate to grow faster in. But he can still die. Jaune gulps and rememebrs that Ursa Grimm are usually twice to three times stronger than Beowolf Grimm. He figures waiting for later to use it would be better. Maybe after this next week of training when he can hopefully double his stats?

You know I think that might be best, give myself time to level up all my new skills, and try to see what I can reach stat wise to boost my survival chances. Maybe get a level or two if I can fight off a few beginner training bots. And even if they don't give me exp I can at least gain actual combat experience for my skills. Always a plus. Jaune nods his head at the thought and notices he is still in the Grimm gate. He exits while putting the key into his inventory before seeing the gate he came out of collapse and shrivel up into black particles that fly away into the wind. Jaune goes "Huh looks like it is Grimm related to die like one."

Then he checks the time to see it has been 2 hours since he entered the gate. Getting closer to Dinner time as it was now 5:15pm. Jaune uses his new found speed to rush to the bull head shocking himself at what 10 more points into his stats has done for him. He was running close to 12 miles an hour before his run in with the gate, but now he is running closer to 18 miles an hour. He grins at his new speed while not feeling like he is pushing himself too hard. And manages to get to the bullhead quickly and get back to Beacon.

He heads to the cafeteria and makes sure no one is around before he gets out his ingredients and starts cooking at least 5 rice cookers that are full to bursting. He makes a huge hearty stew using the stew pot and the soup thickener on it creating a wonderful meat and vegetable medley stew of chicken, pork, and beef with all kinds of carrots, potatoes, celery, and so on.

Eventually an hour after cooking began he is almost done with his stew when he hears his friends out in the cafeteria area he sees them coming towards the kitchen counter before he grins as he sets the stew to simmer a bit as he goes to greet them.

He meets them all and as they all greet him back Ruby, Nora, Coco, and Yang all can't help but laugh at his appearance. He glances down confused not realizing how weird he looks in his orange and black pumpkin pete hoodie, with jeans, sneakers, and a frilly neon pink apron over the outfit. He shrugs as he goes, "What? Did I do something wrong?"

Everyone else is snickering except Yatsu, Blake and Ren as they are merely cracking smirks, while Pyrrha explains, "Well Jaune your outfit kinda… It isn't… Well..."

Coco breathes deeply as she wipes a tear out of her eye, "Your outfit clashes so badly that we couldn't help it."

Velvet is blushing a bit as she sees the pumpkin pete hoodie and realizes that he might like her rabbit features thanks to that clue with how cute pete is looking. Weiss simply smiles after her giggling at seeing Jaunes innocent side. And Yang has calmed down enough to appreciate the fact that Jaune looks like a nice Househusband at this point and then blushes while imagining him welcoming her home with a nicely cooked meal and a little one held in his arms reaching for her with their hair and his eyes. She steams up and stops the thought while Pyrrha mirrors her having had a similar fantasy only this time with 3 little ones and him having nothing but shorts on under the apron.

Jaune shakes his head with a smile at their critique and says, "Well its comfortable and allowed me to make this fulfilling meal for you all to enjoy! So lets dig in cause I am hungry!"

They all perk up and grab bowls to enjoy the hearty freshly steaming bowls of stew and rice and all thank Jaune for his thoughtfulness at this.

As they eat the system is admiring its work for helping Jaune have good loyal friends around him and remembers his previous player again.

~Haaah if only you had survived that battle against the Grimm Monarch and seen this my friend. You would know your efforts to delay the Grimm army had born fruit in the way of having a new generation of champions that are growing to continue and hopefully finish this on going fight. I hope you are finding peace knowing this is happening. And I will not let my Monarch down with this duty he gave me.~

The friends continue their chats about upping Jaunes training as they have begun to notice he is gaining more muscle and more skill in practice and as such he will need better exercises or at least more of them to continue to grow. Jaune play cries at this but grins at them fro looking out for his growth. While then thinking, I wonder how that will affect my training quest? Maybe more stat points in exchange for my new training regime? I can't wait!

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